Yellow Nape Law

Carlos slowed as he entered the outer waters of Amsterdam Harbor near a full day ahead of schedule, he contacted the Harbor Master and requested a Pilot. Within 30 minutes a Harbor pilot arrived and they began the short journey to the marina area that the CERN’s Frame would be removed and the twelve 53’ containers would be loaded. He received the anticipated call from Chen stating that she was at the dock and looked forward to meeting him. Once tied-off, he stepped off his ship and met Chen. After confirming the documents and providing the needed signatures, he turned the off-loading and loading over to his First mate. Chen and Carlos drove a short distance to the drydock that the CERN’s ship was sitting. He quickly completed an inspection of the hull, drive pods, side thrusters and forward bulb. All appears at worst only lightly used. They proceed to the upper decks and after an hour of reviewing the ship ended-up at the helm. Carlos, then reviewed the past inspection reports and the survey completed only a couple of days ago. With the documentation in front of him, he stated the ship is in excellent condition and with only a few additions needed to the electronics to meet current minimum requirements could be sailing by weeks end. Chen’s stated that there are far more ships available and this vessel has little sales value. If I hear you correctly, you could skipper this ship by weeks end, yes. Yes, Carlos said, but if I were to skipper this ship, I would want a major upgrade to the electronics, upgrade to current the drive pod control technology, upgrade to current engine control electronics, new technology fuel injection system and a much larger radar mast and screen. Chen then stated that she could have those items finish prior to the last contracted shipment with Southern Ranger, will you Skipper this ship with a three-year contract? Carlos was silent for a couple of minutes as he considered her offer. Chen then elected to show him the contract by first turning to the salary and benefits page. Carlos stated that he would require his first mate, engineer and the other two crew members. Clen shock his hand and stated we have an agreement, yes? Carlos said yes.

Mary and Julio elected to return to the hanger Sunday afternoon to spend time with the staff and review what Priscilla had requested for the meeting. Julio was very happy with the preparations and asked for a tour of the facility. As they completed, Julio noted a door that had not opened and requested access. It was their server room with one server running and the other sitting next to it. Julio asked about it and was told that when they replaced it with a new one last Summer, they stated they would return and retrieve it later. Julio took a photo of the Identification panel and asked them to take it to their ship prep area. He sent the photo to Frederick and cc’s Priscilla stating he found a server for Mealy’s staff at CERN’s. In the ship prep area, he requested that they prep it to ship to Amsterdam, Monday morning on the P.180 Avanti EVO. Julio took several measurements and knew it would fit even with a frame around it. He provided a list of board lengths and helped them place them to protect the aircraft and still hold the server in place. They placed a paper wrap around it and the hanger Manager placed the flight numbers on it, ship date, time and other shipping /import information. Julio then connected to the security program, determined when it became operational and viewed several timelines assuring that it was continuous for the Swedish Security group to have facility history. Julio than stated that he expected they will be here between 7:00 and 7:30 hours tomorrow morning. He complimented the hanger Manager and they returned to the main hanger area.

Much like the other meeting, the Swedish Security Group arrived early Monday morning, and Julio provided them with the last 10 days of surveillance of the hanger and was busy answer question regarding the system and that it is included with the technology. As an introduction to the cybersecurity system, Julio set the Amsterdam Hanger attack by what first appeared to be ‘lone wolf’ hacker. In which it showed Frederick confirming the auto lockdown of the sensitive segments, as the system began an auto source search, while automaticly beginning the counterattack. The system defined the attacker as a Rogue State and then the specific country. It then showed Frederick electing to damage only their core processor and its power supply. He explained that he didn’t want to alert them to the fact that the Yellow-Nape system was the source of their damage. Stating that very likely they had been hitting several targets and they will see it as their system overloading. Better to not let them know it’s us or if they figure that out, highly unlikely, what our true abilities consist of! As with the other presentations, a ton of questions flowed, right-up to the moment that the delegation began arriving. Julio had started four additional screens earlier with them running either the past week’s surveillance or the Amsterdam, hacker attack. At that point Rosa and Angeline entered the hanger and Mary guided them behind the presentation area to a table set for her and Angeline. The hanger Manager turned over the documents that she had started for the meeting.

Mary headed the ‘meet and greet’ as the delegation arrived over several minutes as those in attendance, either gathered around the screens or the snack /refreshment tables. At 10:00 hours, Mary asked those gathered to find a seat as we are ready to start. Like the prior meeting, Mary asked Julio to provide a quick review of what had occurred at the Amsterdam Hanger. With all screens displacing the event as it occurred, he explained what had happened and how the system responded.
Julio then, turned the meeting back to Mary and she completed the introductions. At the end, she asked the Prime Minister if he would like to begin with a statement. He thanked Mary and his Security Staff who have arranged for this meeting. As everyone has been able to see, this multi-capable technology in a real-world scenario on display as we arrived and reviewed just moments ago, thank you Julio. The goal of today’s meeting is to better understand the technology, determine its advantages and the process of obtaining it for the safeguard of our people and government. He then turned the meeting back to Mary, who asked Julio to provide an overview of the technology. Julio stepped forward and began explaining with the support of the power point presentation, the four main segments of the technology and interfacing it with their existing systems.

Upon finishing, the room was silent and Mary allowed the time for the members to place it in context in their minds. As the tech staff was seeing the advantages and uses of the technology. Mary suggested that it was time to break into small groups of Technology, headed by Julio, Contract, headed by Rosa and Financial, headed by myself. Please understand that it is fully acceptable to move between the groups as subjects attract your interest. After we define the segments, we will come together to address any questions that had may need additional clarification.

An hour and a half later the FBO staff switched the snack /refreshments tables out and rearranged the room with tables of eight, then set the midday meal and refreshment tables. As more and more individuals began to gather around the midday tables, finding a table to sit at and then bringing refreshments. The meeting transitioned into the third phase as the Mary, Rosa and Julio positioned themselves in front of the group. Mary introduced the last segment and opened the floor to general questions, lasting near thirty minutes. Julio than rose and stated that, from what we are hearing this group has a strong interest in proceeding. At this point, we would like to suggest that we sign a document of commitment or if there is full agreement a document to proceed. The silence was not unexpected.

The Prime Minister stood and stated that they would like to sign documents to proceed. Julio stated that they will have the document sets available in about 10 minutes. Any additional questions, please. He left and was meet by the hanger Manager who had the documents. Julio was very happy. He requested that the hanger Manager and staff set the document signing table along the South wall. When they completed the arrangement, Julio began to present the document set, but stopped as the system alarmed that an intruder had entered the safe zone. Julio switched all the screens to the zone that had alarmed. The image that appeared was of an individual setting what the system defined as a bomb at each of the light poles along the access road toward the hanger. The system than defined the individual as Jimmy Bird, an individual of questionable background and of interest to Swedish Police. The system notified the Airport Security Service as they waited until they began arriving. Both the police and the delegations’ security groups descended upon the individual, disarming him and wing cuffing him. The Bomb Squad arrived and minutes later the zone was safe again. All while Julio completed a deeper search of the individual including recent activities, known associates, and groups. The list as displayed on the screens, clearly defined that he has contacts with dangerous groups. The information was provided to the on-site security and police.
Julio started the meeting again by provided a verbal review of the documents from the center back of the table, each Department Head and the Prime Minister followed along with him. Upon completion, they each signed the document in front of them and shifted so that each set was signed. Both Mary and Julio signed the document after which Mary ensure that each Department Head and the Prime Minister received their copy.

As the signing was completed, the after the meeting, meeting began with a discussion of the arrest that was made and specific question each individual asked.

After the Swedish Delegation had left, they packaged the documents and prepared them for shipping to Amsterdam. The G-280 had been positioned, fueled and their luggage and cases loaded for their flight to Iceland for additional fuel, then the hop to Michigan.

The King Air 350i was guided on the paddock and given the signal to shut engines down. Kwamie exited the aircraft and Chen meet her as she stepped on to the paddock. Chen provided a tour of their hanger and introduced her to the hanger staff starting with Janet. Janet pointed out that early this morning they received a steel shipment for the auto shelving system. The driver stated the install crew commonly arrive mid-morning. Not a moment later three cargo van’s parked alongside the hanger. Six roosters walked in asking for Chen and provided her their document set and asked her to sign. Chen said, I sign when this is installed and operational! With that they went over to the boxes placing them around the area like they have done this a thousand times and then the steel bits. Two of them brought in two tool carts and a concrete drill, while two other individual laid-out the placement for the vertical sections as the other two completed the placement of the steel bit. An hour and a half later they had completed the installation of the shelving and began laying the paths for the automated pick and place unit. Chen and Kwamie completed the inventory of the 747, while the shelving group busied about finishing their work. As they completed, they cleaned the floor well and set the pick and place unit and tested it. Chen and Janet where provided a review of its operation. They then set the WIFI in place and assured that Chen and Kwamie laptops connected with the controller. Ten minutes later they began using it. Chen was impressed system and they had cleaned-up after themselves. Prior to requesting her signature, he also reviewed the many options that Priscilla had included with the package. As they began to load their bits into the work vans, three other like vans arrived with a fence enclosure for the unit. Chen signed the document for the first crew and they recommended to take photos prior to the fencing going up as the unit is more visible. Two hours later the fencing was finished and Janet signed-off as Chen and Kwamie had left for CERN’s.

Chen had completed all the documentations required within CERN’s for the upgrades to the CERN’s Group PanImax ship, additional survey, and inspections once the work is completed, floated and moved to the marina that Carlos had requested for the needed work. With the lack of work because of the recent closure of the Cannel, they had six crews already working on the ship while it was still in dry dock. Frederick reviewed the request for a GEN IV Server with GEN IV O/S, Mealy International level software, less the attack /retaliation feature for the CERN’s vessel. She had also requested power and sensor requirements. Frederick smiled as he could only recall once that he had stated those requirements for an installation in front of her. Priscilla was reviewing a request from Chen for Beak and Team to provide a security review and recommendations for the CERN’s Group PanImax ship and the CERN’s facility. She had noted that Chen’s had gotten signatures from the CERN’s managers for the purchases and work. She smiled and pictured the CERN’s managers’ content with being center stage after the poor treatment they had received in the past.

