Help with Bingo


Supporting Member
Parrot of the Month 🏆
Oct 23, 2015
Reaction score
1 YNA (Bingo)
1 OWA (Plumas R.I.P.)
1 RLA (Pacho R.I.P.)
2 GCA(Luna,Merlin) The Twins
1 Congo AG (Bella)
5 Cockatiels
My eyesight is getting worse.
I need to wear my glasses for close up viewing.
If I don’t my eyes watter and vision gets more blurry.

Bingo hates my glasses.
Bingo hates ME when I wear my glasses.

He’s the only bird in my flock that cares if I wear glasses or not.
And he’s the bird I am closest to.
I sit 4 feet away from him in the mornin’s and evenings for a few hours.
wearing glasses he hisses at me, pins his eyes, flairs his tail, rams his beak into the bars.
generally want to rip my face off.

I have tried taking off glasses and setting them aside but still in view.
He will sit with me under those conditions but it’s like sitting with nitroglycerin, he could go off at any moment.

is there any way to desensitize him to glasses?
Is it ALL glasses, or is there maybe a style/color that sets him off? Mine don't seem to mind them one way or the other, but everyone in the house wears them. Tucker will occasionally try to grab them if he thinks they're in his way trying to get up close in my face. (His favorite place to be) My current pair is the total rimless kind, with thin wire side and nose parts. Almost hard to notice them sometimes unless you look closely.
Is it ALL glasses, or is there maybe a style/color that sets him off? Mine don't seem to mind them one way or the other, but everyone in the house wears them. Tucker will occasionally try to grab them if he thinks they're in his way trying to get up close in my face. (His favorite place to be) My current pair is the total rimless kind, with thin wire side and nose parts. Almost hard to notice them sometimes unless you look closely.
Any glasses I am wearing.

Anything I wear that is not lounging around the hose clothes.
baseball hat.
shoes .
Pants must be sweat pants in winter (P.J’s are acceptable but I don’t like em)and shorts in summer.

sweat shirt in winter and T-shirt in summer.

When I take him to the vet I dress in regular street clothes and at the vet I can Handel Bingo in near perfect safety.
Dressed the same at home I can’t pick him up without him latching on with his beak.

all of this I have grown accustomed to.
I can live with it.
but the glasses is getting to be a problem.
I don’t know how to desensitize him to them.

perhaps if I put an old pair of glasses in his cage on a chain like a toy?
Try that or putting on or drawing on glasses for anything and everything in his view! He'll get desensitized by that or need some psychiatric help.
Desensitizing an Amazon that has long been the arbitrator of what you can wear is not an easy undertaking. Yes, all the suggestion above should be tried. But, work hard at finding your way about based on limited vision, choosing to wear the ever losing battle when a way from Bingo!

With luck, Bingo will accept you wearing glasses. The other choice in clothing, well best of luck!
Maybe something like clear no visible frame glasses? My bird perches on my black lens glasses.... But otherwise the clear is ok
This morning I made small progress.
sitting next to him in am wearing glasses at first.
let him out of cage.
when he is mostly calm I take glasses off.
Let Bingo sit with me.
after a bit I put glasses back on with Bingo in the chair with me.

He got P.O’d but he didn’t bite or rush to attack.
took glasses back off and eventually put him back in cage.

I would call that a small win.

but right now Bingo’s interest is a bit divided.

I final, Finally got a nest box for the twins.
That is a story by itself that I want to get to.
eventualy .

Bingo is very interested in it and the cost was so low 60 bucks, I would like to get one for Bingo.

timing is not on my side as I must go back to Oregon next week.

we need to thrash out if we will/can move up there.
as much as I want to live there just the thought of moving.
after living in the same place for more than 30 years….. all the junk
and the birds!!

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