Maui flew away tonight!!!!!

Thank you everyone for all your thoughts and prayers for me and my Maui. I don't think I could give up on finding my baby if I tried, I would be so guilt ridden if I did. I miss him so very much... I keep envisioning him cocking his head to the side, rubbing his beak on my nose and saying "love you baby" love you baby" to me. Of course he picked that up from Trixter, who picked it up from me saying it to ALL the babies.

OH, you guys don't probably know about Trixie, so, let me tell you.... Trixie was adopted by me over a year ago, through THIS very Forum. A couple had Trixie for years, having gotten him when his was only 1 and he is now 11. Trixie, who the owners THOUGHT was a girl the entire time they had him, hence the name Trixie, also goes by Trixter, Thank Goodness and in fact, refers to himself as Trixter most of the time.
The owners became afraid of Trix because he was becoming mean towards them and began not wanting to even come out of his cage anymore. They assumed that this behavior was being formed because they also took in sheltered animals and one of the dogs, a little terrier, kept jumping up on Trix's cage, scaring the crap out of him. They desperately tried to correct the dogs behavior with spe******ts and such, but, Trixter just would not "come back" to his old self. Unfortunately, this couple truly loved Trix with all their hearts and did NOT want to re-home him, they would miss him terribly, so they spent some more money on bird spe******ts to try to correct Trixie's issues, While Trix did "OK" with the trainer, he would not do well for the couple, and continued to bite the heck out of the man. This was so heart wrenching to the man, because, Trixter was HIS baby all those years. He told me that he used to be able to wrap his arms right around Trix and kiss him all over and Trix would just eat up the affection. He said that he loved Trix more than he could express and re-homing was an absolute LAST option, and sadly, it came to that very thing, which is how, I now have Trixter.
Today, Trix is a completely different bird from when he first entered my home, he wouldn't come out of his cage, he wouldn't DREAM of stepping up for anyone and for whatever reason, he would shake like a leaf on a tree anytime a Man came near his cage and let out this super high pitched squeal as if he were totally terrified. Depending on who you were, he MIGHT take food from you through the cage bars, and THAT was ALL he'd do.
After days and weeks and months of just sitting next to his cage for several hours throughout the day just talking to him with his cage door open and coercing him out with his favorite foods, he FINALLY stepped out of his cage to the top of his cage door. That eventually led to him crawling around his cage. Trixter eventually stepped up for me, shaking the whole time for several weeks, then he'd talk to me while perched on my hand, then he'd kiss me and so on and so forth. However, don't get me wrong, I took a few cheap shots from him during the process, but, I KNEW it was NOT because he wanted to hurt me, he is neurotic as hell, for some reason, even today he's still a little bit of a weirdo, but he is the happiest, singing, talking, whistling loving and affectionate bird ever. This bird loves me so much, I mean so, so much that I, now, can touch him anywhere on his body without getting bit. I can lay on the couch, facing the cushions and tuck him against my chest and up against the cushions in like a little cave, while my head is over top of his, my right arm around his back and my right hand is tucked under his tummy so that he could bite my neck, hands, chest, you name it, but, he LOVES it, he'll stay there sometimes for 30 minutes while I just rub and pet and kiss him all over.

While Trixter was super fond of Maui, he also never set out to hurt him either. He and Maui would talk back and forth to each other all day, in fact, Maui was learning his words mostly FROM Trix and Trix can learn something in one single day, he's so super intelligent....IE..... Trix has been hearing me holler for Maui day after day, so, he's also been yelling for Maui as well, LOL... I do think that Trix misses Maui, even though he would NEVER admit to anyone, no WAY, he doesn't miss that pesky BABYYY, he's just a noisy, destructive, BABYYY, to Trix anyways.
Now Oakley, Oakley on the other hand is my husbands Sun Conure and is also my husbands LOVE. She is a super sweet girl who happens to be Maui's very best friend, besides Logan, who is our 110lb German Shepherd that Maui's been around since he was but a hatchling. Maui so very very much LOVESSSS Logan to pieces, he'd hop up on his back and hang out preening him, his ears mostly. Even when Logan decides he wants to take a little stroll through the house to get water or whatnot, not a problem for Maui, he'll just ride right along while continuing to preen him.
Oakley, she is definitely way more in love with Maui then Maui is her, to Maui, she's just his "head scratcher/feather preener", but, to Oakley, Maui is HER very BESTEST friend EVER. So, needless to say, she has been so miserable, crying, literally. Maui makes this repeated squeal, when she's sad or upset, almost like a dog squeaky toy, but in a way that sounds so pathetically sad it about breaks your heart to hear her. She's been so mopey and just plain out of sorts, which hurts my heart even more, ya know?