The P.180 Avanti EVO received approval for landing with a straight in path and simply followed the glidepath in for an early runway touchdown, which allowed an early turn-off, and a quick trip to the Hanger’s paddock. The ground crew guided them to a place in front of the Hanger and shut the engines down. The ground crew brought the fork truck near the cargo door and with muscle they safely removed the server from the aircraft to the fork truck then quickly into the service area of the Hanger. With great luck Beak and Team, customers’ for today and tomorrow reschedule to another date as it seems that everyone had received new build data from CERN’s last night. As they gathered around the server, they started their evaluation as they step by step opened it and started their review of the boards and major and minor components. They continued their checks while developing their list. Beak stood back and looked at the height the server and brought a chair alongside and sat down. He looked at his Team and said, this would work as a table between the two chairs in Chen’s office, yes? Priscilla was passing by and noted Beak sitting next to the server and entered the room. Beak presented her with the idea. What are you going to do with the wiring? Beak stated, out the bottom to under the office area, after all, its perched above the work area, much like the offices here. Priscilla smiled and asked when will you be installing it? Beak said, after Frederick signs-off on the unit, the upgrades, then I will know the when. Good with me Priscilla said as she rang Frederick as he answered she said, I have our “A” Team here and they have questions for you my friend as she handed Beak her phone. Five minutes later he asked if she want to speak with Frederick. She took the phone and said, love you dear, bye! She heard Frederick’s bye. She looked at Beak as he said Friday this week. Priscilla thanked him and stated we will target Wednesday afternoon for telling Chen and the CERN’s Managers.
When is the sequel, we are spellbound!

With now over 100 straight days of straight story telling there is clearly a need to recharge the mind in the works. Likely about the time that Mary and Julio are enjoying their honeymoon, this story will end and after a week, or more break, the sequel will grow out of the transitions that are already well under way with Mary, Rosa and Angeline playing stronger roles.

It has been a joy to let this story unwined before us and I thank each of you who are enjoying it.

Priscilla asked Beak to stop by her office when he has his staff working on the server and can break-away. About 20 minutes later Beak knocked at Priscilla door as he entered, and she waved him in. Priscilla stated she noticed that Sara was not here today, what was the findings of your two interrogations? The handler had connections with the evil Northern Bear and once questioning began, he told us everything he knew. I have a sizeable list of contacts from our discussions as he past the list to Priscilla. Once we had gathered everything he knew, I used a sedative drug on him to keep him silent while we spoke with Sara. Redvent brought her in and past her handler’s still body to shake her and set her in the needed mindset. After she was in the other room, Redvent and the Netherlands’s police loaded him in the back of their SUV and took him away. Sara seeing her handler, in her mind, dead, clearly helped when I began talking to her. She provided supporting information as to what her handler had said. I can state with comfort that the information she provided was the first and we have it! In my opinion, Sara is yet a child. Does not yet understand that she is responsible and that poor choices have very serious consequences. She needs to grow-up and your choice of having her mother flown here was very helpful. After I had assured confirmation, the information had been recovered. I brought her mother in and her mother stated that Sara needs to spend time with the Woman in Nigeria. I can confirm that Sara and her mother are there now. Hmm, Priscilla stated, I’m guessing that it will be an extended time, to likely never that Sara will leave Western Africa? That would be my belief, Beak said, I am sorry for her loss to the organization. Thank you, Beak! As he left, she placed the information in an email and set it to her Partners, as a tear formed in her eyes. A bit later, she entered Beak’s list into a search and was not surprised as the software filled in extensive information regarding each, plus linking them to current and past occurrences. As it finished, she sent it to her Netherlands IT contact and Interpole.

A half-World away, the G-280 landed in Western Michigan and arrived at the FBO’s hanger. After the FBO staff had prepared for the clients to exit the aircraft, they opened the aircraft for their exiting with Angeline being the very first one to exit with Julio being the last to exit after thanking the pilots for an enjoyable crossing. They entered the Hanger as the TSA staff welcoming them to the USA and passport confirmation, and then to the joyful welcome of their parents and especially as Grandparents. Angeline was a bit bewilder by it all, but quickly determined that she was the center of attention as she met her Grandparents for the first time. Julio and Mary thanked the FBO staff as they joined the family climbing into the minivan. With great luck, they had sleep-well during the over-night crossing, especially Angeline who had found a spot under Julio’s left wing and disappeared early on. Julio during the early segment caught-up on his readings. As part of the second segment, she fell into her mother’s wings early-on. Julio finished responding to the many communications and was very happy to see that Beak and Redvent had been successful in turning the server into a powerhouse for Chen. He set the laptop aside as he smiled rolling his head into Mary’s and fell fast asleep.

Beak noted that he had received an email from Frederick with a list of upgrades and components to check. Mounting two quad core processors was a new challenge for Beak, but Frederick has provide several approaches to fit it all in and still have good air flow. Frederick loved the idea of having the server appear as a table between the two chairs in the office. Frederick provided several ideas regarding airflow and coverings /grates /screens. While collecting additional components, Beak stopped by the Hanger Manager’s office and asked if the FBO had a wood shop at one of the sites. She smiled and said, building #7 has a complete wood shop, would you like me to call and tell them you will be visiting them? Yes, Beak stated and headed back to the server to get specific measurements. Prior to leaving he told Redvent about mounting the two quad core processors as they looked closely at the board and the needed placement of the dual raised mounting plate. We will want to raise the fans to increase air flow here and here. They placed the order for the plates and four hush fans, four heatsinks, plus the other parts they did not have on-site.

Beak and Redvent arrived at building #7 and introduced themselves. As they followed the manager neither of them could resist not looking at the server suffering along the side wall. They side tripped to it and offered to take a look at their server. They then met the two staffers that ran the Wood Shop and provided a review of what they wanted and Beak provided the measurements. The staffer said, if you can bring some life into our server, we’ll pop this out and we call it even! The two looked at each other and agreed. A few moments later they had the cover off the server and agreed that neither of them had ever seen a server so covered with dirt and dust. They found a ShopVac, an air hose and began cleaning the server board by board. They then cleaned all the connection points and began reassembling the server. Redvent turned the power panel breaker on and Beak started the server with the cover-off. Beak elected to tune-it up a bit and was able to get a 95% operational level. Then they began reinstalling the connections and noted that the ground was not even tight. They used the air hose to blow-out the filters and set the cover in place and photo’d the Identification plate. The Hen in the office came over to them and thanked them for whatever they did to their server! The manager was next and Beak provided him a business card and said, we cleaned it, but the heat from not being cleaned regularly has weakened two of their boards. It’s running now, but it is not going to make it another year without some serious help. The true danger is that when it fails, you will loss a ton of memory. So have your management call our management and set-up either a rebuild of this one or a new server. The hanger Manager thanked them as the wood shop staffers arrived with the server cover. Beak was taken back by the quality they had used to create it. I will let my management know that you will be calling. Thank you! The Manager said, no, Thank you!
They returned to the Hanger and brought the table /cover over to the server and set it along-side it. Priscilla was walking by and said, happy to see the both of you back, so what do we have? Beak stepped out of the way and Priscilla stated how much did that cost us. Beak smiled, Redvent and my time to clean their server and tune it a bit. And their management will be call you asking for a price on a rebuild or new server. I will spend you a photo of the Identification plate. Ever consider sales Beak? Priscilla asked as she continued on her way admiring the table as she pasted it. The Hanger Manager came over with a box of parts that had come in for the server and placed it on the server as they continued upgrading it. They were very happy to see the mounting plate in the box. Redvent test set it in the proper position. Beak read Fredericks email again and took a very long look at the DRAM and memory drives, and calculated what they could push this unit too, with the two quad core processors. Beak believed that the Hens will be rapidly reviewing data from all three servers, likely at the same time, and that DRAM would be as important, if not more so, than the memory, so he elected to max both based on available space and the continued expansion of the GEN IV O/S software after all this is going to be a full GEN IV server and O/S without attack /retaliation abilities. They also looked for a place on board #1 for the Guillotine unit and they clearly needed to seriously upgrade the earth ground. Beak photographed the table next to the server and sent both to the three Partners, with descriptions.

Late afternoon they had everything including a mid-afternoon delivery of more components that allowed them to power the server-up. Beak was very happy with the way the server responded to the start-up. He checked the status and from a first start he was seeing 94%. He than loaded the Mealy GEN IV O/S system and saw a very minor drop off, he adjusted the unit and allowed it to run all segments of the O/S and it pushed a 99%. He ran a diagnostic on the server and found a heatsink that was out of specification. Redvent check stock and they had one. Beak shut the server down and they pulled the board and replaced the heatsink, set the board back in place and Beck started it again. Ten minutes later it was running 99%. He connected his laptop to the server and began running a series of diagnostics from his laptop to simulate operational loads and watch the temperature gauge they had place within the server and saw a reading of 76 degrees F. with a Hanger temperature of 73 degrees F. Next, they placed the exterior cover over it and watched the temperature, no change. They elected to have an early dinner.

In the FBO Cafeteria they saw Priscilla and asked if they could sit with her. She welcomed them and asked how Chen’s server performing? Very well Beak stated, we have it on test now with the cover on. It needs to run for 24 hours to complete the test. What are you doing tomorrow morning? We need to test the components that we removed from the CERN’s managers’ server and this server and recycle the damaged and refurbish those that perform well. Also, we had a new heatsink fail and we will mark it, provide a note for the supplier and have it returned to the vendor. Priscilla stated that Chen wants you and Redvent to inspect a ship that CERN own’s for placement of a Mealy server and a security system as she is concerned regarding pirates and drug runners. She states that there are numerous systems onboard that have output ports, but there is no oversight system. Beak was running what he knew about ships and what came to mind was poor grounds are commonly problems with the zinc blocks or in some cases magnesium blocks. Also, their generators are cheap and cause far too much electrical noise for excellent server support. He remembered that the new expensive yachts do not suffer those problems. He shared his thoughts with Priscilla and that they could use those systems on the new super yachts to solve the problems. Well, Priscilla said, sounds like a road trip tomorrow. You should call her and let her know of your concerns and that you will visit the ship tomorrow morning, yes? Beak agreed. Now my friends, let’s talk about CERN’s security system.

Chen reviewed her notes from her phone discussion with Beak and elected to call the Marina manager who is rapidly completing the work that Carlos requested. Hello Chen, I knew you would be calling, so I collected an update of the work. Several minutes later as he completed the update, Chen thanked him for their work. Chen, I have one question regarding the water temperature sensor, we commonly see those in different locations depending on where the ship will be sailing most. Chen said, she understood that it is used to know if they are in the Gulfstream or not. Okay, he wants it in center and forward. Chen stated that she is having their electronics specialist visit you tomorrow morning and they wish to talk with you regarding sensitive electronic systems they wish to install or possibly you can install. To the point, they have a need for the high-end electrics /communication commonly seen on high-end mega yachts. Yup, I know what they want and we commonly handle that work for the builders’ here in Amsterdam. That is good to know, they will be there mid-morning. I’m guessing you want them to stop at your offices first, yes. Yes, Chen, please have them call my phone as they arrive at the gate. I will, bye. Chen placed the information in an email and sent it to Beak and cc’s the Partners.

