My heart is breaking for you and Cleo.

At this point I truly wish she would stop suffering (I mean this in the most humane way possible).
No I feel the same, it hurts to watch her like this, I only hope if she is going that route definitely then it goes quickly.., or quicker, than this. I just feel bad, im trying everything I can but its agonizing and beyond reminiscent of Tiki's slow death too
My wife (Vet Assistant-Surgery)has the following Questions for Rose.... and she may beable to give advice on what to do in mean time.
1) is there any discharge from the eyes/Beak area?
2) Has it pooped in last 24 hours?, if so is the poop normal?
If it has not pooped, chances are there's an obstruction
and since a bird can not vomit, it can only pass it, and causes
the stomach area near vent to seem hard. Resembles an egg bound.
That's why you should never attempt to break an egg unless it's
positive this is the cause. Check consistency of poop and color.
Keep bird on a warm pad, water bottle, bean bag that's covered in a towel.
Do not attempt to feed the bird if there is an obstruction. Instead, use home made
electrolyte solution in a dropper or plastic syringe into beak area a drop at a time.
Make sure you do this every half hour for 2 hours then every hour afterwards.
Exact mixture can be found online.