Funny conure stories

Recently I had to quarantine all of my birds at the vet's office in order to bring them with me to Hawaii. There was only one vet within driving distence who would do it for me, but it just so happened that he quarantined them in the kitten ward with all the new kittens - Flick, my GCC learned to make newborn kitten noises, even though she has never picked up any other sounds. She made them for a few days after I picked her up, and has not made them since!
Last Saturday I found Pat, a GCC and brought (him/her, going to see the vet next month to find out what sex Pat is) home with me. When ever I'm home, I'll leave the cage open so Pat can get out. The other day I was in the shower and I heard Pat playing in the cage. Next thing you know I hear Pat's voice getting closer. I looked out of the shower and there was Pat, looking up at me like, why did you leave me alone.
Had snuggles(YBGCC) for three weeks and last night was funny. She threw up in my me, which I read was a sign of "love" and then ran straight to my lady backed up in her and pooped! After she ran under my neck and snuggled
My very first little GCC that I had was a right little comedian! Cheeky had a very large vocabulary and even learned to put sentences together on her own. Her favourite person in the house was my son, and when he was home she would call him constantly. She could say his full name - Dominic - and Dom would answer her until he got bored. The one afternoon he had stopped answering her we heard the following - "Dominic - Cheeky - COME!!!!" The come was uttered in exactly my voice of impatience! Well needless to say we all collapsed with laughter and Cheeky got her way, Dominic came to her and put her on his shoulder and went back to do his home work.

We had a little ritual each evening and morning when I used to cover/uncover her. The funniest was in the morning. I used to come up to her in the morning and start whispering to her - "Good morning Cheeky" and ask her if she wanted a scratch. She would cuddle right up to me and ask for scratches. I would then say "no biting" and then I would get a nip! Followed by Cheeky laughing! Luckily it was only a love bite, but those little love bites could still hurt at times.

I lost her a few years ago, but I miss her so much! We came home from work one afternoon, and she lay dead in the bottom of her cage. We did not know why, and to this day it bugs me. She was perfectly fine in the morning.
Hello everyone! My name is Nancy I have a beautiful Sun Conure I named Ellie.
I got her when she was 4months and she has brought me nothing but smiles and happiness. I wanna share a video I made a couple years ago she is 3 now and I am working on new videos for her YouTube channel. [ame=]Ellie Bird - YouTube[/ame]
Last night I was working on a Psychology paper and Picasso was sitting on my shoulder. Well I had to move the chair closer to the computer. In the process of moving the chair i had to yank the chair which spooked Picasso who proceeded to fly and then land on the top of my head. Of course my mother used this as a good time to instead of trying to get Picasso off my head to take a picture and post it on Facebook. LOL
Our little cinnamon GCC, Peep, is being potty trained to go over the garbage can or wherever we tell him. Anyway, in the am he is doing well - but when he goes, he nearly falls into the can when relieving himself. He seems perturbed afterwards!
My skitz does that to he even checks the corners of my eyes. Aint they just wonderful. He wont bite anywhere on my face.
Okay, I have a funny story.
Noodle, my half-moon conure, has a small vocabulary. She says "Skippy" (my dog's name), "Monica" (my name), "Hi Noodle", "Get in the box" (back when my dog had a crate we used to say this a lot), and she mimics laughing.
She also likes to jumble up her words and say things in different order.
So imagine my face when she tells me one day, "Get in the Monica!"
Excuse me! That was really rude of you, Noodle!
(She's discovered that it gets a reaction out of me, so she says it quite often now. It's hilarious.)
My GCC and I were playing and she bit me too hard, so I raised my voice a bit and told her to be nice.
She walked backwards to the edge of the desk and shat right on my lap.
He started french kissing me today.... hahaha! I have NO IDEA what hes trying to do, but he flew to my shoulder and when I started talking to him he touched his beak to my lip and started licking me for like 3 solid minutes then would back up and stare at me like he was expecting something. Crazy bird haha (i made sure he didn't get any of my saliva)
I only give my conure Tazzy seed mix outside his cage as a treat once a day. He was on an all seed diet for eight years at the pet store and he's a seed junkie. So now that he only gets it once a day, he takes a bath in his water bowl and then literally rolls in his seed mix which sticks to his soaking wet feathers. Apparently he's trying to "save some for later" back in his cage :) This photo is pretty mild, after just one roll in the seed bowl, it gets worse than that sometimes hehe :) This is a regular daily activity for him, I have no idea why.

