You know you're a Parront when... call home, when out of town, to talk to the birds.
when you make your extended family put your birds names in as well when the draw names for christmas gifts. Insisting that if you have to buy for their human kids then they should have to buy for your feathered ones. I dont have any human ones
When you go to the grocery store and buy more food for the fids than you do for yourself..... :09:
When the longest conversation you have had all day is with your parrots.. Haha
When you are on Parrot Forums during your computer programming class....

Hi guys! :p I sit in the back...
Or when your still on parrot forum at 1:20 am on a Sunday night. Hahaha
When...they let out such a blood-curdling, spine-tingling, goosebump-giving squawk or screech that after it's finished you reply with, "Woo...that was a good one!" and shake your head. think talking about the color and thickness of bird poop is normal...:D
The entire time I was in Miami for job training all I could think of was how much the birds would enjoy the food I was eating! It was nice not to have to "share" (have it stolen) with them. It was delicious catered food. Some of those veggies and fruits... man, the birds would've loved it! think talking about the color and thickness of bird poop is normal...:D

Somehow I ended up on this topic with somebody who didn't have a bird and they looked at me like I was a very messed up individual. I didn't see anything wrong with talking about it... it's a part of life!:p at least bird people's lives...
When your bird tells you

Mommy I want a cell phone, TODAY
Mommy are you making coffee, I want coffee
Hey listen to me.........

How boring would our lives be without out beloved fid's

How boring would our lives be without out beloved fid's

Yes!! I look back at the year and half space where I didn't have birds and my life was so BORING!!!! :p
You know you're a parront when you cut your hand open with a pair of pliers while trying to make the mother of all jumbo sized bird safe boings.

I made a 2.5m long boing out of 32mm wide sisal rope and 2.5mm stainless steel wire with all stainless steel fittings. The thing is massive! :D
A small section of the wire was showing, we cant have that... tried to push it in with a pair of pliers but this is large gauge wire we are talking about here... I had to push really hard... of course I slipped and "punched" my other hand with the pliers... it split my knuckle open. :(

The things we do for birdy love :D My finger is swollen and sore and it keeps opening up when I move it.
you have to excuses yourself on a night out to your friends because "you have to go put the birds to bed"...

We are in the poll of our group of friends to be the first to get married because "sure we allready have kids anyway".. there's bets going on and we are not allowed in them!! grrr....
when you're out to a movie with friends and realise that whats been stabbing you all day is almonds in your jeans pockets :P
When you ask your parents if they think it's crazy to spend 100 dollars on a really big, really awesome, cargo net for the birds.

They thought it was crazy, of course. BUT IT'S MY MONEY HAHA! :p
When you eat pellets to try and get your fids to try them :D

Dear god, if only you guys knew how much bird food I've eaten in my life, ahahaha!
My cockatoo wont eat anything unless I've "tested" it first.
:red1: When your husband is being a sweetheart and decides to bring you dinner and the first thing you do is get some for the bird (before even taking the first bite yourself). Just happened while I was reading this thread. I didn't even think about it until I was already making Coby a plate. LOL :D

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