So, Just thought I'd give ya'll a little family dynamic here, We all are missing my Maui so very very much, I just want my baby back you guys!!!!

Thanks so much for letting me vent here, I used to LOVE to come here and read all about everyone else's babies and their stories, I'm going to start doing that again, I really enjoyed it and I could use some happy stories about other's baby's, instead of wallowing in my sorrow every day....

Bless your hearts, you're all wonderful people!!
I continue to pray for you and your family :0), I will light a candle at Church. You wanted to hear about our bird antics to cheer you up so here goes! I have six finches, four of them are gouldian finches, it's like a little soap opera,they sing for each other, and then one swoops in to steal the show. Bumble dances for Bonnie, but Atticus lves bumble, and cheaper loves Atticus, while bonie plays hard to society is a horder and has filled two nests so far and one lays eggs of garoua sizes, you never know what you'll find. Stay strong you will find your baby soon, what goes around comes around, your kindness will be returned, stay strong we love you and Maui!!!!!
I continue to pray for you and your family :0), I will light a candle at Church. You wanted to hear about our bird antics to cheer you up so here goes! I have six finches, four of them are gouldian finches, it's like a little soap opera,they sing for each other, and then one swoops in to steal the show. Bumble dances for Bonnie, but Atticus lves bumble, and cheaper loves Atticus, while bonie plays hard to society is a horder and has filled two nests so far and one lays eggs of garoua sizes, you never know what you'll find. Stay strong you will find your baby soon, what goes around comes around, your kindness will be returned, stay strong we love you and Maui!!!!!

Awe, I LOVE gouldian finches, they're SO cute, especially when they sing and hop for their "love". How adorable that they each "love" a bird that "loves" a different bird, LOL!!!! I bet they're so fun to watch. At one time, my Mom had quite the flock of gouldians. She doesn't have any of her birds now :-( My father decided to leave my Mom after 40 wonderful and happy years of marriage, totally blind sided her and she really went through a horrible time with it. My husband and I moved into her home to help her financially, but, she jumped in her car and just drove and drove around the countryside for months, so she asked me to re-home all of her birds, that was a tough chore for me, but, I did. So now, we only have/"had" Maui, Trixter (CAG 11 yrs) and Oakley (Sun Conure 1 yr)

Thanks so much for sharing your birdie story, it made me smile for sure!!!
just checking in hopeing for good news. do you know if the other person founr her bird yet? I was also thinking are there any parks ar areas near you with lots of plantings or areas with lots of palm nuts> It would be a food source and they do sell them online for parrots. maybe parks where a lot of people are around because it seems he was very tame and and is probably looking to find you too. Don't give up. praying for you both. Alison and sweetie pie:D
Ohh...I just got back home, a few days ago, and was truly hoping to hear some good news about Maui being home. Never give up hope! I have bird tales galore, about Amigo's antics, but will save them for another time. Still praying for his safe return.
THANK YOU everyone, please keep up the prayers, if for nothing else, for Maui's safety, even if someone has Maui, I'd rather someone steal him than for him to be out there by himself, scared, hot, hungry, thirsty, lonely, confused, etc... Ya know? I mean, don't get me wrong, I DO want anyone who may have found or will find Maui to be able to get in touch with me so he can come home to me, I want my baby back desperately, but, would still rather him to never be returned, if it means that he'll be safe and healthy for the rest of his life.
I did get a strange email tonight, I don't wanna get too excited though, we'll see how it pans out, it just said, "Hey, did you check the pound yesterday? Let me know, I may have a lead for you"
So, I responded so we'll see what happens.
Pray for the best!!!! I do hope you get Maui back!!!
THANK YOU everyone, please keep up the prayers, if for nothing else, for Maui's safety, even if someone has Maui, I'd rather someone steal him than for him to be out there by himself, scared, hot, hungry, thirsty, lonely, confused, etc... Ya know? I mean, don't get me wrong, I DO want anyone who may have found or will find Maui to be able to get in touch with me so he can come home to me, I want my baby back desperately, but, would still rather him to never be returned, if it means that he'll be safe and healthy for the rest of his life.
I did get a strange email tonight, I don't wanna get too excited though, we'll see how it pans out, it just said, "Hey, did you check the pound yesterday? Let me know, I may have a lead for you"
So, I responded so we'll see what happens.

