Yellow-Nape Law II (MY-N - 2022)

“All the Best Things in Life! Live on the other side of Fear!” Author unknown."

Julio entered his office from his morning ‘walk-about’ and found, Leonardo busy drawing on a large section of paper and Mary looking with great detail at Julio’s drawing, as he saw his office safe sitting wide open with his AR 762, sitting in full view. He came around the back of his disk and smoothly closed the door of the safe near all the way as he came-up behind Mary. She was clearly deep in thought as she was still unaware of his being in the room. His desk phone rank as he picked-it up. Anna stated the Samuel was on line #4 as Julio thanked her. Well good early morning to you Samuel and what has you up so very early. Samuel stated that the Army and Navel needs a total of fifty-sets of your newest Next Gen, VI Smart Laptops with the docking mounts, as he provided Julio with a project number. Julio stated that they will need to be wired in as there are additional sensors and links that need to be made and if the aircraft has never been set-up for the Next Gen System its an extensive upgrade to the wire harness, plus the aircraft flat screens and radar units. Mary looked-up and smiled as Leonardo continued his drawing. Samuel asked what he recommended as Julio suggested that they strongly consider taking those new installations to MY-N Atlanta and he may want to talk to Jimmy as MY-N had seriously upgraded the engines and propellers on our C-130J-30 Ghost series aircraft. Samuel stated he would pass that along and as a FYI, I have Jimmy’s engine and Starboard wing section and they will be on this evening’s flight. Bye, Julio, as Samuel ended the call to find a group of Parrots surrounding his desk. Mary asked Julio if he would help her find several events that she had been seeing bits of lately.

Leonardo was clearly excited as he called to his parents to see his drawing. Mary stated those are the points that I was seeing, thank you sweetheart as she hugged her Son. Julio looked closely at Leonardo’s drawing and saw landmarks that he recognized and others that where clearly new /developing. One of those new ones caught Julio’s eye as a cold chill ran the length of his spine, as he smiled at his Son. Julio asked if he could add just a bit to Leonardo’s drawing and promised that they would be small. Leonardo watched his Father closely as Julio simply connected a couple of lines and turned the pen back to his Son and smiled. Mary could tell that Julio’s emotions where very different from what he was saying and doing. Leonardo quickly returned to expanding his drawing as Mary hugged her Rooster and asked what he was seeing. Julio stated that we are likely facing a loss of size Mary, not sure whether it will be short term or long term, or, individual(s), equipment, or financial at this moment, but we will need to be concerned and reconsider several things that set waiting to begin. She could clearly see the depth of his concern as she watched him find the location of Leonardo’s drawing on his. He added what Leonardo had completed and stood back and pondered the drawing as a tear formed in his eye and with great luck away from Mary.

MY-N Eastern was making excellent time as they crossed the wide-expanse of the Southwestern Indian (Pacific) Oceana. The lubrication lines did result in less resistance deep within the Power Plant and it showed in an improvement in efficiently with Lower RPM vs. travel rate. The Skipper and his First Officer had several additional talks regarding the two letters now part of his Permanent File. He was not happy and his Skipper was not happy with him as he again explained that he had disregarded a Security Warning from Corporate and placed the Vessel and its staff in ‘Harms-Way’. He stated that this Vessel is a major investment and revenge source for MY-N International its loss would result in serious losses for the organization in both capital and staff. Plus, I have recently learned that there could be a Court Case as a complaint has been issued and although our position is well documented it could take several years to judicate. It was becoming clear to the Skipper that his First Officer was not going to relent. He stated that it will be another two-days before they make landfall. If this continues to be an issue, you should consider leave the employment of MY-N International at that point. It surprised him that his First Officer agreed! The Skipper completed the needed paperwork and sent it to Carlos.
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Carlos was reviewing the documents that he received from MY-N Eastern. He called Beak and asked if Ivan was with him. Beak provided Ivan his phone as Carlos asked him if he would accept the position of First Officer on MY-N Eastern as they have an opening available until a replacement is found. Ivan state he would be happy to accept. Carlos stated that he would need to be on this evening’s East Bound 787 cargo flight leaving MY-N Annex hangar. Beak will provide you with the needed supplies, thank-you! Please let me speak to Beak. Beak was watching Ivan’s respond and could almost guess what had happened as Carlos filled him in. Beak smiled and stated that he would bring Ivan up to speed this afternoon prior to his flight. Carlos thanked him and asked if he would transfer him to Anna, please, bye. Beak turned to Ivan and stated, we need to get you a laptop, so let’s go build you one, but before we do, we need to visit the shooting range and determine where your skill level is. Once at the indoor range, Beak provided him an AR 762, NATO series and several optional features that they would add to it to customizing it to Ivan, including a body mount carry strap. Beak stated that he has likely use an AK-47, this will be different, likely feeling more refined and a bit heavier. After firing the AR several times, Beak provided Ivan a multi-tool and had him adjusting the fixed sights and the gas return system reducing the recoil. Beak stated, ‘NEVER’ set this weapon to AUTO, as we only use the two /three shot method of manual firing, which I will teach you shortly. Within an hour Ivan had his shot grouping in the center. He then had Ivan clean the weapon as they completed the adjustments and added items. Next, they returned to the Annex hangar to create a laptop for Ivan and loaded it all into a backpack with a cross-section of other business-related things, including business cards.