Prior to leaving for the day, Beak and partner checked the server and found that another heatsink has failed. Beak called the supplier and they recommend a higher spec heatsink and they will ship over four, yet this afternoon. He provided Beak a return number for the four units they had sent. They elected to verify the test results and found no other issues. As they finish removing all four heatsinks, Redvent took them, plus the other one, noting the two that had failed and provided them to the stockroom staffer with the return number. And with near perfect timing, the delivery guy showed-up with the new heatsinks and took the return units. They double checked the connections and installed the new ones, which just fit in the available space. Redvent asked Beak if they should provide vertical board supports, Great idea, see if they have twelve in the stock room. While Redvent was visiting the stockroom, Beak finished the installation of the heatsinks. They both were very impressed with the stiffness the vertical board supports provided the boards. They placed the cover on and restarted the testing, noting the past failures on the test card. They measured the area they needed under the server so that it could be wired from below. Beak remembered the concern regarding earth ground and assured that the incoming power wires are 6 gage for all four lines. While he was thinking about it, he defined the electrical requirements for the new electrical power panel for her office.
Halfway around the World Julio was thinking what is the likelihood that all our Northern hangers in Europe having an extra server that had not been picked-up? He sent an email to each manager asking that they prep and return the extra server sitting in their server room. Of the five emails sent, all had an extra server and would be preparing them for return to Amsterdam on the next flight. Julio sent a heads-up to Priscilla, Beak and the Amsterdam Hanger Manager of the inbound servers. Mary asked what he was doing and he said, just reacting to a hunch, dear heart, as he showed her the results of his email. She smiled and said, you know, we will be leave in the morning, do you think ‘our’ parents would like to go out for dinner? Possible their favorite restaurant? Great idea let’s ask.

At 8:30 hours, everyone arrived at the Western Michigan FBO hanger. The tears flowed across the family as it was clear everyone enjoyed the visit with promises that it will not be as long between gathering and the next get together. As they boarded the G-280 they waved to Grandma and Grandpa, love you, bye. With Grandma and Grandpa on their way home, dad looked at mom and said, I have two clients that are beginning sued and both are represented by the big dog. I’m think that dog needs to be bitten again, after all it’s been a while, he said with a smile. Mom, turned to her husband and said how about selecting the most challenging of the two cases, dear? As the G-280 lifted and began its trip to Atlanta, Julio said, I have a note from Chen and she said that when Carlos returns to Amsterdam next week that Julio ‘needs’ to be in Amsterdam so they can meet. Julio smiled and kissed his loving Mary, she smiled and thanked God for hearing her prays. A moment later, Angeline crawled into her uncles lap and under his left wing and was asleep moments later. Mary moved to where Rosa was sitting as they watched Julio join Angeline. The two hens talked about their time together and what they saw and where and when Mary and Julio would marry and all the other things they needed to catch-up on and planned for the future.

Carlos was well on his way to the Gulf of Mexico using the Southern route. He noted that he had an incoming call from his office. The voice of one of the owner’s sons booming from the phone as Carlos turned down the volume. What part of the World are you in Carlos? He provided him the exact position and told him that it would be about two days prior to arriving along the far Southern Coastal Texas region. Okay, that would likely place you in Amsterdam mid-next week, yes. Assuming the Southern Atlantic remains quiet, for certain Thursday night. Great, we have a new Grant Program from the University of Amsterdam, a summer trip, to the far Northern Atlantic, great money with two teams that want to be underway the first part of the following week. That’s great, but we have two additional trips scheduled with the CERN’s Group, and from my calculations the money has been great. True, but we are a Research Vessel and this would be a seven-week program, that could repeat next summer. I hear you, let me call them and get back with you, bye. Carlos call Chen and updated her on what the Owners’ of Southern Ranger want to do. To his shock, Chen was very happy as the work he had requested was completing and that they are working on Beak’s additional upgrades. Whose Beak, Carlos asked? She quickly provided a background of Beak and what she had asked him to add to your list and his own upgrades to the stability of the onboard electronics, communications and the schedule from the Marina was this coming Monday, they could turn the ship over to the survey and inspection groups and she would be ready for trials just about the time you are back in Amsterdam. It’s your choice, but you could be returning to Texas as skipper of the CERN Switzerland if you wish. Carlos added that one of his deckhands who also cooks has fallen in love with a Texas gal and will be leaving when we dock at the Marina in Texas. Chen said that the last crew for this ship included two engineers, two deckhands and a cook. You know anyone that you would want? Carlos stated that he did and he would contact them. Carlos, I have several documents that I need to complete that will be part of the ship’s registration documents, are you okay with the ship’s name? Yes, the name is a good one! Great, I need to get busy and fill that larger ship for you, bye!

Carlos called a meeting with his crew and updated them as to the changes that are coming this next week and if they are still in. With the exception of the one deckhand everyone was happy with the upcoming change as it seemed that all of them had taken a side trip over to view the CERN Switzerland and were over-joyed with her. He then asked if they had any favorites for the following positions: Engineer-2, Deckhand-2 and Cook-1. With the exception of the additional Deckhand with two possibilities, they all agreed on the Engineer and Cook! Carlos contacted the Engineer and Cook and called his favorite for the Deckhand position. They all agreed and would be at the Texas Marina when this ship docked. Carlos called the Owner’s and told them that the ship would be ready for the University Program on Friday next.

Beak received a call from Chen stating that the Marina needs the server this week. Beak told, Chen that her office server was ready for installation this Friday as he sent her the electrical requirements. He then stated that he would not have another server ready until next week Tuesday and that’s if she received approval from Priscilla for them to work this weekend. Chen asked if he would be willing to install her office server on the ship this week Friday. Chen, this server will work in either location, but that would require the approval of the Partners. Chen said, she would call Priscilla first and then the guys, bye. Beak elected to see Priscilla now and headed for her office. He knocked as he entered, seeing her wave him in. He stated that she was about to get a call from Chen requesting…. As he finished her phone rang as she said, its Chen. Chen first updated her regarding CERN Switzerland and the change that the owners’ of Southern Ranger had requested of Carlos. She than stated, I would like to make all of this happen, but it would require that she switch the Mealy server to the CERN’s group that would include an invoice to bill CERN for the server and that she had money approved. Priscilla asked what guest accommodations CERN Switzerland had on-board. Chen was surprised by the question and stated that it has an excellent owner’s cabin plus two extra crew cabins. She knew better than to ask why. Priscilla started with, I know you have already calculated the loss of time in getting your inventory system up and running, so I’m going to ‘assume’ you have elected to make this happen, if we agree, correct? Yes, Priscilla. Alright dear heart, I will tell Finance to expect a project number for them to bill against and I will tell Beak and Team they have a server to install tomorrow as she looked at Beak for confirmation. Seeing him nod, yes.
Please understand Chen that there is no-warranty, because its mounted on a ship, even though Beak has assure a stellar power generation equipment on-board. Now since I have you on the phone, I’m hearing on the ‘hen’ backchannel that there is a want to have Julio here next Wednesday for a meeting that includes his brother Carlos, his sister Rosa and his soon to be wife Mary, did I hear that correctly. Yes, Chen answered and then asked; if I may be so bold, is the interest in the accommodations on CERN Switzerland have any connection to a future honeymoon cruise? If so, I would like to bring some feminine attention to that room. Well, I’m not allowed to comment on such, but I could say that would be a very good idea, Chen, bye.

She looked across to Beak, Not A Single Word, My Friend. And dear friend, assure that ship is safe, as we will have a huge corporate investment on that ship and I’m not talking hardware or money. He looked at Priscilla with his true hat on as he said, there are several excellent, shall we say protection systems, out there that I will personally pay for. Priscilla saw why Julio so deeply trusted him. You should know that you are one of several that have felt his heart and soul. We are all blessed that he is in our World and our dear friend. My friend, let us all contribute to this additional feature. Please know that it is the plan of the Partners’ to provide our extended family of both Mealy and Yellow-Nape staff to enjoy such a cruise in the future. She believed that she saw what could have been a tear as he turned and headed quickly downstairs. As he approached Redvent, he asked him to visit the stock room and bring every vertical board support bracket they have as we need to up the structure of this server as it is going to spend its life at sea.

As the G-280 was guided into place, the ground crew signaled the shutdown of the engines as others prepared for the arrival of their guests. As no surprise to all, Angeline was first down the stairs with warm welcomes by all. As his ladies descended the stairs Julio thanked the pilots for the excellent flight. Julio saw Frederick lift Angeline and hugged her as if she was his own grandchild. As his eyes opened, he saw Julio exiting the aircraft as he asked if that was her uncle? She squealed with delight that others knew he was her uncle! Once they had all gathered in Julio’s office, he switched to his business side as he quickly provided Frederick and the department heads with an update of meeting with the Swedish Government and the timeline. The IT manager stated that tomorrow, they plan to fly to Phoenix on board the 747 that had been routed to Atlanta prior to flying to Phoenix with the first set of five servers. It is their target to return on the 747’s Monday flight to Atlanta. One of the IT members will stay with the system while it begins its 30-day testing and training phase before it is turned over to the staff at Phoenix. Julio stated the Frankfurt group are finishing the first set of five for the Netherlands’, while Stuttgart is finishing their first set of five for Switzerland. Beak and Team will be installing a Mealy server on the CERN Switzerland tomorrow and they are targeting next week Wednesday for the Mealy server at Chen’s office at CERN. We are still on time with the Australia project, but we need to reconfigure the management of that project.

Frederick introduced Rosa and welcomed her to the Yellow-Nape group, as she will be managing both Eastern and Western Europe out of our Amsterdam facility. And, before I forget, allow me to belatedly introduce Mary our past manager of our South Africa hanger and now the hanger Manager of our Stuttgart hanger, Mary! For those that may not be aware of it, Julio’s soon to be wife. As he turned to them, he asked, if we have a date yet? Julio said, no date yet, but sooner rather than later, dear friends. Julio catching the oversight stated, Now, please allow me to introduce my dearest niece, Angeline.

