Funny conure stories

I was leaving for work one morning recently, and accidentally lightly bumped into Babybird's cage (our Green Cheek Conure). It was still dark and it startled poor Babybird and she fell out of her Chube sleeping hut. I shrieked! Turned the light on and said "Babybird I'm sorry!" and went to check her and she climbed up from the bottom of the cage to the low perch and as she was getting up there she said "good birdie" and I laughed and said again "Oh I'm so sorry Babybird!!" and she repeated again "good birdie" ...little ham! Can't believe I did that. But she was totally fine! Pheew!
Big fun in Halo's box after 3 toys were delivered in mail today. Couldn't be bothered with toys, but spent over an hour playing in Halos box.:orange:
When my CBC, Phoe, goes back to his own cage, his buddy Jax, a GCC, will stand on his cage and scream HEY PHOEPHOE, while stomping his foot. He carries on until Phoe rejoins him.
I love stories that really show our birds' "human" side....
Okay, I have to tell you my "Two Feather" Theory about Males. It's a good joke all my friends know. No offense intended... just a bit of fun with the "war of the sexes". Okay, here it is.
I like to tease about the Rickeybird being a typical male, wants more attention than he's willing to give. So when we're snuggling, he "preens" two hairs in my bangs, then bows his head for "his turn". I'll do a generous amount of ruffling and preening and smoothing, then I stop and bow my head. You guessed it... two "feathers" and he's done... his turn again!!!!!!! So when friends or relatives tease a guy about not being fair or such, they remind him of the two-feather-theory!
DISCLAIMER: Okay, I apologize for the sexist joke, and I acknowledge that my opinions are not those of the management here or their sponsors! Peace!
So I was sitting on the porch with Screech on my chest and I fell asleep. When I woke up, she was I know what I sound like when I'm snoring!:orange:
Plummer, too funny!
They hold up a noise-mirror to us, don't they?
I have a hideous whinny-giggle. I hear it often...
Sassi likes to sit in her food dish like a nest. She's very content in there. Every so often a foot will pop up holding a pellet. She gives it a head tilt and a look and chucks it overboard. Goof.
I decided it was time to do some clicker training with my little cinnamon, Kiwi.

For those of you not familiar with initially "loading" the clicker, the first training session with your pupil should go something like this:

click/click ... give treat
click/click ... give treat
click/click ... give treat

Repeat this process until your "littah grasshoppah" immediately brightens up and looks to you with anticipation for a treat as soon as s/he hears the 'click/click'.

At that point you know the clicker is "loaded" and you are ready to go.

Depending upon the species & breed, it can take quite a few times & sometimes multiple sessions (like horses - lol) before the light goes on and the association is made between the clicker and getting a treat.


This is how my first session went with Kiwi.

Click/Click ... Sunflower Seed
(I Wait for her to finish eating)
Click/Click ... Sunflower Seed
(I Wait for her to finish eating)
Click/Click ... Sunflower Seed
(I Wait for her to finish eating)
Click/Click ... Sunflower Seed
(I Wait for her to finish eating)
Click/Click ... Sunflower Seed

(I start waiting and ...)

KIWI eagerly eats half of the seed, throws down the rest... looks at me while bobbing her head:


[Then I die of laughter!]

Clicker Loaded!

Oh, and yes... there is MORE.

She LOVES dried Mango pieces. But instead of just offering her mango, I decided to put dried papaya, a few nibbles of popcorn nutriberries, a couple blueberry yogurt covered sunflower seeds, and some peanut pieces into the mix - intending to rotate the treat a bit so she wouldn't know exactly which treat she was going to get (she likes them all).

So this is how it goes down... (Note: I am skipping the parts where I asked her to do something and just showing how she reacted to the click/treat).

Click/Click Dried Mango Bite
(Kiwi eagerly chows down some Mango deliciousness)

Click/Click Dried Mango Bite
(Kiwi eagerly chows down some Mango deliciousness)

Click/Click Dried Papaya Bite
- Kiwi looks at me like, Wait... Whaaaa?

