Help cleo dying. Blizzard = no vet

I'm praying for Cleo to bounce back! You are both in my prayers!! I'm glad you made it to vet regardless. Looking forward to a good news update!
Ok it's not looking good they can first do injections of calcium water and meds to induce her laying the egg but she could have kidney problems the rest of her life the way the egg is and it could take weeks for her feet to get better. They can't do x Rays because she is too fragile :( if she doesn't respond in an hour or two then they have to give anesthesia and go in and remove the egg and she could die. They said it doesn't look good so the bigger step might not be worth it bc she will die ultimately at this point... They tried to do an ultrasound and her breathing got heavy so she did stress out. She's in oxygen right now. I hate this so much I think this might be the end for her
The odds are slim for her, ultimately. It doesn't look good :( this is unreal she was my miracle girl the fact that I found Tiki's kin. I'm ready to cry
Poor Cleo... And poor you!! :(
My hopes and thoughts are with you. Stay hopeful!
Ok it's not looking good they can first do injections of calcium water and meds to induce her laying the egg but she could have kidney problems the rest of her life the way the egg is and it could take weeks for her feet to get better. They can't do x Rays because she is too fragile :( if she doesn't respond in an hour or two then they have to give anesthesia and go in and remove the egg and she could die. They said it doesn't look good so the bigger step might not be worth it bc she will die ultimately at this point... They tried to do an ultrasound and her breathing got heavy so she did stress out. She's in oxygen right now. I hate this so much I think this might be the end for her

Let us hope the injections help.

Valerie, could you please clarify about the bigger step (surgery) as she "will die ultimately..." Are they saying she has no hope of surviving the anesthesia and surgery?

I hope Cleo's situation has touched them as often times when a professional takes a personal interest they will pull out all the stops. Given your history with Tiki and the last few days you both really need a break!
Oh I'm so glad to see you made it to a good vet, and that she's hanging in there!! They will do everything they can for her. Hugs!! I'll be back later to check on you and Cleo!
I'm glad you both got to a vet and they are working on her. Poor baby. Keep us posted. I think we would all be in the waiting room with you if possible, we are all waiting for updates.
Valerie, I'm so glad you got her to the clinic. I know this has been a terrible ordeal for both of you. We are all waiting with you and hoping for the best.
Oh I am so sorry :( We will be praying that she makes it through and she makes it through strong! Poor little baby! No bird or parront should ever go through this! :(
Okay so basically the low end is all the injections to induce the egg laying and they said it's not her diet bc they said I have her on an amazing diet and that this is most likely because it is her first egg. She does not have a calcium deficiency which is good because they don't need to give her as much of a calcium injection which is good because she has a kidney problem right now the way the egg has been pressing on her organs. She will get the medicines but they can't wait the typical 12 hours because of the amount of time that has passed already. They can wait a maximum of two hours and then they need me to authorize as to whether or not I want to have her under anesthesia and have it surgically removed. The fact that she is still alive and has this will to live, I just might do it. They said she is extremely healthy, the time is not in her favor but the fact that she is not very stressed out being handled etc. and that she is very healthy diet wise, she is strong and it may help her odds. But the reality is that the odds are not hot at the moment. Prayers please
Omg, I'm so glad she is getting some help... I'm chomping at the bit wondering what's happening. I hope she makes it. She is a special lil girl you have there.

Wow you posted your update at the exact same time I posted this.. :)
I just hate that we had this blizzard. I could have gotten there right away and her odds would have been fine. This blizzard may just be the death of her. I just can't believe this is really happening. I said goodbye to her and I am home now and waiting for the phone call
Praying for safe recovery!
Valerie, you and Cleo have the collective prayers and positive thoughts from a lot of folks tonight!

It appears you are getting well ordered advice from the clinic. If Cleo were my bird, I'd have them wait the maximum permissible time for the injections to work, and if not attempt the surgery. She may be compromised by the egg pressing against organs, but seems to have no underlying illnesses. It is ultimately your decision, but whatever the choice you can be confident you have done the ultimate for Cleo.
You and Cleo are still in my prayers, and I completely agree with everything Scott said in his post, so I will just send many positive thoughts your way. Cleo is so lucky to have you, you have done everything possible for her.
Still praying for you both, you and Cleo are strong. Whatever the outcome, you're making Tiki proud. Just know this, you are simply, the best mother they could have chosen.
Continue to be strong. This is what Cleo needs now.

She couldn't lay the egg with medicine, they just called, she just sat there they said. She is a little perkier but she didn't push or anything. So she is going under anesthesia now... I just gave them the okay.

I'm praying it goes well....

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