As his office emptied, Julio’s phone rang as he saw it was the Lease Manager for KLM. Hi Julio, I understand that congratulations on your engagement are in order. Julio thanked him, while he texted his Contract Lab and asked for a copy of the KLM agreement and supporting documentation, ASAP. What can I do for you today? Well Julio, I was reviewing our proposed agreement with our executive division vice-president and we have adjusted our numbers and we would like to meet with you in the near future. Julio asked where’s the VP of Corporate Leasing? Well Julio, he determined, he was able to be of more help in another segment of the organization. Allen brought in the agreement they had rewritten and set it on his desk and at Julio’s indication sat down. Julio said that sadly, I will not miss him and to be honest his direction was hurting our relationship with KLM, let this be the turning point that heads us back to our successful relationship of this early Spring. Now can you send me a copy of what you are considering? Okay, I have just sent you the document, Julio. The email arrived, Julio allowed the Mealy system to check it while he prepped the printer and selected print three copies. As the first set completed his staffer set it on his desk as he opened it and scan it quickly. If you’re ready, I have my copy, where would you like to start. They finished with both Allen and him finished their notes. Julio stated, I believe that what KLM has done is come closer to Delta’s position and I thank-you for that and I will tell you that near locks this in for us. But there is one point, that likely was a typo /error on page 11 at the top of item 27. It appears to me that any and all data collected by the Mealy technology is the property of KLM. There is settled law that states that it should be shared property of the parties, a position that we support. There was a moment of silence and a click on the line and he was back. I would agree that it was likely a typo and we are willing to correct that to state the data would be shared. Julio offered to re-write the document as it will take us a couple of hours, where it will take, your folks a couple of weeks. He agreed as Julio suggested that it would be proper to include Boeing as part of the shared data. He agreed. Great, let’s talk tomorrow mid-afternoon, yes? He heard him say, yes as Julio stated bye. Julio turned to Allen and stated what an excellent contract this is! I’m very impressed with the direction our contracts are moving, thank you and your fellow staffers. Please make the changes to our document and have it ready for tomorrow noonish?
Beak and Redvent arrived at the Marina’s outer gate and called the manager prior to entering. They received directions and was told that he will meet them ship side. The Marina manager handed them each a safety helmet and safety vest. He stated that he had talked to Chen about your request to upgrade the ship’s electronics and I fully agreed with the want. When we finish here, we will visit my office and I will provide you examples of what we are installing on the super yachts that are built in Amsterdam. Beak showed him the server and also removed the cover. The manager was very impressed with the server having seen several over the years. Beak also provide him the power supply and connection requirements and that the server is set to receive those from the floor. Beak provided photos of proper installations and electrical panel requirements. Beak also stated that earth ground is very important. To that point, the manager recommended installing magnesium blocks in place of zinc under the ship. An hour later, they finished and his crew had moved the server to the Helm for installation over-night. At his office, they reviewed the technology that are the current best on the market. Beak selected the power supply system that provided the cleanest voltage and upgraded the system to include a back-up and auto switch-over equipment. Beak then moved to the security technology and asked the manager if he had seen ships that had been attacked and what eased and what repelled attackers regarding the ship’s design /counter-attack measures. The manager pulled the drawings and they defined areas that needed to be enhanced to repel attackers, including lighting and cameras. They then talked about assertive-repelling systems. Beak was amazed as what has become available in just the last couple of years. They defined a system that allowed auto, remote and manual use, plus storage areas when entering North American and European Ports. The manager stated that everything they had defined is available and he will get approves from Chen and begin ordering today.

Chen was expecting the call from the Marina manager and he quickly reviewed the excellent discussion he had with Beak and asked if he could be called-on to review other projects? Chen asked if Beak had provided a Business Card and you should call when you have a project. But understand that he and his partner are high-value asset employees’ and that the organization keeps them very busy. When he provided the cost, Chen was happy as it fit well within the budget that she had gotten approval. The manager stated that their Marina wants to provide the ship with a solar, parallel-based, panel system to assist the generator system at no-cost, as CERN’s quick approvals allow them to keep their staff busy /employed, thank you, Chen, as she thanked him.

As the Sun rose, Beak was on his way to the Marina after dropping-off Redvent at the Hanger to begin evaluation of one of the servers that had come in for use in Chen’s office at CERN’s. After arriving at their gate, Beck called the Marina manager and was told that the ship has been floated over-night and is now sitting at dock 5. As Beak approached the ship, he was amazed at the additional work they had completed over-night as the ship had been painted with the exception of the upper most deck. He also saw the new mast and the dual communication pods mounted on it with the new, larger radar boom. The Swiss colors also accented the ships natural lines and made for an impressive appearance. He was amazed that the counterterrorist /attack repleting measures where not at all obvious. He also noted the locations of the shipside lighting and camera units. He saw the Marina manager and stopped. While exiting his SUV, the manager welcomed him while providing a helmet and safety vest. Beak stated that he was taken back by the amount of work completed. The manager smiled and compared it to his work where no one sees the vast amount of work completed unit the new cover is put in place. Beak smiled and agreed.

The tour of the ship and the vast number of installations they have completed was extensive to behold. The manager pointed out that every piece of equipment that had an output port has been wired to the server. As they entered the helm, Beak was very happy with how the server blended in with the room to a point that if he did not know what to look for, he would have missed it. Beak checked the server and it’s connections. He also noted the method they used to lock the server in place and placed a mental note to use it in their installations. He then switched the power panel breaker on and then switched the server on and waited for it to complete its start-up while he talked to the manager about the ship and what differences Carlos would see between his ship and this ship. The manager smiled, commonly their first comments is the time it takes to increase and decrease speed as it is all about the increase in weight between them. That said, this ship will not use that much more fuel to travel the same distance as it is very efficient design. And, since he runs the Gulf Stream, he could see lower fuel usage while in the stream. Beak noted the server was online and displaying 98%. He elected to adjust the server and to run the diagnostic software. He noted a loose ground connection and repaired it; the display adjusted to 99%. The manger was impressed with his handling of the server and the quick results. With his laptop connected, he began installing the software for the various equipment. While the ship’s engine and drive pod software were loading, the manager took Beak to watch them position the active security system and their storage units while in Port.

Chen called the manager as she arrived at the outer gate. He auto opened the gate and stated they are at dock #5 and he will meet her at the stairway to the ship as he auto closed the gate. Chen was likewise amazed at the dock side stance of the CERN Switzerland! While she spoke with the manager, a Fueler ship arrived and set-off the portside of CERN’s. The two of them made their way to the Helm, where he left her with Beak as he needed to speak with the Fueler’s Skipper. He detailed what he needed the Fueler to do first, prior to fueling the ship. The Skipper of the Fueler had his staff connect to CERN and run a clearing chemical into the first of six tanks on-board CERN and pulled it back-out, as his staff went inside and removed the remaining chemical from the bottom of the tank and then closed it. Once closed, he filled that tank with diesel fuel. They then repeated the process with each additional tank. Upon completing, the Skipper sent his First mate to have the manager sign the clean and fill document. The manager signed the document and called his engine room specialists stating that CERN’s needed its fuel system prepped for pre-start. He found Chen and Beak in the Owner’s cabin with Beak helping Chen with measuring the room, window, etc. The manager called his interior designer and requested she come to CERN’s Owner’s cabin to meet with Chen. As she arrived, the manager quickly introduced her to Chen and Beak. Beak and the manager left to return to the Helm while the designer opened her laptop and began reviewing the work, they have completed with the Cruise Ship Industry and what they can provided for CERN’s. After they completed the Owner’s suite, they then visited all of the other cabins, including the dinning and lounge /game room areas. They then went to the Helm to meet-up with the others. While the Rooster’s finished up, they defined what they could do with that area. She than costed the project and provided Chen the total cost. Chen approved the work and turned to the manager and thanked him. She asked if Beak was happy with the work, they have completed for him and he stated he was very happy. Beak completed his final installations and switched-on the read-outs to the various screens in the Helm and other locations. While Chen and the Marina manager spoke regarding the upcoming survey and inspections. The Marina’s engineer entered the Helm and requested to begin starting the engines. The manager asked Beak if the server was ready to receive engine data and was told it was. Over the next two hours the four engines where started, inspected and allowed to come to operating temperature as the data was displayed in the engineers’ rooms, the office in the engine area, the Skipper’s room, First mate’s room and 8 large Helm displays.
As Janet loaded the new inventory for CERN into the pick and place storage unit, she entered the part number, read the displace note, which asked if she wished to add it to the existing location or create a new location, she selected add to existing and selected enter. She noted the item number displayed the increase number in that location. She smiled as the system worked as designed. After completing the addition of new inventory, she began filling the list of requests from the CERN build lab, placing each item in a bin, by order. The CERN transport van arrived and the driver loaded the bins and signed for them. Janet entered that group as shipped. Simple. Chen and Kwamie arrived in prep for the 747-arrival and asked Janet how everything was working. She stated great as Chen linked to the pick and place controller and updated her laptop. Chen could hear the 747-landing and making its way to the hanger. Chen noted that Edwardo, the new Team leader for the Time Travel group wanted to meet with her this morning. Chen provided an ‘estimated time’ she would be in her office, as she wondered what he wanted as she had not heard from the CERN’s managers or Kendal that the police had released the group. Chen elected to call Kendal to see if he knew anything more regarding what Edwardo wanted. Kendal stated that he was not aware of any changes regarding their being released to start operations. What time did you tell him you would be there? Okay, I’ll find a reason to be at your office when you arrive. By the way Chen, are you looking for containers leaving Amsterdam headed for South Coastal Texas, if so, I have 12, 53’ containers that need to make that trip? If you have containers, we have a ship, Chen said with a smile.

