Funny conure stories

So I put Yoshi(GCC) to bed an hour ago and I wasn't tired yet so I'm browsing the internet. I sneezed and all I hear from his cage is a quiet little chirp. Like when you wake someone up real fast they say something unintelligible and go right back to sleep.

well lets hear em ... ill start ... our green cheek conures all call themselves sweetheart , but crash took well to the ringer on my cell phone , it says in a cartoon style voice , ring ringring ring ringring ring ring aaaaa rrrraaaa AIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEE ... so i sat one day for an hour just me an him and i caught it on my phone , so i kinda got him doing it all the time ...
daisys african grey loves whistles ... growing on a farm i always wanted to whistle reallly loud like my dad ... finally learned how to really well last month ... 24 years later a 15yr old kid showed me how ... anyways she got it from me and does it when shes really excited , usually to wake me in the morn ... its gonna be so funny when daisy kicks me out , so her and that dragon of a bird , can have their own time ... she snuggles an BAM ... loud whistle rite in her ear ...
just tell em sad , funny , cute , whatever ... later guys me
I was just in the other room and my Gcc is in the den playing on the mantle on top of a picture.....IN a few minutes I hear Forrest saying "I love you, I love you, I love you" over and over and over......that is his flock call so I finally go into the den, .........well when I go back into the den he has knocked the picture frame over and he is dancing all over that area of the mantle still saying "I love you" over and over which interpreted means "mama I screwed up". I couldn't help but laugh he looked like a nervous child doing the tee tee dance saying I'm sorry. I can't believe they can be such a hoot. You know what they are thinking even when they speak BIRD. LOL
My green cheek Loki is so smart. When we got him the pet store told us they don't talk, which was fine. Anyway we got a quaker Otis about 3 months later. We always talked to Loki but he only made squeaks. Now he has learned to say "Are you being a good boy" and you can understand him pretty well. Well every night when I cover him he screams a little. (He would like to stay up all night) Anyway when he does that I tell him that its not that bad and my husband responds with yes it is. The other night, same routine he screamed I told him its not that bad and plain as day he said "Yes it is". If my husband wasn't there to hear he wouldn't have believed me. He is an amazing bird. You guys are right non bird owners would never understand.
Well I have a toy related stories

When i first brought My green cheek Kiki out ot play on her cage I put small toys on top so she wouldn't get bored. I now don't do that and keep the bigger toys on top and the smaller toys below. The reason why....Every time I put small toys on top of her cage she picks them up and throws them off. I didn't really mind at first because she would usually to that when I'm around and she would do it every 10 mins or so and everytime she did do it i would pick them up. But then she started throwing them off like crazy cuz she knew I would pick them up. It was really funny cuz the second I put the toy on her cage she would run to it and throw it off almost as if mocking me lol.

She also has this toy that consists of 4 plastic rings together followed by a bell. And man does she hate that thing. Every time I bring it up to her she hits the bell with her beck and then the bell would come back and hit her back. So she hits it again and it hits her back. It gets to a point were it looks like she is playing "tag your it" with the the damn thing. And it is the funniest thing cuz she never stops. When I move the toy away she follows it and starts chirping at it and I'm just like ....really?? Lol
i brought paco the apocalypse to live with our family last feb. before us he lived with my niece who did not have a cat. now the paco is 5 years old and has always flown but i wanted to make certain we wouldnt have any mishaps while he was getting to know us so i clipped his wings. the little guy was furious when he found he could not fly, he squawked super loud and was really letting us know how mad he was. the cat (who had been eyeballing him for a few days and making paco nervous) was soundly sleeping despite the noise. paco attempted another flight, could only glide a few feet and landed on the floor. he was stomping all around and decided to take his frustration out on the poor cat. after the attack the cat never expressed interest in paco again.
p.s. now he flies around safely but is still really noisy
i have a nanday conure. he was on my shoulder while i was drinking a glass of orange juice. whenever i drink something he tilts his head back and makes a swallowing gesture to indicate the he wants some of what i'm having lol. so this day i let him have a few sips. after his 5th or 6th sip, while the glass is still tilted, he hops on the rim, gets really fluffed up and dives his whole body in the cup lol. the little guy wanted to take a bath in orange juice haha that was so funny
My little Green Cheek conure Max (RIP) was my best friend. He made my life bright everyday with his crazy, cuddliness. A few stories about my little guy.

