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Brilliant idea to incorporate a child's game into Biggs training. I'm sure after he get used to seeing it, he'll be just as smart mastering it as he is with the balls. In fact I will be stopping at toys are us to check out the kids toys to find something to expand Salty range.
Brilliant idea to incorporate a child's game into Biggs training. I'm sure after he get used to seeing it, he'll be just as smart mastering it as he is with the balls. In fact I will be stopping at toys are us to check out the kids toys to find something to expand Salty range.
We shall see if he takes to is a bit on the big side perhaps for him he doesnt like anything thats bigger than himself but we shall see...what game were you thinking of for Salty ? Salty is very clever and you will have lots of fun choosing a game for him and playing it with him...Salty is way braver than Mr Biggles too
Well we are starting to get used of the hoops but Mr Biggles still doesnt like the rest of the game anywhere near him at all so we found another way of playing with a hoop for now leaving thd rest of the game aside to be introduced hopefully at a later date :)

[ame=""]There is more than one way to play rings mom(getting used of playing with yellow hoop) - YouTube[/ame]
Mr Biggles is finally taking the hoops in his beak but drops them almost as soon as he holds them ...half seconds of a grip on them are slowly turning into full seconds and even a toss of the hoop at times but so far he doesnt seem to have grasped the concept of tossing the hoops onto the spikes on the game however that too will come in time ...he is doing very well I think considering that he was scared stiff of the game to begin with...(even the hoops are as big and bigger than he is so large that he can go through them plus the thing the hoops go onto is Ginormous compared with the size of Mr Biggles who doesnt like any toy thats bigger than he is let alone a moving toy like this where hoops get tossed) and of course it had to be the dredded colour red (hes getting better about red things now) so its a massive achievement for him to even begin to play with this toy plus he has this silly trainer that cant grasp the concept of clicker touch training and she works using her own silly methods of incorporating trick training into a game that utilises the parrots natural abilities and curiosity to eventually evolve its way into the desired trick rewarding desired movements with treats as we journey towards the end goal. Hee hee along the way Mr Biggles also teaches me a thing or two and the game can change...never a dull moment ... today we introduced the red hoop we had been playing with the yellow hoop for a while now so I thought we would try the red hoop today..
He was great with problem at all with it moving around him and he went through it and held it in his beak and tried to toss it same as he does with the yellow hoop...I went back to the yellow hoop and left the red one under his perch on the floor and a tiny bit of fresh poop got on it as it lay directly under Mr Biggles so when I went to get the red hoop he came with great gusto to take it from me but then stopped eyed the poop and refused to have anything to do with the red hoop ...hee hee I looked and realised what had happened so I got a wipe and removed the poop and we were back playing with it again. What a Boy was really funny the scrutinising eye he gave the poop on the hoop. I cant believe how far we have come in the 6 short months he has been here...I just couldnt imagine my day without him now. He is always interested in what Im doing even if Im doing it with other birds and chimes in with his little Zon speeches answering me throughout the day...even when I sing you can hear him tuning in in Zon. Id be lost without him mow and Im hoping I get to wake up to his happy wing flapping tongue clicking welcome each and every day of my life . Wasnt I so Blessed to have found him :)
Mr. Biggles is such a good boy! Sounds like you found a good avian match:) I'm sure he feels very fortunate to have landed in your home as well.
Mr. Biggles is such a good boy! Sounds like you found a good avian match:) I'm sure he feels very fortunate to have landed in your home as well.

Thanks Kiwibird...he is like a ray of sunshine in my life and he always makes me smile and laugh. I couldnt imagine my life without him now :)
I've always felt that when it comes to keeping parrots, you get out of it what you put in. And your relationship with Mr. Biggles perfectly illustrates that.

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Mr Biggs continues to amaze me, and of course he is the cutest thing.
I've always felt that when it comes to keeping parrots, you get out of it what you put in. And your relationship with Mr. Biggles perfectly illustrates that.

Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
Yes thats true to a point infact Id go as far as saying you get way more out of it than what you put in but I know what you mean and its so true :)
Mr Biggs continues to amaze me, and of course he is the cutest thing.

Thanks Wrench13 he continnues to amaze me daily too sometimes with his villainy and sometimes with things that make total sense when i think about it but it took Mr Biggles to show me like the no touching of the hoop with the poop on it LoL :) I was just now reading about Saltys trip in the convertable with the top down I bet he loved that :) Mr Biggles will be looking for a spin with Salty with the top down...Mr Biggles is s very strong flier but only indoors as I wouldnt risk it outdoors. I often think if I win a lottery or something Id extend the house into the garden to give him more freedom in the great outdoors but for now he only sees it from his crate or through the window :)
Mr Biggles hard at work getting ready for this months POTM contest :)

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LOL, I am really digging those pics LOL.... oh sometimes I crack my self up...
Aww how awesome.. I love me some Mr. Biggles trick & pics. What a smart boy

Ya know I'd be happy to have him come take care of some yard work.. Gracie is too picky about her nails to help out :)
Mr. Biggles is awesome! He is sure putting his best effort into getting the shovel in the wheel barrow:D Can't believe he was an "aviary" bird. So glad he's with you where he's encouraged and loved:)
LOL, I am really digging those pics LOL.... oh sometimes I crack my self up...

LoL thats so funny... digging those pics LoL :) and speaking of diggin pics I saw the pics of Salty the mechanic at work too ...he had me smiling ...hes a real character :) Great pics
Aww how awesome.. I love me some Mr. Biggles trick & pics. What a smart boy

Ya know I'd be happy to have him come take care of some yard work.. Gracie is too picky about her nails to help out :)

Thanks :) and Mr Biggles says ; "any time when do you want me to start I'll do anything for a peanut ?"
Mr. Biggles is awesome! He is sure putting his best effort into getting the shovel in the wheel barrow:D Can't believe he was an "aviary" bird. So glad he's with you where he's encouraged and loved:)
Well we cheated...he didnt actually manage to get the spade into the wheel barrow it kept toppling over on him LoL...he did try (hee hee) so we cheated a little and a hand was given to help him get the spade into the barrow LoL :)
Thanks. He was driving me NUTS! He was a bit SCREWY! LOL.. again cracking myself up!
Thanks. He was driving me NUTS! He was a bit SCREWY! LOL.. again cracking myself up!

Ha ha....he did a Great Job...I bet the bike was fixed in no time at all :)
Mr. Biggles is awesome! He is sure putting his best effort into getting the shovel in the wheel barrow:D Can't believe he was an "aviary" bird. So glad he's with you where he's encouraged and loved:)
Well we cheated...he didnt actually manage to get the spade into the wheel barrow it kept toppling over on him LoL...he did try (hee hee) so we cheated a little and a hand was given to help him get the spade into the barrow LoL :)

Maybe if you gave him a spoon he could actually learn to "scoop" up some beads or something and put them in the wheel barrow:D;)

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