Maui flew away tonight!!!!!

Your story made me feel ill, putting myself in your shoes and losing one of my birds or even my cats. (they only go out if harnessed). I did actually lose one of my cats a few years back, roommates daughter didn't make sure the door was latched when she left for school. He got out and it snowed that night about a foot. He got lost but was spotted a week and half later by a co-worker when he showed up in his area.

Keep the word out with your neighbors, use the other bird to try to lure him back. I am hoping you get your baby back unharmed.
I'm so so so so so very sorry to hear about this. But I do have faith that maui will come home soon and I look forward to your update. LOTS of hugs.
Like Mare Miller said, Maui will sit tight through the night. When Merlin went up in the tree as soon as it started getting dark, that was it, leg up, fluffed up, time for bed, "I'm not moving until I can see everything mummy!" was kinda the response I got.

You WILL get Maui back, he will hear your sun conure, he will try very hard to get back to you, but chances are you will need to get up in a ladder and coax him down because he will be unsure how to get to you from those kinda heights.

Is he microchipped+banded? My thoughts are with you, when I lost Merlin I never felt so sick in my entire life. But my precious baby is home with me now because we let him know where we were, he flew near us when he could and we got up that tree eventually and got him down. You will have Maui back I'm almost certain of it. xxx
Thank you, Everyone for all your success stories and votes of confidence, I surely need it today. I'm exhausted but just CAN'T stop looking for him, I was SO close to getting him home this morning, but, to no avail, here's why....

I found him this morning way way up high in a tree in my neighborhood, I got up very early (didn't sleep really) and walked up and down the roads calling out to him, once day broke, he started calling back to me, so, I was able to locate him. I immediately had my daughter bring his cage to where he was, she drove the cage down, unloaded it where Maui could see it and stood near the cage while I stood up on top of a neighbors swing set from the next yard, where Maui could easily see me too and I continued to call out to him. I stayed calm with my voice, added some praise and excitement as not to make him nervous or allow him to telepathically or intuitively pick up on my fear or sadness.
He was looking quite "proud" of himself, chirping, squealing, whistling, and talking to us, almost as if to say "HEY, MOM, LOOK AT ME!! LOOK WHAT I CAN DO!" Although, he seemed just as happy as could be to see us.
We continued to try to coerce him to fly down or even climb down, but he wouldn't budge, I just don't think he knew how to get down, really.
Unfortunately, once again a couple of crows scared him out of the tree he was in and my Maui flew away heading south, I've not been able to locate him since then. I won't give up though, and I honestly appreciate folks like yourselves that has offered some good suggestions on how to bring him back, it gives me continued hope.
I am in the process of putting together some flyer's to put throughout the neighborhood, I put an ad on craigslist in two areas, I'll be having my daughter's help with making phone calls to all of the Vet's and rescue center's here locally while I continue to try to locate his whereabouts.
One of the things I've worried about is that Maui is SUCH a sweetheart and SUCH an amazing boy that if someone IS able to get him down, they may not want to give him back! :-( I am offering a CASH REWARD for his safe return!!!
There honestly is NOT enough money to come close to what Maui's worth is to me, but, I'm certainly NOT a wealthy woman by any means, but, I will give a nice healthy chunk , that's for sure.

Thank you once again.
Lisamarie.....I am so so sorry. My thoughts are with you and prayers are for you and Maui to be safe. Hang in there, He will come home!
Thank you, Everyone for all your success stories and votes of confidence, I surely need it today. I'm exhausted but just CAN'T stop looking for him, I was SO close to getting him home this morning, but, to no avail, here's why....

I found him this morning way way up high in a tree in my neighborhood, I got up very early (didn't sleep really) and walked up and down the roads calling out to him, once day broke, he started calling back to me, so, I was able to locate him. I immediately had my daughter bring his cage to where he was, she drove the cage down, unloaded it where Maui could see it and stood near the cage while I stood up on top of a neighbors swing set from the next yard, where Maui could easily see me too and I continued to call out to him. I stayed calm with my voice, added some praise and excitement as not to make him nervous or allow him to telepathically or intuitively pick up on my fear or sadness.
He was looking quite "proud" of himself, chirping, squealing, whistling, and talking to us, almost as if to say "HEY, MOM, LOOK AT ME!! LOOK WHAT I CAN DO!" Although, he seemed just as happy as could be to see us.
We continued to try to coerce him to fly down or even climb down, but he wouldn't budge, I just don't think he knew how to get down, really.
Unfortunately, once again a couple of crows scared him out of the tree he was in and my Maui flew away heading south, I've not been able to locate him since then. I won't give up though, and I honestly appreciate folks like yourselves that has offered some good suggestions on how to bring him back, it gives me continued hope.
I am in the process of putting together some flyer's to put throughout the neighborhood, I put an ad on craigslist in two areas, I'll be having my daughter's help with making phone calls to all of the Vet's and rescue center's here locally while I continue to try to locate his whereabouts.
One of the things I've worried about is that Maui is SUCH a sweetheart and SUCH an amazing boy that if someone IS able to get him down, they may not want to give him back! :-( I am offering a CASH REWARD for his safe return!!!
There honestly is NOT enough money to come close to what Maui's worth is to me, but, I'm certainly NOT a wealthy woman by any means, but, I will give a nice healthy chunk , that's for sure.