The 787-cargo flight was in its final descent into Western Australia. It had been a long, but comfortable trip. He met MY-N Eastern at the Marina near Freemantle and was provided a tour of MY-N Eastern. He could see the similarities with MY-N Atlantic in electronics and support devices. He signed in on the Helm’s Laptop and was amused at it welcomed him onboard. They then walked to the Marina Store and he was loaded-up with needed items for life onboard. After returning, he was asked for his medical records and the MA escorted him to the surgery for this first of many drug tests and medical check-ups by the Vessel’s MA. She completed her examination and smiled, stating that he was ready to report for duty. Once in the Helm he and the Skipper reviewed the procedures for obtaining a cargo load document from Chen or James, the list of containers prior to loading or unloading. He also reviewed the requirement for their Crew to have a copy of that load or unload document on their handheld device for them to confirm. The Skipper stopped at this point and stated, Ivan, if it is not on this List, it is NOT Loaded or Unloaded!! The Skipper continued covering taking-on supplies and fuel. It was made clear that they only use Grade #2, High Test, Marine Diesel and the testing equipment they used to verify prior to allowing the Fueler to fill their tanks. He was also told that this group of ships have a want for a very specific waterline depth and that once loaded and after checking Mooring depth, adjust the Vessel to its preferred depth. Ivan was taking notes and asking questions to the delight of the Skipper. He also provided Ivan with a list of items to verify prior to entering or leaving a Harbor.

Ivan was requested to complete an inspection of the Engine Bay and to report his findings. Prior to leaving the Helm, Ivan asked for the documents set of inspections, repairs and upgrades for each Power Plant. The Skipper smiled as he provided Ivan the documents and watched as he reviewed them, while taking notes and provided the set back to the Skipper and left for the Engine Bay. As he entered the Engine Bay he was met by the Engineers as he told them why he was there and if they would like to follow him while he inspected the Power Plants. He was please when they all agreed. He first started with the flat screens for each and reviewed each Plant’s history and operations. After several notes, he went to each Plant and opened its inspection panels while setting the lockouts and warning signage in place. He saw that they had upgraded the lubrication lines that he had told Julio and Beak about only four days ago. Plus, he found the new sensors in place as well. As he finished the review of the second-Power Plant he noted a discoloration of the main bearing and asked if they had a replacement onboard. They stated that they did as he asked them to bring it to the side of the Power Plant. He rang the Helm and told the Skipper that we have a Main bearing on Plant #2 that is near failing and we should pull it and replace it during this next leg. He reviewed the process with the Engineers and they began shutting-down the front half of the Plant down by separating the drive between the two cylinders. The Engine Bay’s phone rang as the Skipper requested his First Officer return to the Helm. As Ivan was preparing to leave, he stated, call if you have any questions or need an additional hand.
I love it. I’ve never had a job orientation where the order is shooting skills, computer equipment, and business cards.

Thank you for catching the nuggets hidden within the storyline.

Hmmm, maybe consider working for an International Corporation involved in Worldwide Ocean-based logistics, onboard high-value Vessels that transit known hijacking zones of the World. Shooting skills are highly valued.

But why would MY-N emphasize NEVER to select full AUTO when every Movie /TV show spotlights such shooting?

Again, thank you, for the comments.
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Carlos was reading the report from MY-N Eastern with interest as Ivan had stated that the Main Bearing had likely faced a low flow of lubrication recently as he had also provided a performance history of that Power Plant that noted the increase in friction that showed as increased heat. He checked the warranty and called his contact with the Power Plant manufacturer and provided her the information that Ivan had provided and asked why they had not addressed this issue in the past as there has been reports of this problem with older Plants and premature failures like this. She stated that she was sorry to hear that they had an issue and in accordance with their warranty, they will cover the cost of the bearing and its installation. Carlos stated that MY-N will want the upgraded lubrication lines and sensor on their three new Power Plants. She stated that there would be a small upcharge, as Carlos stated that there would not be any increase in costs as this is a change they should have addressed long ago. She stated that she would check with her legal group as Carlos stated he would do the same. She stated that in the meantime I will get you a replacement Main Bearing packet and a credit on the installation. Carlos thanked her as they ended the call. He gathered the information along with a copy of his discussion with the CEO of their Power Plant Manufacturer. Upon finishing that task, he sent an ‘Inspection Notice’ to all MY-N Vessels with photos and relevant information regarding the four-Main Plant bearings. Confirm status after inspection!

Mary, being her normal relentless self, kept helping Julio expand the drawing that Leonardo was creating onto Julio’s document. She was also starting to find what she had been seeing. Julio was amazed at the detail that his family was placing into a future event as each were seeing different segments of the occurrence. Mary was beginning to see with detail what Julio had seen earlier and stepped back and sat down watching her Rooster with a questioning look on her face. She asked, is this what will happen or could happen Julio? She was tearing as she stood and tightly hugged her dear Julio and said, Julio, I could not handle the loss of you! They both looked Leonardo’s way and saw he was still busy drawing as Julio stated, there is always some level of flexibility /fog to the future, what we and others can effect. Mary picked-up her phone and called Beak and with a very quick review, asked if he and Redvent could come to Julio’s office, please!! She heard that they will be there quickly. Beak updated Redvent on the way over as Redvent checked current events and found nothing that directly effects MY-N or its staff. As they entered the office, they found Mary in tears, hugging Julio tightly and Leonardo drawing circles around something on his paper. Beak looked at what Leonardo had been drawings and picked him up and hugged him saying that everything will be okay, Leonardo, I promise you that dear child! Redvent was looking at Julio’s master drawing as he found what had affected them. Both Beak and Redvent used the search features of MY-N’s software and drilled into the event from different directions and approved the searches.

