Funny conure stories

It is hilarious whey they imitate us, they know we think it's funny and they continue for ages. Only problem, when you mom tells you to "SSSSSSSHHHHH" now, you will probably ignore her LoL. :D

I would love to see Kiwi dancing and bopping his head, clever boy to learn that on his own.
We all know that conures are the most destructive (well mine are in any case) Peaches and Pie have got the biggest cage from all my birds ( it takes up most of my room) and it is full of toys, yet no matter what there is one perch in particular which they keep on biting at. Finally it was almost non existent, one evening, while both of them were sitting on it, the perch finally gave up the ghost. We heard this big bang, turned around and saw both of them on the floor. Panicking in case they were hurt we open the cage door, they climb up look at us, puff up and start laughing ( at this point please note that they have always copied us laughing if we laugh. or copy a cough if they hear us cough but this was the first time they laughed at their own accord) it was too funny.
The other funny incident was when I first got them and my mom in law came around
She is very snobbish, person. She went on and on about what a big mistake we are making and how her other son has one, it just screeches and bites.
The last thing she said was and they dont ever talk
Peaches had been hanging against the cage staring at her for most of this tirade (she is one of those where you cant get a word in edgewise and you keep hoping she will stop for breath) and when she did stop he said the most clear i have ever heard him speak
HELLO and then did a little dance
I promise you he stole my heart that day. There were 5 people in the room that day and everyone heard him clearly. My in law didnt speak to us for a week. LOL
On Calypso's 4th day here she was sitting in the shop with us when "a know it all" came in. He started telling us what we should and shouldn't be doing which was meant with the best intentions but it soon became apparent that he thought "a bird was a bird". He's kept pigeons and budgies you see....

Anyway, he told us the best way to get anything done was to "break the birds spirit".

I just smiled politely. All the while Cal was eyeing him up from her perch sitting beside me eating a grape and when he said that, she jumped over and up to his face and let out the hugest scream.

His face was a picture.

Pigeons indeed.
My conure decides to take baths when we run the vacuum. I think he's secretly trying to electrocute us.

And! He laughs at misfortune a lot. Say if I trip, he'll laugh like he knows what it means to make fun of someone. He probably learned that from my fiancee laughing at me when I do something stupid.
Like tracks in a slaughter house

I learned a lesson today about the side effect of one of the foods I've given to my daughter's Sun Conure Nigel. I've been experimenting with various fruits and vegetables and have learned what he likes and what he doesn't like. Today I learned what "I" don't like. I don't like the after effect of Nigel eating blackberries. The red juice gets on his foot when he holds the berry. As he paces up and down the perch he leaves tracks of red on the wood. When I first saw this I thought he'd hurt himself. Ha!
Nest robber!

I have caught Pepe in the act of going into the budgies nest box and kicking Marie and Jerry out. haha funny this is he barely fits in there.
This morning my Sun, Mango, woke me up at 6 am squawking away. He always sleeps in for me and waits for me to get up to feed him, but today he was being cranky. So I stumbled into the office where his cage was, filled up his food dish, and went to leave the room to go back to bed. Just as I about had the door shut, I heard a "thank you!" come from the cage. I was blown away because he's never said that before. He must have picked it up from me saying it to him when he gives me kisses. Made me feel a little better about getting up early on my day off.
I think our green cheek conure may love the movie Rio as much as we do. We've been watching it and every time the music starts playing he will get up right next to the speaker and start dancing and making a big ole fuss. He has not done this so far to any other movie we have played. Just the one about birds. Go figure!
My GCC Moxie loves the sound effects when my hubby plays Call of Duty. (War game) She has learned the sound of the machine gun and when he hasn't played in awhile she will make that sound very loudly until he plays, even if it's only for a few minutes. The other day our border collie was herding the cat in the living room and Moxie started to "shoot" him. She didn't do it when it was just him in the room, only when he was in that BC stalk behind one of the cats. :D
:green2::pMy little Booma is so cute. She will chase you around her little cardboard box on the floor and then crawl right up into your arms. If you lay on the bed with her she crawls up into your armpit and she will let you scratch under her wing to which she flips herself onto her back and grabs your finger with her foot lol so adorable!
My boyfriend and I have a bird named Guavo. It fits the guys with all the cute, silly acts he does all the time that make me smile. But when I think of Guavo, the thought that comes to mind that makes him so special to me and unique even from all other animals is how loving he can be.

