Right now Salty is.....

So I think Salty's whoremoans may be kicking is, @ 3 1/2 years old. We are seeling some wide mood swings in a parrot who has been remarkably even tempered so far. Yesterday was a good example, with Salty actually lunging atme and Geri, with tail feathers fanned out and his eyes pinned. And then 15 minutes later putting his head down, with his neck feathers splayed out, asking for a skritch! Today a perfect mushball, Playing with all his toys with gusto and literally running from trick to trick during our training session. Some days he is so lazy, hardly playing at all, some days he is active all day, hitting the toys and reducing some new ones to splinters in a matter of hours. Boats - normal behaviour for young Amazons to swing wide like this? Possibly his whoremoans are kicking in?
Early Hormonal Behavior is not unusual. The body begins to introduce the chemicals and the dosage and reaction to them is very inconsistent. As you know, they are just as surprised as we are when it happens.

Now that you know he has begun, its time to watch for signs of the onset. Like, does he tail fan before pining his eyes, or does he eye pin as the starting point, followed by a clear change in stance, etc... Commonly, one notices the display and with additional events, work toward the point of onset. Time is on your side here as you know what the displays mean.

My experience is with Adults with everything fully in place and a full load of chemicals driving the event.
Always remember that once it starts, it is all chemically driven. Give him space to run the cycle and know that at these early stages he will be tired as the chemicals slow and than stop.

Baby is growing up!
Salty I hadn't heard that spelling before, but it is hilarious! That's definitely what's going on with my lusty Neptune!! How great to approach your new teenager with humor. Arrgh your pirate is ready to blunder the booty ( oops was that too salty?)
Salty I hadn't heard that spelling before, but it is hilarious! That's definitely what's going on with my lusty Neptune!! How great to approach your new teenager with humor. Arrgh your pirate is ready to blunder the booty ( oops was that too salty?)

Now that is just over the top, plain old fashion, Pirate Humor there! ROTFLMAO :D
So I think Salty's whoremoans may be kicking is, @ 3 1/2 years old. We are seeling some wide mood swings in a parrot who has been remarkably even tempered so far. Yesterday was a good example, with Salty actually lunging atme and Geri, with tail feathers fanned out and his eyes pinned. And then 15 minutes later putting his head down, with his neck feathers splayed out, asking for a skritch! Today a perfect mushball, Playing with all his toys with gusto and literally running from trick to trick during our training session. Some days he is so lazy, hardly playing at all, some days he is active all day, hitting the toys and reducing some new ones to splinters in a matter of hours. Boats - normal behaviour for young Amazons to swing wide like this? Possibly his whoremoans are kicking in?

Al I think it's the 'moan thing kicking in also. It seems just in the past two days Amy has been a little unpredictable :eek: Usually no matter if she is on her play top or on the floor there is no problem getting her to step up onto her perch stick. Last night and tonight while she was on the living room floor I asked her to step up and she lunged at me (last night she was faster than I was and caught me off guard and put a nasty HOLE in my finger :58:)
and she tried again tonight.

Less than thirty minutes later,she is on her T perch in this room begging for head skritchies :confused:

Salty is not fond of Chrismas decorations, light and such. We started decorating yesterday and he was in no uncertain terms not happy. He even attacked a X-mas ball during our training.
Christmas balls, christmass balls \ kick them all the way \ Oh what fun if they would break\ and all get thrown away ...
I need to make a list of Salty's tricks, so we dont loose track of them all. We only 2 maybe 2/3 of them on any given night.

Step up
Step down
shake hands
give 5
wave hello
Play dead
spin around on a stick
pick the Kings out of a deck of cards
stack and unstack a set of 8 cups
play his xylophone
sing for us with the xylophone
puts a fake carrot into a little shopping cart
goes shopping with the cart
gives me the carrot when done
walks thru a piece of PIPE and back
Puts (stacks) the coasters (used in the pipe trick) back into their holder
plays his little piano
Puts his harness on
walks thru 2 4" rings
walks thru 3 rings
Flips rings over his head
balances ring on its end and walks thru it
I hide a treat under a rag and he finds it and give the rag back to me
he does all sorts of trick with small colored rings
He has a special bowl and he will put a wifile ball, various small animals, a carrot, a bell, a huge rubber ball, all into the bowl, and the give them back to me.
The big rubber ball he likes to prance around with and then throw it down the length of pipe.
Plays 3 card Monty with ,me
Rolls over
spins in place
climbs a 2 foot ladder and down again
slides down his slide I made him.
Puts chinese money into a little animated bank and sings along with it
Lets me blow rasberries ino his belly( we call it cleaning out his air sacs)
Gives kissies on request

And we are always working on NEW tricks for him so he does not get bored. We are very proud of our little parrot
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Wow very impressive! Maybe his next trick could be spreading his wings on command? Or playing basketball - that’s my favorite trick that I’ve taught Ducky so far. Is Salty flight recall trained?
That list makes my head spin! I still swear that Salty is a tiny little man in a feather-suit!
Iw@need to make a list of Salty's tricks.

