Yellow Nape Law

The Rickeybird discharged all his immediate duties, at least as well as he could recall, and settled into the flight, confident that he would be awakened in time to grab the SUV keys, gather his effects, and smooth his famous eyepatches, and then saunter into his next adventure. MAN, this was the life. Hanging with the big roosters, who only asked that every now and then, he would do something heinous or dangerous or just plain ridiculous (to him!). The rest was gravy! A pretty hen perched nearby... ahh... the perfume... the rustle of soft breast-feathers... the potential! Was he dreaming or...???
Julio and Rosa had been meeting with Samuel’s wife and son and completing the paperwork that defined them as traveling to Europe for a Summer Holiday and provided them a tentative schedule using scheduled flights on Yellow-Nape aircraft with their return flight on a KLM 787 from Yellow-Nape Hangar, Amsterdam. They scheduled taking them to the Marina just prior to the noon hour as that is when the storm is schedule to leave the area. Julio’s phone rang and he noted that is was Carla as he said, hello dear sister, how is Samuel this morning? I am with his family and would like to put your call on speaker phone. Hi, dear brother, that would be wonderful. I have very good news this morning as Samuel had a very restful night and he is up and around this morning. In addition to the heart monitor, I have also installed an external defibrator as a safety measure. Would you like to speak to him? Samuel, here is your family…

Rosa drove Julio’s SUV with Samuel’s wife and son to the Marina. The rain had stopped and as the clouds where thinning the Sun was beginning to break though. She called the Marina and they opened the gate as they arrived and where directed to CERN Switzerland’s dock. As she parked near the stairway, they saw Samuel walking down the stairway with a crew member carrying his case. They met at the base of the stairway and hugged each other. Carlos and Carla followed with Carla bring a copy of Samuels medical file and provided it to Rosa with a detailed note as to where she should take them based on the information, she had received from the US Ambassador’s office. Rosa, he needs to go directly to this Emergency Medical Center! They are expecting your arrival, Rosa picked-up the urgency in Carla’s voice and thanked her. Carla turned to Samuel, his wife and son. His wife thanked her for her excellent care of our Samuel, she stated. Carlos helped Samuel into the rear seat and belted him in as his son and wife entered the passage side. Rosa backed away and turned heading directly for the Emergency Medical Center. As she drove up to the emergency entrance, staff meet them as they rolled a gurney alongside the SUV and helped Samuel onto it. Rosa provided the emergency room Doctor, Samuel’s record and he thanked her as he scanned the documents, he was very thankful for the detailed document as they moved Samuel directly to the Heart Lab and began prep for emergency Heart Surgery. Rosa completed Samuel’s Admission documents from the information Carla had provided her. As she finished a Parrot had entered the room and called her name and introduced himself as an aid for the US Ambassador and thanked her, CERN and Yellow-Nape for their care of Samuel. He provided her a Business card and Rosa provided him one of hers. He thanked her again. We will keep you informed as to Samuel’s progress. Rosa called Carla and told her that her patient was in the Heart Lab and being prepared for Heart Surgery. Carla thanked her and said, Love you sister, bye. Rosa then called her younger brother and updated him and asked if they could meet when she arrived back at the Hangar. Julio stated he has opened his schedule as she heard Angeline in the background, asking if he was talking to her mother. She smiled as she drove to the airport as her daughter was now surrounded by excellent male role models.

