New White Fronted Amazon Owner

I want to skritch his little head so badly!
Me and Mom Perching together :)

The Almost kiss :) :)


Mr Wrench I dont like head scritches Mom has tried and I have warned her that if she values her fingers she wont try again but I will allow a slight touch to my wings like when me and mom perch side by side on my favourite perch and an almost kiss on my head as long as mom doesnt actually ruffle my feathers :)
Mary, you have made such amazing progress with Mr Biggles. He is so cute, even if he never allows scratchies. Salty did not like them at first either, so I started just rubbing his beak, and progressed to rubbing his nares, to scratching his chin and so forth. He def is not a scratch any time bird, he has to be coaxed into it almost every time, but sometimes he will go full bore scratching, sometimes its for a second or 2 and then the door closes, LOL. I just wanna hold Mr Biggles and kiss him all over he is so cute.

Does he ever give off the Amazon cinnamon cookie smell? After a good scratch or treat or training session, Salty smells like a cookie factory.
Mary, what sweet pics of you and Mr, Biggles!

Al is right, these pics truly showcase how far you have come with a bird who wasn't hand tame and was in such poor health when you first took him in. That's why I so love this thread! Watching a beautiful story unfold.
Awesome Mary :). You have come so far with Mr. Biggles! Sweet pics!
Mary, you have made such amazing progress with Mr Biggles. He is so cute, even if he never allows scratchies. Salty did not like them at first either, so I started just rubbing his beak, and progressed to rubbing his nares, to scratching his chin and so forth. He def is not a scratch any time bird, he has to be coaxed into it almost every time, but sometimes he will go full bore scratching, sometimes its for a second or 2 and then the door closes, LOL. I just wanna hold Mr Biggles and kiss him all over he is so cute.

Does he ever give off the Amazon cinnamon cookie smell? After a good scratch or treat or training session, Salty smells like a cookie factory.

Thanks Al...Im Lucky though that Mr Biggles is who he is as I could have got a real stubborn boy and we could still be at opening the cage door and the trying to get him out of the cage stage...the pace we have travelled at is really down to Mr Biggles for he is just downright nosey and interested in everything...he will watch things for a while sometimes for long whiles but then eventually he plays along and apart from the head scratches hes not bad...he will allow beak rubs but dont touch the nares or he will quickly draw his head back and look at me questioningly as if to say did you just touch me there ? Do that again and I will punish you with my beak good and hard for being so bold... :) :)
I can also hold his little foot and sometimes touch his outer wing really gently just sort of slightly touching him like in the pic but now Im laughing at your courage and all the fingers you are prepared to lose Al picking Mr Biggles up to kiss him hee hee ...I value my fingers too much to try that one just yet LoL :) Yes I do get that lovely scent from him and it is a bit like Cinnamon...I usually get it in the mornings when he does his welcome dance after I open the covers on the cage and often too as we play games together...none of the other birds give off a scent like that neither the budgies or the quaker. Salty is a great character. Im missing so much of the posts these days with our internet connection being so slow and with all the birds now to care for I cant spend 20 mins just waiting for a page to open anymore but each time I do manage to get online and see Salty or read your posts I end up laughing and enjoying how clever he is...You are doing really well with Salty too. Amazons are really something else. I cant believe I waited this long in my life to get one and even at that it was only by chance he was an Amazon for I was desperately trying to get any parrot who would help bring PeterPan out of her grief after losing Roger (the white eyed conure )and Mr Biggles was the first parrot that became available. I guess I had to wait all these years for Mr Biggles to come along :)

Mary, what sweet pics of you and Mr, Biggles!

Al is right, these pics truly showcase how far you have come with a bird who wasn't hand tame and was in such poor health when you first took him in. That's why I so love this thread! Watching a beautiful story unfold.
Thanks Anansi...lets hope we have left those bad old days behind for Mr Biggles and that he doesnt look back...he is a special boy. I think if I had any other parrot you might not see quiete so much progress but he is game to try so much even when he's still a little scared of it and of course his addiction to treats has helped enormously too :) ;)
Awesome Mary :). You have come so far with Mr. Biggles! Sweet pics!

