Funny conure stories

Cheeky has apparently decided that I am not allowed to go into my bedroom without him.. When I am home, he is out of his cage and either with me or on top of it if I am doing something like dishes (he tries to dive bomb the sink! O.o) Anyway, today I have been doing dishes. But several times, if it even looked like I was headed in there, he would fly off his cage and onto my couch, which is next to the door of my bedroom, and look at me like, "Well? Pick me up, I'm going with you!"
Funny Kiwi story

Gosh there are so many..but this one made me laugh and laugh and laugh.

I had put Kiwi back on top of her cage to play while I did some work on the computer. Her cage is in the living room and she can kind of see me on the computer from there, but I've never known how well.

Well I was sitting here for about two minutes, when suddenly my husband (sitting next to me) says..there's a bird behind you.

I look down and there she is right behind me on the floor, looking up at me with the funniest expression on her face, practically saying "I was not ready to stop hanging out with you, you can run, but you can't hide!"

She had found a way to hop off her cage, walk all the way across the living room, into the office, and find me on my chair! hahahahaha :jumping40
Re: Funny Kiwi story

Gosh there are so many..but this one made me laugh and laugh and laugh.

I had put Kiwi back on top of her cage to play while I did some work on the computer. Her cage is in the living room and she can kind of see me on the computer from there, but I've never known how well.

Well I was sitting here for about two minutes, when suddenly my husband (sitting next to me) says..there's a bird behind you.

I look down and there she is right behind me on the floor, looking up at me with the funniest expression on her face, practically saying "I was not ready to stop hanging out with you, you can run, but you can't hide!"

She had found a way to hop off her cage, walk all the way across the living room, into the office, and find me on my chair! hahahahaha :jumping40
How funny! She just wanted to be with you :D

A friend of mine has two conures, and another has a cockatiel, we all met up at a park one time to photograph everyone at sunset. Kiwi the little tiny green cheek conure seemed to think she was a BIG bird and wanted to show Rosie who was the boss LOL Rosie didn't care, but was a little uneasy seeing this tiny bird running towards her then bobbing it's head. Green cheeks really do think they are big birds :D

Reaching towards Rosie
I have a 6 month old Sun named Wonka. He is super lovey and entertains my entire family. The other night, I put him on top of his cage while I went and finished cooking dinner. He screeched a few times, as he always does when I leave the room, but then he was quite and content as I heard him making his low jumbled talking noises as he nosed around his cage. My family and I went out on the back deck and proceeded to eat dinner. As we were finishing up, we heard a tap tap tap on the glass door. As we all turn around, there is Wonka on the floor at the bottom of the glass door tapping to get our attention. We laughed hysterically and couldn't believe that he flew down from his cage (clipped wings) and walked through the livingroom,down the hall, past the open basement, through the diningroom and kitchen to the back door. It's a LONG walk for a little bird! Love him!:rainbow1:
Copperarabian, i LOVE the look on Rosie's face! That is the funniest picture!

abutler, Wonka sure sounds like a funny bird, and smart too!
Well my blue crown conure Perry has his cage placed right next to the window in our back room. We had a bug guy come over one day to spray are backyard and he would have to pass said window to get his supplies back there. So after a few hours he finishes and then comes to me to talk about everything. Here I was thinking he would ask about when to come back or such things but instead he says. "Does your bird always watch people while hanging upside down?" I say not really why? "Well the whole time I was back there he wouldn't stop swinging upside down and watching me." A silly story but I found is pretty amusing. :)
So, I have a Blue Crown Conure named Bertie who's going to be 3 in March. And, up until the other day he HATED cameras. He'd hide from them, whimper and just, generally it was clear that he thought they were evil. This even included my cell phone.

The other day I went to take a photo of him because he was being very cute but he started to do his frightened behavior as soon as he heard the click. I managed to get a good picture though and say to him that I got a good picture and he was cute.

He goes "eh?" and comes over when I go to show him the photo. He looks at it and goes "Bertie! Good boy!" And I say "Yes! Bertie is a good boy, and took a good picture! Can I take another one?" while raising the camera again. So he perches up straight and poses for this photo. After it went click he said "good boy!" again and wandered off. I have a VERY odd bird.