Carlos was busy reviewing the activities of his fleet when his mind blanked and quickly filled with an intense vison. He was dumfounded in its clarity as he worked to write it down! He could see different events coming together and a fearsome conclusion that was locked in fog. Carla entered the Helm with dinner and found her Rooster very busying setting something to paper and called to him with no response. She looked at what he was writing on the paper as tears filled her eyes as she hugged her Rooster saying that she loved him. She looked up to see her daughter toddling into the Helm asking for her. She eased her hug and scooped up her sweet daughter and called Julio’s mobile phone. Beak saw who was calling and answered. Carla asked what is happening as Carlos is in a trance and writing about what could be a death, massacre or a serious occurrence with Julio in the center of it. Beak asked if she would read what Carlos had written. Beak blinked and said, this could only come from a Government of size as the bits used are very expensive. As he told Carla that her family, here, is experiencing the same vision with like effects.
Henry was assigned the task of calling the legal group of the Power Plant Manufacturer as he asked to speak to the Claims Attorney. After introduction and verifications that each were taking about the same issues with the existing Power Plants and new Power Plants, plus, MY-N’s want to avoid a like issue, the manufacturer’s Attorney agreed that would make sense. Henry stated that his organization is currently inspected all of their Vessels that use their Power Plants for like issues. Henry remembered Julio’s want for a Win /Win outcome, as he chose his words with care, stated that we wished to install the very best equipment in our newest Vessel and we came directly to your organization. Unlike others, we are using only High-Test, Grade-2, Marine Diesel fuel and are not running our fleet underpowered, which seems to have become a standard now a days. We negotiated a fair price and when we recently ask for your organization to replace with ‘proper sized’ lubrication lines, we run into a hesitation and a request of more money. Why? The Claims Attorney stated that to his understanding there is no evident of there being a standing problem. Henry provided the history of failures that they had found by a simple Web Search and stated he was not threatening them but, remined him this would not play well in the Media. Henry stated this is a simple and easy issue to resolve, as it represented a few Euros on their part to correct something that they should have done decades ago. You will note that within your Power Plant, Operating Software, your organization, with purpose, chose to detune your engines to mitigate this turning into a huge warranty problem as he sighted specific lines of code and their rewrite dates. As you know, the Courts do not look favorable at that kind of manipulation.

Ivan used a few minutes of this off-duty time to follow-up with the Engineers as to their success in switching-out the Main bearing. The change-out has gone well has the Bearing had not yet seized on the shaft as of this point. They had also increased the diameter of the lubrication tap in the bearing race. They had photographed the process to easy the work for the other Engineers within MY-N Maritime Group. He asked them to place the old bearing in the grease pack paper and place it back in the box and mark it as failed as he is certain that Corporate would want it. The dryline from the lubrication tap was telling. Ivan was very satisfied with the quality of work that the Engineers had completed and he would write a Thank-You for a Job Well-Done, for their files. Sleep came easy for him as his mind was at peace with life as he slipped-off into a deep sleep.

The first of two Buildings had begun with a strong and well-supported foundation with pylons placed down to bedrock as the soil conditions had raised concerns, plus this area being located in an earthquake zone. This building was from the original site plan, but its structure was enhanced to support a couple of additional floors. The site inspector was assuring that the work was preformed to the Local, National and MY-N specifications, which took the design to code+ status. Julio detested the new ultra-light builds that moved about when a truck of size passed by. The building provided excellent views of the East Bay with ship traffic from the Atlantic Ocean and the second building will provide like views of the South Bay with ship traffic from the Pacific Ocean. Both building had already been sold-out with the majority of the tenants being Research Organization’s Southern Headquarters. The Helicopter landing pad had been located on the South side of the property with four-hangars of size and two-more in the discussion stages. The local Hospital had approached them regarding a partnership that would have the on-site Medical Clinic upgraded to an Emergency Care Clinic with use of the Helicopter landing pad.
But why would MY-N emphasize NEVER to select full AUTO when every Movie /TV show spotlights such shooting?
Is it because there is enough muzzle flash from a full auto blast to allow retaliation targeting? Maybe Beak doesn’t watch much shooting on TV? Maybe the bullet propulsion device heats up enough after three shots to show up on an IR camera. Or is it just that Beak expects you to do the job without wasting bullets? Inquiring minds want to know!
Is it because there is enough muzzle flash from a full auto blast to allow retaliation targeting? Maybe Beak doesn’t watch much shooting on TV? Maybe the bullet propulsion device heats up enough after three shots to show up on an IR camera. Or is it just that Beak expects you to do the job without wasting bullets? Inquiring minds want to know!

“Inquiring minds have a right to know!”

You have listed truly great reasons as each are true and /or represent a concern.

However, the major downside of firing an AR or AK weapon is that the normal recoil will cause a slight rise of the barrel with each shot fired. Most individuals will not see a large enough change when manually firing-up to three shots. When the weapon is set to Full ‘AUTO’ it becomes common to find that one is simply firing higher into the sky as the barrel continues to rise. As a result, the ability to hit the target is reduced with each additional shot fired. Plus, there is another issue of Full ‘AUTO’ firing in that the shooter tend to close their eyes, which only increases the inability to stay on-target.

It is important to know that only military, law enforcement and those with a very special permits can obtain /own /use an AR that has the option of selecting ‘AUTO’. Based on the reason provided above, most law enforcement do not use AR’s that have the ability to select ‘AUTO’.
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Julio’s phone was ringing again as Beak answered it noting that is was Rosa! Rosa was beside herself as she stated that ‘they’ are going to kill Julio! Beak slowed her down and asked what she had seen or heard? She stated it was more like a vision, but I haven’t had one of those since I was a child. Beak asked her specific questions that flowed around what the rest of the family had visioned. He asked her to please write down what you saw and send it over to Julio’s email. He said, do not feel alone as both of your brothers have had the same vision. Rosa stated that she was going to call her Mother as she likely has experienced this as well. Beak asked if so, please ask her to write it down as well. Julio had filled in his drawing with the additional detail and was busy pondering what was on the drawing. Beak asked if he believed that this was an independent group of a Government of size. Julio stated that the complexity and expense of the equipment implies a Government of size. Beak was beginning to define a timeline and attempting to force a start time or date. Redvent provided additional information and linking sources as he stated that he believed that this could be sooner than we may believe. I recommend that we have Edward adjust our Security Status to ‘Guarded’ /Level #4. Beak agreed and looked at Mary and Julio who also agreed. That will be required for all of our resourced to assure that they are ready, but not draw any attention as this is standard procedure in advance of an equipment testing, upgrade or repair. Beak looked at Julio and asked any reason why so many of your family members are having a like vision?

