Bingo's upcoming vet appointment

Luna ate both pieces of cookie laced with medicine.
Not worried she got too much as I am sure there was some wastage (crumbs and stuff) but Merlin got what the little piggy got... None.

Here is a pic of Bingo and myself from this morning.
I am glad he is not holding all the bad treatment against me (going to vet. force feeding medication, and the dreaded towel).

Can you separate your pair for a short time, like put one bird on a stand, and feed them each the medicated treat away from each other?

I hope they are starting to do better. Bingo looks sleepy in the photo above.

Honestly I think sometimes birds are too sick to care as much about being ‘manhandled’ as they would if they were well. My Lucy forgave me for many indignities I inflicted when she was really sick. I think the greencheek that was watching may have been MORE upset.
I think she got to be more ok with being picked up and turned over and given medication when Willow (my Quaker now) would not be ok with that.
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Bingo eat very little yesterday.
He didn’t even touch his Mac & cheese one of his favorite food groups.
I would give him a Snickers candy bar if I thought it would do some good.
He did eat some millet seed and perhaps some of his vegetables.
His breathing does seem better, maybe the antibiotics is leaving him with an upset tummy.

As far as separating the twins. I can mod the cage so they each have a section but I don’t think they would be happy about it.
When one bird comes out of the cage if the other doesn’t come out soon the screaming that starts up is … pretty bad. They would have no interest in eating.

yes Bingo is still sleepy. At least he is comfortable sitting and sleeping with me. It’s not that unusual for him to do that in the morning but he usually shows more energy with me. Demanding scratches instead of just falling asleep.
Yesterday Bingo's appetite was much improved and his sneezing is down about 50%.
No obvious signs of breathing difficulties.

All three amazons got there meds in scrambled eggs yesterday.
Today it was mixed in a dab of peanut butter (for the Twins) and Bingo got it directly with a syringe. Will be going into the vet later today with the Twins (Thats gona be fun!!) and I will find out the test results from bingo's lung sample.

As a side note I found a fun game to play with the Twins (mostly Luna).
The Upper landing (above the cages) is where the Twins like to play when out of there cage. I think Luna considers it her nesting location.
Partly due to an empty box put up there with that in mind but they keep messing around with an artificial plant. I think they climb around in it thinking they are back in the jungle.
Anyway I through a wiffle ball up there and Luna went wild.
I will try to record the action another day when not taking them to the vet.

Will make update when I find out Bingo's results.
I don't have any news to share from the apt.
Test results are inconclusive at this time. Need to check back tomorrow.
They say results delayed due to MLK holiday.

Vet. did say his intention was for me to medicate all 3 birds and will continue with same medication. did not give me more until they know what the infection is.

What I don't get is his price for a DNA gender test.
he quoted a price of $450.00. :eek:
I gave a pass on that.
Told him it's possible to do it mail order with just a few feathers.
The birds know what they are, I will figure it out eventually.
Hopefully you'll get the test results early tomorrow.
$450 for a DNA test? That's absolutely insane. If I were you, I'd just do it myself. My caique breeder friend clips a nail and uses a blood drop from that on her babies.

Woah! Our vet does something similar to what Terry does and yeah, I don’t remember the cost but it was under fifty bucks for sure.
I am guessing that they are taking blood and are using a sedative. The DNA test, as we all know are much less then that amount even including the procedures.. I know that my Avian Vet (Non-CAV) recommends that when DNA testing, always includes several other needed tests to off-set the price tag. My guess is that your clinic does not want to provide DNA Testing for whatever reason and have set a high price to drive their clients from getting such a test.
Not sure what is coming from the Clinic Insurance Company angle as a means of having the Clinics' not undertake high risk, low return activities to mitigate exposure (Law Suites).
Yesterday the test results came back negative for aspergillosis so we continue doxycycline meds for all three Amazons.
Picked up more medication this morning for all.

I bit the bullet and toweled all three to make sure they all got the full dose. When I took the Twins into vet on Monday I had to towel Luna to get her into the pak-o-bird.
If it comes down to getting them P.O.ed at me and dying there really is no choice.

