Need advice for yellow collared macaw poop


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May 17, 2021
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So I cleaned the bird cage 17 hours ago and is it normal for the parrot to poop this much? He sits in one spot a lot of the time so the poop builds up but idk if heā€™s poop is very watery or just a lot building up making it look watery. Iā€™m planning on taking him for his checkup in the next 2 months since Iā€™ve been struggling with money.

Should I be concerned with his poop or is it normal? If I have to I can ask mum to lend me money to take him but prefer not to unless itā€™s something concerning

Link is the poop incase some people donā€™t want to see lol
One thing ALL of us can take and do take in large doses is parrot poop! That said, it looks perfectly normal to me.

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