9 year old Congo is terrified of me


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Feb 23, 2025
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I’ve had Reagan since he was 2 years old, he was well adjusted, eats a varied pelleted diet , fresh fruit vegetables and occasionally treats. He is dna sexed, has a big cage, play area, outside screened in porch play stand and plenty of out of cage time. He is showered twice a week or when he wants. Regular wing and nail trims (my preference because of doors and children) He gets new toys and perches and I rotate them and keep them clean.
He is a part of my family for 7 years and I’ve traveled with him.
The root of the problem started when my son worked from home in the same room as Reagan and fed him every time he screamed. So now ALL HE DOES IS SQUAWK SQUAWK SQUAWK. He still does his regular language but the squawking is morning until night.
When it got unbearable I took him to the vet for a check of his health and he was cleared. The vet recommended positive reinforcement with foods and treats. I’ve been doing that, singing, I’ve raised kids and know the circle of positive attention. But he’s terrified of me and I’m his person. Some days he is back to his old self and we have a great time- contact calls across the house are answered and he gets his “Love yous” to go to bed at night. But 99% of the time he stays in his cage when I’m home even though the door is open.
I’m at my whits end, I love this guy and he really is my dream bird. I feel like I’m failing him. What can I do to turn it around?
Patience and then more patience. You interrupted his life style, it can take awhile to reestablish that.
Well it sounds like your son rewarded the the offending behavior. This will take time and patience to convince him that squawk doesn't equal treat.
It sounds like you know what you are doing it will just take time and consistency.

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