The Amsterdam Marina was celebrating the placement of the second segment of the Super, Mega Container Vessel and began connecting the two segments together. With an additional five segments in process, the build was proceeding well. He had noted that as part of the electrical specifications that the past method of using the Hull as a common Ground was not being used on this build as each power /communication line had its own ground and a neutral line that connects back to an electrical /distribution panel. He recalled that much of MY-N Atlantic was upgraded to this specification. He noted that the UN Hull specifications was also converted to this specification as well. This change would take varying loads off the Vessel’s magnesium grounding plate and improve the quality of the electrical signal to the advantage of the onboard electronics.

Julio could feel a very light breeze over his face as his nostrils filled with the scent of soil and grass. He had no feeling of standing or laying or much of anything else. In the distance he could hear voices that sounded like they where getting closer, but he did not understand them, at first, too muffled he thought. He felt someone slowly turn his head and then contact with his body as she moved her wings over him. A statement followed that both unnerved him while bringing comfort: We Have a Strong Pulse, Here!! We will take good care of you, Sir, just stay with us!! He believed that more individuals were arriving as there was clearly more voices. He heard someone say that they found the other Pilot and he was also alive. Julio smiled and believed that had to be a good sign, but a sign of what? Several individuals had placed Julio on what felt like a board and strap him to it with a neck brace. Julio tried to speak but found that he could only create a hacking sound. The individuals stated we have you on oxygen, Sir, just stay with us, as we need to Medivac you out of here. Julio wondered where ‘here’ was? The down thrust told him they were loading him onto a Helicopter and moments later he felt its confirming lift. The individual that had been with him continued to speak reassuringly but, kept repeating to stay with me, Sir. I need you to stay awake, okay!! He could not make-out what the Pilots were talking about, but it sounded like it was a question as to where they would be taking him.
Julio could feel the gentle sway of the Helicopter and then the lift of its hose as it began to settle downward for a landing, followed by the compression of the landing gear. He felt them shift him to a gurney as they quickly moving him into a building. His heart leaped with joy as he heard Carla’s voice as she was telling him that they needed to get you into surgery quickly, but we have everything we need here to take great care of you Julio, I Love You, Dear Brother. He listened as he was being asked pre-surgery questions and moments later, he felt the sedative take him. For what only seem like moments later, the Recovery room Nurse was asking him how he was feeling and did he want something to drink. Julio stated that his throat was very dry and asked for apple juice. She cradled his head as he took a sip and felt a slight burn as the apple juice slidimg down. He asked where he was and why he was here? She started with you are at the Amsterdam Marina Emergency Care Facility and had been flown here by Helicopter. You had been quite injured in an air crash near the airport and were flown here as our Cardiovascular Surgeon was here today. She stated that she knew that he had lots of question, but right now, I need to complete your post-surgical work as she set medication on the tower next to him and connected it, as Julio drifted back to sleep.

Julio was awake and beginning to feel the haze of the sedative leaving him. As he looked around him, he could tell that he was in a recovery room and that Carla was coming his way with a; Hi Dear Brother, how are you feeling? Julio stated like I have an elephant on my crest. She smiled and stated that is understandable as you have had heart surgery to repair a chest /heart penetration. The surgery went very well as my favorite Cardiovascular Surgeon preformed the surgery. According to the report, your air sacs and other organs are in great condition. Julio asked, what happened, my last memory was Mary driving us to the Hangar. Is everyone else that was on the aircraft, okay? Yes, Julio, with the exception of several cuts and a few bruised bones, they are doing well. They had all gone to the Hospital by Emergency Transport. We really do not know what had hit you, other than it was metal and it is being evaluated as we speak. As a result, you are on a fairly heavy set of antibiotics to off-set any infection that piece of metal may had carried on it. You keep resting Dear Brother and Mary will be here shortly as she is meeting with the Doctor now. Last I saw her, she was in Full-On Hen Mode. Now I understand what Carlos means when he tells me to; Backdown Off My Cracker Barrel! Julio smiled widely. As Carla left the room, the Cardinal entered. Julio was pleased to see him and happy it wasn’t for his Last Rights. The Cardinal smiled and stated I was greatly concerned when I had heard that you were in an aircraft crash, Dear Friend, as I rarely find individuals in as good condition as you. Julio stated, he is the results of Carla and his Cardiovascular Surgeon. The Cardinal stated he was certain that Julio was also in the ‘Wings of Angels’ as well, let us pray, Julio. A bit later, the Cardinal asked regarding their activities supporting Ukrainian people as the Church had been provided monies for such activities. I will stop by your office when you are back working.

It was several minutes later when his Cardiovascular Surgeon came to Julio’s side. He stated that his surgery went very well. Whatever that piece of metal that hit you was, it missed the critical bits and my work was fairly simply compared to those patients Carla normally sends my way. And Thank You, for demanding and approving ‘the best’ Cardiovascular Surgical Suite in Amsterdam as it well supported your surgery, Julio! I have updated both Carla and Mary, and I will visit you before I leave today. Moments after he had opened the door to leave the room, Mary and Leonardo entered as he heard his Doctor say, No Jumping up on Dad, Leonardo, with a larger smile on his face. Leonardo ran to his Dad’s side and did not fly! Are you okay Dad? Yes, Leonardo, I am doing well and as long as I obey your Dear Mother and your Aunt Carla, I will be home soon! Leonardo eyes where tearing as he said, I Love You Dad!! I Love you too, Leonardo! Mary moved to the other side as Leonardo climbed into the chair. She asked how he was feeling? Julio stated a bit stiff, a little sore and really confused; what happened Mary, my last memory was you driving us to the Hangar, this morning, I am guessing today? Mary started at that point…
Mary was near ten minutes into her review when Julio stated, I am still feeling the effects of the sedative, lets switch to main bullet points Sweetheart, we can fill in the fine points when my mind is much clearer. She smiled at her Rooster as she stroked his head and was taken by how much better he looked now comparted to when they wheeled him in as she started again with: You had taken your Morning “Walk-About,” we had our Morning meeting. After that meeting, you took a call from the Madagascar Ambassador. He wanted you to drop MY-N’s Legal Action. You told him that his Country had participated /supported an Act of Terrorism against another Country and unless your Country acts against those Terrorists, Switzerland and as a result MY-N must continue its Legal Action. We enjoyed lunch and your Son eat more than he shared. Leonardo, smiled as he was part of the discussion. Early afternoon, Jimmy and you prepped the King Air 360, MY-N for an unscheduled flight to Switzerland at the request of Samuel for a Government Document transfer. As the King Air 360 MY-N, cleared the runway and was lifting while turning to the South, the aircraft was targeted and hit by a ground-to-air missile. Beyond belief, it hit the airframe just behind the co-pilot’s seat and exploding as it exited the aircraft behind the Port wing. Jimmy was able to guide the aircraft to the ground. Upon contact, the airframe came apart just behind you and you were ejected from it. Tears filled her eyes as she ran her wing tips across his head. Beak and Redvent are searching for links, but both are deeply concerned that our major North American Client maybe involved. Julio blinked several times and took a deep, but painful, breath!

