Bingo's upcoming vet appointment

No, there is just no way that was regurgitation.
He has showed no hormonal activity and that's something that would go along with it.

He still shows signs of trouble breathing when he thinks I can't see him.
Up in the window I can see him breathing with his beak open.

he got a double dose of meds this morning.
I hid a dose in some oatmeal but he did not eat it initially.
When he came out in the morning I gave him the usual towel treatment. then he went back in and ate the oatmeal.

I haven't seen any more nasal discharge from Luna.
Luna does seem a bit more active and nosier than she has been lately.
Going on what I have seen in the past their hormonal season is a few months later than when Bingo's is. So it's too early to tell if that has been affected.

The twins have learned a new saying. "What happened" .
You can add that to.
So cute.
I don't have any news to share from the apt.
Test results are inconclusive at this time. Need to check back tomorrow.
They say results delayed due to MLK holiday.

Vet. did say his intention was for me to medicate all 3 birds and will continue with same medication. did not give me more until they know what the infection is.

What I don't get is his price for a DNA gender test.
he quoted a price of $450.00. :eek:
I gave a pass on that.
Told him it's possible to do it mail order with just a few feathers.
The birds know what they are, I will figure it out eventually.
May I ask if you got a pcr or culture ID for the cause of infections?
Yesterday the test results came back negative for aspergillosis so we continue doxycycline meds for all three Amazons.
Picked up more medication this morning for all.

I bit the bullet and toweled all three to make sure they all got the full dose. When I took the Twins into vet on Monday I had to towel Luna to get her into the pak-o-bird.
If it comes down to getting them P.O.ed at me and dying there really is no choice.

As far as Bingo goes I see positive and negative.
.positive, less sneezing, less breathing problems, better appetite.
Negative, sleeping alot, drooping wings (sometimes), shaking head.
And this morning something disturbing.
As I was bringing his food/water dishes with fresh stuff I saw Bingo bob his head up/down in a regulation motion.
Nothing came up , he had just woke up/had not eaten.
Granted Bingo does regurgitate to me but not like this, not when I am more than 6 feet away.
I will keep updating this thread .
The negatives: Sleeping a lot, eating less, shaking head and regurgitating movements made me worry. Those were the exact symptoms when my 27 year old Senegal shown except no breathing issue.

Have you weighed your birds as BB had lost so much weight day by day due to not able to consume what he used to eat? Whenever he ate some food, he had to regurgitate several hours seems like indigestion, bloating in humans. We have tried to offer him different kinds of smaller and softer food with no success.

My posts back in Aug - Oct 2021 have asked the same question about his frequent regurgitation and found no answers and later realized it was likely due to his crop reacting to the infection. Both vets gave him the same medication, one too low causing relapse in one month and one 3 times higher. I have regretted not to use a syringe to force feed him with the Harrison baby formula so he would be stronger and would not have lost so much weight to take on such a strong dose of antibiotic. Lucky you have avian vet to take care of your birds so at least he/she is more experienced in prescribing the right dosage as it is very very important.

Judging from what you have described on Bingo only having 50% of appetite back, he is very likely have lost weight. You may need to consider force feeding him with the baby formula which will help to maintain his weight and stronger to battle with the infection.
May I ask if you got a pcr or culture ID for the cause of infections?
They only told me it was negative for Aspriliosis . Sorry can’t spell.
The negatives: Sleeping a lot, eating less, shaking head and regurgitating movements made me worry. Those were the exact symptoms when my 27 year old Senegal shown except no breathing issue.

Have you weighed your birds as BB had lost so much weight day by day due to not able to consume what he used to eat? Whenever he ate some food, he had to regurgitate several hours seems like indigestion, bloating in humans. We have tried to offer him different kinds of smaller and softer food with no success.

My posts back in Aug - Oct 2021 have asked the same question about his frequent regurgitation and found no answers and later realized it was likely due to his crop reacting to the infection. Both vets gave him the same medication, one too low causing relapse in one month and one 3 times higher. I have regretted not to use a syringe to force feed him with the Harrison baby formula so he would be stronger and would not have lost so much weight to take on such a strong dose of antibiotic. Lucky you have avian vet to take care of your birds so at least he/she is more experienced in prescribing the right dosage as it is very very important.

