Help cleo dying. Blizzard = no vet

Been praying all is well...
Sorry I don't know the time zones but it's is 9am here right now and I was not up for work as we now have a couple feet of snow on the ground and its still going, I was up late giving Her anothe bath and honey in water.

I wrapped her In a blanket last night expecting her to go in her sleep and I wake up and check on her (I put her box next to my bed) and she is still breathing. She hasn't moved all night but she is still breathing and sleeping and not moving and miserable. She's barely responsive. She is not going to pass this egg it's been a whole day that's gone by which is not normal and her stomach is so full there might even be more than 1. I did massage her many times. She is just delirious not moving and sleeping she didn't move all night she is right where I left her :( I don't even want to see her feet they're probably purple. The numbness by now.... She couldn't walk all Last night obviously so god knows what it'll be like now.

I really don't know what to do! :(
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The roads have been reopened in New York, Valerie. So there's a good chance that big veterinary hospital in Manhattan is open. I forget the exact name, but it's on the east side right off of the FDR. If there are no vets with a delayed opening near you, they might be your best shot.

In which region of New York do you live?
I'm on Long Island and I've called that medical center actually and others and they all say closed early Monday and closed all day Tuesday due to weather every place I call even emergency lines it's no use
Breeding experts, can she break the egg? I know this is risky and extreme but given the circumstances is this something that could be done? If so how is that done? Also how about the Just Answer link in a previous post? A vet on that link might be able to offer help or walk you thru. I hate hearing that she is in so much pain and as For breaking the egg, can you see the egg or is it not visible?
Breeding experts, can she break the egg? I know this is risky and extreme but given the circumstances is this something that could be done? If so how is that done? Also how about the Just Answer link in a previous post? A vet on that link might be able to offer help or walk you thru. I hate hearing that she is in so much pain and as For breaking the egg, can you see the egg or is it not visible?

I agree something... anything needs to be done. I would call a vet from out of state for advice if I had to and have them walk me through it. She has been suffering too long. :(
I found this, I know you've tried steam and the warm water but here is another item:

Place the bird into a steamy room, such as bathroom with shower on until the bathroom mirrors and windows steam up. Desired temperature: 85-90 degrees Fahrenheit / Humidity: 60%. Place bird on wet towel. The warmth relaxes the hen so that the vent can dilate more allowing the egg to pass.
I am so sorry for what you and Cleo are going through. You are in our prayers.
I did call Way upstate got one on the phone finally but they said it's something needed to be treated right away and vets really just want you to come in its one of those things that needs an examination they couldn't offer much over the phone that's any different.. Even if I could make it to a vet tho at this point the procedure would likely kill her she's so weak, anesthetics and stuff would just kill her I feel. I think it's a losing battle.....
My heart is breaking for you and Cleo. :( At this point I truly wish she would stop suffering (I mean this in the most humane way possible).
Have you tried calling a taxi service to see if they are running? They have so much driving experience that I'm sure one could get you to a vet somewhere safely. Some chance is better than none right? Poor dear, prayers for both of you in the hopes she pulls through.

Is this common with female parrots? Is it something to worry about when buying a female, even in the larger varieties?
My heart is breaking for you and Cleo. :( At this point I truly wish she would stop suffering (I mean this in the most humane way possible).

No I feel the same, it hurts to watch her like this, I only hope if she is going that route definitely then it goes quickly.., or quicker, than this. I just feel bad, im trying everything I can but its agonizing and beyond reminiscent of Tiki's slow death too :(
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Just let the shower steam up the bathroom, put her in warm water for 15 mins again and put some olive oil in her vent. She flapped her wings a few times thinking its typical bath time -_- she is back in her blanket box and has fresh food and water even though she won't touch it. She is warming up with the heater on and I've wrapped her up to sleep again. She is still sitting on her butt with her legs wide apart and her head drooping down. She sipped some water during her soaking but she won't drink or eat much. I hope she sleeps for a bit now
I dont know about this, but see if it is possible.

Egg Binding in Birds | VCA Animal Hospitals

Do you guys think she should try the needle thing?

IMO not no...but HECK NO. Unless someone is a trained professional, I'd never suggest using a method that may potentially put the animal in more pain/further risk/cause possible injury etc. etc.

From the link:
"Critically ill birds are first treated for shock and then attempts are made to treat the egg binding."
I'm so sorry to here that your bird is suffering. :( I'm keeping you and her in my thoughts!

I lost my bird last week. It was one of those situations where by the time she got to the vet, it was too late. I wish she could have spent her last moments cozy at home, with me by her side.

Keep close to Cleo. I'm sure she feels less pain just be being in your presence. So sorry. :(
I'm not a medical professional, but am trying to wrap my arms around the intersection of veterinary ethics and a snowbound bird in need of lifesaving care. It's logical to understand an adamant refusal of advice by traditional brick/mortar clinics. Nor is it easy to properly assess a cyber provider in quick fashion to place lifesaving trust.

Cleo seems to have a strong constitution to have endured thus far; where there is life there is hope. If an alternate means of care cannot be found for a day or so, I hope she can hang in there to have a chance with the soonest possible vet appointment.
I am so sorry to hear you're going through this with Cleo:( I hope she pulls through.
Breeding experts, can she break the egg? I know this is risky and extreme but given the circumstances is this something that could be done? If so how is that done? Also how about the Just Answer link in a previous post? A vet on that link might be able to offer help or walk you thru. I hate hearing that she is in so much pain and as For breaking the egg, can you see the egg or is it not visible?

My wife is an assistant vet, does surgery on mostly livestock and domestic animals....Her advice on the egg bound ( if it is actually the problem) Absolutely DO NOT attempt to break the egg yourself...You'll kill your bird very quickly, it's a very dangerous thing to try and do unless you are very well trained.
Thanks Hawk. This is such a horrible situation.

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