Maui flew away tonight!!!!!

OMG Liza I am so shocked, so sad and so heartbroken.
I am still in tears, just imagining what you are going through.
I remember when you got Maui, all the video's you posted, giving us a daily report.
The strong bond you both shared, right from the beginning.
Is Bobby still around, perhaps he could assist you in some way.
Be strong and remember we are all here for you.
Whatever you do never ever give up.......
Steven, my son's girlfriends bird (ringneck) flew away as well. 3 months later he returned, but he made it back.

Please God let you love alone bring him back.
Praying for a safe return
I have lite a candle, will keep it burning until Maui returns.

OH ANT!!! Thank you so much, my heart is truly broken, I have been in and out of my house all day, talking to neighbors, driving up and down all the roads, looking in all the tree's with my binoculars, I don't hear Maui calling to me anymore, like I did this morning, BUT, I've heard they usually won't call out during the day, that it's mostly at the break of dawn and right around dusk. I'll go back out tonight to see if we can hear him again. I keep praying and praying for my baby's safety more than ANYTHING else, I'm just so crazy worried about him!

I LOVE the idea of lighting a candle for Maui until he returns, that's such a nice idea, thank you so much and I'm going to do the very same!!

Thank you, Ant, if it weren't for you and all the other's words of encouragement, I just don't know what I'd do.
OH, and btw... I haven't heard from Bobby in a dog's age. I have no idea whatever happened to him, so strange but it seems that he just disappeared off the face of the earth!!! Shortly after he adopted Ashley, I didn't see him on here anymore, I tried to call him a few times, but never got an answer, nor did he return my calls, then, his phone number wasn't good anymore.:confused::confused::confused:
This is a hard post. My Umbrella Cockatoo flew out a window in my home that didnt have a screen on it because I was cleaning the windows. "Shasta" flew out the window past me! The only reason she didnt get away was because I kept her wings clipped. She couldnt "fly", but she could glide downwards. I feel for you. I hope your baby returns and in good health.
Think positive thoughts. I also know how you feel. Someone will find him. In my experience a lost bird will usually come down looking for food after a day or two.
Just let as many people in your area know.

Bird HotLine — World Wide Bird Lost and Found
Thank you all so very much. I, too, continue to keep my thoughts and energy in the direction of Maui staying safe and staying close to home so we can find him. I also envision him finding his way back into my loving arms! I speak to Maui all day and night in my heart, I like to think he can feel my thoughts and knows I'm not giving up on finding him and bringing him home safely.
Hoping and praying for Maui to soon return home to you, safe and sound.
Liza I lay awake last night just thinking about Maui and you.
I actually said the Rosary, and prayed a lot.
Please Lord when we hear from you again, he will be home safe and sound.
Awe, Ant, Thank you so much for your prayers, although Maui isn't home yet:(:(
I believe all the positive thoughts, prayers and everybody envisioning Maui flying home to Mommy will bring him home safe and sound....eventually.
I went outside and drove ALLLL around calling out to him before the sun came up again today and until after the sun was up for about an hour. I didn't hear him ANYwhere!!! :(:(:

I HAVE to stay hopeful though, I don't EVER want my Maui to think or worse to KNOW that his "Mommy" has given up on finding him. I have yelled out for him so much, that of COURSE now my voice is SHOT!!!

By the way, this isn't Maui's cage he's gotten himself squeezed into, LOL!!! Such a silly boy, it's actually Oakley's cage, my husbands sweet little Sun Conure's cage. Maui LOVES to "visit" Oakley in HIS cage, daily. I have no clue WHY he enjoy's hanging olut in Oakley's cage, but, he certainly does love to be in there with her!!! The thing is, Oakley's cage USED to be Maui's cage when he was just a bitty down feathered baby!!!
Saying a prayer for a safe flight home for Maui! I will also light a candle tonight.......
Today is Friday the 13th.....any new news on your Maui???? I have been thinking about him.
Yes, any news? I haven't commented on this thread yet but I've been checking back on it. Wishing you the best of luck in finding him. I'll be thinking of both of you.
Im so sorry maui isn't home yet. Keep trying and I wish you the best!!!! Have you tried posting on craigslist yet for lost pet?
No Good New's Yet Everyone... I'm plum exhausted as I've been outside looking for him day and half the night. I'll went to staples and had them print up 250 flyer's I created to hand out all over the neighborhood. I started doing that tonight and will continue tomorrow, as for now, I'm super super exhausted from zero sleep these past couple nights, but, I'm going to try really hard to get some rest tonight and hit the ground running again tomorrow!!!
Thank you so much everyone, all of your thoughts and prayers are seeping through to my soul, and I'm sure Maui's too! Good Nite
I have been following this thread, but have not posted anything. I keep wanting to finally post "YAY! WE FOUND HIM"...

Best of luck for a safe return. I know my would be insane right now.

Fingers, and toes, crossed for you!
Lisa, I just wanted you to know that I've been reading and feel for you. I took some of the information (location and contact) and shared it with friends. I have a friend 4 hours south of you, and a few friends located all over FL. And they know others who know other, well, you get the idea. So I wanted you know that people who aren't even bird people are trying to help.

I hope Maui is found and comes home soon.
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