You know you're a Parront when...

:red1: When your husband is being a sweetheart and decides to bring you dinner and the first thing you do is get some for the bird (before even taking the first bite yourself). Just happened while I was reading this thread. I didn't even think about it until I was already making Coby a plate. LOL :D

We call that paying the toll. Can't even think of walking from kitchen to living room with a plate of food without dishing up a treat dish first.
Today I wanted my daughter to move and told her to step up :p
:red1: When your husband is being a sweetheart and decides to bring you dinner and the first thing you do is get some for the bird (before even taking the first bite yourself). Just happened while I was reading this thread. I didn't even think about it until I was already making Coby a plate. LOL :D

We call that paying the toll. Can't even think of walking from kitchen to living room with a plate of food without dishing up a treat dish first.

I do that, and my boyfriend gets quite irritated, since he doesn't like it when my husband makes me dinner.

JUST KIDDING. No husband! My boyfriend does think it's wierd though.
When you tell your mom your new shampoo smells like Zuppreem-
"Well that's not good honey!"
"No, mom, it's great! It smells AMAZING."

Conversation I had today! ;)
When it dawns on you ,you dont eat any chocolate anymore. Ive learned to like vanilla things cause I know someone will find me and I will have to share:)
bird poop stains on your clothes.
I'm sure everyone understands this. XD

"hey you have bird poop on you"
"oh yeah. hmm. *shrug*"
When you're watching a very serious, sad movie with your partner and you suddenly burst out laughing.

My partner thought I was a bit nuts, until I pointed out the fact that my Lovebirds were doing a very amusing circus act at the time, and I was having much more fun watching them than the movie ;)
When your bird tell you "shuuu Stevaliekie is sleeping"

Your child gets nipped by the bird, and you correct your child instead of the bird! (Totally guilty of this, my son is very gentle with our little bird, but he is very hyper, any time he moves too quickly, squeaky gets spooked, and will sometimes nip a little too hard, because he gets scared.) Wow, writing that down makes me sound like a mean mommy! I promise I'm not!
When you start eating stuff that you usually hate and make it look as if you are enjoying it. For example me eating broccoli in front of my CAG to make her give it a try:-)
When you buy a new video camera so you can capture those cute moments!
It happened to me for the first time: at a store for (non-pet) stuff, I saw something and thought "That would be good for bird toys."
You know you are a bird person when you always comment to the family about the bird you saw on T.V, explaining care, what they are doing right/wrong etc. :D
When you put your birdy to bed and then yell at your boyfriend for saying "baby" to loud, because you're scared the baby birdy might hear it and get excited!
When you actually bought a washable keyboard and bring your computer mouse with you to the bathroom.
When you realize at the grocery store that all the expensive super healthy food is for your birds and your own menu looks pretty skimpy for it. Yet your ok with it :)
When you actually don't mind hung over Sundays because you can spend all day in bed playing and snuggling your bird.
When you don't care that you aren't getting the security deposit back on the apartment because Lizzy had to have a hanging playgym.

When you have to go out of your bird's site even for a second and you reassure her that you'll be right back.

When you can't wait to move out of the apartment so you have more room for a bigger flock =P

When you get excited that your fid willingly tries a new HEALTHY food.

When your manager calls asking if you can come in earlier next week and while walking down the hallway you say "good morning kids" and, when she says "I didn't know you had kids", you have to explain to her that you were talking to your animals. (Good thing I work at petsmart so at least she understand lol)

When you're on the phone with your grandmother and you absent mindedly say your "baby" learned a new word and she thinks she's a great grandmother and gets mad for not telling her...

And it's probably been said before, but when you get your paycheck, you make sure you have enough money to buy new toys before you've even paid your bills.

Edit: one more

When you used to be OCD about your books being kept in pristine condition, but now you don't care because sometimes your bird wants to cuddle while you read. And if that means a few torn corners then so be it :)
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