Maui flew away tonight!!!!!

think about the usual time when he,s noisy, and take a walk to
where he might have flown and possibly you might hear him in somebodys house
or on a tree, if you do spot him, get hold of a hose pipe and spray his wings with
water that will slow him down , wet wings , will stick to him for a few seconds
so you can catch him, dont give up,
the same thing happened to my tinmeh and i nfound him after 5 days pearched on a tree,
good luck.
Just getting home and reading this,, i live near you in Palmetto, PM me and i'll give you my number if you need help.
Hello Everyone,

As I sit here with tears welled up, it's more for all of your kind and sweet words and concern, although, I miss my Maui, DEEPLY. My hope is slipping and I've not stopped crying for days. I'm sorry I haven't posted lately. I got a call today from a couple that lives about an hour and a half away from me, they said they'd found an African Grey approximately 3 weeks ago and he was just SO SURE it must be my Maui. Of course I immediately went, with cash in hand for his reward. Much to my HUGE disappointment, it wasn't Maui. The people were hoarders and there wasn't an inch of space any place in or around the house. The bird hadn't had anything to eat since they caught her, except, soda and chocolate!!! I REALLY hate to admit this, but, please let me explain why I did what I did. I lied. I lied and told the couple she was my Maui, even gave them Money for her, ONLY because she was in a HORRIBLE living conditions and was SO skinny and hungry and thirsty, I just HAD to get her in a better situation and find HER Mommy.

So, I have been looking for her owners for the past two hours, I don't want to post quite yet, because I don't want the people I took her from to see. They told me that they weren't very good with technology stuff like computers and stuff, but, she had gotten a new phone that went online, so she typed lost african grey parrot in the google search on her phone and MY ad from craigslist came up. That's why it took 3 weeks for them to call me and why they really didn't even have any idea that I didn't just live right down the road until I got there and told them. So please don't think I'm horrible, I just couldn't bare to leave her with them, they were nice enough people, just ignorant, that's all.

So, while I mourn my baby, I'll be desperately trying to find this baby's Mommy, you guys wanna help? Let's get this sweet little girl to her Mommy. ( I say "her" because she's so little and just looks so prissy and girly) I will post pics tomorrow for you guys.
Hello Everyone,

As I sit here with tears welled up, it's more for all of your kind and sweet words and concern, although, I miss my Maui, DEEPLY. My hope is slipping and I've not stopped crying for days. I'm sorry I haven't posted lately. I got a call today from a couple that lives about an hour and a half away from me, they said they'd found an African Grey approximately 3 weeks ago and he was just SO SURE it must be my Maui. Of course I immediately went, with cash in hand for his reward. Much to my HUGE disappointment, it wasn't Maui. The people were hoarders and there wasn't an inch of space any place in or around the house. The bird hadn't had anything to eat since they caught her, except, soda and chocolate!!! I REALLY hate to admit this, but, please let me explain why I did what I did. I lied. I lied and told the couple she was my Maui, even gave them Money for her, ONLY because she was in a HORRIBLE living conditions and was SO skinny and hungry and thirsty, I just HAD to get her in a better situation and find HER Mommy.

So, I have been looking for her owners for the past two hours, I don't want to post quite yet, because I don't want the people I took her from to see. They told me that they weren't very good with technology stuff like computers and stuff, but, she had gotten a new phone that went online, so she typed lost african grey parrot in the google search on her phone and MY ad from craigslist came up. That's why it took 3 weeks for them to call me and why they really didn't even have any idea that I didn't just live right down the road until I got there and told them. So please don't think I'm horrible, I just couldn't bare to leave her with them, they were nice enough people, just ignorant, that's all.

