You know you're a Parront when...

I've got another one:
when you are singing,dancing, and rocking out to Michael Jackson with all your parrots and when you stop you look around to see your adult son looking at you like "my mom has really lost it!".
when ur more concerned that ur bird gets enough sleep rather than ur wife;
when the people at ur work and ur bank demand u bring ur bird in when u visit/do business:
when u don't care if ur late for work because the birds bowls and dishes hafta be washed each day;
when ur biggest joy of the day is seeing him destroying a toy u just made him.
You rush home to make dinner for the birds!!! Making sure their food is more fresh than you ever cared your own food was!!!
When you make your husband get his whole work outfit socks included together before he goes to sleep to ensure he doesn't have to turn on the lights in the house and wake up the birds when he heads to work :D
Hi everyone, a new member here :orange:
* when my boyfriend is jelous, cause I kiss and hug and cuddle my Sunny more than him... and when Sunny gets jelous when I eventually do kiss him :dopey:

* then I kiss my bird goodnight, but forget to do the same to my boyfriend....

* whan a call to the dentists sound like this: ''Hi, AUCH, I would like to, STOP, to ask if I could come, NO, next week, AUCH, if you have, NO, DON'T BITE THERE, if you still have, STOP, time.... sorry, but she wants to cuddle...'' :smile004:

* whan I talk on the phone with my mum and play with Sunny at the same time, I eventually drop the phone and leave my mum, waiting and screaming for me, to eventually realize that I was on the phone :54:

* when my friends tell me that I have a huge Sunny fetish.... true...

* and the everyday one: befor work my girl is fed, cleen and out of the cage for as long as I have time (till the last second) and I have to run to my car, hungry, sleepy, almost late and with a birds nest on my head....

*... when yo2ur46,

LOks like 861*/ this..

(^^translation: when your mail looks like this)
- cause you had your bird in your lap (and on the keybord) while writing it...
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When you work graveyard shifts during the week, but still wake up at 6:30am on the weekends to get your fid out of her cage after hearing her say "good morning."
When you tilt your head slightly whenever you need to look up or down :p

When you decline a dance with a girl in a club, yet you randomly start dancing with your bird before work! :D
When you tilt your head slightly whenever you need to look up or down :p

When you decline a dance with a girl in a club, yet you randomly start dancing with your bird before work! :D
I totally tilt my head a little when I look up! I feel so silly and my friends say I act like a bird lol

I tend to make stupid noises in public, like woopidy woopidy, or wupe wupe.
I think this is learned behavior... 50 years ago... my aunt always brought her bird everywhere--in her pocket book with a flashlight and birdseed set up
She was ahead of her time.
When you decline to go out with friends or boyfriend because you feel like your bird hasn't had enough time with you that day.
When you go to the groccery store to buy a $100 worth of veggies and fruits and the cash register lady asks you if your a vegitarian and you say "no, I have a parrot" LOL
Or when the pretty little Teenage girls ask "But doesn't he poop on you?" with a ewwww look their faces and you answer "Yes..but the worlds been doing that on me for years, at least I know the reason he's doing it!"
When your stretching at gymnastics and bird seed falls out of your leotard. Or when you spend an hour cooking and chopping all sorts of fruits and veggies in the kitchen, the whole time knowing your bird will only eat one veggie and throw the rest on the walls, and when you have more health foods for your bird than yourself.
Friedsoup- I havent laughed that hard in a long time LOL :)
I'm 20 years old, and I've always been a partyer.
Alcohol and MJ, going out on weekends...
You know you're a parront when your friends call and say, "WHERE'S THE PARTY AT???" and you say, "Sorry, guys. I have to spend time with my baby. :)"

Apollo is my antidrug....:orange:
When your Thanksgiving pumpkin pie has a two big sunken foot prints and part of a belly print in the center because someone landed in it "accidently."

When you buy fully seeded watermelon, but never have to encounter a seed when you eat it.
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When you happily spend 30 mins preparing fresh fruit and veggies for your birdies breakfast, then rush off to work with a sip of apple juice and a bite of toast. :rolleyes:
When you have three mint tins in your bag. One for sultanas, one for pellets and one for the actual mints!


It's great when my friends ask me for a mint, I ask them to choose from one of the 3 tins... :D

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