Rejects the Papaya

Me (laughing):
Offers Popcorn Nutriberry

Picks up Popcorn Nutriberry and tosses it aside.

Me (laughing harder):
Offers Blueberry Yogurt Covered Sunflower Seed

Grabs said Blueberry Yogurt Sunflower Seed and THROWS it DOWN...
Gives me a bit of a glare and ...


... I gave her the Mango.
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Why are there only 13 pages on this topic? Seriously, people are holding out on us. Funny. Conure. Pretty cut and dry.
My budgie named Rocky is a very hyper bird. I usually let him out of his cage from time to time. And he gets very excited and so he rooms all around the house till he finds my dog (usually laying down sleeping) and starts to tease him by pulling his hair. My dog at first he will let him pull his hair until he had enough and wakes up and start to run after Rocky they are such fun when they are together and they both get along pretty well.
It is funny how I got my pet bird Beeker...
I was on my way to the humane society to look at the dogs, but I couldn't find it so I decided to go to CARE, Center of Avian Rehabilitation and Education, no dogs there but I thought it would just be fun to hold some birds instead of just going home. but as I was walking around, this bird started yelling at me for attention, so I started to talk to her and asked to hold her, she was so cute, cuddly, playful, comfortable, funny and so sweat. I started to forget about getting a dog and decided to come back the next day, I came prepared to bring her home if she was right for me, I held other birds just to be sure, but Beeker just stood out to me and soo I got her and well, it was the best choice ever! I love her so much she is the best thing ever, I am glad it all worked out so well!
Something my babies did that I thought was funny, was when it was 'play time' and they were out of the cage.
They have a jingle ball they hate and attack, and I put it on top of the cage for them to go crazy with. I can't remember what I was doing at the time, but I turned around to look at them, and Chi Chi was clinging to the side of the cage (shes more of a monkey then a conure) and Vinny, who was on the top of the cage, rolled the ball over to Chi Chi, pushing it over the edge, so it fell and 'booped' her on the head. All the while Vinny watched his evil action while peering over the cage and purring at Chi Chi, who had a ball-bomb dropped on her!
i just brought home a new GCC (his name is Clover)a few days ago, and he was really shy. So I was just building his trust with me and sat around him. I read that he might me a little scared of eating treats from your hand, but he was not. The moment i showed him a millet ball and a sunflower seed to see which he liked better, he snatched the ball of millet with such attitude. Then, when i tried to pet him, he simply turned around with that same hilarious attitude with his head held high:rainbow1:
I call this story "I fought the ball and the ball won." Bane the Sun Conure in my avatar loves to play ball on his back. Sometimes he will be on his back holding two balls as though he can juggle. In his cage he has 2 ladders and 2 shelves. He was on his back playing with the ball then went on the ladder that is about 4 inches wide and played ball on his back on there he got so involved in his playing that he just rolled off the ladder then walked over to the side of the cage where I was and look at me as if he wanted to know what the heck just happened. It was soooo funny and the best part is I caught most of it on video.

I demand to see this video! It sounds like the cutest thing ever
My little Yoda is pretty darn smart. I'm sure I'm totally biased of course, but he has learned many tricks and he's only 6 months old. So far we've got him potty trained to only go on his perch-stand or play-gym (typically he has 2 or 3 'accidents' per week, nobody's perfect). He will come fly to me when I call "Yoda, come here!" and he will fly to his perch when I point and say "Go to your perch!".

So far I've taught him 3 tricks. First one we taught him was to wave his foot. We wave a hand at him and say either "Hi Yoda!" or "Use the Force Yoda!" and he will raise his little foot, and then eagerly await his treat.
Second one I taught him was "Danglebird" where I hold a treat under him and he dangles down to get it. SUPER cute!
Third trick I taught him was to turn around (like a little pirouette) when I circle my hand around him and say "Turn around!"

