New White Fronted Amazon Owner

Mr. Biggles is awesome! He is sure putting his best effort into getting the shovel in the wheel barrow:D Can't believe he was an "aviary" bird. So glad he's with you where he's encouraged and loved:)
Well we cheated...he didnt actually manage to get the spade into the wheel barrow it kept toppling over on him LoL...he did try (hee hee) so we cheated a little and a hand was given to help him get the spade into the barrow LoL :)

Maybe if you gave him a spoon he could actually learn to "scoop" up some beads or something and put them in the wheel barrow:D;)
Thats a good idea :)
There is nothing Mr Biggs can't do.
There is nothing Mr Biggs can't do.

He wont go through a tunnel like Elsa Budgie does...actually he is a pretty good boy he enjoys playing games...Im noticing he is getting less scared of large colourful toys the more we play with them. I think all Amazons seem to enjoy playing Salty also seems to enjoy a game from what Ive seen and read in your posts.
Well Mr Biggles finally has started to play with the large rings and put them on the yellow post on the game has taken us quiete a while to get this far as each element of the game had to be introduced to him seperately and then after growing acustomed to the rings and the board being near him and being able to chew it and check it out before attempting to actually attempt to begin to play the game (no scores of course as Mr Biggles only counts Peanuts :) ). At first he would only momentarily hold a ring in his beak and there were many failed attempts before the penny dropped and a certain somenody discovered many peanuts were to be had for actually getting the ring onto the post ...but a big red ring larger thsn Mr Biggles himself ... now come on thats one step too far for any poor parrot...still, for a peanut or two it might just be worth the effort LoL :)

[ame=""]I Told You Before Im Not Keen On Red - YouTube[/ame]
So smart and so handsome! You're doing great with him.

Thanks :) he certainly does like his games once he learns how to do them and once he has learned what hes supposed to do he gets inventive and discovers other ways of doing things ...funny thing is each time he does something new on his own its accompanied by a wave from him LoL he figures just in case I dont like his new game trick that a wave will earn him a peanut even if his new trick does not LoL he can be so funny :)
Glad MB is learning so many fun games with you! Amazons aren't lazy when you give them things to do and many never loose that baby bird glee when given new toys and challenges:)
Glad MB is learning so many fun games with you! Amazons aren't lazy when you give them things to do and many never loose that baby bird glee when given new toys and challenges:)

I would have loved to have had Mr Biggles from a baby but hes almost 10 years old and even at that I can see the baby bird glee in him that you talk about which goes to show its never too late to start playing games with them and teaching them tricks even if they come from an aviary. Amazons are so much fun when they decide they want to play and I swear he knows and understands almost every word I say to him.
What a joy that video was to see! Mr Biggles is coming along wonderfully. It's amazing how much our birds can learn given the time and opportunity.

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What a joy that video was to see! Mr Biggles is coming along wonderfully. It's amazing how much our birds can learn given the time and opportunity.

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Yes indeed it is...they are so clever and they love the interaction...if Im not fast enough starting the games for Mr Biggles he starts them himself and will even play by himself with his ball putting it into the basket and taking it back out again only to pop it back into the basket all by himself...I never taught him to take it out of the basket thats his own addition to the game when he plays by himself but once I join in he doesnt pick the ball out of the basket anymore because hes smart enough to know thats my job once we start to play :) He never ceases to amaze me with his understanding of things...tricks is only one small thing its the way he thinks about what he is doing or what I am saying to him that really makes me go WOW and how he reacts to what I say at times leaves me with only one conclusion: that he understands an awful lot of the things I say to him.
That's so cute... You have circus budgies AND Amazon :D! How about Peter Pan? How is her potential for the circus? You could have a traveling show Mary! Well, maybe not travelling, but on the internet :). Mr. Biggles is quite a talented basketball player, except he "expects" you to take the ball out for him haha. It's amazing what they can comprehend. I think mine know what I'm saying in certain instances too.
Mr. Biggles is indeed as talented as Elsa and crew! Every single one of your Fids look so happy and healthy. You are a wonderful parront, and they are so lucky to have you:)
Awww, I love the Mr. Biggles update! Mary, I know you have an exceptionally smart and talented flock but they all have one amazing ringmaster too. You keep them safe, happy and well cared for and you bring out the best in all of them.
That's so cute... You have circus budgies AND Amazon :D! How about Peter Pan? How is her potential for the circus? You could have a traveling show Mary! Well, maybe not travelling, but on the internet :). Mr. Biggles is quite a talented basketball player, except he "expects" you to take the ball out for him haha. It's amazing what they can comprehend. I think mine know what I'm saying in certain instances too.

