Bingo's upcoming vet appointment

Last night after getting Bingo home I don't think he ate or drank anything.
He just went to his warmer and tucked his beak between his wings.
He is still there this morning.
Bingo needs to eat something before giving him his new medication.
Still dark right now, little more than an hour away from first light and morning feeding.
Hoping his lethargic state last night is due to the anesthesia they used when getting the x-rays and stuff.
Cotton after the vet will NOT get up for the day until full daylight. I think the stress makes him tired. Hopefully that's it with Bingo too, like you said with the anesthesia after effect.

I'm encouraged by this vet changing the treatment plan, and I think you're right about an office having a clinic parrot and their dedication to avians.

Hopefully Bingo will eat some for you this morning so he can get his meds!
Oof, Kirby doesn’t like eating after anesthesia, he even vomited once after; the vet said it can make them nauseous. Ours keeps them for a couple hours after most of the time to be on the safe side; that might just be because Kirby is a hot mess health wise though haha.
I had the cage door open for 1/2 hour and he didn’t budge.
Forced to lure him away Using a spray bottle he destroyed long ago.

Gave him both medications and had him back in cage in about 2 minutes.

fixed a scrambled egg and shared with the whole flock but Bingo definitely eat some.

did not see any discharge from Luna this morning but will definitely take in for Monday apt.

I am wondering if I missed something at that vet appointment.

I told them I had 2 other birds that were likely sick (the Twins).
the vet said “he could not prescribe for a bird he hasn’t seen”. BUT …

He gave me “Plenty of extra medicine “ and 3 syring’s “in case Bingo bites through one”
Granted Bingo HAS bitten through syringes.
But do you think they were kinda giving me a 😉 and an elbow in the ribs to give me the go ahead to start medicating the Twins???
Oof, Kirby doesn’t like eating after anesthesia, he even vomited once after; the vet said it can make them nauseous. Ours keeps them for a couple hours after most of the time to be on the safe side; that might just be because Kirby is a hot mess health wise though haha.
This was the firs time Bingo has ever been put under.
Of my flock only Angel has ever been put under and that was for her wing surgery. They kept he several hours before I picked her up. She did sleep a lot but cuz of wearing the Cone Of Shame she was very active trying to remove the silly thing.

I would guess it’s like people.
Some are more affected than others.
I hope things continue to improve and you get some very useful information on monday. I am so glad this vet was so thorough.

Remember you can look back in the discharge papers you got from the vet if you think you’ve forgotten something.
Im so sorry your flock is sick!!!!
I swear by the sweter heater as sold in Amazon the smallest size is more than enough !! I swear best radiant heat panel ever made!

What antibiotics are they on?

Are you thinking chlamydia like I went though?

In pm you mentioned aspir? That fungal and it really doesn't spread flockwide...its always around and only low immune compromised get...or those in dark low circulation high humidity situations.

Because tap water can have high coliform as a just incase id switch all to bottle water.

I'd go through all feed and look for powder mildew or spoiling.

Do any poops have bright green liquid stains around them ? Other than first morning poop. Or excess liquid?

Scrambled egg ir boiled egg are great! See if you can mix in a little warm mashed sweet potatoes!

If he has sinus pain, then he msy not want to eat hard food or seeds. So if he eats pellets dampen with water just enough to crumble them a little. If he eats seeds offer millet as thise are easy to de shell even with sinus pain . Offer lots if other soft foods, cooked oatmeal, cooked pasta made from chick peas, a d chick peas, thawed frozen peas, steamed dift veggies diced up, tge nadh sweet potatoes are liked by many..and you can get baby burd formula. Make thick try from finger or in dish. If you hsve to syringe mefs thrn hothead and make up a small amount of baby burd formula and put meds in syringe with formula. I draw up.mefs first fir accuracy then I draw up some formula and kinda mix in syringe.

I would also offer plain Greek yogurt with no artificial swetners. Artificial seetners very bad fir burds. Greek yogurt on a bazillion safe psrrot food lists and I've fed 20 years. Its well liked by mine. Abd I always give if given antibiotics. I've seen it help their poop so I stand by that.
All my love to you and yours!
Im so sorry your flock is sick!!!!
I swear by the sweter heater as sold in Amazon the smallest size is more than enough !! I swear best radiant heat panel ever made!

What antibiotics are they on?

Are you thinking chlamydia like I went though?

In pm you mentioned aspir? That fungal and it really doesn't spread flockwide...its always around and only low immune compromised get...or those in dark low circulation high humidity situations.

Because tap water can have high coliform as a just incase id switch all to bottle water.

I'd go through all feed and look for powder mildew or spoiling.

Do any poops have bright green liquid stains around them ? Other than first morning poop. Or excess liquid?

Scrambled egg ir boiled egg are great! See if you can mix in a little warm mashed sweet potatoes!