Two hours later, Chen and Kwamie arrived at their office to find Edwardo waiting for them. She opened her office as he followed them in, within moments Kendal walked in behind him. Well, hi Edwardo, what are you hearing from the Swiss Police regarding reopening? Nothing, as of this morning. But life goes on and I have 6, 53’ containers that need to go to Texas, and I am told that Texas has 18, 53’ that need to ship to Amsterdam. Chen asked if he had spoken to the CERN managers regarding his ability to move ‘property’ yet? Edwardo provided her a signed document from the managers, dated today. Chen called the managers to confirm the shipment and told Edwardo that she needed container numbers and import /export documents, seal numbers, container weight, including what precisely is in each container and of course where they are precisely. Edwardo left to gather the information as Chen provided him the list. He had left the listed the container numbers that he had with her as she completed an Amsterdam container search. Within a couple of minutes their locations appears and with good luck they had all been in the same container storage facility. She noted the name used on those containers and ran a search for any other containers with that name and found the first six, plus four others. She completed a background on them and found they had been at CERN’s for six months and moved to the yard two months ago, just before the raid. She contacted the Swiss Police and provided them the information and location of each container. Kendal asked if she needed documents on the containers, he needed shipped. Chen stated that she had the needed documents on his shipment as the system listed them as shipped to the container yard six days ago. Later that afternoon, Edwardo returned with the information as Chen reviewed the documents, her phone rang and she noted it was the Swiss Police. They asked if she was alone in her office and she said no. They said to press the panic button, now! She then turned the phone on speaker and started to review the documentation with the phone nearby. Edwardo, you do not have a complete document set for the original six containers and the additional four you have found, you only have serial numbers. A moment later security entered and grabbed Edwardo as he said, I told them, this would not work. Chen asked him, who did you tell this would not work? I can’t tell you; they will kill me! Chen stated, I will have my guy kill you much slower and with far more pain, I assure you of that. What are their names! Edwardo began talking as Chen moved her phone closer. Five minutes later the Swiss Police arrived.

Rosa entered Julio’s office and asked if he had time to talk with her. Always dear sister, always. What do you know about the territory that I’m taking over? You’re taking over a very lucrative territory that could use some one of one care and if I was taking it over, I would set-up meeting with each of my customers by flying to the nearest FBO hanger and rent or use the FBO’s SUV and start visiting them. Personally, I would start in the far North and work my way South as Winter comes early in the Great White North. The good news is that Beak and Team has visited near all of them and a review of their visit report will be useful in understanding their needs, prior to your arrival. In addition, contact Chen and ask her, which are suppling her two main projects, what she has coming in the near future for those suppliers and what work she needs to place. There are few things that will open a door faster than “I have work and was wondering if this is something you would have an interest?” You should also call our FBO’s while talking to them, you request them to ship the extra server back to Amsterdam Hanger. I seriously doubt that anyone will give you any grief, but if you get a problem child, ask them if they would like to discuss the issue with Priscilla, he said with a smile. Here are the FBO’s that I have contacted and each has returned their extra servers. That will get you doors open and in front of clients. Near all of them have upgraded software and at least a Beak tune-up, so they should be happy. That said, if they are having a problem, we want to know about it!
But dear sister, somehow, I’m guessing that is not the real reason you’re here, right? No dear brother it is not, as she smiled widely. I believe that it is time for Angeline to begin experiencing the day-to-day World of Law and I was thinking who else better at doing that than you. She was fascinated with your presentation in Sweden and I know she would enjoy seeing more. Julio eased back in his chair as he remembered following their father at about the same age and how much he loved it. He looked at his sister and said, how could I refuse my favorite sister and dearest niece. I have a meeting with the Contract Law folks around the noon hour and a teleconference with KLM and possibly Boeing mid-afternoon. Well, dear sister, have you spoken with her regarding what part of Law she has an interest in? By the way, where is she now. I left her with the IT team as she was interested in what was inside of the server covers. Julio stated that he will walk over and see what she is up to. I’m guessing you would love to talk with Mary about hanger management, and I truly mean that, as it will provide you greater insight when you are visiting your territory’s hangers. She kissed his cheek as she left in front of him.

Carlos arrived at the Marina and with assistance of the harbor pilot and one tug placing her bow-out, with her starboard side, dockside. As they finished, Carlos noted the Fueler arriving and setting up on his Port side. Carlos and his first mate, where busy measuring the CERN’s Frame, then hole locations, brackets, welds, paint, etc., when the Marina manager arrived. Carlos smiled when they met and stated the Frame looks to be perfect! The manager smiled and said the lifts are on their way, all works well and we should have you on your way shortly. Your new crew are currently spending a bunch of their money in my store. I hear you are losing a deckhand to one of our Texas gals. Carlos said he will likely be looking for work, he follows direction and shows-up on-time, which seems to have become a primary requirement these days. As the lifts arrived, Carlos and the manager stepped aside and allowed their staff to switch the loads. Carlos said that he will be returning with a different lady, a PanImax, 760’ with both container and deck storage for things like this. She’s owned by CERN’s and they made me an offer I couldn’t refuse. What is your current group going to do with Southern Ranger? They have a 7-week, North Atlantic trip with two grant groups that start this coming Friday. I have put together a list of individuals that I would call for what they want to continue. So, do they know? No! Going to tell them when we swing East. Sounds like a plan my friend. When I’m back, you will have another frame ready, plus some number of containers. Chen will likely call as she puts together a load. The manager said, she is a true joy to work with compared with the past idiots. They noticed that the containers where off and they had begun setting the slings up for the frame. I will go gather-up your crew and we will see you in 10 days or less. Safe crossing good friend. Carlos signed the Fueler’s paperwork and saw the Provision ship preparing to follow in after the Fueler leaves.

Julio looked into the IT lab and saw Angeline working on switching out parts of a PC board. He smiled as she was clearly enjoying getting her claws dirty, just like her mother. She saw Julio and made a mad dash for him as he lifted her high and let her side down this chest. With her face to face he asked her what she had learned in the IT lab. She smiled and said, not to lick capacitors. Julio smiled widely and said if that is all you learned today, you’re doing good. Say goodbye to the gentle-parrots as we are headed to the Contract Law Lab. Hi folks , Julio said as he entered the room. I have an assistant with me today and she saw the Swedish presentation and was really interested in both the technology and the contract presentations. She was in the IT lab and learned to not lick capacitors and here we are ready to learn about contracts. What better way to learn than to be part of a contract discussion? Let’s pull the KLM contract together and start the review. Everyone had a copy in front of them as they stated on page one. Julio started at the top, where we define who the parties are that will be part of this contract. Thirty minutes later they had finished and with the minor changes corrected everyone viewed the draft and declared it completed. Now we are going to provide the folks at KLM and Boeing with an electronic copy for their review prior to our teleconference meeting at 1500 hours today and we will send an electronic copy to your Auntie Priscilla and Uncle Frederick. Thank you folks and I’m really proud of the quality of this contract, well done! If you can, I would love to have all of you as part of the 1500 hours meeting. Well, young lady, are you ready for lunch?

After Lunch, they visited Uncle Frederick to review the server projects and the use of the extra servers they are finding in Europe FBO hangers. Frederick hugged his favorite niece and they sat down to review their options. Frederick started with Chen’s Mealy owned server for her office. Frederick stated that Beak and Team really muscled-up, that first server for Chen and then added a ton of vertical PC board supports when it was switched to the ship. Here are the costs and here is the price we are invoicing. Redvent has evaluated one of the servers that had been returned. Here are his findings. As you can see it’s a strong base server. This is what we will be upgrading it to, fundamentally a duplicate of what is now installed on CERN Switzerland. The Beak Team are saying that adding the vertical supports is reducing the vibration /sag of the PC boards, which will slow the aging /movement of the boards. If that is true Frederick, will the vertical supports help the PC boards during a cyberattack as that shockwave flows through-out the server? I know that there is a clear surge of voltage flowing to the earth ground. But had never calculated the physical shock. Clearly, there are advantages as the server ages and the boards lose their rigidity as heat weakens the fiberglass structure. Long story short, we should be adding vertical supports to our servers. Frederick called the IT Lab and ran it by them. They agreed and sent an email to the build sites in Europe. Priscilla states Beak sold a rebuilt server to building #7 of the Amsterdam FBO. Those are the folks that built that table /cover for Chen’s server. Julio said, its 14:45 hours Angeline, we have a teleconference at 15:00 hours and we need a W/C break young lady.
As Angeline and Julio entered his office his Contract Law staff were all on-hand. Julio suggested that one of them order refreshments from the FBO. As he and Angeline sat at his desk. Julio smiled as his staff had positioned the Contract in front of each of them. He picked-up the phone and started the Teleconference. First to join was Leonard with Boeing as he thanked Julio for including him. Always thinking of you, my friend. Leonard stated congratulations on your engagement my friend. Julio thanked him. Just a moment later the KLM group arrived. Julio suggested that we have an introduction round. He stated with the introduction of his staff, in which he included Angeline, Leonard followed, then the KLM group. Julio started by saying, since Allen headed the Chicago meeting, he will be leading for Mealy International, Allen. Thank you, Julio, as Allen started with the changes Mealy completed base on our telecom yesterday. On your electronic copies you will note those changes are highlighted and now follow settled law and it includes each of the Parties as part of this Contract. Any Questions or Comments regarding the changes. Hearing none, let us move-on to the specific aircraft covered by this Contract. As before, you will note that the 2, new series 747 are listed and this Contract adds 2 new series 787, which is a change from the supplied Contract by KLM. We elected to add both 787’s in place of staging them over several months. As you will note, we are adding them with the first scheduled Friday, 9, July and the second the following Friday. Any comments or questions? Leonard asked if the 787’s will include the same Mealy docking port and wiring as the 747’s. Allen stated yes and thank you Leonard for asking. KLM stated they are happy with the dates and to their understanding Boeing will be completing their next Pilot training two weeks prior to the first date, yes? Leonard stated that is correct. Allen asked if there were any other questions or comments. Hearing none, we shall move on to the costing structure, which is based on the document KLM provided and reviewed with Julio yesterday. Julio, I believe that you wanted to comment at this point, prior to us opening it to the group. Thank you, Allen, to my dear friends at KLM, I am so very happy that specific changes had been made within KLM, which in my humble opinion has made this meeting possible. Prior to yesterday’s meeting, I was deeply concerned that today was not possible. I am very grateful, thank you. Allen, please continue. Allen asked to hold additional comments until we finish this last section. As KLM will note, the costing section has no highlights as Mealy International fully agrees with the new schedule. Now, are there any questions or comments. The KLM’s Executive Division VP thanked Julio for his openness and honesty regarding the past month as KLM highly respects Mealy International as not only clients, but friends. In addition, I would like to request that Mealy International school my Legal Department in the Art of Contract Writing and the use of modern technology in speeding the turn-around-time for Contract writing and rewrites. Julio thanked him for his compliment and stated that Allen and his team had headed-up the restructuring of our contracts with the guidance of the Dean of Amsterdam’s School of Law. The Executive Division VP stated, he will contact Mealy in the near future regarding making this happen. Julio thanked him and we look forward to that meeting. Allen, stepped back in and stated, if everyone is in agreement, please sign electronically as found at the bottom on the last page. Please note that by signing you fully agree with the Contract, As Provided, after signing, select send and you will note your signature is added to your electronic document and with each additional individual signing, your copy will include their signatures. Copies are available by simply selecting print on the page following the signature page. Please be aware that once you press sign, the document is locked. Julio stepped in thanking each individual and stated that he and his team have another meeting, Thank you good friends, bye. Julio noted a text from Leonard thanking Julio for including him.