So, while I mourn my baby, I'll be desperately trying to find this baby's Mommy, you guys wanna help? Let's get this sweet little girl to her Mommy. ( I say "her" because she's so little and just looks so prissy and girly) I will post pics tomorrow for you guys.
That's horrible they where feeding her soda and chocolate! That poor bird should be dead from that :( You definitely did the right thing, she was in desperate need of saving.
I am proud of you did. Even during your heartbreak you helped this poor bird. It may not have been honest, but I get it and I think that it was the right decision. Who knows Maui could have sent her....
Good for you for getting her out of there, you did the right thing. I haven't posted on this topic yet but have been checking it daily. I still hope you find your baby and now I hope you find this baby's mommy too.
Best of luck.
You did the right thing in helping this poor bird!!!! So don't feel bad about it at all. She would of died if you would of left her there! There was no other choice. I am so sorry that you haven't found your Maui yet! I wish you the best of luck with everything and hope Maui finds his way home!
Hello Everyone,

As I sit here with tears welled up, it's more for all of your kind and sweet words and concern, although, I miss my Maui, DEEPLY. My hope is slipping and I've not stopped crying for days. I'm sorry I haven't posted lately. I got a call today from a couple that lives about an hour and a half away from me, they said they'd found an African Grey approximately 3 weeks ago and he was just SO SURE it must be my Maui. Of course I immediately went, with cash in hand for his reward. Much to my HUGE disappointment, it wasn't Maui. The people were hoarders and there wasn't an inch of space any place in or around the house. The bird hadn't had anything to eat since they caught her, except, soda and chocolate!!! I REALLY hate to admit this, but, please let me explain why I did what I did. I lied. I lied and told the couple she was my Maui, even gave them Money for her, ONLY because she was in a HORRIBLE living conditions and was SO skinny and hungry and thirsty, I just HAD to get her in a better situation and find HER Mommy.

So, I have been looking for her owners for the past two hours, I don't want to post quite yet, because I don't want the people I took her from to see. They told me that they weren't very good with technology stuff like computers and stuff, but, she had gotten a new phone that went online, so she typed lost african grey parrot in the google search on her phone and MY ad from craigslist came up. That's why it took 3 weeks for them to call me and why they really didn't even have any idea that I didn't just live right down the road until I got there and told them. So please don't think I'm horrible, I just couldn't bare to leave her with them, they were nice enough people, just ignorant, that's all.

So, while I mourn my baby, I'll be desperately trying to find this baby's Mommy, you guys wanna help? Let's get this sweet little girl to her Mommy. ( I say "her" because she's so little and just looks so prissy and girly) I will post pics tomorrow for you guys.

For what it's worth, I would have done the exact same thing in your shoes. IMO you did nothing wrong, you did what was necessary to get a bird out of a bad situation. I'm extremely proud of you and hope that the karma points brings Maui back to you.
I honestly felt an enormous amount of guilt lying to these back woods folks, but, I just HAD to get her some REAL bird food. By the time I got home, I got her out of the travel cage, walked her into my bird room, got into my Bird food bucket with my hand, scooped some out with my hand and put it up to her beak, she couldn't wait for my hand to get to her, she started immediately after my cupped hand full of food and tore away at it like there was no tomorrow. While I put a nice cage together for her lodging/sleeping needs, she sat on my dining room table and ate THE ENTIRE TIME which was well over an hour. WATER was like heaven to her, she drank more that I've ever seen my own birds drink. I'm glad we have her too, at least I know how to care for her while we find her family.
Lord know's I hope I find her family, because I know how they're feeling right now, even if my Maui never comes home, I hope she gets to go home.
Oh and btw.... They seemed a little more concerned about how much money I was planning to give them, bringing up to my Mom and daughter and I at least 5 times that they'd already been offered $650 for her and how they were 3 years behind on the taxes on their place and were about to lose it and how they were totally broke. I gave them $500, for a bird, that was not even my Maui, because I wanted to save her little life and I wanted to find her real family. I keep trying to justify it, but, truly, I feel bad about lying.
That is a sad situation, I wonder if they "found" her or just wanted to get rid of her....
Oh and btw.... They seemed a little more concerned about how much money I was planning to give them, bringing up to my Mom and daughter and I at least 5 times that they'd already been offered $650 for her and how they were 3 years behind on the taxes on their place and were about to lose it and how they were totally broke. I gave them $500, for a bird, that was not even my Maui, because I wanted to save her little life and I wanted to find her real family. I keep trying to justify it, but, truly, I feel bad about lying.

