New White Fronted Amazon Owner

Hahahahahaha! Yes, they do enjoy training us, don't they?

I love the new trick you've worked out with him! Nice! Such a brilliant boy he is!

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Thsnks took a while to teach him this as he didnt like the look of the cups at all at first and for a while refused to have anything at all to do with them and kept flying over to one of his balls and bringing them over to put in the basket ignoring the cup in my hand altogether LoL he knew he was doing something I didnt ask him to do and would turn his back to me as he waddled to put the ball in the basket but eventually he decided to take one of the cups in his beak and test it out and once he did that he was in play mode plus I think he realized he was getting no peanut slivers for putting the balls in the basket so it wasnt as profitable as playing with the cups :)

Yay Mr Biggles :D wow he is so talented! I loved watching this. Great job for 'both' of you! :)

I love how he has trained you to give him a treat first, before he does the trick LOL!
He is way smarter than me Julie...I think I know how he thinks and then he wows me with something and he has words of his own he uses on me too...I dont know if they are Zon or some word he adapts into his own linguo and uses to get my attention but they are like an accentuated grunt...a bit like we'd say hey you and I know it means he is calling my attention to the fact that he would like to change the game...sometimes that means we change how we are playing and sometimes it means he wants to go play another game altogether like maybe the ring game or the ball game and he goes and gets it all by himself and this grunt keeps getting repeated until I get the rest of the game sorted and we play what he wants to play :)

I love the new trick! He is so focused on you .. It's amazing how great he responds to you! You're awesome!

Love me some Mr Biggles :) such a good boy to let mama think she's teaching you. You do so well getting mama to learn all about the cups and treats :)

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Yes he knows what he wants and he is like a kid at a sweet counter until he gets it...if I dont do as he wants me to do he lets me know he is very displeased with me by turning his back on me or another thing he does is chew his perch and ignore me as if I wasnt there until I give in and we do it his way LoL :)
Lol Gracie gives me what I call the "kiss my red tail" back turn when i don't obey too
Mr Biggles amusing himself and playing ball and preparing for our play session ... well every good basket baller has to warm up before a big game* LoL :)

Hey Mom hurry up or I will score and be one up on you


Oops I cant reach it now :) ...
Mom... Mom ...come and get the ball for me...Mom... :)

Hahaha! I always love seeing updates of Mr. Biggles in action! He always looks so happy.
I have never seen a white fronted Amazon but mr biggles is awesome looking
Mary, I have so missed seeing Mr. Biggles! He looks fantastic, and I see he is still as talented as ever:)
Yay, I love seeing Mr Biggles the model... uh I mean basketball star :D! So cute!
Same here Mary, I am a huge Mr Biggles fan, I was jonesing for an update.
Oh my goodness...I think I am in love again! Mr. Biggles is sooo awesome! I am new to this thread and scanned and read through almost all 33 pages! You sure have come a LONG way and done an amazing job with Mr. Biggles.

He is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!

Hahaha! I always love seeing updates of Mr. Biggles in action! He always looks so happy.
Glad you enjoyed it and Mr Biggles sends you Best Wishes for a Speedy Recovery as do I too :)

I have never seen a white fronted Amazon but mr biggles is awesome looking
He says to tell you that he knows he's Awesome and says Thank you very much :)

Looking great, as always!
Mr Biggles Thanks you for the compliment :)

Mary, I have so missed seeing Mr. Biggles! He looks fantastic, and I see he is still as talented as ever:)
Thanks Terry he promises to try and post more often ... :)

Yay, I love seeing Mr Biggles the model... uh I mean basketball star :D! So cute!
ha ha Thank you Julie he is partial to a bit of modeling too Julie when the mood hits him hee hee :)

Same here Mary, I am a huge Mr Biggles fan, I was jonesing for an update.
Thanks Al . Mr Biggles is wondering if Salty has started playing that xylophone yet cos he wants to play one too and is wondering when Salty will be able to give him lessons . Of course Mr Biggles has to talk his mom into buying him one yet but is hopeful for his Birthday...speaking of Birthdays Mr Biggles says a Great Big Happy First Birthday to his Mate Salty :)

Oh my goodness...I think I am in love again! Mr. Biggles is sooo awesome! I am new to this thread and scanned and read through almost all 33 pages! You sure have come a LONG way and done an amazing job with Mr. Biggles.

He is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!

Thank you Nakiska Mr Biggles and I are so glad you enjoyed the thread. He is so proud of all his achievements especially of his ability to tame a pet human and get her to do his bidding but his pet human is also very proud of him. Hes one in a million and though he retains a lot of his aviary wildness he is extremely social and playful...scared to death of each new element of a game even down to using a different colour or size of the same item he is used of, but before long he masters his fear and has a go and once he has learned how to play a game he will play and play and play just like a kid but he always likes to win and get his prize of a sliver of peanut at the end :) I am so Blessed to have him in my life :)
Mr Biggles Thanks you for the compliment :)

Thanks Terry he promises to try and post more often ... :)

ha ha Thank you Julie he is partial to a bit of modeling too Julie when the mood hits him hee hee

Well then we demand to see modeling pics of the gorgeous Mr. Biggles more often! :D
I don't have an Amazon, but I LOVE this story!
Great reading for any bird-lover!
Welll Okay Okay just for my fans who want to see me
modelling...I thought this pic might show you my devilishly cute "Hello what are you doing" look...this look always gets mom interested in playing with me. She thinks Im afraid of the new blocks she bought for me to play with but the truth is: I just make her think I am afraid of them and that way I get to spend ages enjoying extra trests with Mom bribing me to take the treats from her hand coming over** under* and through the new blocks and then she leaves a treat on the block and I only take that one when Im full and I want the game to end for mom always believes in ending these playtime sessions on what she calls a possitive note which usually means I get a bigger treat than normal....Ssssh dont tell her that I know all her tricks and what shes up to :) As long as mom doesnt know that I know then I have the upper beak in our training sessions and it makes it way easier for me to train mom when shes not aware of just how much I know and the next trick I plan to train mom to do is to fetch veggies from my bowl and donate them to the budgies.* I think that would be a Great trick and one that would be very handy too for I really am not crazy about having all these veggies in my selfrespecting parrot would eat all those veggies and thats why I like budgies especially nice veggie eating budgies** :)*

Sweet! A model indeed! Look at that rich plumage! I always look forward to Mr. Biggles' updates. Especially now that we're getting a peek into his mischievous psyche! Lol!
Wow Mr. Biggles, you are a strikingly handsome boy! Love the diverse colors of his head as they contrast with his dense green feathering!!
Hi Mr. Biggles, I see you've been busy working on training Mary :). You're doing a great job at it too... don't worry, I won't tell her. When we humans talk I'll just pretend like she is training you, but of course we know the truth ;). That is a good idea for your next trick, dump the rubbish food like the disgusting fresh stuff on the budgies. Those little things will eat it. But you might want to try a bite first.. never know, you might start liking it :). Can't wait to hear your next update!

Ps... Mary, Mr. Biggles is gorgeous as always. A very handsome guy who not only looks like a model, but very smart too. You're doing a great job training him ;).
Thanks guys Ha ha Mr Biggles tossed the new blocks on the floor this morning so at least we are on touch bassis terms with the new toys even if we(meaning Mr Biggles) are not so sure about having them near us, but they did make an interesting sound as they crash landed on the floor so Mr Biggles tried that trick again 3 times he tried it brefore he returned to playing with his favourite yellow ball...hee hee mind you he is supposed to be building them not tossing them to the floor but at least there is beak to block contact LoL methinks we have a lot of work to do yet on this one :) :) :)

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