Thamks Julie. He has done very well and I am pleased with his progress but much wants more so the training continnues :) We still have to get him to pick up one of those building blocks I got a few weeks back hee hee he still wont look at them unless there is a large peanut sitting on top of one, then he will venture near to grab the peanut and run with his prize back to safety away from the blocks LoL :)
LOL, Mary, re: picking up Mr. Biggles. I am just so used to being able to pick Salty up and just mush him all over. The other day I picked him up and was playing him like a harmonica, on his belly, much to Geri's delight. Salty has started to play pee-a-boo when ever a tunnel like construction comes his way - a stack of pillows, my tablet leaning against the wall, anything: he just decides to go in and crawl in it till he comes out the other side, poking his head out, and expecting a treat - which he usually gets. He is like Biggles - very nosey and inquisitive. Both species are noted for that.
LOL, Mary, re: picking up Mr. Biggles. I am just so used to being able to pick Salty up and just mush him all over. The other day I picked him up and was playing him like a harmonica, on his belly, much to Geri's delight. Salty has started to play pee-a-boo when ever a tunnel like construction comes his way - a stack of pillows, my tablet leaning against the wall, anything: he just decides to go in and crawl in it till he comes out the other side, poking his head out, and expecting a treat - which he usually gets. He is like Biggles - very nosey and inquisitive. Both species are noted for that.
Ha ha that must have been some sight to see you playing Salty like a Harmonica LoL but I dont think youd get away with doing that to Mr Biggles as his beak would probably be eearing your lips begore you even got the first mote out of him hee hee :) :) Yes they are really nosey arent they...So Salty has started playing peek a boo...way to go Salty...I tried it a couple of times with Mr Biggles but he was put off by both a tunnel and a stack of anything between me and him so we will put the peek a boo games on hold for a while yet...Salty is doing really well with yhe small animals too...clever boy :)
My Beloved Mr Biggles sadly passed away suddenly of a heart attack after a night fright just 3 weeks ago . I am heart broken and devastated but so grateful that I got the chance in life to know this wonderful bird my buddy , Mr Biggles ...Miss you forever my friend ♡♡♡
I'm so sorry for you loss of this amazing parrot and freind. I'm so glad you shared his life with us.
I share your greif, I lost my Burt the Bird of 17 years last year......just so very hard the parrot people here understand, often more than our family and friends..
Sad sad news
I am so very sorry to hear of your loss! May the follow bring you comfort!

“All of us feel such deep sadness when our Parrot friends die, and because they are Animals and not Humans, we are at a loss for words. Often, it is only other Parrot owners who can understand the depth of the loss that we feel with this complex, loyal, and loving creature. Resulting from such a loss, I have placed feelings and emotions into words and found verse to console the loss of my Cleo and since her, other sweet Amazons, in turn; I hope it will speak for all of you.” - Steven (SailBoat)

You left this world so quickly. I can hardly comprehend your leaving. Yet there, in my hands, your still body rested — no longer your home. So much I have learned, so much you have taught, your purpose a full measure beyond your size. Comprehensions of your loss still a mist but yet, I know you are whole and happy - now beyond Rainbow Bridge. And so busy you must be upon your green wings, guiding angles to those of us yet to cross. With in my ear, I still hear you, those special sweet sounds of comfort and contentment:

“Do not stand by my grave and weep my friend.
I am not here. I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glint on snow.
I am the gentle summer rain.
When you wake in the morning hush, I am the swift uplifting rush of quiet birds in circling flight.
I am the soft starlight at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry my friend.
I am not there. I did not die.”

My pray for you my beloved feathered friend:

“May your body nourish this earth.
May your soul find release and contentment.
May you fly high and free upon wings of spirit.
Rest in peace little green one.”

The love and tender warmth of you is a un-full-fill-able void.
I do so much thank-you for creating a space for another, a special place next to yours’.

