Bingo's upcoming vet appointment

Here is a short video of Bingo shaking his head.
Maybe so.
I have seen nothing coming from his nares.
hopefully my CAV will do a nasel flush.
I called exotic vet #2 and got an email with Bingos x-ray (mostly to forward to my CAV) .
I had the devils own time getting it into a format that I could post.

bingos x-ray 2.webp
Well…he’s definitely a bird!

Kidding mostly; did they give you notes with the radiographs? I can’t ever make heads or tails out of them but the radiologist usually includes their findings as notes with the images - vets don’t always do the interpreting although they can.
Well…he’s definitely a bird!

Kidding mostly; did they give you notes with the radiographs? I can’t ever make heads or tails out of them but the radiologist usually includes their findings as notes with the images - vets don’t always do the interpreting although they can.
no, just the image. In its original format the pic is 8 megabytes and can be expanded to see small details. No idea how I could post it in original format
I got the second cage heater and put it in the Twins cage yesterday.
Of course they did and are treating it like it's radioactive.
I mounted it at the back of the cage (like Bingo's heater) near there main perching location.

Both birds aren't going close to it. Luna the bird that needs itt worse spent all night in the small part of the cage. Merlin spent his night in the larger part of the cage but up front near the water bowel in the front.
Come to think about it he spends about 50% of his time at night there anyway. I put a large sprig of millet seeds up near the heater. Hopefully it will win them over.

I am trying a different approach to my house heating problem.
Natural gas bill being through the roof I have placed an oil filled electric heater right in front of the air intake for the forced air heater (that uses natural gas) . My theory is that the air taken in by the home air conditioner will be warmer and the gas burner will not have to run for as long a time the heat up the house.
Maybe I am just kidding myself.
Maybe I am just making the electric company happy.
But this creates a different problem.
Bella doesn't do well with NEW.
She mostly accepted it but she keeps giving it the evil eye like she expects it to jump to the attack when she least expects it.
I got the second cage heater and put it in the Twins cage yesterday.
Of course they did and are treating it like it's radioactive.
I mounted it at the back of the cage (like Bingo's heater) near there main perching location.

Both birds aren't going close to it. Luna the bird that needs itt worse spent all night in the small part of the cage. Merlin spent his night in the larger part of the cage but up front near the water bowel in the front.
Come to think about it he spends about 50% of his time at night there anyway. I put a large sprig of millet seeds up near the heater. Hopefully it will win them over.

I am trying a different approach to my house heating problem.
Natural gas bill being through the roof I have placed an oil filled electric heater right in front of the air intake for the forced air heater (that uses natural gas) . My theory is that the air taken in by the home air conditioner will be warmer and the gas burner will not have to run for as long a time the heat up the house.
Maybe I am just kidding myself.
Maybe I am just making the electric company happy.
But this creates a different problem.
Bella doesn't do well with NEW.
She mostly accepted it but she keeps giving it the evil eye like she expects it to jump to the attack when she least expects it.
I am just guessing - this method depends on where your forced air heater's temperature sensor is. If it is in/near the air intake, all you might be doing is fooled the sensor into "thinking" the air is warmer than it actually is and shuts off earlier. But the rest of your home might get cooler. It might be more effective and straightforward if you just place the oil heater near your birds.
I love Parrots and their general issues with New Stuff, as It is kind of like; It seems the more likely it is to be a positive thing, the more radioactive it is!!

Your thinking regarding the placement of the radiant heater has merit as the greatest energy use is as the furnaces first starts and the time it takes to heat itself and the distribution system. That is proven by being at the vent when it first turns on as what is coming out is clearly cooler that what is currently in the room.

Most thermostats are located away from the furnace air return vents to limit those effects.

If your furnace has multiple setting for the fan, have a discussion with your heating /cooling staff regarding have the furnace fan run a bit longer on a lower speed setting to move the higher heat left in the furnace out into the the room.

If you have a newer furnace, it may have the ability to run the furnace fan between heat cycles, which will cycle the homes air though the furnace and as a help maintain room temperature and also filter dust if you have a higher grade filter.

Yes, at the end of the day, you will be making your electric utility happier.
I am just guessing - this method depends on where your forced air heater's temperature sensor is. If it is in/near the air intake, all you might be doing is fooled the sensor into "thinking" the air is warmer than it actually is and shuts off earlier. But the rest of your home might get cooler. It might be more effective and straightforward if you just place the oil heater near your birds.
My home is a very open floor plan.
If it was an emergency (loss of electricity or gas) I would move all the cages into the hallway (most central area, all interior walls and no windows) and use a solar generator/battery with the oil filled heater.
But that's emergency only.
The thermostat is in the hallway as a matter of fact and about half the house distance away from the air intake.
The air intake is right next to Bellas cage and quit close to Bingo's as well.

I wrote that in my previous post but Grrrrr. it disappeared and
did not get included. That's why I don't usually make long posts. To often stuff I have been typing gets wiped out and I loose heart.
So yes Those two birds get direct benefit from the oil heater.
This evening I was sitting with bingo and he started to regurgitate/throw up.
Nothing came up and the situation was more like his normal regurgitation behavior but IDK.
There is usually more hormonal behavior to go along with it but not this time.
I am not going to give him his meds tonight and I may just wait till after the CAV apointment. It’s just 2 days away.
He has got his meds for more than 14 days straight.

The Twins are a bit more relaxed about the heater in there cage so I will see how they settle down tonight.
Wes, I'm so sorry that this is taking so long to get to the bottom of what's wrong. Sending more prayers of healing for you all.
This morning Bingo has been driving me crazy (in a good way I suppose).

He wanted out of cage first, normally I let the Twins out first.
Then he wanted in the window.
Then I heated up some raviolis so he wanted back down (Bingo would kill for a ravioli).
Then he wanted back out of his cage.
Then back in the window again.
He has also been preening himself more.

still head shaking and difficulty breathing.
That definitely sounds like Bingo is feeling better, that's good news!
Hopefully the vets will get to the bottom of his breathing issues soon.

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