I think they train us more than we do them ...hee hee they just leave us thinking we are in charge ...well sometimes they can put us in our place and actually show us that it is they who really are in charge :) As to PeterPan; well she has a few tricks too but isnt great round the camera...she was the very first parrot who shook hands with me all by herself training whatsoever...she just reached out her little fist and grabbed my finger and said Thank you, all out of the blue one day when I filled her food bowl...she had to do it a couple of times before Dumbo here(thats me) realised she was shaking hands and thanking me as the first couple of times she did it I just was amused by it and thought it was a coincidence ...However with great patience PeterPan taught me there is more to a parrot than meets the was only when the penny dropped and I began to say shake hands and the little fist came out every time that I realised Peter Pan had taught me not only how to shake hands but a little table manners too and moved me to always make a point of saying Thank you for things... Peter Pan is different to the budgies and Mr Biggles because she interacts only when she wants to not every time she sees me...she does her happy dance whenever she sees me but the things she does as in what could be called tricks depends on what she has in mind...sometines she likes to shake and dance to music and sometimes she plays get Captain Bly with me where I pretend to be captain Bly and she attacks my fingers (mock biting without realy biting) other times she will just sit there and chat and coo at me . Shes not really into tricks unless they are on her terms and she decides she wants to teach me something :) I learned a whole lot from Roger my White Eyed Conure and of course I thought I knew it all, then along came PeterPan and showed me she was way smarter than me so it changed my whole aproach to playing and interacting with parrots and birds in general. I began to look at working with them not so much from the point of view of learning a trick but from the point of view of what they enjoyed doing and working with that...sometimes as with Mr Biggles you start with a closed shell so its hard to see until they begin to trust you and open up and show you what they like...I do think Peter Pan is my Trainer though :)
Mr. Biggles is indeed as talented as Elsa and crew! Every single one of your Fids look so happy and healthy. You are a wonderful parront, and they are so lucky to have you:)

Thank you Terry hopefully they all stay healthy for manys the long year to come ...I would say though that Im the lucky one to have them :)
Awww, I love the Mr. Biggles update! Mary, I know you have an exceptionally smart and talented flock but they all have one amazing ringmaster too. You keep them safe, happy and well cared for and you bring out the best in all of them.

Thanks Allee. They are an easy pleased little flock and I have learned far more from them than they might ever learn from me :)
I figure its time to share with all of you the new game Mr Biggles and I have been playing. Sometimes now Mr Biggles has taken to training me too and though its not visible in this video he has on occasion flatly refused to do a trick until he gets the treat first and makes it very clear to me what he wants me to do when hes in this frame of mind both with eye contact towards the desired treat and also turning his back on me if I dont do his bidding...then he gets the treat he is asking for in advance of doing a trick and as soon as he has munched his treat he goes on to do the trick that I had asked him to do in the first as you see Mr Biggles can at times have a mind of his own as to who the trainer is and then the rest of the time he lets me away with thinking that its me training him when clearly I see in his stubborn moments that its not LoL :) I have such fun with this boy he is a real character and always ready for fun...hes not a cuddler and has never allowed me to give him a head scritch eccept when I sneaked up on him once and when he pulled away I knew I had forced myself on him so I never tried again...he loves to play though and except in his more mischievous moments when he takes the helm to train me he is actually ever so willing to please and loves to hear me laugh :) He is also a very manipulative and a very highly qualified trainer of humans :)

[ame=""]Mr Biggles Playing With His Cup Toys - YouTube[/ame]
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Hahahahahaha! Yes, they do enjoy training us, don't they?

I love the new trick you've worked out with him! Nice! Such a brilliant boy he is!

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Yay Mr Biggles :D wow he is so talented! I loved watching this. Great job for 'both' of you! :)

I love how he has trained you to give him a treat first, before he does the trick LOL!
I love the new trick! He is so focused on you .. It's amazing how great he responds to you! You're awesome!

Love me some Mr Biggles :) such a good boy to let mama think she's teaching you. You do so well getting mama to learn all about the cups and treats :)

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