Julio’s phone ran as Frederick walked in, Julio placed his phone on speaker as Priscilla joined and started with, we want to thank each of our members of the Contract Law Lab on your truly excellent work in developing our new Contract base for Mealy International and Yellow-Nape Law and the excellent contract negotiations with KLM. Priscilla added that I love the directions that our Government GEN IV O/S contract is headed, but I would like to see it completed prior to our next project. I am providing Rosa’s review of the contract, which came from her attending the Sweden signing, early this week. Julio saw the email arrive and printed six copies. She is still there, please invite her to your lab and listen to her, remember she is leaving in couple of hours. Once again folks, great KLM signing, bye. Julio thanked each member of the Team as they left his office, while he signed-off with Priscilla.

Carlos began adjusting his course Eastward across the Atlantic following the Gulfstream as it headed toward Europe. He called his office to inform them that he will not be staying with the organization once they are unloaded in Amsterdam and that his crew will also be leave at the same time. He provided a list of individuals that he believed would be happy to take over the operation of Southern Ranger. They were not happy and told him that he will be hearing from their attorney. Carlos said, let’s save time folks, as he provided Julio’s contact information and said, have your attorney call my attorney. The last he heard was the slamming down of their receiver. Carlos called Julio. Julio noted the time and answered the phone. Well big brother, I’m guessing they were not feeling the love. Carlos said, I told them precisely what you told me and the call ended with their hanging-up. Well, dear brother, I have your employment contract and their contract with CERN International, plus a file cabinet filled with Swiss Law that truly works in our favor as they are a Swiss Registered Corporation and Vessel. Enjoy your travels to Amsterdam dear brother, I am certain that they will likely never love you again, but they will truly never say anything negative about you for fear of losing their business and vessel to you. Carlos said, I have a case of your favorite Admiral’s Rum brother! Will that cover your retainer? Julio smiled and said, no, as the cost is already covered by CERN Group. But it will buy you a discussion with our shared God Daughter. Say hi to your uncle Carlos, Angeline.
Julio noted an incoming call from Florida, ID indicated Law office of... He answered the phone and listened to an attorney verifying his representative of Carlos. Julio stated that is correct, what can I do for you. Julio allowed the attorney to spend is client’s money as he stated that Carlos was in violation of his employment contract. After about 15 minutes, Julio stopped him stating that he would love to continue listening to him mis-represent his client’s contract, as I have a copy of said contract in front of me and Julio stated that I hope you are recorder this conversation as I can provide you the finer points of that contract, than I can provide you the finer points of your client’s contract with CERN International, also a client of mine and just to add clarity to this, I can provide you the finer points of Swiss Law covering such contracts, which your client’s corporation is registered and also their vessel, Southern Ranger. Now, it’s your choice as to how much you think you can get your client to pay you, but their public records with the Swiss Government show them to be very tight on funds. Long story short sir, I have in front of me, documents of seizer for the vessel upon its arrival at port and documents of seizer of the assets of the organization based on failure to meet the requirements of their contract with CERN International. I would strongly recommend that you have a short discussion with your client and that they find a far more amenable conclusion then the hot air you were trying to blow a few minutes ago. Now, what were you saying? And, to assure that I heard you correctly; Carlos and his crew will be paid in full until end of employment as the ship is turned over this coming Friday and including any and all bonuses due them, of which I see seven each, in addition, your client assures that any discussion /documents regarding their employment will clearly state their excellent service. I will have a document to you today for your client’s signature, at which point, Julio ended the call. Angeline was listening to her uncle wide-eyed from across his desk as he smiled at her and blew her a kiss, while opening his wings to her. As she crawled into his lap, he said; the Joy of Law is when properly used, it also protects others from being hurt by bullies. And no bully is going to hurt your uncle Carlos. She stood and hugged her uncle. Julio quickly summarized his call and completed the document and sent it to the attorney and his brother. He looked at Angeline and said, we need to find your mother as you two are headed home shortly.

The 747 began its final preparations to depart and the gathering at the bottom of the portable staircase shared hugs, and kisses. Mary stated, I will see you, Wednesday morning in Switzerland, I love you sweetheart. Julio smiled and said yes dear, love you! Angeline was begging for a lift and hug from her uncle and Julio was more than willing as a tear formed in his eyes, love you dear one, see you soon! The Hanger Manager approached Frederick and stated he has a call from Samuel and it’s important. Frederick entered the Hanger Manager’s office and closed the door behind him.

He answered with; What’s up Samuel? Frederick, we want to place some special equipment onboard CERN Switzerland. I understand that you have a single unit GEN IV O/S server on board, but it’s not fully armed. We would like to ask you to switch it to armed. Samuel, we have been very open to your requests, but as you know, that vessel is owned by CERN Group, a Swiss Corporation and Switzerland is a neutral country. Priscilla is our legal professional regarding that corner of the Law. So, she needs to be part of this discussion. Okay, Frederick, let’s hold that discussion for a moment and talk about items that are technical in nature. We want to upgrade the software for the radar to allow it to better define ships around the vessel. Long story short, we know that a Rogue Nation State has a ship in the center of the Atlantic that is listening and hatching commercial vessel’s computers within several hundred miles of it. Okay, my friend, let’s get Priscilla and Julio in here so we do not have to back track regarding all of this, one moment. Frederick paged Julio to the Manager’s office and then called Priscilla. Priscilla asked what the heck is so darn important that you’re calling me now. I have Samuel on the line. Julio heard Samuel’s name as he entered the office. Frederick brought Samuel back-on and introduced everyone. Frederick did a quick update and turned the meeting over to Samuel. Samuel elected to change direction and stated what they wanted to add to the vessel and then the why. Julio stepped in asking what level of concern do-you-have that this “ship” has not only aggressive electronics, but missiles onboard. Samuel stated with a reminder of the security clearance each of them have and this discussion now enters the World of Classified. Samuel reviewed the last two months of activities that have linked with that ship, which was clearly concerning. Julio asked if there has been any confirmed vessel damage by missiles or like technology? We have one missing vessel that was close to that ship as it sank without notice. We have HD photo’s that clearly show launch equipment onboard before and after that loss that show one bay that had been fired. Frederick asked Priscilla what barriers are there, for us, as a third party, arming this vessel. When we are taking this level, there are huge walls, as you well know, Samuel.
While pondering all of this, Julio stated, Samuel, you know that this vessel’s primary color is white, with red accents and black outlining around red letters /numbers, right? How do we hide a launch on a white ship? Great question Julio, It’s the type of launch equipment. Very major different, they fire from within their ship, we lift above /aside and fire from above /aside. Sounds heavy Samuel, what are they saying regarding reducing the carrying capacity of the vessel and depending on where you place this weight will affect its stability, correct? Julio continued with, I’m not an expert regarding this equipment, but I would guess that Mealy’s server can support the pre-launch needs. And, one last thing, I’m guessing that it will require a fair amount of time to retrofit the vessel. All excellent question Julio. At this moment, that vessel will comfortability handle 100, 53’ containers, with up to 120, 53’ containers. On the heavy side, it would reduce the ship to 80, 53’ contains, with the max reduced to 100, 53’ containers. Stability is lightly affected, since the heavy stuff is deep /low in the vessel, I’m told that it is minor, if any effect. Time is a serious issue, in reviewing the demands it appears that during the Winter the CERN requirements are historically low. At this point, strong on the electronics. With the other technology installing in the off-season.

Priscilla, started by thanking Julio for his questions as they have separated this discussion into two segments. In my opinion, the early /current segment realms in the World of “self-defense.” We can liken this to pirates attacking a ship in international waters or waters not of the home Nation of the pirates. Current, international law allows a vessel to “protect itself, at sea”. The Law is “open to interpretation” as to specifically what is allowed. That said, there is “agreement” that it is light to medium, handheld to deck mounted “anti-aircraft guns” including aircraft to aircraft / aircraft to ground guns. The term artillery is currently being considered, but no approvals as of this date. As of this date, missiles are not allowed on commercial vessels! My guidance, today: International Law is clear regarding the second segment. No Missiles regardless of the country of registry are allowed on commercial vessels.

Frederick thanked Priscilla and Julio as their comments have greatly simplified my responses. The server as installed on the vessel is a full-on, GEN IV O/S, single server frame, with full abilities, which at this moment, the retaliation /attack abilities are ADMIN locked-out. Whether on-site or remotely, it can be turned-on. Long term, if additional automated systems are added and as of this moment, the server can handle them with ease.

Julio stepped back in and stated that when he had spoken with Beak, he stated that the radar mounted on the vessel now, is in his opinion, is one of the military’s high-end series and that several other features are military grade, as well. He noted it as part of his onboard observation and while installing the software. Samuel, I have family on that vessel and I have no problem with as much protection as we can legal place onboard, but I would have liked knowing that was happening so that I can honestly represent this vessel to my brother and have honest answers when I’m taking with staff that has operational knowledge of such technology and not sound like I’m hiding something from my people. Trust is a huge part of our organization’s structure.

Samuel reentered the discussion with, first, I hear you, Julio! I’m running way behind on keeping the three of you up to date as the CERN’s vessel has been on fast-track inside of both our organizations. We have a specific problem, which is sitting in the middle of the Atlantic, and in all honesty, we are running ahead of ourselves. Thank-you for your legal in sight Priscilla. Your clarity of the involved law is a strong reminder to me as to why I consider you a dear friend. Thank you! We will slowdown and involve the three of you to a much greater level. Now to catch everyone up, the following is what we have added to CERN Switzerland… Julio had been recording this conversation and thanked himself as even he was having problems keeping-up with the technologies added to the vessel. He glanced across at Frederick and noted that he was wide-eyed as well.
Frederick allowed himself several moments after Samuel had finished. Frederick stated that CERN Switzerland is now a very fast vessel for its design, likely able to achieve speeds North of 40+ knots and for extended duration. Its ability to see /hear to the very edge of the curvature of the earth. It’s able to see /hear (sonar) below water to the furthest distance of US technology. Visual abilities, both day /night-time, the same as I just stated. The vast majority of this is all based on being electrically silent. If I follow you, this vessel has an electronic signature of a vessel of 75+ years ago, correct? That is correct, Samuel stated, understanding that most vessels with advanced electronics, turn them off once they are out of the congested shipping lanes especially with the rapid growth of satellite communications and fighting with poorly located radar units.

