Funny conure stories

Roxynoodle, because of your post I am now not afraid to admit to having a foul-mouthed bird. My blue crowned conure Lincoln hated my ex-husband. My ex-husband hated Lincoln too because Lincoln used to scream for me all day long when I was away at work. Well, I guess my ex had enough of the screaming and cursed at Lincoln. I found out when Lincoln cussed me out one night, repeating to me what my ex undoubtedly said to him:

It was birdie bedtime, so the birds were in their cage and covered. I was still up watching TV in the living room adjacent to the bird cage. Lincoln likes his sleep to be nice and quiet. Guess he can dish out quite a bit of noise but cannot take it, because the TV disturbed him. In a low and disgusted-sounding voice he scolded me, "Awwwwww, shut the f*** up."

I apologized to Lincoln for the excessive TV noise, turned the TV volume way down low, and chuckled to myself. I love a bird that can speak his mind!!
I know me and friends/relatives are responsible for some of her cuss words, but she also says quite a few that I don't say. Then I realized they were saying them on the soap operas, and I said, ohhhh. But, honestly, this bird just knows it's a bad word and they appeal to her. If she hears it once, she learns it. Now she doesn't sit around cussing all day if anyone is thinking that. Something has cause her to do it. Like a stranger coming up to her cage and sticking their fingers in or playing with her toys.

I also have a friend that absolutely hates the birds and it's so obvious. Well, needless to say, they hate her, too. And that's when i learned the Nanday could say "F*** you." She said it to that friend 3x in a row a couple years ago.

My Blue Crown cussed only once, so really, I'm not a horrible, irresponsible bird owner, lol!
Oh, and yes, my ex-fiance is the one who taught her the "F you." As soon as I caught him doing that, I said, no, don't do that. She could outlive me and no one else is going to want her. She's bad enough already with what she's learned.

Well, I thought I had stopped him in time, but nope, like I said, that bird just picks them right up. It wasn't until a few months later that she said it to my friend and I knew she had learned it.
Your nanday sounds awesome : ) Did you know that Andrew Jackson's parrot attended his funeral but had to be removed because of its "colorful" language during the service? I guess you and I are in good company, roxynoodle!!
Your nanday sounds awesome : ) Did you know that Andrew Jackson's parrot attended his funeral but had to be removed because of its "colorful" language during the service? I guess you and I are in good company, roxynoodle!!

Actually I did, lol! I believe he had a Double Yellow Head Amazon.

Just like with 2 year old children, words that express anger or frustration are just particularly useful for certain, temperamental parrots. If they hear them, they will learn them. But, when you try to teach them "Pretty bird" it might takes months for them to pick it up!
Con's cage is in a corner right next to my bedroom window. I figured he'd like to perch in the sun when he can so I put a twistable rope perch on the side of his cage.

I just finished cleaning his cage and since it's such an unusually nice day out for December in Nebraska, I decided to open the window. I doubt Con's ever even smelled fresh air and he really seemed to enjoy the first few seconds in the cool breeze until my three cats crowded him and forced him back to the top of his cage.

Con fluffed up then ran down his cage and onto the perch with his beak wide open and stretched as far as he could to nip at the cat in the window. He was short by about an inch but the cat noticed him and leaned closer to smell the odd feathered thing reaching for him.

Con gave the cat a good tap on the nose with his beak and flapped his wings like he was about to take off. My cat fell from the sill and Con has had the window all to himself for the past ten minutes now. :)
Oh, and yes, my ex-fiance is the one who taught her the "F you." As soon as I caught him doing that, I said, no, don't do that. She could outlive me and no one else is going to want her. She's bad enough already with what she's learned.

Well, I thought I had stopped him in time, but nope, like I said, that bird just picks them right up. It wasn't until a few months later that she said it to my friend and I knew she had learned it.

LOL! I'd take a bird that can curse over a bird that can't anyday !! XD

these stories are hilarious! The worst Loqui says is shut up & my mother was mad that I taught him that. I told her I'm gonna teach him some curse words in Spanish just to make her mad hehe
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Today, while at my best friend's home, Con became a thief! My best friend had handed me a Girl Scout cookie and I asked to see the box to read the ingredients. While reading, Con scurried down my arm and to the hand holding the cookie. I felt a tug and looked down in time to see her rip off one whole side of the cookie! With her ill gotten gains in beak, she waddled back up my arm to eat on my shoulder. There was lots of squabbling as I tried to take her treat but I finally got what was left of it away and quickly popped it into my mouth. Guess humans aren't the only ones that go crazy for Girl Scout cookies :)
Today, while at my best friend's home, Con became a thief! My best friend had handed me a Girl Scout cookie and I asked to see the box to read the ingredients. While reading, Con scurried down my arm and to the hand holding the cookie. I felt a tug and looked down in time to see her rip off one whole side of the cookie! With her ill gotten gains in beak, she waddled back up my arm to eat on my shoulder. There was lots of squabbling as I tried to take her treat but I finally got what was left of it away and quickly popped it into my mouth. Guess humans aren't the only ones that go crazy for Girl Scout cookies :)

LOL. Our Guava does this, too. Look away for a sec, and she dives right in, steals whatever you were eating, and dashes!
I'm pretty sure Alice farts.

