You know you're a Parront when...

Re: You know you're a bird person when...

When you think nothing of buying a bunch of new bird toys, but won't buy yourself a new pair of jeans.

I can completely relate to this one! Half of our tax return is going to the birds and despite the fact that most of my clothes I've had since high school(some are 9 years old, I realized that when I posted an old pic I found the other day and realized I still had what I was wearing in the picture in my closet lol) and I didn't even think about using any of it for clothes lol.
Re: You know you're a bird person when...

...When you start planning to move your office into the basement so your birds have a dedicated room.
Re: You know you're a bird person when...

Two true stories...when you go shopping for shoes, and think they're all too expensive, but, stop into Petsmart, and spend $32.00 on treats & supplies. And, when you go out to dinner, and your wife notices that you have bird poop on your shoulder, and you say,"It's just a little bit, and the only people who'll notice are bird people and will understand. If not also have poop on their shoulders as well!"
Re: You know you're a bird person when...

When you tell anyone on the phone that you're getting ready to hop in the shower with "the boys" and nobody takes it the wrong way.
Re: You know you're a bird person when...

When you think nothing of buying a bunch of new bird toys, but won't buy yourself a new pair of jeans.

I can relate to that one , roxynoodle , lolol.
I totally rather buy new bird toys and things for the birds and other animals then for myself anyday :)
Re: You know you're a bird person when...

when you tell anyone on the phone that you're getting ready to hop in the shower with "the boys" and nobody takes it the wrong way.

lmao !!!!!:d
Re: You know you're a bird person when...

When you think nothing of buying a bunch of new bird toys, but won't buy yourself a new pair of jeans.

I can completely relate to this one! Half of our tax return is going to the birds and despite the fact that most of my clothes I've had since high school(some are 9 years old, I realized that when I posted an old pic I found the other day and realized I still had what I was wearing in the picture in my closet lol) and I didn't even think about using any of it for clothes lol.

You better believe it !! I know what my tax return is going for na dit's definitely birdy related :jumping40
Re: You know you're a bird person when...

You're leafing through a magazine and stop to look at an article simply because there's a bird somewhere in the picture. And the article has absolutely nothing to do with birds! lol

You're not in the least bit bothered by bird poop on anything you own, clothes, furniture, your keyboard.

The rubber is missing from the scroll ball on your mouse.
Re: You know you're a bird person when...

When people comment that your house smells like vinegar, you reply "Yes I just cleaned, thanks for noticing."
Re: You know you're a bird person when...

...when you're choosing gourmet recipes for your next dinner party and you skip the ones which use avocado...
Pet shop staff do not know you by name... know your bird's name and call you Hey Mishka's mommy !!!!!

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when you go to meet the new neighbors, and they tell you, "Oh, yeah, you're the bird man that the other neighbors told us about!"
This goes for all pets but , during xmas time people ask what santa is bringing the animals , lololol. Who cares about the humans !
This goes for all pets but , during xmas time people ask what santa is bringing the animals , lololol. Who cares about the humans !

My parents do that!!!! They ask what to get for "the boys" and ask how they'm doing good too, by the way.....LOL
I would worry if I got enough toys and things for the animals , I tend to forget the hubby sometimes :rolleyes: but he understands he is not the first one on my list , lolol.
He also knows he is not the first one to get fed everyday either
You gotta have priorities ;)
You're watching Up! and you pause the movie at the point when one of the characters has a parrot on their arm, to try and decide if it looks more like a blue crowned conure or a blue headed pionus.
You sit and eat snacks with your parrot and pick up what they dropped and eat it.
My boyfriend hates shopping for groceries with me, all I hear is is that for the birds? That too.....
When the birds eat organic and all fresh, while you eat anything that is cheep.......I mean cheap.
I posted this one on my facebook yesterday, sorry for those that already saw it.

When you're having Easter Dinner with your family and you suddenly start giggling when you realize that stuffing is just birdie bread for people :p
When you would rather spend time with your fids than most of the people you know.

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