My little Yoda is pretty darn smart. I'm sure I'm totally biased of course, but he has learned many tricks and he's only 6 months old. So far we've got him potty trained to only go on his perch-stand or play-gym (typically he has 2 or 3 'accidents' per week, nobody's perfect). He will come fly to me when I call "Yoda, come here!" and he will fly to his perch when I point and say "Go to your perch!".
So far I've taught him 3 tricks. First one we taught him was to wave his foot. We wave a hand at him and say either "Hi Yoda!" or "Use the Force Yoda!" and he will raise his little foot, and then eagerly await his treat.
Second one I taught him was "Danglebird" where I hold a treat under him and he dangles down to get it. SUPER cute!
Third trick I taught him was to turn around (like a little pirouette) when I circle my hand around him and say "Turn around!"
But now, I think we've reached maximum capacity on tricks for the little guy. My husband was trying to teach him to bob his head up and down, which is something he already does frequently when he wants attention, NOT on command. So to teach the trick, whenever we see him bob his head, we give him the command "Rock and Roll!" and move a hand up and down to associate with the trick. It's not working though. My husband gives Yoda the command "Rock and roll!" and moves his hand up and down, and Yoda instantly
stops bobbing and just starts doing every trick he knows one after the other, eagerly trying to earn the treat. So there he is, turning in circles, waving his foot, dangling, turning in circle again, waving his foot, and doing everything BUT bobbing his head as he eagerly looks for his treat. Naturally, it's too darn cute and he's trying SO hard that we have to just laugh and give him the treat anyway...
So now apparently "Rock and Roll" means we want him to dance all around and look really cute... good enough!