Just make sure it's not an infected link... Some people are just awful...

I do hope it will lead to your beautiful bird...
I was really hoping to see a "WE FOUND HIM!" post or reply :( I'm sorry that it hasn't happened yet.

Stay positive, I'm sure it'll happen.
I read this and it's brought tears to my eyes! I am praying that you find Maui! I'm so sorry he flew away. I can't imagine how it must feel. :(
It doesn't feel good, that's for sure, but, I try to keep the faith. Thank you so much for your prayers angiemw!! I appreciate all of everyone's prayers and thoughts for me and my Maui bird. Lord know's I miss my baby boy to pieces!

Handed out more flyer s, talked to more people and am going to sign up for that $89 service that alerts 2500 surrounding neighbors of his disappearance information and my contact information, should they come across him. I've heard quite a bit about their success rate in reunification's of lost/missing pets and their owners.

Staying hopeful, guys, staying hopeful, if for NO other reason, for Maui's sake.:51::51::51::51::51:
It doesn't feel good, that's for sure, but, I try to keep the faith. Thank you so much for your prayers angiemw!! I appreciate all of everyone's prayers and thoughts for me and my Maui bird. Lord know's I miss my baby boy to pieces!

Handed out more flyer s, talked to more people and am going to sign up for that $89 service that alerts 2500 surrounding neighbors of his disappearance information and my contact information, should they come across him. I've heard quite a bit about their success rate in reunification's of lost/missing pets and their owners.

Staying hopeful, guys, staying hopeful, if for NO other reason, for Maui's sake.:51::51::51::51::51:

If you are talking about help me find my pet they helped me prove my dog was my dog 9 months after her disappearance! Keep positive especially if you think maui could survive. If I had given up on my dog the first week then she'd still be gone! Give the service a try. You are in my prayers.
It doesn't feel good, that's for sure, but, I try to keep the faith. Thank you so much for your prayers angiemw!! I appreciate all of everyone's prayers and thoughts for me and my Maui bird. Lord know's I miss my baby boy to pieces!

Handed out more flyer s, talked to more people and am going to sign up for that $89 service that alerts 2500 surrounding neighbors of his disappearance information and my contact information, should they come across him. I've heard quite a bit about their success rate in reunification's of lost/missing pets and their owners.

Staying hopeful, guys, staying hopeful, if for NO other reason, for Maui's sake.:51::51::51::51::51:

If you are talking about help me find my pet they helped me prove my dog was my dog 9 months after her disappearance! Keep positive especially if you think maui could survive. If I had given up on my dog the first week then she'd still be gone! Give the service a try. You are in my prayers.

REALLY???? WOW quack quack, that is totally amazing! GOOD for you, I take it someone else had your dog and was TRYING not to give him/her back to you??? What EVER the story, I'm so happy to hear you got your pup back, in fact, all these stories of being reunited after sometimes a good long time!!!

THANK YOU for sharing your story and THANK YOU for praying for us too!
It doesn't feel good, that's for sure, but, I try to keep the faith. Thank you so much for your prayers angiemw!! I appreciate all of everyone's prayers and thoughts for me and my Maui bird. Lord know's I miss my baby boy to pieces!

Handed out more flyer s, talked to more people and am going to sign up for that $89 service that alerts 2500 surrounding neighbors of his disappearance information and my contact information, should they come across him. I've heard quite a bit about their success rate in reunification's of lost/missing pets and their owners.