Max was extremely talkative for the average GCC. He would say, "What cha doin?" He would get louder and louder if you didnt respond. He would say, "Hey cutie." He was able to to say, "Can I have a kiss? Thankyou. Your welcome. Good bird." All in one sentence.

He would stay up until midnight when I got home from work and would fly over to me and TELL me how his day was. Then nibble on my earlobes. Attempt to regurgitate food for me. And then crawl into my hoodie and fall asleep.

He would scream at the microwave anytime he heard popcorn popping. He loved popcorn.

He would only eat brocolli if it was steamed.

He would help himself to my cereal when I wasn't looking. If I turned around he would kiss my bowl and act like he wasnt trying to steal my breakfast.

He loved car rides and would talk to the cars as they drove by with his "What cha doin."

He would sit on the shower rod and talk to me. He would throw a fit if he couldnt be in the bathroom with me while I took a shower.

I would put him on his poop perch and tell him to "Go Poop" He would do his little poop dance and PRETEND to poop. I would ask him, "did you go poop?" and he would shake his head and say, "Yep, yep yep."

He used to rip my drawing pencils or pens out of my hand and play with them. He poked me in the eye one time when he was flinging them around.

so many other great stories and moment with that little bird. He shall be missed forever. I still think about him everyday and expect him to fly over to me when I get home from work. He flys to me in spirit.
My little Green Cheek conure Max (RIP) was my best friend. He made my life bright everyday with his crazy, cuddliness. A few stories about my little guy.

Max was extremely talkative for the average GCC. He would say, "What cha doin?" He would get louder and louder if you didnt respond. He would say, "Hey cutie." He was able to to say, "Can I have a kiss? Thankyou. Your welcome. Good bird." All in one sentence.

He would stay up until midnight when I got home from work and would fly over to me and TELL me how his day was. Then nibble on my earlobes. Attempt to regurgitate food for me. And then crawl into my hoodie and fall asleep.

He would scream at the microwave anytime he heard popcorn popping. He loved popcorn.

He would only eat brocolli if it was steamed.

He would help himself to my cereal when I wasn't looking. If I turned around he would kiss my bowl and act like he wasnt trying to steal my breakfast.

He loved car rides and would talk to the cars as they drove by with his "What cha doin."

He would sit on the shower rod and talk to me. He would throw a fit if he couldnt be in the bathroom with me while I took a shower.

I would put him on his poop perch and tell him to "Go Poop" He would do his little poop dance and PRETEND to poop. I would ask him, "did you go poop?" and he would shake his head and say, "Yep, yep yep."

He used to rip my drawing pencils or pens out of my hand and play with them. He poked me in the eye one time when he was flinging them around.

so many other great stories and moment with that little bird. He shall be missed forever. I still think about him everyday and expect him to fly over to me when I get home from work. He flys to me in spirit.

we've all had that one special bud that was unique and that was one of a kind. mine happened to be a cockatiel. loved that little guy. i was 9 years old when i had him. every morning he would find a way to get on top of my bed to be with me while i slept. we didnt close his cage door or anything at night. but every morning i kid you not i would wake up to him being on the corner of my mattress sleeping lol. smartest bird ever in my eyes. he was unique and one of a kind. i would go on and on but i dont wanna be flamed for talking about a cockatiel in a conure forum lol
During Titus's first week with us, he was still getting used to his cage, using his beak and feet. He'd shown no interest in baths.

I got home one day to witness Titus losing his grip and falling in to his water bowl. He got out and for the next few hours strutted around his cage making very grumpy noises. I think he was embarrassed but tried masking it with grumpiness :P His tantrum was very funny.

Also, he now loves baths (but is very careful to hang on to the side of the bowl very tightly).