Bertie by misskale, on Flickr
Oh my goodness Misskale- that is hilarious! :D
He was obviously terrified he'd take a bad picture, once assured he was handsome he was happy to pose! LOL. I'm laughing my head off right now picturing your funny little bird now that he's all, "How you doin'?" :18:
My bird Bowser is a 2 1/2 year old Sun Conure. Well my ex use to "play" with Bowser using a wooden back scratcher. He would wave it in the air near Bowser who would proceed to fluff up and take a running leap to grab and bite it then retreat behind a pillow, blanket or other object. So one day Bowser was at my mom's and my brother's back was itching so he pulled out his back scratcher (not knowing Bowser's aversion to them) and proceeded to scratch his back. At the time Bowser was able to fly so he flew off my shoulder, landed on my brother (which startled him to begin with) and proceeded to bite and peck at the scratcher while my brother was trying to scratch his back. My brother was like what the heck and was trying to get Bowser off of him while he was still attempting to attach the scratcher in his other hand. Meanwhile I couldn't do a thing about it because I was too busy laughing my butt off at the entire scene. When Bowser was finally finished he flew right back to me, dove down my shirt and proceeded to make he "piggie noises" I was laughing so hard my eyes were watering and my side was hurting. The look on my brother's face and Bowser's reaction to the offending object was just tooo much! I have a video of him attacking a back scratcher and hiding in my mom's pillow after making said "piggie noises" and once I figure out how I will post it.
Kiwi just snuggled into my elbow, upside down, on her head, stuck her toe in her mouth and looked up at me with the CUTEST look I've ever seen in my life from any creature alive. LOL-ED till I nearly fell off the chair!! :rainbow1:
Here is really what birds can find? ? Birds are lovely, to have a bird own more than okay:whiteblue:
I got my sun conure(named Ruby) a few weeks ago, and she is already two years old and knows various saying and words. I live in Minnesota which is super cold right now! So I took Ruby down to petsmart, on the way there I asked, "Ruby, are you chilly?" Shaking in her carrier she whispers "Yeah.." I laughed and put her in my warm coat. Once there, I was looking at peanuts. Which were WAAY overpriced! Absentmindedly, I said, "no." Ruby then fluffed up, put her nose on mine and screamed, "YEAH!" I died. We went with a dried fruit mix instead.
My green cheek petri loves my mom but for the longest time she didn't care for him all that much. Shes not a bird person. One day when he was annoyed at me for some MAjor infraction like not letting him share my food or sweeping the floor i cant remember wich i got to pick him up and he runs away from me leans towards my mom and really loudly says PRETTY GIGI! we thought we had miss heard him till he did it again and this Completely delighted her and she made a huge fuss about it and now she lets him sit with her on the computer and anytime i do something he doesn't like he goes Pretty gigi.

The funny thing is we never said this arround him. I was in the process of teaching him words, he had pretty bird down his name I love you and c'mere But he must have picked up calling mom gigi from my nephew and stuck the pretty on there him self. To this day i cant get him to either call me mom OR By my name. He calls me petri. And he dose it just to annoy me because when we do the naming game hell get every thing else right until i point to me then he goes Petri! andi point to him and he goes Petri! again. I think he dose that just to mess with me.
PB pooped in my pants - while I was still wearing them!

I laughed so hard I cried and my ribs are noticeably sore today. Let me explain. I made a wearable perch since PB was so fearful of everything except my face. This keeps PB on a perch she's comfortable with (after placing it on the play stand for a few days first) and keeps my hands free for training. (As an aside she really loves it.) She sits a couple inches away from my mid to upper abdomen. Well, I had to tinkle and took her with me to the bathroom. I no sooner pulled my pants down and sat on the toilet before I saw her tail feathers lift up. Wide eyed, I quickly opened my mouth to say, "No, PB, waaiiiit!" but it was too late (not that it would likely have changed anything - lol). She was perfectly positioned over my open pants and pottied right into them.

I had Flanders on my shoulder and I was giving him kisses on his beak, then smiled at him. He then started to groom my teeth! It was so cute, and he was so gentle!

Wharra Cutie!
Re: He speaks!