Thank you once again.

Is he microchipped+banded?

If I ever found a bird that was so sweet and wonderful. I know I'd certainly be tempted, but I'd check for a chip+band and post advertisements first. With all the coverage you seem to be doing I'm sure someone wouldn't just take him in and not check.

I'm sat here now with Merlin playing with some plastic wrapping and it makes me so anxious, angry and sad that I almost lost him. But he's home and thats what matters. It might not be today you get him back, it might not even be next week. But Maui is trying to make his way home and I'm sure he'll keep trying because he knows what awaits him. Don't give up hope, but try and sleep through the nights. Maui won't go anywhere when it gets dark. :)
I posted this on my facebook and some other forums for you, and my breeder said he knows some ppl in bradenton fl, that were actually looking into purchasing his hyacinth, so he has sent them an e-mail to see if they can help at all. I hope we can help.
OMG ! I am so sorry :( I will pray for you and for Maui's safe return.
My heart ached while reading your post , I can only imagine the pain you must be going through :(
God Bless Maui and watch over him until his safe return.
Lisa... I have only just seen your post :( Im so, so sorry and I am praying for you and just hope Maui returns home safe and sound very soon... Sending big hugs to you :)
Oh goodness, I am so very sorry to hear of this. I have a good friend who lives in Bradenton - I will send her a message so she can send out to everyone she knows there.

Do you have a picture of Maui I can give her to share? Otherwise I'll show her a stock photo just so non-bird people know what to look for.
Yes, I will post some photo's for you all. I can NOT thank all of you enough for all your efforts to help!!! I am just SO heartbroken, I miss my baby so much and I'm so very worried for him!

I've just gone back out and called and called and called for him, driving around to every street within a mile of my home, I'm trying to stay positive, but MAN is it hard. I just am so touched by ALL of your responses and reactions to put the word out there for my Maui, God Bless you ALL and Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!!
I got on this morning praying there would be good news! So sorry Maui is still not home. But I think it is a good sign that you saw her this morning. She is out there close by!!! I will continue to pray for you and Maui!!! Stay positive, your baby should be home soon!!!
Sending some positive thoughts your way, Lisa...

I hope your baby turns up soon.
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Hopefully someone will see the flyers and you will be able to find him. Did you notify the local and surrounding animal shelters and rescues? also vets offices. I hope you find him Alison and sweetie pie
I hope you get Maui back home safely. We lost a cockatiel the same way but luckily we got our baby back home safely. Hopefully Maui will come home soon.
Awwww...tears, tears and more tears. :( I"m soo sorry. Your experience hits home as I lost my very first cockatiel the same way. Chaco defintely left a stamp on my heart. I also went through the same experience as you are having with being able to locate him and not have him come down to you. :((

I'm sending all my good karma, thoughts and prayers your way.

Get home NOW Maui!!! :)

And for you, keep your chin up!

I've heard amazing stories of lost birds/owners reuniting, even after months! Infact when I first started visiting this forum, there was a woman who found an Eclectus I Think it was...she posted all about him here, she got rather bonded to him as she was trying to locate his owner, in the end I believe she ended up putting an ad on TV or Radio or something like that...she went above and beyond in her efforts to find his original owners. And as luck would have it...he was reunited...and it was a teary hello and goodbye. This bird was lost during a terrible storm/hurricane...something like that - and had been gone for over 4 months if I remember right.

So NEVER EVER give up hope!

Take care,

OMG Liza I am so shocked, so sad and so heartbroken.
I am still in tears, just imagining what you are going through.
I remember when you got Maui, all the video's you posted, giving us a daily report.
The strong bond you both shared, right from the beginning.
Is Bobby still around, perhaps he could assist you in some way.
Be strong and remember we are all here for you.
Whatever you do never ever give up.......
Steven, my son's girlfriends bird (ringneck) flew away as well. 3 months later he returned, but he made it back.

Please God let you love alone bring him back.
Praying for a safe return
I have lite a candle, will keep it burning until Maui returns.
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OMG Liza I am so shocked, so sad and so heartbroken.
I am still in tears, just imagining what you are going through.
I remember when you got Maui, all the video's you posted, giving us a daily report.
The strong bond you both shared, right from the beginning.
Is Bobby still around, perhaps he could assist you in some way.
Be strong and remember we are all here for you.
Whatever you do never ever give up.......
Steven, my son's girlfriends bird (ringneck) flew away as well. 3 months later he returned, but he made it back.

Please God let you love alone bring him back.
Praying for a safe return
I have lite a candle, will keep it going until Maui returns.

I will light a candle for Maui's return as well. good idea.

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