well lets hear em ... ill start ... our green cheek conures all call themselves sweetheart , but crash took well to the ringer on my cell phone , it says in a cartoon style voice , ring ringring ring ringring ring ring aaaaa rrrraaaa AIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEE ... so i sat one day for an hour just me an him and i caught it on my phone , so i kinda got him doing it all the time ...
daisys african grey loves whistles ... growing on a farm i always wanted to whistle reallly loud like my dad ... finally learned how to really well last month ... 24 years later a 15yr old kid showed me how ... anyways she got it from me and does it when shes really excited , usually to wake me in the morn ... its gonna be so funny when daisy kicks me out , so her and that dragon of a bird , can have their own time ... she snuggles an BAM ... loud whistle rite in her ear ...
just tell em sad , funny , cute , whatever ... later guys me
This might be funny for some people. Yesterday my sister was playing with our sun conure(kiki) and she was using a blanket. She was covering kiki and kiki moved back so she doesn't get cover. Then she flew on top of the blanket then my sister pull the blanket back and kiki was on top of it and kiki just grabed on. The fun part is that when my sister was done playing, my bird got her back. After she left the blanket aside she flew righ to my sister bite her a couple of times. Like 'where is your blanket now' take this you was funny cause we were thinking that kiki was playing with the blanket but kiki got real angry. A++
We own a sun conure and a jenday. One is female and the other is male, since we don't want to breed we have kept them seperated. Their cages are next to each other. Lately every day that we leave for work we have baggie tied our Sun's door shut and every day she chews through the ties and at the same time our jenday has learned to lift open his door long enough to escape (he is a pretty smart cookie). We have come home to him in her cage, and the cutest was when we snuck in and saw her preening him through his cage. They never leave the vicinity of their cages, so we haven't feeaked out too much, but we can't deny the cuteness!
Luckily I close our blinds in the evening. I'm sure all you could hear outside some nights is incessant laughing, but if you were inside, you'd see me...playing peek a boo, hide and go seek, pop goes the weasel, etc. with my whole body, toys, hands, fingers with Alice and Drake. It's too funny how they're just like children (especially Alice). Startle slightly, and then bounce like crazy and whistle for more, excitedly.
My sun conure Sunny was sitting on me one night and my dad was sitting next to me and sunny thinks he's the only guy allowed to be around me so he went over on my dad sat on his shoulder then pooped on him then flew back to me while laughing.

Then sunny like to laugh at me because i had woken up one night at about 1am and sunny sometimes wakes up when i open my bedroom door he isnt in my room but like 5 feet away from my door so i had closed my door then like 10 minites later i was still half asleep and i had forgotten that i had closed my bedroom door and i walked into my door and sunny starts laughing his butt off.

Sunny also thinks that anything i eat he has to eat so one day i was eatting popcorn while watching a movie with sunny and i had just started putting a piece of popcorn in my mouth when all of a sudden sunny charges over and yanks the piece of popcorn out of my mouth flew back to his cage while holding the popcorn in his mouth and starts eatting while staring at me. Then like 20 mins later he had flown back then he darted into the popcorn bag and stole another piece of popcorn so now i have to watch sunny to make sure he isnt about to raid my food when im eatting it.

We used to have a goffin cockotoo named tipper(my dad's bird) who died a year ago along with my double head yellow amazon parrot named tweety . while i walked by tipper one day and tipper had stuck his head out and rubbed my arm sunny who was in his cage at that moment started sqweaking then ignored me when i went over to his cage. he was mad cause he though tipper was flirting with me.
I was eating a muffins and browsing the forums, when Zora flies up to me, GRABS each eyelid with each of her feet, and tries to get the muffins out of my mouth. Bella crash-bombs over, lands IN my shirt accidentally, and tries to get out of the dark space I've 'trapped' her in. So I have one bird hanging onto my eyelids giving my lips multiple piercings, and the other actually inside my shirt hanging onto my tank top / undershirt. And Oliver is screaming through it all. Oh the joys of living with parrots... :D
I was eating a muffins and browsing the forums, when Zora flies up to me, GRABS each eyelid with each of her feet, and tries to get the muffins out of my mouth. Bella crash-bombs over, lands IN my shirt accidentally, and tries to get out of the dark space I've 'trapped' her in. So I have one bird hanging onto my eyelids giving my lips multiple piercings, and the other actually inside my shirt hanging onto my tank top / undershirt. And Oliver is screaming through it all. Oh the joys of living with parrots... :D

When I am with my birds, I am always grateful that I wear glasses. :)
Re:what to do!

I am trying to decide if I should get a sun conure or a green cheek conure. I have had birds before and I was kind of thinking in the future to breed them since I`m only 11 I know a lot about birds for my age I currently have 450 saved up for another bird wich one is cheaper and fun.
Ive got 2 GCC and they are total clowns 100% of the time. Ive got a male and female and they have very different characters which seems to make the things they do even more funny as they bounce so well off eachother. I have gone out and spent loads on 'parrot' toys and their fav toy is actually a dog rope hung in the cage which they love to hang upside down on, strip, talk to?? and hide behind. (safe) homemade toys are so much more fun for them than shop bought ones.

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