Julio jumped back in with, if I fully understand all of this, the vessel is today, ready to sail out of port with what is onboard now. Yes, with your staff and our staff fine tuning the server to maximize each system’s software Samuel stated. He also complimented them for their working with and having Beak and Redvent under-contract. It would be my hope that they can be onboard when our staff are there fine tuning the system tomorrow at 11:30 hours. Priscilla stated that should be possible as they have one scheduled meeting earlier that morning. Frederick stated that it will be easier on the Marina operator for them to know that all of us are on the same page. Samuel stated that he would make that happen directly after this teleconference.

Priscilla stated that since Julio will be returning to Europe Wednesday and with Mary meeting him in Switzerland, I will fly with her and we can let the Swiss Government and CERN know of the advancements onboard CERN Switzerland. Samuel stated that although he is certain that Mealy could well handle the conversation with the Swiss Government, we would prefer handling it at the Governmental level and if Mealy will handle it with CERN that would be much preferred.

Beak and Team worked into Saturday evening to complete Chen’s /Mealy’s server. The progress had been faster than expected as the PC boards had been solid likely from a fairly easy life and regular cleaning as the Stuttgart aircraft mechanic also handle the IT work. Beak made a mental note to thank her next time he saw her. The server was newer and had several newer technologies that allowed for more PC board room and increase DRAM space, which they took full advantage. Having upgraded the specifications to higher quality components was also helping. They had also developed an installation sequence that eased installation. The two, quad core processors install was nearly as easy as a single, quad core processor. Hush fans and heatsinks slipped into place and they needed to complete only the WIFI unit on the bottom board and the Guillotine on the top board and it was time to assemble the boards into place with the vertical support posts during assembly instead of adding them later. Placards in place, plus the other standard warning stickers, and they completed the server.

Redvent connected the electrical power to the server, the turned-on the circuit breaker and Beak started the server with the base settings. As he leaned back, he noted that he had received an email from Julio. With his normal class, Julio stated that he had been updated as to the true supply that CERN Switzerland has received from the US Government and Beak’s ‘heads-up’ was of great help for him. Have much more to tell you face to face on Wednesday in Switzerland. FYI, you and your Team will be headed to the Marina Monday morning after your installation at Builder #7. You will likely receive an extensive update at that time. Also, consider negotiating a set of covers for Chen’s and other public viewed servers, my pure guess would be like six, plus Chen’s, in exchange for the server you are building for them. I’m sure that you have already consider this but see if you can install that one into their office. Again, thank you, good friend! Beak just smiled, as he is sure that he will get far more than seven server covers, especially once he talks with the Hen in their office! Beak saw that Redvent has started loading the Government series, GEN IV O/S and had already completed the first set of adjustments on Chen’s server. Redvent handed him the specifications of the server he had selected and the upgrade list he had put together for building #7. Beak smiled widely and stated, we are a great team. As they looked at their Taiwanese cohort, he said; and if you get any better, I’m going to have problems keeping others from stealing you! He connected his laptop to Chen’s server and began the 24-hour evaluation and diagnostics on it. Within moments it displayed 97%, he adjusted the setting and it displayed 99% with all segments of the O/S operating to provide a working load on the server.

Carlos’ shift had begun as he entered the Helm after his walk around his vessel. His first mate updated him on who was around them, plus he pointed to what appeared to be a semi-stationary ship drifting-off to their south. It was the only one that did not have an identification tab stating its length, name and ownership, which was odd as even the fishing fleet had adopted the identification system. They have both seen it on each of their recent crossings. Carlos passed along to his first mate that Julio had told him that CERN Switzerland was even more impressive since they had completed his requested upgrades and it’s recent paint work. It had been near twenty-five years since Southern Ranger had received a major update and he was surprised that they had elected to update the drive pods earlier this Spring. They had been lucky in avoiding the late Spring storms, which have resulted in fast /easy crossing.
Priscilla elected to call her old friend in Southeastern Africa. Well hello Priscilla, what do I owe your call this day. I have been wondering about you, dear friend and whether in your opinion it is an appropriate time for us to re-enter Africa. Great question Priscilla, I will tell you that the three gangs, normal warring factions and the long-known underground have clearly disrupted the legal system. There is no question that we really need a stabilizing factor. What is your understanding of the SARA-CoV-2 levels in your area, as the US State Department still have you listed as limited to no travel, level 3 /4! Well, that’s likely true. Governments are very careful regarding communicating the real numbers out of fear of causing a panic. That’s understandable given the fear associated with this virus. Do you recommended contacting anyone specific as we are activity use teleconferencing nearly around the World now? Priscilla, I want you to know that I had been aware that my grandson had joined the gang and had participated in the attempt of killing your staff. Thank you, for your kindness in sheltering me from that knowledge. Last week, we had traveled to the location you had provided and brought him home for burial with the family. Thank you, dear friend, you did what you had to for the protection of your staff. As I gather more information, I will call you again, Priscilla said, bye. As she completed her notes regarding the phone call, it was so odd that he added his grandson at the specific point in the conversation. She noted the time stamp for future reference.

Priscilla than called Mrs. Mac, Sara’s mom, to catch-up with her. Mrs. Mac was so happy to hear Priscilla voice and thanked her for calling. Mrs. Mac stated that Sara was progressing, but it’s a slow process and she expects that they will be here for at least several years. And thank you for continuing my pay as it has helped greatly. Priscilla thanked her, but remined her that she is still working and that she hopes, they will be able to reopen the hanger there at some point in the future. Please continue to provide your weekly reports as they are very important for us. Mrs. Mac stated that she had a visitor last week from an individual that we both know. Take care Priscilla, as he was the one behind my loss of Judge Mac. He had no remorse regarding his involvement with assuring that it looked like my dear Mac had killed himself. I understand that it has been many years, Priscilla. Please be careful in your dealings with him. He never forgives. Priscilla thanked her for the insight and said that she will call from time to time, bye. She time stamped this call as well, very strange the connection with Southeastern Africa. She elected to take great care when interacting with her old friend.(?)

Redvent had turned the list into the stockroom and was truly surprised that they had everything needed for this server. The stockroom staffer told Redvent that they had gotten approval to stock-up when they started receiving the servers in from the Northern Hangers. When Redvent wheeled the cart in and told Beak that the stockroom had everything they needed, he was surprised and very happy. It was 19:30 hours and they elected to dismantle the server setting the parts separate from Chen’s. Again, another lightly used server and likewise had been kept clean. Beak made another mental note to compliment this server’s prior owner. It’s age was the same as the one they had built for Chen and the same series, which really sped their work. At 22:30 hours, they had powered it up and used Redvent’s laptop to start loading the Client base, GEN IV O/S system and began the first set of adjustments on this server. He made several adjustments from Redvent’s laptop and began the 24-hour evaluation and diagnostics on it. Within moments it displayed 97%, he adjusted the setting and it displayed 99% with all segments of the O/S operating to provide a working load on the server. Time to call it quits guys!

Sunday was a busy day for the government contractor’s, the Marina’s crews as they worked to complete all the items that Samuel had been told was complete. The Designer’s crews were onboard switching-out the interiors of the different rooms and as they completed, the flat screen install staff followed them with both cable, computer screens and onboard communication system. Deep in the vessel a group of engineers’ where busy measuring the location for the missile systems that could be installed early Winter 2022, if approvals are obtained. Another small group were busy installing system support features that allowed the crew to view data in several different formats. Plus, the enhanced software for the radar unit that allowed multiple screens to be over-laded providing a truly enhanced view of what is happening around them. At 17:00 hours all of the crews had finished and filed out of the Marina as the additional security detail entered the Marina. Tomorrow the survey crew will arrive and begin their work as will the different certification groups. At 18:00 hours a non-uniformed, armed, MP group arrived and stationed themselves onboard.

Around 13:00 hours, Beak and Redvent entered the Hanger to check on the servers. As they entered the service bay, they said good afternoon to Priscilla as she had been viewing the two completed servers! She asked, which one is Chen’s /Mealy server? Beak stated this one as you will note that there are fewer warning labels on it as with great hope, no one other than a professional will be working on it. As Julio has likely told you, after you install this one at building #7, one or both of you need to be at the Marina at 11:30 hours to meet with US government contractors’ to fine tune the server to include the load of stuff that the US government have placed on CERN Switzerland. I know you will, but I just have to say this; please make sure those knuckleheads’ didn’t screw-up any of their installations. Not to be concerned Priscilla, I had added three software programs that fully check each item to assure that, the wiring, the software, the screen shots are fully operational and it works the earth ground to verify that it is installed and operational. He quickly adjusted his laptop to run those software groups on Chen’s server. The laptop quickly began listed those connections that are open and also listed the outputs that were not in place and the status of the phone landline, the single line connected to Hanger system.
Beak and Team arrived at building #7. They were meet by the office Hen who full agreed with letting them install the server in her office, especially when Beak stated that it would provide a bit more warmth to the office during the Winter months. She had already called the FBO's electrical group and they arrived shortly after Beak and Team. Redvent met with the electricians and provided requirements and the upgrades to the office power panel. He also suggested several cost and time saving methods of rewiring the connections and power supply. He convinced them to run the conduit under the office, which also saved them time. All while the other members had disconnected the older server. After the electrical changes had been completed to the office wiring, they placed the server and began connecting it. Beak meet with the building #7 managers and floated the idea of an exchange for the server. The builder manager and the shop manager stated that they had visited Yellow-Nape's Hanger and all the furniture is old and needs an upgrade. We will provide three executive office sets and four manager office sets, plus fifteen server covers. Beak saw no reason to become greedy as their offer was fair, in fact more than fair. The building manager stated he would contact Beak's Hanger Manager and define style and stain colors. Beak thanked him and all the staff at building #7. He made only one request for a cover he needed for an installation Wednesday morning early. The wood shop manager smiled and asked if the same stain would be acceptable. Beak stated that would be perfect. A moment later, the shop manager's staff rolled a cart up with the cover on it! Beak smiled and thanked them all! The manager looked at Beak and stated you and your team have made our office Hen happy! Redvent came-up and told them that the server is up and operating. The group moved to the office and saw the placement of the server and the wood shop manager said, now I understand the cover request and the need for openings! While the others set the old server and new cover in their SUV, Beak emailed the Partners and Hanger Manager to tell them what is coming their way.