Do NOT fee guilty!!! You did the right thing. And if they were good people and truly interested in finding her owners, they would have refused the money. I know I would, no matter how much it cost me to feed and house a wayward parrot. I've done it for dogs that I came across, even when I didn't have a dog at the time.
That is a sad situation, I wonder if they "found" her or just wanted to get rid of her....

I agree with that......they might have just wanted to pass her off as Maui .
The desperately need the money and they had a bird they probably didn't want anyway.

Either way , lisamarie937 , YOU DID THE RIGHT THING ,so stop feeling bad that you lied to them .

You saved this bird from a horrible death ! Maybe these,people didn't mean to treat the bird bad , but they was have eventually killed her.

Be good to yourself honey. You did a great thing :).
I am a firm believer that what goes around comes around , and you will be rewarded for your kindness :).
It may not be today , or next week , but Maui will come home .

Seriously honey , don't give up. :white1::white1:
That is a sad situation, I wonder if they "found" her or just wanted to get rid of her....

I agree with that......they might have just wanted to pass her off as Maui .
The desperately need the money and they had a bird they probably didn't want anyway.

Either way , lisamarie937 , YOU DID THE RIGHT THING ,so stop feeling bad that you lied to them .

You saved this bird from a horrible death ! Maybe these,people didn't mean to treat the bird bad , but they was have eventually killed her.

Be good to yourself honey. You did a great thing :).
I am a firm believer that what goes around comes around , and you will be rewarded for your kindness :).
It may not be today , or next week , but Maui will come home .

Seriously honey , don't give up. :white1::white1:

Thank you and everyone so much for all of your kind words! She's doing BEAUTIFULLY this morning. Talking up a storm, asking for head scratches, just a precious, precious girl. I'm glad she's doing so well, she's finally realized the food isn't going anywhere, so has taken a reprieve from eating, God bless her feathers! I love her so I KNOW her family must and are missing her terribly. I just keep praying I can find her family. I would feel so blessed to see the look on their faces when I bring her home. :):)
Oh and btw.... They seemed a little more concerned about how much money I was planning to give them, bringing up to my Mom and daughter and I at least 5 times that they'd already been offered $650 for her and how they were 3 years behind on the taxes on their place and were about to lose it and how they were totally broke. I gave them $500, for a bird, that was not even my Maui, because I wanted to save her little life and I wanted to find her real family. I keep trying to justify it, but, truly, I feel bad about lying.

Do NOT fee guilty!!! You did the right thing. And if they were good people and truly interested in finding her owners, they would have refused the money. I know I would, no matter how much it cost me to feed and house a wayward parrot. I've done it for dogs that I came across, even when I didn't have a dog at the time.

Awe, I know what you mean, it's about that living, breathing, precious animal that it is just needy of love and caretaking. For Sure! Good for you!!!
You have to take into consideration that this bird may not be lost.
Have you thought about possibly keeping her if no one is looking for her ?
You have to take into consideration that this bird may not be lost.
Have you thought about possibly keeping her if no one is looking for her ?

I was about to ask Lisa the same thing!

What if you never find her "owners"? I mean, it sounds like this bird was definitely taken good care of at some point in her life, but it's possible that these people may not have "found" her. She may not have anyone looking for her :( If that's the case, or even if someone was looking for her but you never find out who or where, what are you going to do with her?
the only other african grey that disapeared when Maui did beacause I am still watching craigslist for you from sarasota to fort meyers, was the one with the red feathers on her neck. Maybe this bird is meant to be yours. and I think god will definatley forgive that white lie. you saved tyhat birds life don,t you dare allow youself to feel guilty. we are all very proud of you. Alison and sweetie pie:D
Ill pray that you find Maui! And btw you did the right thing. It might of been a lie but im sure that bird loves you for it. I agree, you might want to think about keeping, or selling her if THEY were the ones lieing all along!

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