
This morning at 9am he's up to 515 grams. To get a better view of him we took some pictures and a video of him on a towel for the first time



[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6O_3AxdsN8"]Jake Day 48 - YouTube[/ame]
He's getting fuzzy and weighed in at 572 grams at his 1 pm feeding today...And he has almost out grown his second sized feeding bowl!!


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He is really looking big, it is amazing how far he has come!!
Does he open his eyes & look at you sometimes now?
I could see in 1 of the pics his eyes were open at least part way.
I cant believe ive missed this thread! what an AMAZING journey! he is absoutely beautiful i cant believe how hes 'shot up'!!
Keep it coming!!!!! Yay for Jake!!!
Yes, he mostly opens his left eye, but he peeps out of both of them. We are going to start turning off his night light to help his eye development.
Oh good. Thanks for the info.
It is so nice that you are having this amazing experience of raising him.
I would love to be able to do that sometime.
I have finished hand feeding 4 different baby parrots but just from when they were on 2 feedings per day because I was working at the time.
Jake is doing well and has definitely started to develop a personality. He has started preening himself and his feather colors are starting to show. I'll get some pictures and a video up soon as he is now up to 633 grams with many more pins popping out every day.
Here is one from yesterday.

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That is great!! I can see some green feathers on the top of his head now!!
This is so exciting. Does he ever look at you?
Wow, you're doing such a great job with him, he is going to be so spoiled like both my boys. Best of luck with Jake. Thanks for posting all the great pictures, we all feel as if we all are now a part of his life. Joe
So glad Jake is doing well. He's really starting to look like a bird now. lol Keep up the good work.
Thank you so much for posting the baby's development. I am so impressed of how he is doing and how healthy he looks. I can't wait to see him feather out and hear stories of his personality. Congrats on a job well done! I know if must not of been easy to help that baby grow from day one but you did it!

I hope Jake continues to be healthy and hearty for you!

Oh my goodness he is so cute! I can't wait to see his colors come in.
That is great!! I can see some green feathers on the top of his head now!!
This is so exciting. Does he ever look at you?

Yes he has green, blue orange and black colors starting to show. He does see and recognize us. It's getting difficult to sneak up and peek in on him.
Thanks for the compliment and wishes. We really appreciate them. Jake is up to 658 grams at his 8:30 am feeding. He is really pinning all over and preening himself quite often. I have seen him playing with his feet, flapping his wings and stretching allot. He is getting quite vocal as well.




[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Ip4Oe8jRyQ]Jake Day 55 - YouTube[/ame]
Here are 2 videos of Jake getting more vocal.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=226f_bR54lA"]Jake Day 55 Getting more vocal - YouTube[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TaJywproawQ"]Jake Day 55 Getting more vocal. - YouTube[/ame]
Oh how precious. I want to hold him so bad!! Anyway he is coming along so well you must be proud! What a plumpy parrot. I loved it when he vocalized and was rocking back on his feet. Just so cute. Please continue to post pics and vids of this special parrot.

Your macaw baby was is so tiny and adorable, now look how much he's grown!
I'm glad he's chipper and healthy too, even after the little scare.
Anyway, really cute, and I hope you continue to update regularly!
Thanks! Here are a few from last night.





Awwww look at those adorable pin feathers!!!
Jake is going to be such a handsome/beautiful bird!
So cute, and thanks for adding more pictures.

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