Beak and Redvent where drilling down within the document files that they had found and where unhappy with their findings. They could not link Samuel, but someone had clearly used him to cause Julio to be at a specific place at a specific time. The metal structure that had been removed from Julio’s chest was part of a North American built missile and they were quickly coming to a point of identifying the specific missile type because of the serial numbers on that piece, when and where it was built and tracking that missile from point of build to point of launch. Mary’s phone rang as she noted that it was Samuel. Julio stated, take a deep breath, Mary. Keep him in the dark!! Mary answered as Samuel asked how Julio was as Mary stated he is in post-surgery recovery and is in critical condition having survived Heart surgery. His Surgeon is positive that he will survive, but the next forty-eight hours will be critical. Julio smiled. Samuel thanked Mary and stated to please keep him informed, ‘be safe’, bye. Mary looked at Julio as he said, I need to be moved and quickly!! Ask Carla to come in, please!!

Beak was listening to Carla and agreed and stated that they will be there but move Julio now!! Beak and Redvent drove to a place that specific individuals commonly stayed and found what they needed and quickly made their way to the Marina and entered the Medical offices from the secured side of the building. Once inside the staff took over, prepping the individual and room so that it was precisely as it was when Julio was in the room. After double checking that everything was connected correctly, they left the room. Redvent entered the room and set the cameras in place and also the mic, he left and went to the Harbor Patrol Office and checked that all the exterior cameras where operational. Beak was with Julio as the Marina staff helped by placing Julio on a cart with the supplies for MY-N Atlantic as they moved it to MY/N’s lift crane and moments later Julio was safely onboard and placed in the Vessel’s Surgery with Carla monitory him after his move.
OMG, who is this “individual” ? Can Rickeybird pass for Julio, swathed in hospital regalia? Or is this a yet-unintroduced Beak trainee, about to make his mark (in three tries or fewer) on the nefarious North American ne’er-do-well? Has Samuel relapsed into his less than noble past? Is there a highly placed individual, hostile to the Glory of Ukraine, tunneling his way through the NA client’s operations? Is the General tired of Julio making him wait for technology and thinking to capture the Amazon that lays the golden eggs for himself? One’s head positively spins with the implications and bifurcations and disambiguations!
Fifteen minutes later a small SUV with an Amsterdam Hospital logo on the door, pulled into the roadside entrance to the Marina Emergency Care Facility. A young doctor stepped-out and made his way into the building moving quickly to the Medical Centre Door and stepped in as he introduced himself and asked what room Julio was in. He was directed without question to Julio’s room. At the same time, Redvent set a tracking bug on the SUV and opened the door and set another tracking bug in the backpack on the passenger side with a mic style bug and quickly moved away. The young doctor was in the room as MY-N’s system quickly identified him and his Agency alliance. Beak was not surprised, but not at all happy. The search determined that this attack was limited in size, two at most, Lone Wolf Style that this individual had arrived only three hours ago and after Samuel’s call. Beak ran that call again, in his mind, and pick-up on what Julio had heard that alerted him that there was a hit coming his way. The young doctor inserted the syringe and transferred the drug. Moments later he saw that it was having the effect he wanted, as he quickly left the room, while removing his hospital smock, wig, and glasses, he placed them in the trash as he passed unnoticed out the door. As he started the SUV, his phone rang, while he drove out of the parking lot. Beak smiled as he monitored the bugs as the individual headed back toward the Airport. Beak called his close friend and informed him that another Agency was playing in his sandbox as he updated him. He stated that his staff would handle this guy, pick-up the local agent and asked if he wanted to question them. Beak thanked him and stated that they had a body at the Marina Medical Centre that needed to be picked-up. We will handle it, Beak. Thanks for the heads-up and see you soon, my Friend, bye.

Beak contacted a longtime friend in the States and asked for a favor when he is in DC next time. They reviewed the many options and Beak recommended the old ‘breadcrumbs’ approach with a reward for the finder. His friend agreed and stated that it will be in place tomorrow early afternoon. Beak thanked him and called Sara Carter of Wolf News. A bit later Beak and Redvent made their way to see their close friends and ‘question’ the most recent trash pick-up. Redvent sat down in front of the local agent and set his work knife on the table in front of him as he leaned forward and played the recording as he watched the agent and asked if he had children? Beak was down the hall with the Lone Wolf and also set his work knife on the table and was playing the same recording, as he asked would he like to talk about this trip? A half an hour later they both had the information they needed and left them for the local Agents, who are not happy about outsiders working in their region and worst, attempting to kill a very close friend of theirs. Neither would leave the station alive.