But now, I think we've reached maximum capacity on tricks for the little guy. My husband was trying to teach him to bob his head up and down, which is something he already does frequently when he wants attention, NOT on command. So to teach the trick, whenever we see him bob his head, we give him the command "Rock and Roll!" and move a hand up and down to associate with the trick. It's not working though. My husband gives Yoda the command "Rock and roll!" and moves his hand up and down, and Yoda instantly stops bobbing and just starts doing every trick he knows one after the other, eagerly trying to earn the treat. So there he is, turning in circles, waving his foot, dangling, turning in circle again, waving his foot, and doing everything BUT bobbing his head as he eagerly looks for his treat. Naturally, it's too darn cute and he's trying SO hard that we have to just laugh and give him the treat anyway...

So now apparently "Rock and Roll" means we want him to dance all around and look really cute... good enough! :D
I was on the couch yesterday and Ro, my Green Cheek was napping in my lap. I was nodding off as well and since I couldn't roll, flip or otherwise harm Ro while asleep I just shut my eyes. I awake to find a green ball of floof in my face. Ro had decided to join me and climbed up me to get all snuggly by my face! She just sleeps there for another 5 minutes before attacking my glasses!:gcc:This silly green bean!


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Syd the Houdini!

Houdini once told his family that if there was a way back he would find it. Well I think he has Syd!

I was happily eating breakfast and occasionally chatting with Syd as he ate his first chop of the day. I was engrossed, if I'm honest , in something on my PC so I guess my responses would be considered a bit perfunctory and I realise now that Syd was in no way satisfied with that level of attention. Suddenly he arrived on my shoulder and nipped my ear.

I couldn't have been more surprised! Further investigation - and it took me a while - discovered that I had inadvertently left the roof of his cage unfastened when cleaning the night before. Now my wisdom had told me that it would be far too heavy for a little feather duster to open, but he had and crawled out of the gap.

LESSON 5000. Check, double check and don't assume anything with this little determined, feisty, lovable, annoying cheeky little chap!
I have shelves right above my bed.


Please ignore the ironic fuzzy handcuffs, as they are not relevant to the story. The sheet is... well. You'll see why I added the sheet. These shelves hold books, though. And before the sheet... both my conure and my cockatiel were chewing said books.

I knew they were doing it. I knew, but I didn't stop them because I was too lazy. It's too late to regret.

Every morning, I let my birds out when my timed lights turn on, which is about 7am. Then if I'm still tired I go back to sleep. Well, this morning my conure flew straight to her book pile above my bed to play...

I woke up that morning with the feeling of something landing on my face. Of course I was sleepy... I picked up the offending material and tried to process what it was... bits of magazine. It took me a while to process that, but eventually I looked up... I made eye contact with her, standing on her pile of torn magazine bits which she'd been collecting for weeks... and then, with a cheerful squeak, she broke eye contact to scoop more paper on my face.

I can't describe with words the betrayal I felt that day. She knew what she was doing... she locked eyes w me... She was aiming.

Then I put the sheet up.
My cinnamon greenie absolutely loves to dig in my potted plants (aloe is the only ones she can get to). She isn’t neat about it either: POTTING SOIL EVERYWHERE. And I don’t let her do it for too long for fear of ingesting the dirt (I only use organic soil with no additives now because of this). I’ll usually go collect my mischievious little gremlin, and out her back on her play top or take her with me in whatever chore I’m doing and that’s the end of it. Well, one day she decided that every chance she got, she would be digging into and eating my aloe. Back to the cage she would go. I even moved her cage away so she would have to fly to the plant stand (she isn’t a confident flier and even without her wings clipped, she would stay out rather than take off). I’d be out of line of sight : back to knocking pots over. Several times this happened. I would tell her “no more digging!” And put her back. The last time I caught her craning her little head to see if I was gone, then flew right back into the pots! I popped around the corner and said “caughtcha!” and she stopped mid-dig, her tail in the air, one foot up, beak in the dirt, looking at me like “ummmm, it’s not what it looks like mom!” She looked so comical I couldn’t even be mad :)

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