I recall a time when I was feeling quite sad and felt very alone. At that moment of sadness, my little guy came and snuggled up close against my chin and my neck and gave me many kisses, tongue included:) He was sweet and kind. Guavo continues to be that kind of bird. A couple days ago when I was worn out and recently returned home from work we rested our eyes together-well, I rested my eyes while Guavo burrowed and slept under my neck, burrowed in my hair 30minutes later, burrowed in my arms a little later. I am so fortunate to have my little Guavo, my sweet little feathered friend.
Apple just pooped in my hair... Lol!
Hahah I keep waiting for Rio to do that to me! She loves to sit on top of my head, but I won't ever let her because I don't want a poop perm.

He used to always hang out on my head but then I just recently stopped letting him, this was the first time. Maybe he was getting me back for not letting him do what he wants.
Fell asleep with the bird cage open, & bright & early 7am Gambi flies over to my pillow. I'm thinking (well as straight as one can think 1st thing in the morning) "Aw how cute, what a nice way to wake up" & then he does his little shimmy & drops a duece on my sheets! For those of you who don't know first-thing-in-the-morning-dookeys are larger than normal daytime dookeys hahaha, well anyway- definitely ruined my good morning mood. It happened so quick too imagine it lol

Gambi- comes over
Me- awww *sleepy eyes*
Him- Shimmy, *PLOP*
Me- uuhgggG! *shoves face back in pillow*
Gambi- *flies away* (probably laughing hysterically to himself) LOL

River has a circular rope swing that hangs by a metal ring. River loves to climb up onto the top of the swing either by walking upside down on the cage ceiling, or by a nearby perch. Anyway, when he gets to the top of the swing, he hangs on tight, leans, and lets the swing spin through the metal ring spinning him upside down. He's done it before, but it seems like he's been doing it repeatedly today. It's like his own personal amusement park ride! lol.
Whenever my mom pulls the cover off of the birds' cages in the morning, she says "good morning!" to them.

Noodle recently has been trying to say "good morning" but it just sounds like "GAMAMA!" lol!
I put Halo down on my bed this morning so I could get ready for work, I put on my watch and turned around to see him gone. Completely disappeared. But I could still hear the little grunting noise conures make, so I checked under the bed, pulled off the covers and just when I got to the pillows, I see some green tail feathers sticking out from under them...
I don't know if I can tell this one because it involves my Nanday, who I admit has a potty mouth sometimes. Don't let your birds watch soap operas while you are at work or it may develop a new and unwanted vocabulary! Oh well, it's too late, she's learned every one she's ever heard.

Anyway, 2 years ago I had to leave my job and go on disability. Also, my fiance broke up with me. I was very depressed and hadn't had a dog or cat for awhile. I needed something furry to cuddle with and sleep with. I had one barn cat left of all the cats that have been dumped here over the years, so I let her in the house.

A couple days later, the cat was up very early in the morning and trying to play with the Nanday around the cage cover. I took the cover off and said to the cat, "Now you leave her alone." Well, I guess Rowdy (Nanday) thought I was talking to her. She said, in the most innocent little voice, "It's a b****, I can't help it." She used the word that rhymes with witch. I almost fell on the floor laughing!
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This one involves my recently departed Blue Crown, Briana. Bri was a very loud and clear talker, who actually sounded human. I was having DSL installed for the computer and the phone jack was next to and beneath her cage. The man from the phone company was down there wiring it up, and Bri climbed down to see. Loudly she asks, "Whatcha doin?" and I answered, "He's fixing the computer." This guy jumped so high, it was like a cartoon. He looked at me, then looked at the bird and cracked up. I think she made his day.

She also made the day of a salesman who was trying to sell me another aerial photograph of my little farm. This is very popular in rural areas and every few years, one shows up. I told him he had to ask Briana if she liked it. So he showed her the picture and she trilled out, "Prrreeettttyyy!" I said, well since Bri wants it, I'll guess I'll buy it. He was so thrilled he kept showing her other pictures in his portfolio but she didn't say much about those. He wanted to know why and i said, well, she doesn't know those houses. Before he left though he said, "I really enjoyed meeting you and your bird! You're both very funny!"

I miss Bri so much. I still can't tell her stories without crying.

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