Julio was reviewing the Swedish presentation, now near a week ago as something the FBO hanger manager had said, continued to float in his mind. It came to him, the crew that installed the new server and software stated someone would come for the extra server! At first the crew removed and install, but, as they finished a region, they would leave the bulky items behind as those hangers ended the contact for that region. One could imply that the Americas? would have ended much the same way. Julio created an email and sent it to the Northern Hangers in the Americas. Within the hour he began receiving notices from that set of emails that they will be shipping their extra server to the Atlanta Hanger on the next aircraft. Within three hours he counted 15 servers that will be arriving over the next couple of weeks. He emailed the Atlanta Hanger manager; the IT lab staff and his fellow Partners of the incoming servers. By mid-afternoon, the count had risen to 32 servers with only one stating that the install crew had taken the extra server after the install. Julio provided a follow-up email updating the number of server?s returning.

Beak and team arrived at the Hanger and quickly unloaded the server. They moved Chen's server and cover to the shipping area and noted they needed it prepped for the Wednesday early morning flight to Switzerland for CERN install. They then load their test tools and laptops into their SUV. Beak assured he had Fredericks new software package for the server currently on CERN Switzerland. With the third member remaining behind to clean-up and catch-up on the thrashed bits and separately refurbish bits that tested usable. After that, he would open the server from Building #7. Priscilla met them just as they were getting ready to leave and thanked them for their work this morning and their negotiating skills as she was clearly looking at Beak. She then said, off-with-you, as you're going to need the time to undo what those government boy's messed-up. As Beak and Redvent left, they overhead Priscilla state that she had a staffer that needed something to-do, I think you could use a hand, yes? Beak was certain that he heard Angeline?s voice as they left the building.

As they arrived at the Marina at 10:15 hours, they were surprised by the number of vehicles in the parking area. They checked-in with the guard and were told to park near CERN Switzerland as she provided them a white colored card and told them to display it on the dashboard, as it will allow you to park shipside. As they arrived, they were guided to an upfront parking place. At the base of the stairway, they received ID badge that stated their name and Yellow-Nape International. As they signed in, they noted who was here and were then escorted to the Helm. As the door was opened the Marina manager thanked them for coming early as they are running into difficulties with the server. Beak noted that metal cover was off the server and individuals were messing about inside. In a Very Loud Voice, Beak stated Halt and Back Away From My Server and Do It Now! There was a rush of voices and Beak stated Silence! He followed with I?m Shutting the Server down in 1 minute. If you have sensitive equipment running, I Strongly Recommend that You Shut It Down Now and Then Clear the Helm. Only Certified Staff can remain! He turned to the Manager and smiled. We will have her running in about fifteen minutes. Now, who is here and what is your specialties?. As the last individual identified himself, he asked Redvent to safely shut her down. Once down, the both of them assured that the connections had been marked and began disconnecting them. They checked the server board by board and removed a ton of jumper wires and checked the capacitors for codes. Seeing none, they both smiled. Redvent safe started the server and once operational he checked the setting and returned them to their last settings and noted the server displayed 99%. Beak than connected his laptop and when completed an ADMIN entry and entered a code series of 27 numbers and letters. Moments later a number of five-digit codes appeared as he turned to the Manager and stated that he needed to lock this vessel down now and call the MP?s and assure they have side arms.

Beak then turned to the 3 individuals and said give me you identification cards. They knew what he had asked for and removed the cards and provided them to him. He gave them to Redvent and had him swipe and scan them and pass them back. Their clearances appeared on Redvent?s screen and they both smiled and Beak asked them if they had any new staff members with them. Two of them stated yes and Redvent asked for their names, and when added them to his search. He entered them into the Mealy software and entered search. Four MP?s entered the Helm. Beak stood and stated that they know that there is military equipment onboard, most of it Secret in Nature. Each of those two have a staff person onboard who are known to be spies and you have orders to shoot to kill, if they attempt to escape, am I clear? If, by chance you capture one or both of them take them to a place on this ship, preferability deep as he looked at the Marina manager and bind them upside down to something strong and that they cannot damage. As he was looking at the manager, you know of such a place? Yes sir! Catch them and catch them fast, assure you take their phones, pods and watches. As he collected the phones and watches of those still in the Helm.
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Redvent provided two additional possible names in addition to the one?s provided. Go and help them find your staff members. Beak then turned to the other and asked what happened here? Speak slowly and precisely. Redvent switched Beak?s laptop to ADMIN O/S upgrade and began loading the software but stopped when he noted the WIFI was on. He shut-it-off and check the activities report and photo?d the screen, which did not show the WIFI had linked to any devise. Just in time, he told himself. He double-checked that all connections had been removed and he restarted the update. While he waited, he connected each cable to his laptop and ran a location search for laptops, pod or like equipment connected to the other-end, he found two. He told Beak. Beak asked he speak to the door guard and have him request two more MP?s. When they arrived, Beak requested Redvent to take them with him and have them kill anyone that attempts to stop you! He turned to the MP?s and stated, he gets hurt in anyway and I will be very mad, understand. Yes, Sir and left. Beak noted that the server was finished uploading and was running the updated software then he ran his three new software packages.

Beak picked-up a very special tool, turned to the individual and asked how he could watch what their were doing and not stop them or at least tell the Marina manager there was a problem. You have a clearance, which means you have responsibilities! Explain yourself! He heard silence, which only went to anger Beak. He went to the door and asked for two more MP?s. He closed the door behind him and locked it. Beak placed the special tool against his guest?s chest and began to push slowly and as it broke the outer layer of skin, his guest opened up, slowly at first, while Beak turned his phone to record and then pressed a bit harder and whispered to his guest that the pain will only spread and become more intense if he did not speak clearer and a bit faster. Ten-minutes later there was a knock on the door. Beak opened it and invited the MP?s in. And asked one of them to wing and claw cuff his guest and to press softly on this spot for five minutes. His phone rang and it was Redvent as he was returning with one laptop and one pod and that he had reconnected the cables to the equipment. Beak thanked him and asked him to return with his MP?s quickly as there are more issues. While he waited for him to arrive, he began connecting the cables to the server watching the laptop as each one was added. He noted that the MP has come over to him stating that his guest wanted to talk to him. Beak warned his guest not to waste his time. What his guest told him, he had already put together, but thanked him. He turned to the MP and stated that his guest had helped him and to pass it along when they book him. He when returned to installing and checking the connections. With them all in place he ran a full operational check and found zero issues with any of the systems /equipment.

Beak called Frederick and updated him on what has occurred at Amsterdam Marina and that the vessel is seaworthy. He then stated that the individuals onboard are very dangerous to us and that he would not recommend they be allowed to leave here. How many Beak. Four as of this moment, Sir. I need to speak with them for at least a half hour to assure that number, Sir. I will have you an answer before that point. Please call Redvent as I will be busy, Sir. I understand Frederick stated as the call ended. Frederick called Samuel and stated that he was very angry as the individuals that he had sent to the vessel where spy?s, and dangerous spy?s at that. What are we to do to clean your mess-up, old friend! Samuel could feel the crushing of Frederick?s claws through the phone lines. I will have undercover staff there in ten minutes. After Beak is done with them, we will dispose of them, I promise you that Frederick. They will arrive in two large work vans. Again, I?m sorry my friend. Don?t waste it on me Samuel, you?re going to have to explain this to Priscilla. At this moment, she doesn?t know and neither does Julio. I need to call Beak, but then I will call my fellow Partners and I do not want you speaking to either of them first, after all you have a ton of droppings to clean-up right now. Samuel heard the line go dead.

Frederick called Redvent and updated him that the US State Department will have staff on-site within twenty minutes to remove the left-overs. Very sorry dear friend, very sorry indeed. Bye. Frederick collected himself and when to Julio?s office and asked him to call Priscilla as he closed Julio?s door. Five minutes later there was silence as each worked at getting their heads around it. Priscilla was first to comment, stating that we need to trust Beak and Redvent, have them determine the safe route out of this. Frederick called Redvent and told him that they are the experts that we will follow your directions. Redvent stated that he would tell Beak. Two MP?s stayed in the Helm as two MP?s, Redvent and the Marina manger returned to the depths of the vessel. When they arrived, all four of Beak?s guests where non-responsive, but not dead. Redvent updated Beak and included that the Partners would agree with whatever direction we choose. Beak stated wise choice. Beak turned to the MP?s and stated you and security need to lockdown this vessel and remove everyone that is not a Marina working, or part of the survey and certification groups. But assure you take their phones and wipe them, understand. Beak got a Yes Sir, as they left. Beak asked, the manager if there is a garbage /trash disposal unit onboard. He stated yes and not far from here, let me show you. One places the trash in here, close and lock the cover, and press this button and its handled. Ten minutes later then had finished and arrived back at the Helm.

The MP?s took the individual away and left the guard at the door as they began the process of re-checking everyone and separating those who will come back onboard and those that will be questioned with greater detail. Beak and Redvent completed their work on the server and with the help of Marina?s staff began checking the operations of each system. Beak called Frederick to tell him, his new software upgrade had been installed, they had confirmed that no data had been lost or damaged. With the help of the Marina?s staff, they will compete their work within an hour, bye. As they where exiting the State Department staff arrived and the MP?s turned over the individual they have been holding. The MP?s returned to verifying the identifications those not allowed onboard. The State Department staff came over to talk to Beak as he motioned Redvent and the Marina manager to move away. The agents began questioning Beak as he stated with clarity that they are very late arriving as their bosses, boss stated they would be here over an hour ago. Sadly, with all the confusion, the individuals that they had been holding are gone. Likely would not have happened had you arrived on-time. The agent began getting in Beak?s face, where another individual that just arrived stepped between him and Beak. He thanked Beak for the update and asked if there was anything that they need to handle. Beak turned to the Marina manager and asked if he would be so kind as to take their clean-up crew to the lower deck where the dogs had died a bit earlier as they have the chemicals to cause that mess to be cleaned well. Beak turned to ask if that is correct. The individual (clearly a senior agent) turned to three of his staff and had them get their equipment and to follow the Marina manager. As he returned to Beak and asked if he could speak with him privately? Beak stated that the vessel needs a full spectrum sweep. The senior agent turned and requested that work. He then turned to Beak as they when to the Helm. Thirty minutes later they exited the Helm smiling. As they stepped-off the stairway, the clean-up crew started-down the stairs. The senior agent turned to Beak again and thanked him for all of his help with this matter as the two said their goodbyes. Beak turned to the Marina manager and said he was sorry for the mess. The Marina manager stated it was no problem as he was given five gallons of the cleaner they used. That stuff cleans near everything, plus a gallon a stabilizer they use on surfaces and in water that it is exposed to the cleaner.
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