Staying hopeful, guys, staying hopeful, if for NO other reason, for Maui's sake.:51::51::51::51::51:

If you are talking about help me find my pet they helped me prove my dog was my dog 9 months after her disappearance! Keep positive especially if you think maui could survive. If I had given up on my dog the first week then she'd still be gone! Give the service a try. You are in my prayers.

REALLY???? WOW quack quack, that is totally amazing! GOOD for you, I take it someone else had your dog and was TRYING not to give him/her back to you??? What EVER the story, I'm so happy to hear you got your pup back, in fact, all these stories of being reunited after sometimes a good long time!!!

THANK YOU for sharing your story and THANK YOU for praying for us too!

That is exactly what happened! We had to get the police involved and then they admitted to knowing we were the owners..... I'm just glad to have her back and try not to let her out of my sight anymore!
If you are talking about help me find my pet they helped me prove my dog was my dog 9 months after her disappearance! Keep positive especially if you think maui could survive. If I had given up on my dog the first week then she'd still be gone! Give the service a try. You are in my prayers.

REALLY???? WOW quack quack, that is totally amazing! GOOD for you, I take it someone else had your dog and was TRYING not to give him/her back to you??? What EVER the story, I'm so happy to hear you got your pup back, in fact, all these stories of being reunited after sometimes a good long time!!!

THANK YOU for sharing your story and THANK YOU for praying for us too!

That is exactly what happened! We had to get the police involved and then they admitted to knowing we were the owners..... I'm just glad to have her back and try not to let her out of my sight anymore!

Good Gravy! I guess they were HOPING you wouldn't press the issue so they could KEEP your baby! They were wrong, I'm glad you got her back. I don't blame you for not wanting to have her out of your sight. When I get Maui home, he's going to be clipped AND I just might shackle him to my shoulders! Just Kidding, i'll probably be so excited that he
'll be showered with lots of hugs and kisses! Thank you again, so much for the happy ending story and the prayers!!
Still no good news. I was sure someone would have found your baby & handed it in. :(
My Stella, a mastiff was found after more than a month in January, in Virginia! The people who found her drove by thinking she was someones dog that was allowed to roam (common for this area) then they saw my posters and turned aound, got her and called me. I was so very grateful to them. The more posters and info tothepblic the better. Keep faith.
If you are talking about help me find my pet they helped me prove my dog was my dog 9 months after her disappearance! Keep positive especially if you think maui could survive. If I had given up on my dog the first week then she'd still be gone! Give the service a try. You are in my prayers.

REALLY???? WOW quack quack, that is totally amazing! GOOD for you, I take it someone else had your dog and was TRYING not to give him/her back to you??? What EVER the story, I'm so happy to hear you got your pup back, in fact, all these stories of being reunited after sometimes a good long time!!!

THANK YOU for sharing your story and THANK YOU for praying for us too!

That is exactly what happened! We had to get the police involved and then they admitted to knowing we were the owners..... I'm just glad to have her back and try not to let her out of my sight anymore!

So glad you got her back!

This is why I am mad about microchipping. In a situation like this if the theifs would not come clean the dog (cat, bird, etc) can be scanned and the matter settled!

On microchips heres a rescue story that might cheer you up. Bird theft is common here and my friend had her Hyacinth (20,000 worth of bird here!) stolen. Typically theives will take the bird, turn around and sell them to a store a few towns over. It's a pretty much untraceable crime for the more common species, but with a hyacinth and everyone on high alert looking for her, they instead tried to smuggle her out to sell elsewhere. They were caught with the bird, and the bird scanned and returned to my friend. But without that chip we would never have been able to prove ID and ownership, and the theives would have legally been allowed to keep her as they insisted she was theirs! The police were so relived she had a chip!

This right here is why I have Alex chipped.

I hope your baby comes home soon! Lots of good thoughts your way from us! I will check back every day hoping to see that you have him back safe and sound! :(
I keep hoping for good news. We had lost our cockatiel the same way. Luckily we were able to get her back it took us some time, days, but we eventually got her coaxed down and safe. Don't give up!

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