Right now Salty is.....

So glad you’re back where you belong and Salty is coming around already. Missed you!!

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The words "Thank You' seem so pale and inconsequential for all the good thoughts, prayers, cards and gift baskets we have received. Makes one realize one's place in a given community. They had a traveling decon in the rehab facility, and they went from bed to bed asking if the person wanted to receive communion . I said no, but requested that the very next one be done in the Parrot Forum's name , since you guys certainly helped me come thru this ordeal.
Salty made us do it!

So glad you're home my friend!

Yay! Welcome back.
You're back! In the words of a wise man I know, "welcome, and be welcomed!"
Hi All !! I haven't posted in awhile because believe it or not, I have been busy recuperating from my Quintuple bypass operation. I saw my surgeon last week, and he said my heart was actually in very good shope, it was just the pipes that were clogged, and heart Drano has yet to be invented. He said that as far as the surgical team was concerned, I do not have to go back to them. Yeah! OK so 1 down and 2, my GP and then the cardiologist , to go.

Any how, Salty is back to being my best buddy. Sunday, is the first time my daughter and my 2 grandchildren have been to my house, ever( due to our former smoking). So it was the first tiem they saw Salty and the first time he has been close to small ( 2 and 6) children. I can't say that they fell in love with each other, my 2 yr old grand-daughter especially. She was too wriggly and jiggly for Salty's taste. But he did do a small show for them, of most of his tricks. Any of them that brought him closer to the kids, he refused to do, like the slide and ones like that, but he did a fair number o them, and the kids were really entertained by him, clapping and telling him "Good boy". Salty was , however, not so happy, and he showed his displeasure by reaching out and nailing ME ( not real bad, but bad enough). So they and he are a work n progress.

I shot a short video this afternoon, cuz Salty was in a talking mood. He was into playing peek a boo.

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Glad you are doing okay, even your Salty has decided that the kid-gloves can come off again and you can handle being roughed up a bit ;)
Oh I will take being roughed up by Salty any day of the week. If nothing else, it show that I am still on the right side of the dirt !!
So I had a short but serious bout of the rocking pneumonia and the boogie woogie flue for the last 5- 6 days, and had to go unexpetedly to the hospital, again, so they could clean the old pipes out. Just got back today. And wisely decided to not push my reintroduction with Salty. I gave him a few Howdy-Doodie pine nuts, and I served him his dinner tonight. Took a night off from training and let Salty just chill untill bedtime at 10PM. He was nice n mellow, took his little scratchy and we went to beddy bye nice and mellow.

I think most here know my crazy theory that if you let your parrot know well in advance that you will be gone and for how long, the return is so much smoother, with almost none of the drama some birds show when their person goes away for awhile, especially unexpectedly. Well this time was certainly unexpected, and by pushing not so hard upon my return it seems to be smoother so far. I may have to (gasp) revise my theory.

Of course Geri and Eric have been enjoying their new found tolerance with Salty, digging on being able to give him scratchies and do his training routines too.

I just love the little bugger so much.
Welcome back !! :)
You almost made me choke on my tea when I read your casual comment about being in the hospital again yesterday.

I am all *for* scientific reasearch in parrotbehaviour, but my dear boy, you are pushing it!
How about taking a small break from all this experimenting and stay hale and hearty for a long time now?

I am no Salty, but pull another one like this and I might send over one of mine to bite you! ;) (though they propably won't, you are too crafty with them)
I'm with Christa. I'd hate to have to visit some cyber-karma-Rb discipline on ya.
I agree ladies; however I was giving all non-sense answers to the admitting staff like name: Charlemane, born 4/2/742, AD and insisting on them too. They had to admit me. I woke up the next morning when I had on what like a skindiving mask on, shootin' air into my face every 45 seconds, kinda like when you stik your face outa car widow when its going realy fast. If that was not surprising enough, a slight shift of the mask had it making this POWER fart noise. I grabbed the nurse thingy and when she came in, i GAVE HER A NICE DOSE OF POWER FART AND YELLED 'WHAT THE HECK IS THIS???" She calmly explained , "Mr Charlemane, it was either this or they could have intubated you! Well old Mr. Charlemane remembered his right name and DOB real quickly and the fartin Scuba mask was done away with.

Lesson learned? There is a right time to be a smart ass and there is most deinately a wrong time to be ye smart ass.
[emoji23][emoji23] Mr. Charlemane. Love it. Do NOT love that you were in the hospital again, however. Bumble may seem sweet as pie, but I have often heard Amazon’s refereed to as a parrotlet’s larger cousin. I’m gonna send her along when RB comes to do your behavior modification! PLEASE take care of you.

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Im so glad you are getting better. I hope you get stronger every day! Take your vitamins! Glad you are back!

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