Step up
Step down
shake hands
give 5
wave hello
Play dead
spin around on a stick
pick the Kings out of a deck of cards
stack and unstack a set of 8 cups
play his xylophone
sing for us with the xylophone
puts a fake carrot into a little shopping cart
goes shopping with the cart
gives me the carrot when done
walks thru a piece of PIPE and back
plays his little piano
Puts his harness on
walks thru 2 4" rings
walks thru 3 rings
Flips rings over his head
balances ring on its end and walks thru it
I hide a treat under a rag and he finds it and give the rag back to me
he does all sorts of trick with small colored rings
He has a special bowl and he will put a wifile ball, various small animals, a carrot, a bell, a huge rubber ball, all into the bowl, and the give them back to me
Plays 3 card Monty with ,me
Rolls over
spins in place
climbs a 2 foot ladder and down again
slides down his slide I made him.

And we are always working on NEW tricks for him so he does not get bored. We are very proud of our litter parrot

Thank you for this list!! I was running out of ideas for Cairo, so I kept watching Salty's training videos :p Now I just need to figure out how to show them to Cairo....
A goood place to pick up props is any baby store or the babysection of a toy store. Pick one trick and work on that until cairo gets it down. An esy one is to hide a treat under a small wash cloth and let him find it and give the cloth bavk to you. zzzyhe first couple of tricks are the hardest for them to get it, as they dont reallize you are 'eaching' them, but after that itwill come more natually. Parrots love to learn new tings are some are like sponges.
Ahoy members ! Salty and I wish everyone a Happy New Year, albeit a bit late. I've had some medical set backs recently, with no heart to read or post much, but am doing better and we hope to become familiar with all the new members ( many of them !) and refreshing with our old and trusted ones. I have to give mad props to my daughter, who is not a bird person and not really a Dad person either but she has done a 180 and has been super helpful to us. Love ya Kussie. Now if we can only get Salty to love you as much as I do !

Salty has taken to calling for our Cairne Terrier, Tinker, lately, just before dinner. "Here, Puppy", "Come Tinker!" and "Good Doggie" , all in Geri's voice. Greys and budgies may say more, but I think Amazons really sound like a specific person when they mimic someone.
Salty has also started to do something new - he washes off his cage footie toys in his water bowl before he plays with them. Pretty funny to watch. And then proceeds to throw the sopping wet toys out the door of his cage and onto the floor. Not so funny to watch.
Welcome back Sailor, you have been missed!

I'm guessing that the surgery went well and you are recovering, a bit slower than you or Salty would like. To that, just remember, that being on the surface has earthy merit to being under it. So from our vantage point, its Great having you about!

Not seen that specific behavior before, likely Salty just being helpful, or not! :D

Again Welcome Back Sailor! May your winds be steady and from the stern.
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Happy Belated New Year to you, too! Great to see you and Salty back, Al! And I'm glad to hear that you are feeling better than you were. As Steven said, you've definitely been missed.
Welcome back, good to see you posting again! Glad to hear you had some extra hands to help out :)
'Boats, Salty continually amazes us with original thinking and actions. Just like this new business of washing his footie toys and some of the tricks he does - he is the one who put thought into action. Not I.

Salty has also been singing a lot more than usual. Like most Amazons, he has always done a bit of 'Zon song but he's been making the songs longer and repeating the songs from day to day - complete with vibrato. Even though Salty has learned all of his tricks, we have never trained him to speak or sing or laugh on a command; I might rethink that, it's such a pleasure to listen to him belting out the favorites.

Has anyone else on here trained their parrot to sing, talk or laugh on command ?
Not on command, though Japie will give me (or one of the other parrots) a wolfwhistle when anyones does something 'right'.

It is almost a race when I am working with one of the others who is first... me with "well done!!" or Japie with his "pfhiiehieieieieuw".

(I just got a whistle when I *finally* ;) gave him his supper...)
Charmed' if you have a tablet or a laptop, let Cairo watch the specific video ( or section of one) for the trick you are trying to teach him. Parrots can definately see digital screens ( but not old style scanning tube type TV screens) and can learn from watching and listening to the parrots on screen. I think phone screens are too small for thm to make the connection between the bird on screen and themselves.

Salty has learned a number of phrases and actions from watching Youtube videos and he has his favorite types and even individuals he likes more than others. Another training tip - always be consistent in the way you request a given trick or action, so your bird does not get confused.

We would love to see some videos of Cairo in action !

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