It's only when I hold her on her back and scratch her head. I know it's not beak grinding and, really, I'm fairly confident it's not coming from her mouth. Then, of course, she's ready to poop when she's back upright.
I'm pretty sure Alice farts.

It's only when I hold her on her back and scratch her head. I know it's not beak grinding and, really, I'm fairly confident it's not coming from her mouth. Then, of course, she's ready to poop when she's back upright.

Did you read my post about Rowdy farting the other night? I was concerned, lol! I'm glad it's not just mine:)
LOL! Drake is such a clown. For the longest time now, I've noticed he gets in their roudybush bowl and kicks the pellets around, or so I thought. I just thought he liked to pick the right pellet. Then, he started doing this awesome thing when we put the tray back in under the play top (took it out for a while). He will hold the edge of the tray and run. Fast. In one place. And usually does it directly under Alice's tail, but he'll do it anywhere. So, I record him shuffling around in the bowl today, and I was stealthy enough to get fairly close to see he was only pushing his head against the side of the bowl and running. Hahaha! Oh my gosh. I lost it. He's too funny. He eventually picks out a pellet, but only after about 10 minutes of running in it first. I haven't had a good laugh like that in a couple weeks!

I used to be a UPS driver and one day I was attempting a delivery of a package which required a signature. I rang the bell and a voice replied, "Who iiiiiis it?" I said, "It's UPS!"................................................... No answer, so I knocked and a voice replied, "Who iiiiiis it?" I said, "It's UPS, I have a package for you"................. No answer, so I said through the door "Hello?" and a voice replied "Who iiiiiis it?"............ And then it dawned on me. And I put a sticky on the door, turned around and said under my breath, "Stupid bird!"... knowing very well that I was the stupid one! :orange:

well lets hear em ... ill start ... our green cheek conures all call themselves sweetheart , but crash took well to the ringer on my cell phone , it says in a cartoon style voice , ring ringring ring ringring ring ring aaaaa rrrraaaa AIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEE ... so i sat one day for an hour just me an him and i caught it on my phone , so i kinda got him doing it all the time ...
daisys african grey loves whistles ... growing on a farm i always wanted to whistle reallly loud like my dad ... finally learned how to really well last month ... 24 years later a 15yr old kid showed me how ... anyways she got it from me and does it when shes really excited , usually to wake me in the morn ... its gonna be so funny when daisy kicks me out , so her and that dragon of a bird , can have their own time ... she snuggles an BAM ... loud whistle rite in her ear ...
just tell em sad , funny , cute , whatever ... later guys me

well lets hear em ... ill start ... our green cheek conures all call themselves sweetheart , but crash took well to the ringer on my cell phone , it says in a cartoon style voice , ring ringring ring ringring ring ring aaaaa rrrraaaa AIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEE ... so i sat one day for an hour just me an him and i caught it on my phone , so i kinda got him doing it all the time ...
daisys african grey loves whistles ... growing on a farm i always wanted to whistle reallly loud like my dad ... finally learned how to really well last month ... 24 years later a 15yr old kid showed me how ... anyways she got it from me and does it when shes really excited , usually to wake me in the morn ... its gonna be so funny when daisy kicks me out , so her and that dragon of a bird , can have their own time ... she snuggles an BAM ... loud whistle rite in her ear ...
just tell em sad , funny , cute , whatever ... later guys me
I have a couple. The other day Hiccup decided she didn't want to go to bed, so while I was cleaning out the pan at the bottom of her cage, she decided she would escape. Now Hiccup was clipped the day I met her by the breeder, so when she tried, she fluttered down near my closet and landed on the edge of my book shelf. She stayed their for a good few minutes, seeming very put out, especially when I didn't come to get her like I have done the past couple of times she's tried to fly since I got her cause I was sending the pic to Auntie Helitorian. So when I looked up at her, she had gotten off the bottom of the bookshelf and was waddling her way back over to me and when I still didn't pick her up, she crawled up my leg and cuddled against my stomach. I let her do this for a minute and then asked her to step up, which she did with out her normal protest, and then she went right into her snuggle hut, her adventure for the day over
Re: attacking bird please help

nandays are a very loyal but they are birds and very smart and can be taught I worked with one for over a year her name was penny her thing was before she would step up out of her cage she would bite and I mean bite always drawing blood then step up and be the sweetest bird you could imagine, and for this she was shunned by all customers who looked at her. so I started with my stick trick getting her to step up on a spoon handle which she would bite but getting no reaction she came out and spent time on my shoulder, then I would put her back and take her out 10 mins later this went on for almost a year until one day she stepped out and didn't bite six weeks later she sold to a lady who at last contact is deeply in love with her new friend. so work with your bird find her favorite treats reward on the good behavior she may never love you as she does your hubby she can learn that you are the bridge too him that she has to be nice to you or she doesn't get his attention if she is mean to you he should shun her and lavish attention on you where she can see and do this every time telling her no bite and cuddle you she will get the message that bad behavior towards you means no interaction with him. Birds are very social animals and will not tolerate a bully in the flock they will chase the offender to the outside of the group and gather around the picked on bird and comfort them. So you and your hubby have to be the teacher of the flock that bulling will not be tolerated.
Heres a video of a red lorry called Raven:and hers one of my first GCC
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