MY-N’s CFO was on the phone with their Insurance Company regarding the crash of an Aircraft. The individual on the other end was asking for a ton of paperwork. She told the individual that they had that and much more and will be happy to have them look over those documents at MY-N’s Amsterdam Legal Suite and she set a time and requested that they show-up with a team as MY-N plans to charge for all costs MY-N incurs as she asked to be transferred to her Agent. With Rosa on the line, they began a hardcore two-on-one wake-up call to the Agent, as this is the first claim that they have ever filed and their account represents a sizeable income for their organization and recommended that she be at MY-N at the same time as their ‘team’ arrives and she should bring her group manager.
As his Cardiovascular Surgeon left with a smile of his face, Beak and Redvent entered MY-N Atlantic Surgery to find Julio resting comfortably. Julio smiled as they entered and asked, who tried to Kill Jimmy and me? Beak looked at Redvent and asked him to provide their findings. Julio listened with intent as the anger build within him as he noted his read-outs climbing as he took a deep \painful breath and forced himself to relax by pulling himself out of the moment and began viewing this as a third party. There was no question that the missile type was sized to, with easy, blow the King Air out of the air and would have but it had entered and exited the aircraft, exploding just as it was leaving the Portside passenger compartment and not on initial contact leaving the majority of the aircraft intact. The group that had targeted him was a Black Ops Group buried deep within one of the segments of his primary Client. Apparently, MY-N had somehow stepped on someone’s glory! As his Security Experts where completing their found history. Julio stated what he believes needs to happen to control this and bring it back inside of a tiny package and keep from having his largest Client begin bleeding from within attempting to extraction a cancer. Julio called Sara Carter and asked for a really big favor!!

To Julio’s surprise, Sara was able to meet with the Black Ops Head and that he was currently in Germany. Julio was shocked that she had found him and that the Black Ops head was equally surprised as she was very knowledgeable regarding this specific opts, down to very precise information that he did not know. He agreed to meet with Julio in Amsterdam prior to his leaving Europe. Julio’s first day in his office was a true joy for him and his staff! He saw that he had a meeting with Sara Carter’s guest, the Black Ops Head that had targeted them. Julio had been considering how he wanted this meeting to go and had settled on his traditional win-win approach. As he quickly brought together what MY-N is and what we do and why. He checked the time and noted the incoming call from the FBO greeter. Julio asked to have Sara bring her guest up with her. She knocked and entered as Julio asked if they excuse him for not getting-up and not shaking wings as he is still recovering. The Black Ops Head started, but Julio asked if he could start first. As Julio switched the large screen over to his slides. Fifteen minutes later, he turned to his guest and asked where did we, with malus, stomp on your efforts? Julio enjoyed the moments of silence as it implied that he had made his point that their group was not even part of MY-N’s intent or interest. The Black Ops Head asked what he and his group could do to correct their gross error. Julio stated we have a very expensive, highly custom, New Generation, King Air that is little more than rubble, medical cost, plus some level of exposure Locally /Nationally as such an occurrence has, correct me if I am wrong Sara, Media Interests. At this point, WE need to slow and bring to a halt the Internal Search that is occurring as two groups within our Client attempt to find out what occurred and who authorized it. Julio provided several additional links that made it clear to the Black Ops Head that his group had tripped upon a True Player within the inner workings of their Client.

Julio called Jimmy and asked if he had time to provide a guest of Sara’s a walk around one of our C-130J-30 Ghosts and to provide him a bit of insight as to the uniqueness of our recently lost King Air? Jimmy stated that he had just finished a meeting with our Hangar manager and had time now, if that worked. Julio stated that it did as he asked Sara if she would introduce her guest to Jimmy and if she has time, return here so that we can talk a bit? She said that she does and will be right back. After they had left, Julio sat and took a very deep, but painful breath as he so wanted to crush that, Parrot! He could feel the angry leave him and was beginning to smile as Sara entered Julio’s office. Sara came over to Julio and slowly, with comfort and care, hugged Julio as tears formed in her eyes. She looked at Julio and stated, she does not know how he could so control his emotions in the face of the Parrot that had tried to Kill You!! As she hugged him again. Julio looked at Sara and said, My Mother taught me a very long time ago that rarely is the individual that harmed you evil, but more likely mis-informed regarding who you are. But, enough regarding him. What do I need to do to have this event find its way quickly out of the News Cycle? Sara hugged Julio again, while considering his request. She stated that as Julio knows, there are as many Parrots trying to stay-out of the News cycle as there are those that want /need to be in the bright lights. Surprisingly, the more one attempts to effect the News Cycle the more it goes in the direction not wanted. Julio smiled and said, if I hear you correctly, just walk away and it will quickly slide into the fog of other events. She asked Julio what he had planned for the group and individual that tried to Kill him? Julio stated he has walked away from the anger and was considering enhancing, value gained, at this point. Sara smiled and agreed!
My goodness, Julio has mastered advanced level self-control and mindfulness. It’s almost as if he has a connection to an ancient secret group of martial artists/ninjas/llamas who have provided training and knowledge in the hopes of steering the world away from impending doom. If only such a beneficent cabal existed! It’s the kind of thing that Beak would likely have stumbled on his past work in the Far East. Or perhaps Rickeybird’s drunken, lecherous character is but a genius disguise, and he is actually the risen master of these arts, able to easily slip in and out of offices using a bottle of rum - very, very, good rum - as cover? Could it be that one of the low-level accountants, with just enough access to the MY-N computers to keep a careful watch at a distance, some fluffy young-looking YN named Coco, is a plant from this secret group, as they have verified that Julio is in fact one of the good guys, and plan to work through him to manifest the long-planned efforts to bring more peace and stability to the world, and deal a great setback to the forces of greed and hatred that seem so ascendant? The possibilities are endless! All we know for sure is that there is something very, very special about the MY-N organization and hopefully Sailboat has secured enough copyright protection for the upcoming movie version. We wait with bated breath for the next installments!
So Very True!