As far as Bingo goes I see positive and negative.
.positive, less sneezing, less breathing problems, better appetite.
Negative, sleeping alot, drooping wings (sometimes), shaking head.
And this morning something disturbing.
As I was bringing his food/water dishes with fresh stuff I saw Bingo bob his head up/down in a regulation motion.
Nothing came up , he had just woke up/had not eaten.
Granted Bingo does regurgitate to me but not like this, not when I am more than 6 feet away.
I will keep updating this thread .
Have you checked with the vet about probiotics? Antibiotics can upset their digestive system. I know you have your hands full! So glad to hear it’s not aspergillosis, that is a nightmare diagnosis.
Have you checked with the vet about probiotics? Antibiotics can upset their digestive system. I know you have your hands full! So glad to hear it’s not aspergillosis, that is a nightmare diagnosis.
No I didn’t. Does it require a prescription?

I hove some Ihave kept in the fridge but it’s years old.
No I didn’t. Does it require a prescription?

I hove some Ihave kept in the fridge but it’s years old.
No it does not require a prescription but using the right one is important. I have done my research when my Senegal was so sick while taking high dose of antibiotics. My vet has instructed us to use a Probiotic brand which they carry and later I found out it was mainly for dogs and cats which I have confirmed by calling the company. Below are my findings which I have mentioned on my post dated back in October 2021 hopefully will help you to choose the right brand if you plan to get it.

"Called Equa Holistics and spoken with the president of the company. She told me she is the one responsible for mixing the formula for all the products. She has patiently listened to my story and concerns and have reviewed the ingredients of the Proviable Forte that my vet told me to use. She told me there are some common ingredients between two products so it may not harm our bird, however, there are also some not too good ingredients (magnesium stearate, titanium dioxide, gum arabic, gelatin, fructooligosaccharide). She said as a daily supplement probably fine but not a good idea for a bird who is so sick.

She has also said that it is almost impossible to produce a Probiotics that could be 100% matched to birds in the wild fed by their own parents and different geographic location and species. She explained that the makeup of her formula is based upon domesticated birds gut flora even though it could never be 100% but it's targeted mainly for birds. If you look at their website, they have specific probiotics made for dogs, cats, horses, reptiles, poultry even for rabbits.

She also asked where I bought her product and I told her Amazon and she said should be quite fresh. She has even offered to send me a free bottle freshly made from her end and I took her offer."

You can order it from Amazon "Healthy Gut Avian Probiotics" by Equa Holistic or call them directly.

I will continue to pray for all their full recovery!!
I am so happy the aspergillosis test came back negative. Makes me still wonder why the infections recur or never get cleared, but there could be some small difference in anatomy that makes him more susceptible.

I hope you can clear this all up.

I have found avian specific probiotics but that was several years ago. I’m not sure where you’d get them now.

It seems reasonable to feel sick from antibiotics. I hope he’s resolving his infection and just pukey from meds.
No I didn’t. Does it require a prescription?

I hove some Ihave kept in the fridge but it’s years old.
I have been told it doesn’t last long even in the fridge. We use Benebac for ours; our vet sells it. I admit I didn’t do a deep dive researching it since our vet both recommended it and provided it. Benebac Plus Bird & Reptile! It’s a powder; no prescription needed.
Have never been a big believer in probiotics, but did take one after a serious load of antibiotics to treat a wound infection a couple of years back. I was really sick from that load of antibiotics, to a point that it resulting in a major life style changes. But, enough about me. Over the years, our Amazons have taken short regiments of antibiotics, but nothing longer than 10 days and not the really aggressive stuff. What I had learned from our past CAV was as stated above by ravvlet and recommended the same active probiotic.

I have ordered the probiotic from Coming on Friday.
will give it a try.
Yesterday the test results came back negative for aspergillosis so we continue doxycycline meds for all three Amazons.
Picked up more medication this morning for all.

I bit the bullet and toweled all three to make sure they all got the full dose. When I took the Twins into vet on Monday I had to towel Luna to get her into the pak-o-bird.
If it comes down to getting them P.O.ed at me and dying there really is no choice.

As far as Bingo goes I see positive and negative.
.positive, less sneezing, less breathing problems, better appetite.
Negative, sleeping alot, drooping wings (sometimes), shaking head.
And this morning something disturbing.
As I was bringing his food/water dishes with fresh stuff I saw Bingo bob his head up/down in a regulation motion.
Nothing came up , he had just woke up/had not eaten.
Granted Bingo does regurgitate to me but not like this, not when I am more than 6 feet away.
I will keep updating this thread .
Looking back at this thread, could Bingo be feeling enough better that he wants to feed you MORE now? (Since we presume he’s been feeling bad for a long time.)

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