You know you're a Parront when...

the mint cans are a great idea. we have an old fashion wooden candt dispenser on our coffee table for our birds' treats
when you're outside and hear wild birds chirping away and you go.... "I MISS MY BABY :("

HAHAHA i did that today outside of work...
when you're outside and hear wild birds chirping away and you go.... "I MISS MY BABY :("

HAHAHA i did that today outside of work...

The same thing happened to me! Merlin has learnt a call from the wild birds and I heard it when I was on my way to the store,had to stop 'is that Merlin?!' then realised it wasn't and wanted to go home back to my baby.

Eeek! hehe
These are all great!
I have 2 more:
When you won't visit relatives unless they let you bring your fid.
When you tell your relatives not to let Sunny out of his cage until he has "the morning big one" and they look at you like you are crazy. :o
You know your a parront when your parrot answers the doorbell bye saying "Come In" or sticks her head into the phone while I am talking to a client saying "Hi I`m Cameo!!" and you pass it off as your secretary.
2 more:
when you don't wear your wedding ring, not because you're having an affair, but because your fid likes to chew on it
when you type in the dark, straining your eyes to see so you won't wake your fid up too early
These are all great!
I have 2 more:
When you won't visit relatives unless they let you bring your fid.
When you tell your relatives not to let Sunny out of his cage until he has "the morning big one" and they look at you like you are crazy. :o


My parents always look at me like... 'uhh... what on earth?' when I say Merlin hasn't done his morning business yet so don't let him perch on you :p

I love these. Some of them arn't so fun, I'm covered in scars on my hand now from Merlin, but I wouldn't trade them in because there's just so many positives that come with having Merlin in my life. :)
When you find your self sitting there cracking nuts for the Quakers because they are to hard for them to do them selfs. And sitting in the dark knitting because you don't want to wake the baby's.
When ANYTHING i say about birds EVERYONE's like ugh here he goes again!! (im the ONLY bird person in my family:(.) i need bird people friends... D,=

Or when im COMPLETELY BROKE! at the moment and still find a way to scrounge up some extra change to buy them a new rope perch i saw at petsmart the other day:)
I tend to make stupid noises in public, like woopidy woopidy, or wupe wupe.
LMFAO!!! Im glad im not the only one!!:) my sister's kinda dorky too so we make dumb noises together sometimes..............only sometimes...
i now feel like i can add to this topic. how about when you get in trouble at work because your to busy going over what you need for your fid and wondering what they are doing at that moment in time.
This has likely been said already.... But I think I have mastered doing everything with one hand. :p Like, if something happened to one arm (knock on wood) I'd be perfectly fine. :D
You know you're a parront when:
You talk so much about your birds that you accidentally convert your best friend and dad into bird people.
These are all great!
I have 2 more:
When you won't visit relatives unless they let you bring your fid.
When you tell your relatives not to let Sunny out of his cage until he has "the morning big one" and they look at you like you are crazy. :o

Hahaha I totally can relate! Even my 4yr old knew at 3 to check for the "pterodactyl" turd before he opens the cage in the morning!!!! LOL bird does NOT come out till that is done! :eek:
You know you're a parront get all worried and emotional that your fid is having a bad day, being particularly bitey and feisty. Wish you could fix it but don't know how, so you chop up their favorite fruit or veggie or put on their favorite song, but in the end, give up, sulk, and go to sleep, hoping they'll be okay the next day.

You know you're a parront squeal (I've never done this...*ahem*) in the middle of the market when your fids' favorite fruit or veggie is in season and the first crop is out and ready for purchase. Drake+pomegranate seeds=true love.
When can't go on this forum for more than a day I get anxiety and restless and surprisingly grumpy. When you are at the supermarket and half the cart is filled with veggies and fruits and you have to lie to you parants that you are on a veggie and fruit only diet for the next 20 years ( didn't work )
When you know the feeling of fresh, warm bird poop running down your spine :26:

When the 1# reason you end up grabbing fast food for lunch during the work day is that you ran out of time to make your own meal after making your parrot's meal
I know it's been said before, but every parront knows that whatever you're eating has to be shared with the fids so make sure it's birdie-appropriate.

Also, with this hurricane coming up I've spent more time preparing bird related stuff than human preparation.
When you miss your schools dance to go bring the fids to the vet an hour away. True story... :rolleyes:

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