Silly bird, this may not be as funny to you experienced bird owners but for me this just tickled me to death. I just recently bought a sleep tent for my Jackie and she didnt seem to care for it too much, so I started to wonder if I was going to return it.. Then I noticed she had began plucking at it and I guess making it her own..I feared that I couldnt return it bc she had plucked at it (I had not seen her in it yet) Well I go to her cage earlier to see her tail feathers and I peaked around the other side to see Jackie all fluffed up and loving on the walls of her new tent LOL It was the funniest thing ive seen her do.. Then we shared a homemade fruit smoothie to which she doesnt share well.. kept sticking her beak in the cup as I was drinking my turn lol I do believe Im growing fond of this feathered being (and thats saying something if youve read my first few threads lol) :orange::D
When I sing to music, especially hip hop or rap, orion bobs and sways and screams like he is trying to have a duet.. lol
My first funny story and I wasn't even there. My dad is taking care CJ, my turquiose GCC, while I'm on vacation this week. On Saturday evening, Dad was sitting with him on the couch and CJ started playing with his watch. The next morning he wakes up and realizes he's almost late for church. CJ had changed the time while playing with the watch.
When I congratulate Kyo on pooping in the right place, or when I ask her to dance, she lets out the loudest scream she can and bobs her head in excitement. "Poopie!!" is her favourite word to say… or rather, scream at the top of her lungs.
Pumpkin has started grabbing his bell with his foot and talking into the bell like a microphone. I think he can hear his own voice bouncing back to him but im only guessing. It is absolutely adorable! Does anyone else have a fid who likes to do this?

It goes something like this except Pumpkin says actual words.
[ame=""]Cockatoo Discovers that a cup makes his voice sound different - YouTube[/ame]
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Rudy has a limited vocabulary, as conures aren't big talkers, but he has begun to improvise on his name. He knows "Hi Rudy" but he will improvise on that with "Hi Rudeep," "Hi Rudina," "Hi Ru," "Hi Rudeener". Often he will list them off. It is funny when he gets going.

Another Rudy story is he has a large bell in his cage that hangs from a plastic chain. it hangs about his height off the floor of the cage. When he is feisty he will climb down and crouch down, then stand up so the bell is on his head like a WWI helmet. And he'll begin to vocalize. Its hilarious.
Haha! Ann33, that cockatoo is named Harley and has her (yes, she's a girl) own instagram account named "Harleythecockatoo." She's HILARIOUS. Yelling in cups is only the least of her antics!
Probably the funniest thing Basil does is play soccer. She has these little plastic balls as foot toys and we leave them on the bottom of her cage. She'll go down there and kick/shove them around with both her feet and beak and chase them wildly, running and screaming gleefully as she goes. It's soooo funny. She also will bang them on the cage just for the noise of it and she throws them off the edge of the cage and waits for me to pick them up. Sometimes I wonder who's training who!
Well my Zelda (Cinnamon GCC) is very closely bonded with me to the point she tends to ignore my wife. We adopted her from a pet store at the age of 5 days before she would be given to a shelter. She didn't really stand out and people were picking suns and black capped conures over her but I fell in love with her immediately.

Whenever I come home, Zelda wants to be let out of her cage first, and then it's instantly shoulder time where nothing can distract her from getting up on my shoulder. Once she's there she sits next to my ear and quacks to me for around ten minutes, like she's telling me how her day was. I think her little quack is the cutest and I have heard the same noise from multiple conures before. After that she usually has dinner on her perch near my computer while I get dinner ready and clean up around the house. Whenever I play games on my computer she walks down my arm and sits on my mouse hand, quietly watching the game except for little interjections of quacks when she likes something.

I never thought I would end up so close to a bird!

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