Help cleo dying. Blizzard = no vet

Valerie, I am so full of sorrow you and Cleo are in such pain. You've done all that is humanely possible under the circumstances.
Hang in there Valerie! :(
Thanks everyone :'( there really is nothing more I can do but watch and wait and maybe by some miracle.... But I am not getting my hopes up. She won't eat her favorite food that she fights for (strawberries). I thought oh maybe she will perk up a little once she realizes what it is but no... You guys are my best support system I cannot thank you all enough for beibg here for me once again
Valerie, I am so deeply sorry that you and Cleo are going through this. You are both in my thoughts and prayers.
This is truly heartbreaking to hear. We are all here for you. Just wish there was something I could do to help. [emoji22]
Are you keeping her warm? If she is weak already and inactive her body temp will go down unless you have her on a heating pad or something. I've never had a hen get egg bound but I've been told that keeping them warm and the humidity higher may help pass the egg.

Rose, If it is an egg bound ( and we don't know that for sure) I have seen this with chickens...I fill the sink with warm water, not hot, and let her sit in it for about 10-15 minutes, she'll either pass the egg or poop out anything she may have eaten. Then I use a microwave beany bag warm, and a towel over her to keep her warm. This usually helps.
it doesn't feel like it's by her vent it feels like her stomach but now I think I feel an egg and she's laying with her legs out and her butt in the ground. She just woke up and is trying to eat i put Gatorade and vitamins in the water and food and she is trying to have it and she's like pretty shaky but she's practically sitting her butt down on the ground like I said.. I think it IS egg bound??
:( im just trying to help her pass the egg then. im so scared

Rose.....get a large enough bowl of warm water.....not hot, and let her sit in this, it helps dilate the vent, and ease in the pain. Do this for at least 15 minutes. Then take her out keep her warm. Use a bit of honey in water for her drink, not cold water, but luke warm, this will boost her energy level and metabolism which will help push out the egg and make the vent muscles work faster. My wife here is an assistant vet, so I'm typing what she's telling me to do.
Oh boy- I'm so sorry the both of you are going through this [emoji26] I have no advice, but we're all rooting for Cleo! Hugs and healing thoughts XXXX
it doesn't feel like it's by her vent it feels like her stomach but now I think I feel an egg and she's laying with her legs out and her butt in the ground. She just woke up and is trying to eat i put Gatorade and vitamins in the water and food and she is trying to have it and she's like pretty shaky but she's practically sitting her butt down on the ground like I said.. I think it IS egg bound??
:( im just trying to help her pass the egg then. im so scared

Rose.....get a large enough bowl of warm water.....not hot, and let her sit in this, it helps dilate the vent, and ease in the pain. Do this for at least 15 minutes. Then take her out keep her warm. Use a bit of honey in water for her drink, not cold water, but luke warm, this will boost her energy level and metabolism which will help push out the egg and make the vent muscles work faster. My wife here is an assistant vet, so I'm typing what she's telling me to do.

Rose, Don't hesitate to try that technic a couple times, like once an hour. Your bird sounds egg bound. One clear cut sign is the bird may not want to walk and prefers to want to lay on it's side as if struggling. She's trying to take the pressure off her bottom/vent/ stomach's more comfy for her. Don't force her though.

Next don't give up on the warm water sit baths....hold her in both hands lowered in the water, warm but not hot, and massage very gently her vent area and the area up farther toward her stomach. Continue to offer her honey and warm water.
This is the best home remedy under the circumstances....You can't lose a bird on my watch !
Hugs and prayers your way. Please try Hawk's recommendation.
it doesn't feel like it's by her vent it feels like her stomach but now I think I feel an egg and she's laying with her legs out and her butt in the ground. She just woke up and is trying to eat i put Gatorade and vitamins in the water and food and she is trying to have it and she's like pretty shaky but she's practically sitting her butt down on the ground like I said.. I think it IS egg bound??
:( im just trying to help her pass the egg then. im so scared

Rose.....get a large enough bowl of warm water.....not hot, and let her sit in this, it helps dilate the vent, and ease in the pain. Do this for at least 15 minutes. Then take her out keep her warm. Use a bit of honey in water for her drink, not cold water, but luke warm, this will boost her energy level and metabolism which will help push out the egg and make the vent muscles work faster. My wife here is an assistant vet, so I'm typing what she's telling me to do.

Rose, Don't hesitate to try that technic a couple times, like once an hour. Your bird sounds egg bound. One clear cut sign is the bird may not want to walk and prefers to want to lay on it's side as if struggling. She's trying to take the pressure off her bottom/vent/ stomach's more comfy for her. Don't force her though.

Next don't give up on the warm water sit baths....hold her in both hands lowered in the water, warm but not hot, and massage very gently her vent area and the area up farther toward her stomach. Continue to offer her honey and warm water.
This is the best home remedy under the circumstances....You can't lose a bird on my watch !

I gave her another warm bath for 15 mins although I had to hold her up so she wouldn't drown. She's so weak and has no feeling in her legs :'( but I did that and I gave her honey in water through a dropper. She won't really eat tho. I dryed her and wrapped her into a little nest again with the blanket inside the box. She is wrapped up to keep warm and has access to food and water. It's late now and time for us both to rest.... I pray she makes it through the night...however I have seen no improvement with the egg bound issue :'( I thank you for all thoughts and prayers. I really do. I'm scared but I am preparing for the worst.... I'm extremely depressed.

Goodnight all. I shall update in the morning :(
My first thought upon waking up was about you and Cleo. I hope fervently that things are better today. Rooting for Cleo!!!
Any news on Cleo? Waiting anxiously...
I'm waiting for an uplate as well.
Well? How is she? I've been thinking of you guys!

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