
Here is a picture of Jake sleeping before we changed his poo blanket. This happens several plus times a day. Also, here is a picture of his wing pinning. As of early today, he has gained 105 grams in 6 days. He has almost doubled in size and weight in just 1 week. We are so proud for him!!


That looks like a good spot for him. My kids liked to fall asleep in the same spot when they were little babies too. I am so happy to hear that he is doing well, it is quite an accomplishment.
That is SO adorable!! Please keep posting these! I can never get enough of baby birds! I can't believe that he'll grow up to be a giant macaw!!
Here are some pictures we took of him on day 1.



OH my goodness!! I'm speechless!

I'm sooo excited you are sharing this precious time with us all here on the forum.

I've never raised a baby...and to see a Macaw growing up like this is amazing!

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!

Jake has officially doubled his weight as of his 1:00 pm feeding in just 7 3/4 days. Last Saturday he was 144 grams and now he is 288+ grams. And he is finally starting to open his eyes!! We are so excited for him!! Here are a few pictures of him sleeping last night.




It will be so great when he can start to interact with you.
What a wonderful experience to have.
You really bond with them when you hand feed them don't you?
You really bond with them when you hand feed them don't you?

Yes, especially from day one. And he will not go through the stress of being pulled from his parents at a later time when they are more aware of their surroundings. We would have never pulled him if the circumstances where different and would not recommend it, but his life depended on it so we took a chance.
Jake busting the 300 gram mark...:D:blue1:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRikVVFfmgg"]101_7101.mov - YouTube[/ame]
Hi everyone,

I'm Jake's mom, Amber.

I wanted thank you all for the support and well wishes he has gotten from you. We were a lot worried, at times, for his well being. We have hand fed babies two to three months old, but never from hatch day. Jake's daddy, Baebe, was one of them.

Jake's parents, (Baebe, a Catalina, and Zoie, a Blue and Gold) are at Noah's Ark now. A blessing in itself. They are able to stay together and fly free, conditions not withstanding these wonderful beings mate for life.'

Before they left they decided on their own to breed. They hatched four chicks, the last of which was Jake. Being new parents and not knowing how to feed their young properly, three chicks made it three days, then expired. My heart had no other choice than to pull Jake the day he hatched.

Your support and encouragement has meant so much to us during the 24/7 two hour feedings, we're up to every four hour feedings now and you can see his progress.

Parrot Bill Bill@parrot-bill.net was a grand help with nutrition for Jake's sustenance and growth. Many thanks to his kind guidance and helpful knowledge.

We had other input, some of it helpful, then again, some of it very hurtful as one person pronounced Jake's eminant death or blindness while on a soap box against hybrids. We have never bred any of our personal babies or any of our saves (approx 17)

I just wanted to thank you all personally for keeping up with our baby Jake and wish all the goodness back that you have wished for him.

We know he is special, obviously the Universe decided he is a keeper.


Jake's human mom, Amber.
My goodness, He is really accelerating in his weight gain. Yesterday in 24 hours he put on 27 grams and today he has put on 43 grams in the same 24 hours. He now weighs 394 grams. He is becoming quite the handful as these pictures and videos show.






[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IC0m85UIYhU"]101_7186.mov - YouTube[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MP07EvlKeo"]101_7192.mov - YouTube[/ame]
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Wow, Great job, love the video of Jake. He is goping to be spoiled rotten, that is if he is not already. I love baby Macaws, It seems only yesterday when my GW Macaw Neleno was that size and yes, he too is a spoiled mess. He's my buddy and you guys are really going to enjoy eachother. He looks like he has already started the bonding to you and while you were talking, he was replying with a squeek. Best of luck and keep up the great job. Thanks for sharing joe
Thanks Joe. There is nothing like a bird that bonds with you. They make excellent companions. Those are two beautiful birds you have there.
Wow, OMG, look how BIG jake is now. is that really the same little birdy fluffbut that was on first pic? Amazing progress. Well done mum, dad and Jake(PS still cant get over how big he has grown!)

Here are some pic's and video's from last night.

Jake spreading his wings.



Video of Jake talking himself to sleep.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yycMZkGXJqg"]Jake talking himself to sleep - YouTube[/ame]

Video of Jake getting ready to eat. Notice how quite he is till we call his name.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=324KIwEV3EQ"]Getting Jake ready for chow - YouTube[/ame]
He's getting SO BIG!!! :-D
Yes he is!! At his 1:00 pm feeding today he weighed in at 492 grams so we know he will bust the 500 g mark here at his 5 pm feeding!
It's his 5pm feeding and he just weighed in at 504 grams!!

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