Right now Salty is.....

I got that at Pet Smart, dog section. Same toys as the parrot section but 2/3 the price.
I got that at Pet Smart, dog section. Same toys as the parrot section but 2/3 the price.

Cool beans Al..thank you. Not sure there is a PS in town here. A decent day today,think I'll install the Salty perch and take Amy for a ride and check it out.

Oh crap, I can just google PS and check their location status,lol..thanks again buddy. ;)

Salty perch.... funny, I made another one , same as the one I gave you, and Salty hates it. When he is in the car it's my shoulder or nothing, so I have another one to give away.
Salty perch.... funny, I made another one , same as the one I gave you, and Salty hates it. When he is in the car it's my shoulder or nothing, so I have another one to give away.

Aye-yup...Amy will stay on it for a few minutes,then walk across the console in the car and climb my arm to get a "better view" out the windows.. :rolleyes:

Salty perch.... funny, I made another one , same as the one I gave you, and Salty hates it. When he is in the car it's my shoulder or nothing, so I have another one to give away.

Aye-yup...Amy will stay on it for a few minutes,then walk across the console in the car and climb my arm to get a "better view" out the windows.. :rolleyes:

Amazonism: If it is not the best seat /location, they have a like level of interest! Julio is not spoiled, just more demanding of his 'staff.' :D And, he is well able to get his 'favorite' Human to agree with his wants!
IWILLOBEY LOL, yeah Salty has his 'staff' trained pretty well.
Salty and I have passed a mile stone of sorts tonight. Tonight was our 500th Training Session. I kind of arbitraily assiged to day, to keep track of, but it might be a little more. Blows my mind , I mean 500 times Salty has been asked to do something , and he will keep trying to do it. And I am always changing the order of the tricks, or the tricks themselves or introducing new ones. Tonight, I asked him to fill up his little shopping cart with little plastic spacemen, cheap CrackerJack rings, other small but weighty stuff. And Salty just did it. Never mind that for months the shopping cart was pre filled with big klunky plastic veggies. Or the kiddie piano I reserected Trying to get Salty to put enough pressure on a key to trigger the piano to play a note. THat one is taking awhile, but I see him trying to get it right and each nite there is improvement. It such a pleasure to work with him, Salty is a credit to his species Amazona Barberdensis. Tomorrow, we'll include some harness training, just to keep him in shape. Maybe we will video the session, "Salty's 501 st Training Session" or " What 15 minutes a day with your parrot can do " Well good session tonight, buddy, which ever way, but it's nitey night g'nite Salty.
Salty and I have passed a mile stone of sorts tonight. Tonight was our 500th Training Session. I kind of arbitraily assiged to day, to keep track of, but it might be a little more. Blows my mind , I mean 500 times Salty has been asked to do something , and he will keep trying to do it. And I am always changing the order of the tricks, or the tricks themselves or introducing new ones. Tonight, I asked him to fill up his little shopping cart with little plastic spacemen, cheap CrackerJack rings, other small but weighty stuff. And Salty just did it. Never mind that for months the shopping cart was pre filled with big klunky plastic veggies. Or the kiddie piano I reserected Trying to get Salty to put enough pressure on a key to trigger the piano to play a note. THat one is taking awhile, but I see him trying to get it right and each nite there is improvement. It such a pleasure to work with him, Salty is a credit to his species Amazona Barberdensis. Tomorrow, we'll include some harness training, just to keep him in shape. Maybe we will video the session, "Salty's 501 st Training Session" or " What 15 minutes a day with your parrot can do " Well good session tonight, buddy, which ever way, but it's nitey night g'nite Salty.
500 sessions! That's cooperation. He must really enjoy it or he wouldn't do it.

Would it help if the piano keys were more sensitive? What piano are you using?
Its so good to read the Salty posts! Awesome teamwork you guys!

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Salty perch.... funny, I made another one , same as the one I gave you, and Salty hates it. When he is in the car it's my shoulder or nothing, so I have another one to give away.