In remembrance of Cleo, (Estimated) Spring 1959 - May 2003
I'm sorry for your loss too Laurasea ♡
Thank you SailBoat that is Beautiful and so comforting♡
Mr Biggles leaving did indeed make room for another. At first I said no, I didn't want him, then his story was so like Mr Biggles story was before I got him, not fitting into aviaries and causing disharmony in every flock he was placed in, so yes, When I heard the background and remembered Mr Biggles had the same background, I had to say ,yes, and I have a new baby boy, his name is Rodney (Well I think from a few words he said that his name may be Rodney) and he is a Blue Fronted Amazon ..he just arrived yesterday so I thought I'd come here and introduce him to Mr Biggles thread first❤
I guess Mr Biggles is helping this guy settle in for the aggressive male Amazon folks kept telling me this boy was, is not the case since he came to my fact he's done a real about turn and is really bonding quickly with me. Maybe he has yet to show his true colors, I don't know, nor do I even know for sure what his name is, as he is an aviary bird with no known name, but he says Good Boy Rodney, so I figured the name is Rodney for now, or at least until he tells me I got his name wrong :)
Here is a video of Rodney about an hour after he arrived in my home on Thursday 10th October 2019.
Thank you Mr Biggles, cos I know you are by his side as his Angel and this bonding would not be happening without your help and your trustful prompts ♡

[ame=""]Rodney has arrived 10th October 2019 - YouTube[/ame]
I am so sorry for your loss, there just are no words that come to mind other than I'm sorry. Mr. Biggles must have been some bird! I am so glad that you and Rodney now have each other. It sounds like it was meant to be! Pictures?
You were posting your video while I was asking for pics! Yep, he's an Amazon, already eating, lol! Very sweet, very handsome! Do you know for sure he is a he and do you know his age?
Hi PickleMeDickles, yes I imagine he has been DNA tested for the Aviaries here usually do that with Blue Fronted Amazons before introducing them to one of their female Amazons. He was purchased as a breeding bird I was told and I can trace his history back through a couple for the past year...before that I dont know what his story was. He did the rounds of a few Aviaries before ending up with me and they all referred to him as Male so Im guessing they have probably Dna tested him for breeding purposes. He's not here as a breeder so his sex doesnt really matter in that sense, though I may one day DNA test him.
He is I am told 6 years old ...he has a ring and I have not been able to see it as yet so I can only relate what I have been told by the couple who brought him to me.
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I guess Mr Biggles is helping this guy settle in for the aggressive male Amazon folks kept telling me this boy was, is not the case since he came to my fact he's done a real about turn and is really bonding quickly with me. Maybe he has yet to show his true colors, I don't know, nor do I even know for sure what his name is, as he is an aviary bird with no known name, but he says Good Boy Rodney, so I figured the name is Rodney for now, or at least until he tells me I got his name wrong :)
Here is a video of Rodney about an hour after he arrived in my home on Thursday 10th October 2019.
Thank you Mr Biggles, cos I know you are by his side as his Angel and this bonding would not be happening without your help and your trustful prompts ♡

Rodney has arrived 10th October 2019 - YouTube

Oh I'm so glad Mr. Biggles sent a freind in need your way! Congratulations on the new rehomed bird. How perfect!!!
My story is similar. My Burt must have felt he left quite a hole, for he sent several souls to fill his shoes!! I felt guilty at first, then realized it's his legacy of love, ( was a girl , but most of her life I thought was a him) lol so I DNA everybody now, I like to know who's who for health and behavior purposes.
Now my sadness for you is tempered with joy. Hugs to you
OH My what sad news!!!! Mr Biggles and Salty were compatriots, ariving here on Parrot Forums almost at the same time. Biggs was boss! We, Geri and I are in shock. Glad you are giving another amazon a chance, I know he will be a lucky birdie.

I made a donation just now, to Cornell University's Vet program, in Mr Biggles name, with the express condition that the funds are to be used for parrot related studies and programs. He will be remembered not only there, but in our house as well. Fyly high, Biggs, fly high.

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