Judging from what you have described on Bingo only having 50% of appetite back, he is very likely have lost weight. You may need to consider force feeding him with the baby formula which will help to maintain his weight and stronger to battle with the infection.
His appetite is nearly normal now.
the short answer is I have not been weighing him.
he was overweight, close to 600 grams.
Bingo is just about the only bird I can weigh. None of the others will step onto the scale
I think his weigh-in at the vet was around 540 grams.
I need to try to locate my scale.
His appetite is nearly normal now.
the short answer is I have not been weighing him.
he was overweight, close to 600 grams.
Bingo is just about the only bird I can weigh. None of the others will step onto the scale
I think his weigh-in at the vet was around 540 grams.
I need to try to locate my scale.
Sorry; being nosey and trying to puzzle things out.
I am so happy he doesn’t have aspergillosis. I was very worried before. My first Quaker never did very well and always struggled with infections. I worked so hard to keep her reasonably well and at a decent weight and feathered and suddenly—no more best bird.
I still think antibiotics are a great reason for a bird to puke. They’ve been making me very sick when I take them.
I am well into week 2 of medicating with doxycycline.
This coming Thursday will be 2 weeks.
Vet said 14 days of giving meds to Bingo so almost there.
Yet he still has breathing problems.
I have the feeling he must have been dealing with 2 different problems and the antibiotics helped one but not his brea thing.

When he sits up close to me I don’t need a stethoscope to hear him breathe.

Took this just this afternoon.
And I still have this darned flu.
When Bingo sits close like this it(his dust.) irritates my lungs at gets me coughing right away. I end up shaking him up like a paint can at a hardware store :ROFLMAO:

Need to take him back to exotic vet #2 but I got to recover myself before I can take him in.

Luna was acting out her hormones some this morning so I guess she is really feeling better.
She Walks around on the bottom of the cage, sticks her butt in the air and try’s to back up into Merlin.
Hmm. Maybe they can reculture him. Now that population #1 is reduced (by antibiotics). there will be enough bacteria remaining to proliferate in order to detect population #2.


I’m sorry you and he are still struggling.
Thinking about you and Bingo and the twins this evening. Hope you’re all feeling better!
Should have done an update a few days ago but have been waiting for better news.

I think it was Tuesday that Luna had more snot running down her Beak. That was several days since the last time and I thought we had gotten past that.

When Bingo sits close to my face (as in the picture) I can clearly hear that his breathing is still not normal. I can her small popping/crackling noises.

Tuesday was only 2 days away for the 2 week mark for giving them the antibiotics and it did not seem we were close to having healthy birds.

So I called exotic vet #2 and I got to speak with the vet that saw all three birds.

Short version is he gave me a refill of the medication for another 2 weeks.
I asked about the culture that was taken for more info and he said it was negative for ALL bacteria and fungus.
So I asked why are we giving antibiotics if there is no bacterial infection. I think his response was that it was indicated for this sort of problem even if the specific cause could not be identified.
Said the only other thing he could do was to run a CT scan.
After he told me the cost of that test I told him that it wasn't in the cards for me to be able to afford a test (just a test not a treatment, no guarantee of finding the cause) .

So I am continuing to force feed my babies medicine that may/may not help. I guess if this second 14 day treatment still doesn't improve things I will go back to the CAV and see if he has any ideas. I still think some kind of mist/medicated vapor that can go directly into the lungs is a good idea but I'm not a Dr. My CAV did mention it was an option and I can show him the Rx's from the other vet so he knows what's already been tried without success

Still keeping my fingers crossed for improvement.

I was hit with a heating bill for over $300 bucks so I will have to lower the temp inside the house. I had been keeping the temp hotter than I normally would (70 deg F) due to the sick birds but that's just too much. Now we are at about 67 deg F.
Bingo has two heaters in his cage that he very much uses and I should be receiving a second one identical to Bingos favorite for the twins.

The saga continues.
Should have done an update a few days ago but have been waiting for better news.

I think it was Tuesday that Luna had more snot running down her Beak. That was several days since the last time and I thought we had gotten past that.

When Bingo sits close to my face (as in the picture) I can clearly hear that his breathing is still not normal. I can her small popping/crackling noises.

Tuesday was only 2 days away for the 2 week mark for giving them the antibiotics and it did not seem we were close to having healthy birds.

So I called exotic vet #2 and I got to speak with the vet that saw all three birds.

Short version is he gave me a refill of the medication for another 2 weeks.
I asked about the culture that was taken for more info and he said it was negative for ALL bacteria and fungus.
So I asked why are we giving antibiotics if there is no bacterial infection. I think his response was that it was indicated for this sort of problem even if the specific cause could not be identified.
Said the only other thing he could do was to run a CT scan.
After he told me the cost of that test I told him that it wasn't in the cards for me to be able to afford a test (just a test not a treatment, no guarantee of finding the cause) .

So I am continuing to force feed my babies medicine that may/may not help. I guess if this second 14 day treatment still doesn't improve things I will go back to the CAV and see if he has any ideas. I still think some kind of mist/medicated vapor that can go directly into the lungs is a good idea but I'm not a Dr. My CAV did mention it was an option and I can show him the Rx's from the other vet so he knows what's already been tried without success

Still keeping my fingers crossed for improvement.

I was hit with a heating bill for over $300 bucks so I will have to lower the temp inside the house. I had been keeping the temp hotter than I normally would (70 deg F) due to the sick birds but that's just too much. Now we are at about 67 deg F.
Bingo has two heaters in his cage that he very much uses and I should be receiving a second one identical to Bingos favorite for the twins.