Al..you ought to offer the Salty Perch up in the toy section..I'll bet you a fist full of pine nuts that there is SOMEONE out there,that would love to trade a toy or two for that perch..it's an awesome addition to anyones collection of birdie necessities ;)

Truly amazing Al.. 500 lessons! A lesson a night..almost 1.5 years "in training"..crap..even I would get bored out of my mind lol..But it show's how interesting you make it for Salty,and how determined HE is,in pleasing his Dad,and in learning,just in general.

Bravo! To all involved,in learning this lil guy so much. "We" ( forum member's) need to invent/design a plaque or something,for such an achievement :D

Some trick I kno he is just f-ing with me
Salty and I have passed a mile stone of sorts tonight. Tonight was our 500th Training Session. I kind of arbitraily assiged to day, to keep track of, but it might be a little more. Blows my mind , I mean 500 times Salty has been asked to do something , and he will keep trying to do it. And I am always changing the order of the tricks, or the tricks themselves or introducing new ones. Tonight, I asked him to fill up his little shopping cart with little plastic spacemen, cheap CrackerJack rings, other small but weighty stuff. And Salty just did it. Never mind that for months the shopping cart was pre filled with big klunky plastic veggies. Or the kiddie piano I reserected Trying to get Salty to put enough pressure on a key to trigger the piano to play a note. THat one is taking awhile, but I see him trying to get it right and each nite there is improvement. It such a pleasure to work with him, Salty is a credit to his species Amazona Barberdensis. Tomorrow, we'll include some harness training, just to keep him in shape. Maybe we will video the session, "Salty's 501 st Training Session" or " What 15 minutes a day with your parrot can do " Well good session tonight, buddy, which ever way, but it's nitey night g'nite Salty.

Great achievement, Al & Salty! I love this thread! It truly demonstrates what the relationship between a bird and his person should be. Thank you for sharing!
Its funny, some tricks he loves and would them just because. Ones like his rings , about 6 or so inches around. He either flips them over his head, or balances it on one end and just walks thru. BT he invented those tricks himself, not something I taught him. Or the shopping cart, he loves to go shopping, and now he gets to load it up with toys and other stuff, and then go for a walk pushing it, Rolling over, doing circles, picking the kings out of a deck of cards, retreiving stuff to put it his bowl and then giving it to me, playing his xylophone, going thru the length of PVC pipe to play peek a boo, and going down his slide....all these he loves doing and would do them just because. Others, like standing on a chop stick and letting me spin him around, playing dead in my hand, putting colored rings in like colored boxes, playing piano, hunting under his scrap of cloth for the treat, putting money into his animated bank, stacking and unstacking cups and others, he does because he loves me and he knows he gets a treat for doing them. SOme nights he is not in the mood to do any thig, and we let it slide, because we know tomorrow he will be back to his usual eager self. but he is always up for some scratciing or rough house playing, either using one of his foot toys, or just wrestling with my hands. He has even started to give Geri G'morning kisses and letting her give a small scratchie. But come 8:45PM if he doesnt see me clearing the coffee table ( our training area), he lets us know that he can tell time, too. Salty greets each of us at the door every night, il the correct names for each: Hi daddy; for me, Hi Get for her, Hi Erik for my oldest, and even calls Tinker our Cairne terrier. . He is an altogether delightful little Amazon, and is a part of our family. Oh and he like to tear up junk mail, never a bad thing, LOL.
New video posted on youtube. These are allways our starting tricks, so Salty knows its training time, and not goof off time. He was a little spooked by Erik and Brett watching, you will see him run over to Erik , the camera man, in between tricks.

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My day is better with Salty. What a great bird!

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The Rickeybird probably thinks his new name is WhyCan'tYouBeMoreLikeSalty...
Either that or LookWhatSaltyCanDoNow...
Or maybe... AwwwwwwwwwwwwwwSaltyyy!
I am waiting for my son to send me the other 3/4 of this session, he shot it with his cell phone and its a HUGE file. We got Salty doing that crazy laugh 2 times, that alone is worth the price of admission !

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