Hemp as a Health Supplement for Birds


Supporting Member
Jul 10, 2015
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Western, Michigan
DYH Amazon
[FONT=&quot][/FONT][FONT=&quot][/FONT][FONT=&quot]As the legalization of medical marijuana is sweeping North America. The want to widen it beyond human use is rapidly following with the largest targeted group being animals. As a result, Hemp based organizations are targeting known leaders in animal care and ownership. Their goal is to obtain veterinarian professionals and owners that are willing to support its use as a health supplement by providing positive studies and/or testimonials.[/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot]As of this writing, one Avian Veterinarian in Southern Florida (Miami Area) has agreed to test the product provided by Hemp Well and BirdHemp.Org. In additional to the testing, the CAV has agreed to define dosage and administration methods based on the specific product provided by Hemp Well and BirdHemp.Org.[/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot]OP’s Statement:[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]At present, there exists no Federal oversite of the manufacture and/or use of Hemp for animals beyond it containing no THC. There are no controls of variation in volume of its active ingrediencies, nor what percentage or type of filler ingrediencies can be used within a run. Let alone, variation or controls of one production lot to another. This implies that any dosage study and its application /dosage recommendations is limited to only that product provided for testing![/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot]The Hemp industry is running far head of animal medical science and government oversight. Plus, without clear industry-wide guidelines to assure some level of consistency within a single run, let alone between different production runs is needed. As a result, product provided by one supplier has little or nothing in common with other suppliers. This implies serious application issues for the professionals and animal owners alike. [/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot]As an avian professional or bird owner you will likely be approached by one or more of the Hemp groups looking to expand into the animal (farm and companion) markets. It is your choice as to whether you wish to participate in the ‘field testing’ of their product(s). My recommendation to bird owners is to have a detailed discussion with your avian professional regarding the risks you maybe undertaking! IMHO, we are years from this product being safe for use with our Parrots![/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot]FYI: The information provided below includes minor changes, which add clarity to the original documents.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]NOTE: Today, there exists no Federal or Industry standards as to its manufacture, variation of ingredients, nor their volumes per production run. [/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot]*** The following is based on Information provided by Hemp Well and BirdHemp.Org. [/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot]The largest potential user base is farm animals. Farm animals are separated into two large groups: Mammals and Birds. As with Humans, both groups are known to have cell receptors that can connect with cannabinoid and separately omegas 3 and 6 fatty acids. Hemp is stated to have 113 different cannabinoids and separately omegas 3 and 6 fatty acids.[/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot]- [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Cannabinoid receptors are stated to be found on cells in eleven (11) body systems: Nervous, Immune, Reproduction, Digestive, and Integumentary (in birds: Feathers, Skin, Beak, Claws) systems. It is stated by Hemp Well that bird’s produce cannabinoids and therefore, ‘suggest’ that a bird’s health could be deficiency in its cannabinoid production, its absorption rate, or some other abnormality. Hemp Well goes on to suggest that such deficiencies may lead to: Feather Plucking, Screaming, Loss of Appetite, Pain and possibly Other Conditions.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]- [/FONT][FONT=&quot]The two most widely known cannabinoids are CBN and THC. According to Hemp Well, much of the health research (human based) associated with cannabinoids has been focused around CBD. THC is that cannabinoids that produces the “high” and is Federally (Canadian and USA) illegal for use with animals [both farm and companion].[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]- [/FONT][FONT=&quot]In addition to its cannabinoids, the hemp plant contains large amounts [how much is not stated] of fatty acids, including omegas 3 and 6.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]- [/FONT][FONT=&quot]When Hemp is converted into Hemp oil, Hemp Well state’s that it has the “perfect” ratio /blend between omega 3 and 6. [What controls are in place to assure that statement is not provided.][/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot]Marketing Statement by, Hemp Well and BirdHemp.Org:[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]“A hemp supplement is a unique supplement for your bird’s health. Unique because we know that cannabinoids affect cells; the building block of the systems. Unique in that no other supplement can offer what a cannabinoid supplements offer. And, hemp’s omegas can compete with any omega sources out there for nutritional, natural, and sustainable value.”[/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot]At present, Hemp Groups like BirdHemp.Org are activity looking for individuals both professional and pet owners to test their product(s) and provide observed results: Collectively, the purpose is to build a knowledge base concerning hemp usage and bird health: existing conditions, progress, side effects, and results are recorded. All the information is provided by the professional or bird owner.[/FONT]
Interesting stuff. I know the CBD gummies have really helped me get to sleep and have sweet, dreamless sleep when I am having PTSD issues. DK how that would translate to birds. My state has legal industrial hemp, and products are popping up all over the place. They sell cbd gummies in stores, and a famous chocolatier based locally has started making dark chocolate hemp seed(not CBD, just "superfood" hemp seed) raspberry truffles.... over 1$ each, but soooooooo good and tasty wow!! Certainly worth a purchase to try at least once if you ever see Ruth Hunt hemp truffles.

I personally am in favor of ending proibition. I think it should be legalized for adults, taxed, regulated for strength and purity. I think the tax money generated could go to help our schools or the foster care system, and every penny spent on the legal stuff is a penny kept out of drug cartel people's hands. BUT. IDK if I would share it with my birds. I have heard of CBD oil helping old arthritic or epileptic dogs, and one of my online friends has a senior pooch on CBD oil who seems to be doing well. But I think I would wait for way more research to come out before I would give it to any of my critters.

On a somewhat unrelated note. It (not hemp, but the other, "active" stuff) is often perscribed for PTSD, and if I weren't so concerned about the fact that it is still federally illegal regardless of state law, I would consider seeking a perscription for it. My cousin's wife(absolute GEM of a human being, so glad they are married) has MS and is perscribed the "active" stuff. It seems to really help her quite a lot. When she was pregnant, her dr even said it was the safest of the MS medicines she was on. Baby Brian was born healthy last year. I had a college prof who had parkinsons or another palsy.. that is another disease/disorder that the active stuff I think has promise in treating, once it becomes legal to really research the stuff. Parkinsons involves cell death in the brain, specifically regions which produce dopamine.... that stuff works to increase dopamine production, and has been shown in what limited research that has been done, to hold some promise in treating parkinsons... people whos disease had progressed beyond being helped by conventional medications were able effectively to turn the clock back on the disease's progression by taking that stuff.

Shrug. I think it should be legalised and researched. But I don't know that we should jump in head first to throwing it at everything. It isn't a magic cure for anything. Nothing is. But it could be a powerful tool in our toolbox if we let it be.
I agree it needs MANY more studies before being used for birds, but off the top of my head I could see it being useful as a calming agent for plucking/anxious birds (if the effects are the same for them as it is for us). Might be able to help bird get over traumatic pasts.

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