If he has sinus pain, then he msy not want to eat hard food or seeds. So if he eats pellets dampen with water just enough to crumble them a little. If he eats seeds offer millet as thise are easy to de shell even with sinus pain . Offer lots if other soft foods, cooked oatmeal, cooked pasta made from chick peas, a d chick peas, thawed frozen peas, steamed dift veggies diced up, tge nadh sweet potatoes are liked by many..and you can get baby burd formula. Make thick try from finger or in dish. If you hsve to syringe mefs thrn hothead and make up a small amount of baby burd formula and put meds in syringe with formula. I draw up.mefs first fir accuracy then I draw up some formula and kinda mix in syringe.

I would also offer plain Greek yogurt with no artificial swetners. Artificial seetners very bad fir burds. Greek yogurt on a bazillion safe psrrot food lists and I've fed 20 years. Its well liked by mine. Abd I always give if given antibiotics. I've seen it help their poop so I stand by that.
All my love to you and yours!
Doxycycline and bayatril . Spelling wrong on the second.
Bingo dips his pellets in his own water, no need to soak them.

I won’t know what kind of infection he has till the PCR test results come back Monday.

Um my wife eats Greek yogurt and had shared a small bit but asked her to stop during his illness . . Thought it might interfere with the antibiotics.

Bingo really likes the 2 heaters in his cage. If he want the warmth he can sit next to it and if not, not. I want him to be able to choose. I kinda recall looking at the heater you recommended but it seemed kinda big so he would not have a choice Or as much of a choice.

He did not touch his veggies and I even added extra corn (his favorite part). He did eat the eggs this morning and I will fix more in am.

He started getting a little vocal, not screaming but letting me know he wanted something.
Because his food intake has been so small I’m willing to let him eat almost anything right know. So I was sure what he wanted was some breakfast cereal.
So he ate a few Golden Grams and was happy enough afterwards to give me a short Steve Wonder dance :love:

As far as the Twins (and specifically Luna) She has similarly symptoms as Bingo has shown earlier in this epic saga.

Clear discharge from the nares and too much sneezing.
Have not seen breathing problems, at least not yet. Merlin is the only bird that has physical contact with Bingo. It very minimal but he climbs all over his cage. Merlin and Luna spend a great deal of time alopreening including beaks and nares.
Giving them meds is going to be a …… real problem.
I can barely handle them and they can fly.
Both those things are not true with Bingo.

How can you towel a bird when it can just fly away?
can’t make the room dark, have to wait for night and then the won’t come out.
have to disguise it in some food but then it’s no guarantee they will eat it all. Or one bird may eat it all and leave nothing for the other (and OD-ing on antibiotics).
Doxycycline and bayatril . Spelling wrong on the second.
Bingo dips his pellets in his own water, no need to soak them.

I won’t know what kind of infection he has till the PCR test results come back Monday.

Um my wife eats Greek yogurt and had shared a small bit but asked her to stop during his illness . . Thought it might interfere with the antibiotics.

Bingo really likes the 2 heaters in his cage. If he want the warmth he can sit next to it and if not, not. I want him to be able to choose. I kinda recall looking at the heater you recommended but it seemed kinda big so he would not have a choice Or as much of a choice.

He did not touch his veggies and I even added extra corn (his favorite part). He did eat the eggs this morning and I will fix more in am.

He started getting a little vocal, not screaming but letting me know he wanted something.
Because his food intake has been so small I’m willing to let him eat almost anything right know. So I was sure what he wanted was some breakfast cereal.
So he ate a few Golden Grams and was happy enough afterwards to give me a short Steve Wonder dance :love:

As far as the Twins (and specifically Luna) She has similarly symptoms as Bingo has shown earlier in this epic saga.

Clear discharge from the nares and too much sneezing.
Have not seen breathing problems, at least not yet. Merlin is the only bird that has physical contact with Bingo. It very minimal but he climbs all over his cage. Merlin and Luna spend a great deal of time alopreening including beaks and nares.
Giving them meds is going to be a …… real problem.
I can barely handle them and they can fly.
Both those things are not true with Bingo.

How can you towel a bird when it can just fly away?
can’t make the room dark, have to wait for night and then the won’t come out.
have to disguise it in some food but then it’s no guarantee they will eat it all. Or one bird may eat it all and leave nothing for the other (and OD-ing on antibiotics).
Do they share food bowls?

For Kirby, who can’t fly but can flutter and doesn’t like taking meds or being toweled, what I do is I put his very favorite treat or pellet on top of his veg in the morning and I put his meds on it - in his case it’s enalapril. You can do this with cereal or whatever you have that they will eat that’s safe; I just happen to use Harrison’s pellets as they’re already good for him and he likes it enough that he’ll pick it out of the bowl first. The boarding place uses salt free parrot safe crackers, I forget the brand. He would eat those right out of their hand and he didn’t even like any of the employees this time around, heh.

When I first started doing this I’d hold his pellets out of his cage until I was sure he’d eaten the pellets with the meds on them, and then after about a half hour I’d give him his pellets. We did it this way additionally to encourage him to eat more veg. I don’t have to do that any more thankfully because he’ll eat them first even if he has his pellets.

