
One day later...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Q8jo_6Iudo]Jake baby macaw parrot Day 75 - YouTube[/ame]
Part two!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5DDUu4dc3c]Jake baby macaw parrot Day 75 - YouTube[/ame]
He has really grown! Was that his 1st drink of water on his own? What a smarty! Love the play area for him.
Yes that was his first and he really loves his water. We do not keep it in their full time yet, we will wait a few weeks before we do.

Jake has been weaning for a little over a week now and is doing quite well. He is eating around 200 grams total on his own throughout the day. Yesterday he only wanted his formula feeding in the morning and evening skipping his lunch time. We will continue this for as long as he needs it to keep him secure with himself. This is a very important process to a happier and confident bird.

My wife put a C D player in his room and he seems to really enjoy the music especially while eating. He likes talking to his food while eating and pulls the towel down some to give himself some privacy while doing so.
Here are some more current videos of Jake, the dark one is of him under the towel eating and talking.


[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dcvg3488gTs"]Jake Day 81 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VXlh84r8hiw"]Jake day 81 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PAD-RIC6C1s"]Jake Day 81 - YouTube[/ame]
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It was fun to hear him talking in the dark one, he will be talking to you soon!!
What a great experience to be able to have with him.
Thank you for sharing it with us.
It was fun to hear him talking in the dark one, he will be talking to you soon!!
What a great experience to be able to have with him.
Thank you for sharing it with us.

Thanks Kerry.

It has been a great and awesome experience. He is saying several words (or at least trying). It's really going to be tough to give our little boy away, but we know what we must do... We want to find him a perfect family to share his life with.

Anyways here he is learning to climb for the first time on video... He is 12 weeks old today and is doing very well!!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YChGDWrQ5Gk]Jake Day 84 - YouTube[/ame]
Awww, I just love wobbly babies! I didn't realize that you weren't keeping him, I don't think I could ever spend that much time raising a baby and then part with him! It would be neat if he goes to a family that lives close enough that you and your wife can still visit :)
Awww, I just love wobbly babies! I didn't realize that you weren't keeping him, I don't think I could ever spend that much time raising a baby and then part with him! It would be neat if he goes to a family that lives close enough that you and your wife can still visit :)

It will be tough but we are hoping that it will be someone on the forums we frequent. We want to be in touch as much as possible without affecting the bonding relationship of his new parents...
Tonight Jake is showing trust. He is such a sweetie pie!!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Va4XruJ9CHc]Jake day 85 - YouTube[/ame]
He is almost 3 months old and is getting better at saying "Hello" along with few other words. He is also weaning great and is eating his formula like a gentleman...He is also learning to climb so we have to keep a watchful eye on him.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTSUcWqgaQg]Baby Macaw Jake Day 89 - YouTube[/ame]
And He Loves His Food!!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uR_NnYwkz8g]Jake Baby Macaw eating - YouTube[/ame]
I am in love with that baby macaw! To be able to watch him grow and develop is such a gift and I thank you both for sharing it with us. Jake is truly a special parrot and will make a wonderful family member for someone.

Please continue to share his growing with us. You have done a wonderful job with this baby and is an inspiration for me because I will soon be getting a RFM baby this spring

Thanks and congratulation on your new family member!!
Jakes a big boy now! His coloring is just beautiful. Thanks for the update.

I wanted to give a Jake update as I have been real busy this week.

On Monday (10-31-11), Jake learned how to climb onto the edge of his crib. The boy is learning so much so fast. So we had to modify his room for his own safety the next day. He adjusted to it quite well and quickly. When we put a perch in there he quickly learned how to climb up on it and had tried to hang upside down but he's not able to do that as of yet. He is now laughing as he has learned this from my wife and is trying to say "I love you". He is getting good at saying "hello".

He loves to cuddle and is weaning very well. It want be long till he will be ready for his new home once we find him the perfect place.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWu9AuPYTwQ]Jake Day 92 - YouTube[/ame]
We are only showing him on 4 different Parrot forums as we only want someone who is experienced with big birds particularly Macaws to enquire about him. These are the places to find the right parents. Not some bird meat market that the unknown acquire. We must know who gets Jake; they must have a great background.

If we could tailor make his new parent it would be someone young enough to share a long life with him yet old enough to be mature and really know what they are getting into.

Someone who would spoil him in the right way with allots of attention, toys and love him as a child.

On these forums we have seen so many truly dedicated bird lovers that post how much their fids and fabies are the center of attention and we want nothing less than that for Jake.

No one has asked about adopting Jake yet so let me add one more thing. Besides the above request the only other thing we are asking for Jake is a donation to Noah’s Ark. The wonderful rescue place that took Jakes parents in.

Please don't be shy about enquiring, as Jake is at the right age for his final move soon. He is not for sale; there will not be bidding wars. But, you must be the perfect family for him. We have nothing to hide about his upbringing as it can be seen at YouTube. Just search moparseventyate and you will see 49+ videos.

We will not ship him because that is way too much stress. You must come here and be properly introduced and then take him with you in his crib. Then you can introduce him to his new room. This might sound ridiculous but we do love him and are protective of him.
We would really appreciate you help with this. Any questions or comments, you are welcome to E-mail us.


Ron rtj212@msn.com

Amber Amber_Pickle@msn.com
Oh my....Jake is almost ready. After reading your last I had a vision of Jake and my baby RFM growing up together. It was a really wonderful vision as my heart really goes out to this special bird.

I live in MN and the weather is finally starting to turn to fall/winter. Mostly in the 50's for highs and 30's for lows. We have winterized our home but I am glad that we are not getting baby RFM until the spring. My plan is to drive down to TX to get him and drive him back up to MN. For me to travel that way I need the snow storms to be passed by then so I don't get stuck in one.

I am not sure where you are located but I think you would prefer someone local to adopt your boy. Maybe so that you can continue to be involved and not have to ship the baby. I know that I am vulnerable to baby parrots right now because I lost my Diego this summer. I hurt every day because I miss my Diego so very much. I also am taking the steps to re-educate myself with parrot heart diseases and how to avoid from this developing.

At this point I am on a long road with my Noble macaw Mihijo who is experiencing the problem with high cholesterol. I prey everyday that my parrot's numbers lower and that the steps I have taken will prolong his life. I have always taken very good care of my parrots but my confidence has shaken because of my Diego. He died of a sudden fatal stroke. This devastated me and I will do what ever is necessary so this will never happen to another parrot in my care.

I hope you keep us updated about your Jake. Watching him grow up has been amazing and I hope we can continue to see his progress.

Bless you, your family and your Jake,

It has been amazing watching Jake grow and change. Thank you so much for sharing his journey with us! I somehow missed that Jake's parents had gone to Noah's Ark. Best of luck to you finding the absolute best home for Jake! :)

Jake's getting very active and quick. He's climbing and hoping all over the place.

Here is a video from last night.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S6PGRWTOab0]Jake Day 101 - YouTube[/ame]

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