Maui flew away tonight!!!!!

I have been following this thread, but have not posted anything. I keep wanting to finally post "YAY! WE FOUND HIM"...

Best of luck for a safe return. I know my would be insane right now.

Fingers, and toes, crossed for you!
THANK YOU gmkielbasa!!!!! I feel "insane" but I've got to keep it together, at least long enough to get my baby back, THEN, I can fall apart and lose it for a day or so while I"m snuggling him up and showering him with love and affection and favorite treats, well, you know what I mean, while I spoil him rotten! BUT NOT BEFORE HIS WINGS ARE CLIPPED!

Just the THOUGHT of being able to use those exact words brings a smile to face from one ear to the other!!!!! I can't WAIT to say those words and we WILL, I don't know WHEN, but we WILL, I have total faith that my baby will make it home, I refuse to give up.

No good news really to report, but, I'll give an update anyways on a separate reply, so that it's addressing everyone else too. :):grey:
Lisa, I just wanted you to know that I've been reading and feel for you. I took some of the information (location and contact) and shared it with friends. I have a friend 4 hours south of you, and a few friends located all over FL. And they know others who know other, well, you get the idea. So I wanted you know that people who aren't even bird people are trying to help.

I hope Maui is found and comes home soon.

WOW!!! KatherineI, that is AWESOME!!! Thank you so much for getting so involved and helping me find Maui!! REALLY! It totally touches my heart that people from all the world are trying to help in some way, like thinking positive thoughts of him coming home, praying,lighting a candle for Maui and keeping it lit till he comes home, etc..
Honestly, it definitely keeps ME inspired to keep good spirits and to keep trying to find my little birdie boy!!!

So Thank You and all the people like you that are going above and beyond the call of duty to reach out and help me through this. It is so sweet and so kind that one of them will see or hear Maui and know where to find me if they do!!!!

I will continue to pray for your sweet Maui!! I feel like he will find his way home to you soon!
You're most welcome!!

I do for others what I want others to do for/to me. I know that if any of my babies was missing, I'd want and be thankful for any and all help in finding them. So anything I can do, I will. I hope you find Maui soon.
Today, I did the same as I do every other day in regards to trying to find Maui Bird. I drove up and down ALL the roads while calling out for him, but, to no avail!!! Last Night, I spoke to Maui from my heart and asked him to come to me in my dreams so I could find him, I did dream of Maui last night, but it wasn't a good dream. I dreamed that he was was worn, tattered, dehydrated, very very weak, couldn't make any sounds and was basically lifeless on the top of somebody's aluminum roof that connected to a pool screen. We have a pool screen like that, I'm scared to look up there, but am going to once I'm done writing this. If he isn't there, then I will be driving around my city looking on peoples pool screen for my baby. Maybe I'm crazy and Maybe THAT dream was just the devil getting hold me and my thoughts. All I know is, if that is what Maui's condition is, I HAVE to find him TODAY!!!

Again, your encouragement means so much to me, I really don't know what I'd do if it weren't for all your suggestions and the hope you've given me.

Thank you guys so very much, I know all of you would be feeling just like I am if it were your babies, I bet its hard to even think about it happening to you, I know you all know what it's like to be so stupid crazy over a bird!!:D:30::30:
Birds are hardy, Maui will be okay. Just will need a little tlc (and a vet check!) when he gets home. x
No news here but more thoughts and prayers