If you do give Luna and Merlin separate bowls for chop or pellets, that would work. I know they have a pass-thru between their cages; is there a way to shut it temporarily until you’re sure they’ve taken the med? And do you know their weight for the dosage?
Also; I don’t know if your vet wants you to but you could ask about giving them probiotics while on the antibiotics. We are always told to give Kirby benebac while he’s doing a round.
The sweeter hang outside of the cage so no space is taken up.

Will check back for the test results.

So with antibiotics they are leaning to bacteria.

I've had luck soaking meds in a little bread.

If you are asking for towel tips I will leave to larger parrot people to share. I've done plenty of big birds but they weren't my babies. So a big towel over em snd grab and wrap up . But I didn't hsve to worry about breaking trust.

My sick flock thread epic if you thought looking through it would be of any help

I have empathy for ypu and yours its so stressful to go through
I have 3 food dishes.
the cage set up is unique.
Merlin always steals special treats from Luna.
two almonds one in each bowl.
Merlin reaches food first, takes almond out of bowl #1 and stand on/over bowl #2.
Luna reaches bowel #1 finds it empty and snags nut from bowl #2 and tries to make distances from Merlin.
Merlin seeing Luna make off with nut drops the nut he has to go and take away Luna’s nut.
Just one example.
Thats way 3 bowels and a treat in each bowl.
Luna goes to bowl #3 straight away. Gives Merlin time to drop both of his nuts and Lets Luna eat one.

The birds do like Hawaiian bread and I have used it in the past for medicin.
They would be hard pressed to steal oatmeal out of each others bowl.
The sweeter hang outside of the cage so no space is taken up.

Will check back for the test results.

So with antibiotics they are leaning to bacteria.

I've had luck soaking meds in a little bread.

If you are asking for towel tips I will leave to larger parrot people to share. I've done plenty of big birds but they weren't my babies. So a big towel over em snd grab and wrap up . But I didn't hsve to worry about breaking trust.

My sick flock thread epic if you thought looking through it would be of any help

I have empathy for ypu and yours its so stressful to go through
At this point I think the diagnosis is pneumonia (for Bingo).
Listening to Luna’s lungs should help determine if she’s got the same issue.

If I understand pneumonia In people antibiotics don’t really fight pneumonia Just fight secondary infections that can set in.

they took a smear from Bingo’s lung while he was out and they will culture it out.

I have felt for a long time my “Certified Avian Vet” wasn’t so hot when it came to diagnosis.
I have 3 food dishes.
the cage set up is unique.
Merlin always steals special treats from Luna.
two almonds one in each bowl.
Merlin reaches food first, takes almond out of bowl #1 and stand on/over bowl #2.
Luna reaches bowel #1 finds it empty and snags nut from bowl #2 and tries to make distances from Merlin.
Merlin seeing Luna make off with nut drops the nut he has to go and take away Luna’s nut.
Just one example.
Thats way 3 bowels and a treat in each bowl.
Luna goes to bowl #3 straight away. Gives Merlin time to drop both of his nuts and Lets Luna eat one.

The birds do like Hawaiian bread and I have used it in the past for medicin.
They would be hard pressed to steal oatmeal out of each others bowl.
Can you give the medication in a sweet syrup like pina colada mix? Then they may want to drink it out of the syringe.

Pneumonia is often bacterial in birds. It’s not so much like in people. It can be diagnosed from listening to his lungs and X-ray. What they’re trying to do with the cultures is to see what’s causing it and also if there’s a different bacteria in the nasal cavity vs lung.

If he was never before given the right antibiotic or not for long enough, the treatment would not be helpful.

I have toweled big birds but did it with the lights off and using a small flashlight to locate the birds (mostly by eye shine). They were wild birds; I wasn’t worried about them being mad afterwards.
When I was giving meds to Angel (post surgery) it was the easiest thing ever.
She took the syringe almost eagerly.
she was raised by us and fed as a baby with a syringe.

most likely I will be disguising the meds in food of some kind.
If you’d like, I can call the boarding place and ask about the crackers, but I bet the Hawaiian bread would work!
When I was giving meds to Angel (post surgery) it was the easiest thing ever.
She took the syringe almost eagerly.
she was raised by us and fed as a baby with a syringe.

most likely I will be disguising the meds in food of some kind.
Gail is having great luck giving Rickeybird meds he’s refused by mixing them with pina colada flavored syrup. That’s my old vet’s trick to get birds to take yucky tasting meds.
Gail is having great luck giving Rickeybird meds he’s refused by mixing them with pina colada flavored syrup. That’s my old vet’s trick to get birds to take yucky tasting meds.
I think Amy's meds are banana flavored, something he loves. I squirt it on a small piece of bread or into a grape.
Bingo looks like he is beating easer this morning.
He spent last night at the front of his cage not next to a heater.
Yesterday he spent some time sitting with me getting scratches.

I gave the twins the first dose of meds yesterday on a piece of bread.
This morning I put it on 1/4 piece of a Laura Dune shortbread cookie.
Luna ate her piece but Merlin hasn’t yet.
Yesterday morning Luna had more snot running down her beak and shaking her head. I had to do something.

To top all this off my wife came home from SA wit a cold an now I have it too..
My have to try wearing a mask at the vets on Monday.

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