The saga continues.
I think the mist/medicated or maybe just mist vapor method is worth trying while Bingo taking the second round of antibiotics. Having another 14 days of the same meds with no bacteria/fungus found does not sound a good idea to me as it may stress him more while there is no guarantee for better results. Since your CAV has mentioned it was an option, best to act on it asap to start this secondary non harmful method instead of just relying on drugs.
Wes, I was thinking way out of the box regarding Bingo today, especially with their lack of being able to grow anything from the cultures.
Have they taken an X-ray, which should have been a step prior to a scan. If not, that is a possible consideration. Not wanting to overload you as you are still fighting this crapy Flu that is going around, but there is an outside chance that he may have congestive heart failure, which could be the driver of the air sack congestion. Like I said, way outside of the box.
You get yourself back together first, good friend!
Should have done an update a few days ago but have been waiting for better news.

I think it was Tuesday that Luna had more snot running down her Beak. That was several days since the last time and I thought we had gotten past that.

When Bingo sits close to my face (as in the picture) I can clearly hear that his breathing is still not normal. I can her small popping/crackling noises.

Tuesday was only 2 days away for the 2 week mark for giving them the antibiotics and it did not seem we were close to having healthy birds.

So I called exotic vet #2 and I got to speak with the vet that saw all three birds.

Short version is he gave me a refill of the medication for another 2 weeks.
I asked about the culture that was taken for more info and he said it was negative for ALL bacteria and fungus.
So I asked why are we giving antibiotics if there is no bacterial infection. I think his response was that it was indicated for this sort of problem even if the specific cause could not be identified.
Said the only other thing he could do was to run a CT scan.
After he told me the cost of that test I told him that it wasn't in the cards for me to be able to afford a test (just a test not a treatment, no guarantee of finding the cause) .

So I am continuing to force feed my babies medicine that may/may not help. I guess if this second 14 day treatment still doesn't improve things I will go back to the CAV and see if he has any ideas. I still think some kind of mist/medicated vapor that can go directly into the lungs is a good idea but I'm not a Dr. My CAV did mention it was an option and I can show him the Rx's from the other vet so he knows what's already been tried without success

Still keeping my fingers crossed for improvement.

I was hit with a heating bill for over $300 bucks so I will have to lower the temp inside the house. I had been keeping the temp hotter than I normally would (70 deg F) due to the sick birds but that's just too much. Now we are at about 67 deg F.
Bingo has two heaters in his cage that he very much uses and I should be receiving a second one identical to Bingos favorite for the twins.

The saga continues.

Can you have bingo reswabbed and recultured, or Luna sampled and cultured?
Wes, I was thinking way out of the box regarding Bingo today, especially with their lack of being able to grow anything from the cultures.
Have they taken an X-ray, which should have been a step prior to a scan. If not, that is a possible consideration. Not wanting to overload you as you are still fighting this crapy Flu that is going around, but there is an outside chance that he may have congestive heart failure, which could be the driver of the air sack congestion. Like I said, way outside of the box.
You get yourself back together first, good friend!
Tracing back to earlier threads, x-ray not considered due to his breathing difficulties. Still think the non invasive mist vapor method is worth a try for now.
Tracing back to earlier threads, x-ray not considered due to his breathing difficulties. Still think the non invasive mist vapor method is worth a try for now.
Seems to me that a swab of the choana or a sinus wash should definitely grow SOMETHING and if it grows nothing then there’s a problem with the sampling or culture. IMO.

A lung sample might not grow bacteria or fungi but quite possibly will.

It would be nice for him to have an X-ray to look for consolidation or masses…I had a bird with fungal growth in air sacs and disseminated throughout the body. But Bingo came up negative for aspergillosis.
I have apt wit the CAV for Monday. Soon as I can get it.
Last year I asked for a nasel flush but CAV didn’t want to do it at the time
I am wondering if these meds could be injected into the breast muscle to make sure the whole dose gets into the bird. I don’t think doxycycline can but I believe Baytril can be injected into the breast muscle. There’s plenty of room to give it on Amazon, and to rotate sites (upper L, upper R, lower l lower R).

I don’t know if you or your vet would be willing to go that route ? Your birds would be mad but you KNOW the meds are all getting into the bird.
I am wondering if these meds could be injected into the breast muscle to make sure the whole dose gets into the bird. I don’t think doxycycline can but I believe Baytril can be injected into the breast muscle. There’s plenty of room to give it on Amazon, and to rotate sites (upper L, upper R, lower l lower R).

I don’t know if you or your vet would be willing to go that route ? Your birds would be mad but you KNOW the meds are all getting into the bird.
OR as Albie is getting, weekly injections? I don’t know which are available in that formulation.

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