Lost Grey Bradenton, FL

Oh wow, Wulfgeist!!! I just clicked on the link you provided. THANK YOU SO MUCH! You are so SWEET! I got to read what those folks had to say and what you had to say too and it so totally touched my heart. Thank you so much for getting the word out for me. I can't express enough my gratitude.:)
I have this big feeling that I know he'll return to you safe. Ill pray that he will come home safe! Good luck!! I know how it feels to loose an animal but dont give up! I lost my cat for 40 days.
I was just checking craigslist and I saw the picture of your baby Maui that you posted. my heart aches for you . I live in Rotonda West fla. and at least getting lost here the bird should be able to find food and water and shelter without much problen because so many plants here have flowers and fruit all the time plus alot of people have bird baths and bird feeders in their yards. did you get the flyers up yet? I keep checking every day for your post. Keeping my fingers crossed. their is another african grey that got lost fron sarasota yesterday on craigslist So the people looking for that one will also be looking for your bird without knowing it but maybe you could contact them than their would be twice as many eyes looking and they or you would be able to keep each other informed if either bird is spotted. Alison and sweetie pie.
im so sorry to hear this, dont give up, you WILL find him. pray to Saint Francis pf Assisi (patron saint of animals), Saint Anthony (patron Saint of lost things), and Saint Jude ( patron Saint of the hopeless), i know its not hopeless, just trying to name all i can. also look online for a Novena, they are VERY powerful prayers, and another prayer thst ALWAYS works for me is "Mary take over Jesus I trust you". if you are not Christian i dont mean to offend you or anyone else, im just a huge believer in prayer and without it i would be a wreck so im just trying to help with what i know. also call any landscapers in your area, they do all the yard work with trees and lawns so they have a good chance of finding him, call EVERYONE, pet stores, vets, people, rescues, fire department, police, flyers, posters, door to door, even out of your area, you can do it, you have been so strong and brave, you will find your baby soon dont loose faith, good luck, and God bless!
I was just checking craigslist and I saw the picture of your baby Maui that you posted. my heart aches for you . I live in Rotonda West fla. and at least getting lost here the bird should be able to find food and water and shelter without much problen because so many plants here have flowers and fruit all the time plus alot of people have bird baths and bird feeders in their yards. did you get the flyers up yet? I keep checking every day for your post. Keeping my fingers crossed. their is another african grey that got lost fron sarasota yesterday on craigslist So the people looking for that one will also be looking for your bird without knowing it but maybe you could contact them than their would be twice as many eyes looking and they or you would be able to keep each other informed if either bird is spotted. Alison and sweetie pie.

Hi Alison & Sweetie Pie,

Thank you so much for the reply, I actually saw that same person who lost their grey yesterday too. I actually sent them an email giving them some of the advice that I've been given over the past few days from all of you, as well as from random folks that have read my story one place or another.
I also gave them the names of the rescue websites that help get the word out about your beloved lost pet. I can certainly understand their devastation, as I'm feeling the exact same devastation!:(:(

See Comment below for an update
Hello Everyone!!

So, we're on day 5 of Maui being gone now and I still feel very regretful of my own decisions that resulted in Maui being lost. I sure wish we could have "do over's" Because, If we did, I can honestly say that for starters, I wouldn't have procrastinated on clipping Maui's wings and secondly, Maui would NOT have been on my shoulder anytime I was opening a door, in fact, Maui would NOT have EVEN been out of his cage ANYtime that front door was going to be open for any reason, period, end of story........However, that being said, there's no such thing as "do over's", soooo..... we learn, right? That's all I can say about it, is, I've learned my lesson, FO SHO!!

I've handed out all the flyer's that I had made, I have to go back to have some more made up, because, I wanted to go to all the vet's office's here locally, as well as the shelter's, rescue centers, Avian Clubs, Jungle Gardens, etc... But, you get the idea, just ANY public place that someone might think to bring a bird that they found. I wanted to do some advertising on a couple of websites that makes thousands of phone call's automated calls that give your lost pet's description, where he flew(ran away) from and who and how to contact the person who lost him, but, I lost my job 2 weeks ago, so I just really don't have the money to do it, unfortunately, My job is the money maker job, so we are REALLY struggling with only my husbands income.
Thankfully, My Mom JUST so happens to have a bit of cash put aside that she's agreed to use as the CASH REWARD for Maui's rescuers!!!
So, I have every day all day to search for my little needle in a haystack which I will continue to do. How could I not? He is my love!:grey:

I truly can not thank ALL of you for being such amazing people! As you all know, this world is becoming an ugly, nasty, cruel and evil world and as each day passes by it seems only to get worse, right?
Well, for me and my family, we try to push all the negative aside and plunge on through with as much honest to goodness kindness, love, empathy, understanding, caring, forgiveness, equality, and walk in a peaceful path.
I don't meet very many people that are true and genuine and who truly CARE about others and truly EMPATHIZE with others for their misfortunes and truly go above and beyond to HELP those in need of help, just as all of you have done these past several days to try and help me find my beloved Maui bird.
I honestly believe in Karma, both good and bad, but I believe that for all of you that have offered stories of losing your pets in the past and have gotten them back??>>> WELL, It's because Karma also know's your hearts and I'd be willing to bet I'm not the first person you've tried to help out of compassion for one reason or another, it's because your hearts are truly kind and compassionate hearts! So Thank you all very much for your words of encouragement, for your idea's and thoughts on how to get Maui home and for passing the word along to other websites, friends, etc...

I know I won't "give up" on finding Maui, but, I may not be able to continue to look for him for 8-10 hours a day if I'm hired some place to start a job, but, I will continue to talk to him in my heart and have faith that my baby makes it home really soon!!!!!
Your post brought tears to my eyes. This is the first thread I check everytime I come here, hoping with all my heart I will see news that he is home. I don't even know you at all but you are right and I meant what I said in my post on the Grey forums. I would hate to be in your shoes and I could only hope that if that happened to me people would be just as eager and willing to help me out. I've been pretty disgusted and fed-up more and more with humanity as a whole but I try to keep faith that there are good people in the world.

So sorry to hear about your job, I feel your pain there as well, I am in the same boat except for being alone.

Maui, come home. :grey:
i am pulling for you so much to find your bird. i check everyday with the hope that you will get lucky.
i was not so lucky, i lost my IRN exactly the same way. she flew to my shoulder as i was letting my dogs in and got spooked. that was last August, never saw her again.
i am still heartbroken that i let her down. she was my 1st and last flighted bird.
i learned my lesson about how quick things can happen even to the best of us.
no more flighted birds here.
i have another IRN now who is clipped, but i will never stop thinking about my lost Bette.
at least where you are, the temps are in his favor. here, we had winter but it was very mild this year. so i think you have a greater chance getting him back than i did.
sending good vibes from PA for you and your bird to reunite once again.
Liza so sorry to hear about your job.
We know you are doing everything possible to find Maui, just wish there was something I could do this end....
My candle is still burning, prayers still being said
Always in our thoughts and prayers
Be strong
I'm checking this thread twice a day, and I'm so sorry Maui hasn't been found, yet...

I had to give up my search for Cory, due to work commitments, until the RSPCA called that last time, and I found him... I didn't go to work the next day, because I couldn't bear to leave him out of my sight.

It's 'only' day 5.. Lots of time left to find him...

I do pray for you an Maui...
Lots of good thoughts your and Maui's way from me and Alex. <3 I have a flighted bird and this has reminded me to be so careful. Doors are always locked when Alex is out and we have no room-mates anymore to let him out accidentally but I still worry. I hope Maui is home soon. Don't give up!
I had a stranger today tell me about how their grey flew away, Apparently they couldn't find him anywhere.....then he crash landed into a birthday cake. Don't give up. I know your heart is breaking. We are all thinking of you.
I too am still praying for Maui's safe return! I wish there was something more I could do!! I hope with all my heart he finds his way home very soon!!
There is a macaw of some kind , maybe a Illigers or a Hahns lost here on Long Island in the Centereach area. Apparently it's micro chipped , Home Again has put out the alert .
I hope everybody has a safe return home. I can only imagine all the heart ache these parents are experiencing. My heart goes out to them.

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