Sheldons just shy of 1 year old. He spend the first 6 months finding his feet and balance and I swear this bird wasn't going to make it the first year with all his playing and falling:20:. He always managed to land on his feet, look around, get made and squawk, climb back up and try it again. Now he's mastered the playing technique.

Whenever we see him doing something silly we ask "what are you doing?", but he would never reply. The other morning he's on my shoulder and I'm changing his paper and he question form.. "what are you doing?" He has kind of been trying to say it prior but I never figured he'd put it into context. It was so cool:D

Now he Wolf Whistles, whistles for the dog (we no longer have), shakes hands/claw, kisses and speaks. Now to work on the next set of phrases. Be careful what you say, the bird IS listening. :22:
Re: attacking bird please help

Unfortunately, parrots tend to attach to one person in the household. They form a special bond with said person, and everyone else is an enemy. That's just the way these birds are, there is really nothing you can do for it. The most he could probably do is tolerate everyone else. I'm sorry.
Re: attacking bird please help

Unfortunately, parrots tend to attach to one person in the household. They form a special bond with said person, and everyone else is an enemy. That's just the way these birds are, there is really nothing you can do for it. The most he could probably do is tolerate everyone else. I'm sorry.

That is what happens if a bird is poorly socialized. Avery is a green cheeked conure, well known for being a one person bird, and while she IS strongly bonded to me, she loves my boyfriend and can be handled by all of his family just fine, and quiet enjoys their company. We've made a conscious effort to make sure that she does not overbond to me and become vicious towards others.

Overbonding is the human's fault, not the bird's. Most of the species we welcome into our homes belong to MASSIVE flocks. I can't imagine a bird overbonded to another parrot would do well in that environment.

Anyways! I happen to have a funny story - or at least to me it was funny! Who would've thought that conures would make such silly guard dogs? Today when I was playing with Shiko, I had Avery in her cage with the door open so she could come out whenever she pleased. Shiko is my new IRN who is currently bluffing, and makes the most ridiculous noise if HE happens to brush HIS tail against us. Really, he's blaming us for his own actions! Silly boy!

So, he happened to brush his tail against me, makes his ridiculous angry squawk (seriously - he sounds like a goose crossed with a donkey!) and lo-and-behold, Avery comes FLYING out at full speed and tries to dive bomb Shiko to protect me! You have to realize, Shiko is a nice 130g of Big Blue Bully (his new nickname after literally chomping Avery on the butt awhile ago), and Avery is only HALF of his weight. Plus his beak could do serious damage, so they don't intermingle very often unless very closely supervised. I couldn't help but laugh that my little cute conure wanted to come save me from the big blue monster squawking at me. They have such adorable personalities!
Kinda funny story. The other day my granddaughter (6 years old) came over. Mine are the only birds she is around and she loves giving Sassy treats but that's about it. I had Chico out on me and I asked Sasha if she wanted me to put him on her shoulder. She said "well I don't know". I said ok you don't have to. But he won't bite you and even if he does it doesn't hurt (famous last words). She said ok then I will hold him. Backing the story up a little...she had just eaten an ice cream sandwich (you get an idea where this is going). So I put Chico on her shoulder and all was well, UNTIL he found the smudged ice cream on her cheek. He licked her cheek and pinched her. Her eyes about popped out and she was saying "That did hurt" "That did hurt". Now, I was standing there the whole time and didn't see him even open his beak (since it was a pinch). I felt sooo bad, but Sasha assured me "it's ok gramma, he didn't mean to, he was just getting the ice cream off my cheek"..(she's such a sweet little girl!)
A couple of silly happenings really but they amused me at the time.

Charlie my CGCC was on my shoulder as I went from my open plan living room to my kitchen area (I can't go anywhere without him following). I opened the fridge to get a glass of chilled water and Charlie jumped in the fridge. I got him out rather quickly to say the least.

The other is, I bought him a new bell for the cage from eBay. When it came it was bigger than I originally thought but hung it up anyway. Charlie was wary of it for as few hours but I looked up to see what he was doing and he was sitting on his perch with his head inside the bell. By the time I picked my camera up he had moved. I'll try and snap him if he does it again.

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