The mystical background builds as Mary becomes more active in the day-to-day activities of MY-N as her comfort and understanding of her abilities to awaken her viewing of events beyond the edge of now and into the fog of tomorrow and further into the future. Also, Leonardo is the Son of two individuals that have this unique ability. It remains unknown as to just how strong those ability that resides within him will become. All while Julio, Beak and Redvent use the organizations technology to reshape the future of the organization and those who are working to slow or hinder MY-N’s growth. There is no question that the Rickeybird’s ability to slide in and out of the underside of most large cities quickly finding where the underside gathers has its usefulness as MY-N attempts to keep several steps ahead.
As Jimmy and guest was working their way around the C-130J-30 Ghost, he was asked what on this aircraft is not enhanced? Jimmy stated, nothing! Compared to ‘Puff the Magic Dragon’ of the Vietnam era, what is different? Jimmy stated, everything, but the most notable is the lack of the 105-cannon, as that aircraft was designed to fly in large circles around a specific area and reduce everything within that circle too disturbed soil. This aircraft is designed to retaliate against whatever is firing at it from ground level to FL-3500. They then went into the Annex hangar that the King Air 360 MY-N, was placed. Jimmy stated, I am not going to tell you what you failed to take into consideration prior to firing at this aircraft. But I will tell you that this was a 50 million Euro investment into a Next Generation, King Air. At which point, Jimmy came Bill to Bill with him and stated: So Why In Sam Hell, did you attempt to Kill Us!! What did We ever do to You or Yours?? And, why a Missile! You are not Parrot enough to walk in our front door and state your issue Bill to Bill!?? You Damn Near Ended one of the Best R&D Centre’s and Material Transfer Groups for the North American, Airforce supply Industry!! I find it hard to believe that the “Dogs of Hell” are not already hunting you, likely because Julio has them leased. He is far too kind to the likes of you!! The Main Hangar is over there, kindly get out of here and now!! As he walked to the Main MY-N Hangar, he had the chance to review everything that Julio had presented and the to the point clarity that Jimmy had provided. What concerned him was the reference that Jimmy had used was what he had used to name his group. He reconsidered just how connected this Group is within their shared Client. He called his contact and stated that he had screwed-up bigtime and near killed the Head of an important Military Supplier /R&D group and what he should do. Yes, I am here now. The organization is called MY-N International. The screaming from the other end of the phone was painful in more ways than one and the likely 250-Million Euro reparation costs was far more than his budget.

Sara Carter was busy answering several voice mails that she had received earlier as she spotted her guest entering the Hangar as she called-out to him. He looked like he had received one heck of a verbal beating and was looking for a friend. Sara asked if he had spoken with his group’s contact as he stated that he had and was told to do whatever is required to make things right here. Sara looked at him and said, money will help, but you need to connect at a personal level as Julio is dearly loved by his several hundred employees and support staff. Saying you are sorry is not going to cut it. He looked at her and stated that Jimmy made it clear regarding how individuals here feel about Julio. Beak and Redvent were in Julio’s office completing their report and providing their findings. Julio’s phone rang as he noted that a friend deep in the Airforce Group was calling him as he signaled to his staff as he placed the call on speaker phone. He introduced everyone and was saddened to hear that his friend’s group was the source of the attack. The General stated that he had failed to get all the information prior to approving the attack and that he takes full responsibility. I understand that you lost that special aircraft that Jimmy has several years into and it’s likely what worked into the equation of saving everyone onboard. What can we do to help resolve this or at least off-set your losses, dear friend? Julio, I know that money is but a small part of restoring our friendship but, I am signing a project for R&D work over the next 12 months with a budget of 250 million Euros that will at least cover the money side. I will be flying to Europe, next month for NATO Meetings and want to meet with you dear friend. I am deeply sorry that my lack of follow-though near Killed you. See you soon, dear friend, bye. Beak looked at Julio and stated, we saw Jimmy chewing on that guy and was not at all kind. Likely he called his boss and hence the call you just completed.

Sara Carter knocked at Julio’s door with her guest with her as she entered the room, she saw Beak and Redvent and stated she was sorry but did not know he was having a meeting. Julio motioned her in and introduced everyone. The Black Ops Head attempted to start, but Julio stopped him and told him that his Boss had called and took full responsibility for what happened. We both know that the problem was ‘he’ had never provided the information that his Boss needed. You were mad and because of that ‘you’ made dangerous choices that caused serious damage and near killed four-innocent individuals. The Good General had chosen to place additional oversight over your activities and assigned you and your team to MY-N International! I am going to say, upfront, that this was not my idea, nor that I agreed to it, but here you are. He is sending your group’s file and it will be here shortly. But to save a bit of time, what are you doing in the Ukraine? Long story short, they are providing specialized training and supporting Ukraine Ground Troops targeting Russian missile launcher sites. I have four-groups active in the Ukraine and preparing to send in another three-groups over the next two-weeks.
The Rickeybird stirs and struggles to sit up in his bed, batting away tangled sheets and pillow cases. Several little clouds of down feathers (each from different species of mid-size hens, each bearing its own perfume puffs) fly up and find new places to settle around the messy hotel room. Finally, the old lecher makes it to a sitting position and looks around... he sees remnants of room service on overturned trays... a pile of odd medical supplies (beak-masks, ace bandages, surgical scissors)... scraps of paper with phone numbers, notes on copyright resources, and tallies of frequent flier mileage)...
He sobs openly as he realizes that his last bottle of that great rum has spilled in the bed, soaking his backside. Then he brightened as he recalled what a suitable bed-mate it had been in lieu of any of the hens whose memories gradually came back to him.
He pulled himself from the rummy rest and traipsed off to the shower.
Yessssssssss... a shower, then breakfast, and a big pot of coffee to aid in putting the pieces together of his most recent adventure.
Julio turned to Beak and Redvent and asked if they would take this group under their wings and recommended, they move to his office table as he and Sara need to meet with Jimmy at the Annex hangar. Julio noted that he had received the file from the General and sent it to Beak and Redvent. After Julio and Sara had left, Beak turned to their Guest and stated: What is the Real Story as that B.S. you were attempting to push toward our CEO was just short of rubbish!! Beak reviewed what their searches has turned-up on him and his single group, as Redvent reviewed what the General had sent. Redvent moved behind their guest and quickly grabbed him and took him to the floor, moments later, they had him in wing cuffs. Beak moved to the office door and locked it. He looked at their guest and stated, you have been stealing huge sums of money from our Client and faking the results using the results from MY-N flights as yours. Beak called his friend and stated that he has a third member of that group and need a picked-up at MY-N Main Hanger, please use the side door. Beak was told, see you in fifteen minutes, thanks! Beak dragged him to the door and sedated him. He stepped into the hallway and pressed the service elevator button, when it arrived, he locked the controls and stepped to help Redvent as they quickly moved their Guest into the elevator as Beak unlocked the elevator as he returned to Julio’s office to quickly clean-up. They set their guest on a cart and covered him and waited at the side door. Beak had called Edward to alert him they were removing an unwanted Guest out the side door.

The Service Van arrived and asked where the pick-up is, as Redvent stated just inside the door. The three of them quickly transferer the trash to the Van, after which, Redvent provided the driver with a complete document set. No kindness for this one, he has been stealing monies and services from the Ukrainians, may want to consider letting them handle him. The driver quickly looked at the documents and called-in and pass along what they had and asked if he should take him to pier-37? He received approval, while he told Redvent, this one will wake-up in the Ukraine! As always, thank you, for your help in keeping Amsterdam a clearer, safer place, as he smiled and climbed into his van. The following morning, Julio called his Airforce General friend and told him that sadly, his Black Ops Head had been found in the Ukraine, killed during a Russian attack on a Ukrainian encampment. Also, we have not been able to find any sign of more than one group in the Ukraine. Julio’s contacts in the Ukrainian Military are unaware of any more than that one group. Do you have any intelligences as to where the ‘groups’ may have been active? The General stated that he will double check, but what he had provided them is what he had. Keep me in the loop, Julio!
Julio has spent the majority of this second day in the office receiving calls from family, friends, Clients and Vendors. As he answered this call, he was expecting pretty much the same fair as the many others, but his Banker was talking about one of their Clients that was way behind in his Personal Loans and the Bank was looking at pulling the property, repossessing an aircraft and a yacht. Julio stated they MY-N would take-over the loans and the ownership as long as they are not in law enforcement control or in specific Countries. His Banker stated the aircraft is easy, Jimmy has it in for Maintenance, and the Yacht is in your Travel Hoist at your Marina for the same thing. Julio stated that his CFO would call him back shortly, bye. Julio called Jacob and told him that MY-N had taken over his Personal Loans, and not to worry, dear friend. Jacob thanked him as he explained that their largest customer has been slow paying them for months and that had affected his finances. Julio asked who and stated that we will see if we can help. In the meantime, how are you doing with our order for panels for our new Vessel? Jacob stated they have been shipping regularly, meeting the build schedule without problem. Julio stated that he will be receiving an additional contract to supply several panels for specific protection zones for a UN Hospital Vessel that MY-N is reconstructing at the Amsterdam Marina. Julio took the opportunity to have a long discussion with Jacob about Yacht Basins /Marinas as he texted his CFO.

Henry was reviewing the Power Plant documentation for the new Vessel with Rosa and stated that as she likely knew, they had provided a replacement main bearing and a credit for that work for MY-N Eastern. He also stated that they agreed to provide the upgraded lubrication system at no additional costs as part of the new Power Plants. He then switched to the agreement with the UN and the extensive issues he was finding in their document, as he provided her six-pages of the contract that demanded that they follow specific business procedures, practices and align themselves with specific ‘Green’ practices /groups. Rosa reviewed the documents and called Julio as she emailed the documents to him. After reading the documents he called his contact with the UN and told him that unless these specific pages are rescinded from the contact and he will invoke the Cancellation Articles within the Contract. Julio was told that he would see if that was possible. Julio stated that as of this moment we are stopping all work and activities related to the program, as he recommended, they act quickly if they want the ship yet this year, bye. He set the phone down and called the Marina manager to update him on the UN project and that it is a Full Stop until further notice. The manager called the Project Leader and had him switched their staff to the MY-N Vessel as the UN project is shut-down, until further notice.

The legal representative for the UN called Julio asking about what was in their Contract that Julio felt was an afront, after all, the protocol for a healthy future is important to all of us. Julio stated, drop the sections from the Contract!! FYI: We had stopped all work and have called all of our purchase orders back for the transformation of the Vessel and at this moment, nothing is happening. If we do not have a proper /clear agreement by this midafternoon, Amsterdam time, I will have the Vessel pulled from the dry-dock and another ship waiting, set in the dry-dock. That could easily delay the use of your Vessel till deep into next year. That is blackmail, Sir! No, what you have in your Contract is blackmail, this is only safeguarding our Business from your intimidation of us. Let me state this with clarity, if MY/N does not have a proper /clear, Contract by 15:00 hours, this day, your Vessel will be set in the river with your staff onboard. Since it does not have approved Seaworthiness Documents, the Amsterdam Harbor Patrol will seize it and press charges on the UN for operating a Vessel without documents. Julio provided the Attorney the Standing Laws, which sets forward such actions. Take care not to upset the Swiss Government as they are the UN’s Bankers and they will seize the Vessel and by 17:00 hours, it will cost the UN millions of Euros to regain Ownership. As Julio sent over another document from the Local Courts granting MY/N the right to stop work and release the Vessel. Julio heard his Laptop announce an arrival of an email, as his phone line went dead. He opened the email and found a proper /clear Contract with the Signatures in place. He called the Marina manager and stated that he can resume work tomorrow morning on the UN Vessel. Julio called his CFO and asked that she invoice the UN in advance of work to be completed and that the moneys must be in our Bank Account prior to that work beginning.

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