As Carla and Carlos walked up the staircase to CERN, Carlos asked when will he be getting the lists of upgrades need for the Surgery? Carla smiled and hugged her guy as she pulled a list from within her wing. He smiled and looked at the list and called the Marina store and asked if Carla could stop by shortly with a list of needed upgrades for their Surgery. He was told that she would contact her husband and both of them with be available. Between the two of us, we have the contacts to get what you will need. Carlos and Carla looked at the layout of the Surgery and noted that a larger connecting room was available and that the wall separating was not structural and easy to remove. The First Engineer was straightening up the Surgery when they entered. Carlos told him what he wanted and asked if he would make that happen and Carlos would assure that he had two deck crew members to assist him. The both of them noted the easy of removing the wall and had it down in minutes. Carlos asked if he would join Carla as she had a meeting with the marina management to obtain what they needed as he returned the list to Carla. Carlos noted he was being called to the Helm and he kissed Carla and made his way quickly to the Helm. When he opened the hatch to the Helm, he was met by the members of the Israeli Navy Seal Team. He smiled and noted he would be with them in a moment and turned to his First Mate and asked him to assign two deck crew members to the Surgery to support Carla in an upgrade. The leader of the Israeli Navy Seals stated they would be happy to help. Carlos thanked them and turned to his First Mate and asked to make that happen. Now, I am here what can I do for you? The leader stated they are assigned to CERN Switzerland until late tomorrow afternoon and we are fully willing to help in anyway. Carlos smiled and stated, our update to our Surgery is our top priority. As we wait for the return of our Medical staff, there is a subject that I want to handle in detail as he and his First Mate carefully removed the cover over CERN’s twin servers. This, my friend’s is CERN’s Control Center. Everything you have seen happen and what is monitored and controlled, this is where it all happens. This is a Mealy, GEN V, Twin Server with Level V, O/S. The long list of what they can do in real time has been seen now twice. The power of this set is far more than what you have seen, as its has vastly improved the day-to-day operations of CERN from bow to stern, every system enhanced. I strongly recommend that this be part of any Israeli ship, military center, etc. The larger version of this technology can be seen at our Amsterdam Hangar. Is then any questions? The discussion continued until they saw CERN’s medical team return with several marina carts stacked high. It is our pleasure to have you onboard CERN Switzerland. We salute each of you! With the exception of Carlos, they all went out to help bring the equipment and supplies onboard.
Carlos called Rainer and asked if he had time for a meeting, they agreed now worked for both of them. As he exited the Helm, he told Carla and his First Mate he was headed to CERN Ranger for a pre-voyage meeting. As he stepped onto Ranger, he felt a bit of nostalgia and as he was met by Rainer he stepped onboard. The two friends hugged and shared greetings. He looked around and saw much he remembered and much that had changed. They toured Ranger and as they did Carlos asked if his staff had been trained on the operations of the equipment. Rained smiled at his old friend and said, he had followed Carlos’ code ever since he was his First Mate. Carlos smiled and stated Ranger is looking ready to set to Sea. What has Chen provided you as far as a schedule for loading as you make your stops? Rainer provided him the list. Carlos said that the first one of these I received from her I was not even sure what side was up. Rainer smiled and agreed. Carlos laid the sheet flat on the Helm stations and marked the document with Bow, Stern, Port and Starboard, help any. Rainer smiled and asked how he knew what was the bow. Carlos smiled and said, noted the blunt end is the Stern! Rainer smiled. He opened the GEN V, Smart Laptop on the Helm and entered his code and it opened with a Hello Carlos. He then checked the emails looking for a recent one from Chen and found it. It was a list of container numbers with dates and locations on it. He copied it and opened the scheduling folder and selected this week’s schedule and entered the date and time Rainer stated he was leaving and then copied the document to the schedule. Moments later it provided a day-by-day schedule of the Port, each containers number and the total number of containers he would pick-up at each Port, it also listed the Marina, its phone number and contact person. He saved the document and printed it. Here is your schedule. You will also note that it has sent it to each crew member, rangers daily schedule and also for the Cook. He did a quick check of the read-outs and noted that Beak and Team had set everything that CERN used for information flow and also now that they had set everything to display the next action /Port, etc. He turned to Rainer and said, if you are unsure, asked Ranger as he pushed the large green button on the keyboard and asked, Who am I? Rangers responded with: Carlos! Where are we? Amsterdam, North Marina, dock #7. What is this week’s schedule? which it displaced it on the screen! Return to normal settings: as Ranger reset the Helm to its normal configuration. Have a great voyage good friend. Note: If it is not on Chen’s Load List, Do Not Load It! Always place the container where she defined its location! They hugged as Carlos left the Helm.

Julio was listening closely to Rosa as she was taking about her, Kendal and being near him was going to be an issue with the current arrangement. Julio was amazed at the way his sister weaved her discussion with a blend of needs, wants and must haves. Some points he saw coming, others came from out of left field and without warning. At times, logic was a total waste and other time, it fit wonderfully. Julio saw several places that he could step in with a conclusion, but she was clearly working thought this as she was talking. As she finished, she paused and thanked her brother for listening to her. He smiled and asked her if she can define what would work for them? She said, she was not sure. Julio asked if he could provide a recommendation or at least a starting point. Rosa smile and said, please. Julio started with what he considered as the Must Haves: The three of them together at one location. But maybe working out of different locations that are kind of close. Nice start little brother, but can you define it a bit more? Julio stated the downside is this; you are going to have to give-up heading-up the Law Suite here at Amsterdam and become the Permanent Legal Adviser for Yellow-Nape located at CERN Group Hangar. That should provide you a starting point, yes? Okay, but I do not want to give-up my work here Rosa said. Julio smiled and said, lets face it, there is a strong likelihood that there will be three very young DYH Amazons added to this group by this time next year and you, like Carla, are not going to want to be away from your Roosters, who both of you will want them to share in the experience, yes? Maybe, letting Yang manage the Law Suite here, for three years, at which point, I see him joining Priscilla to be nearer to his home country and you reevaluating what your interests are in Managing two locations /Groups. Regarding your position at CERN, I see that growing 4-times its size in just this next year and the staff needed just to keep-up with simple growth at CERN Group. You are going to be busy with the Maritime, Legal Action that will begin this Fall on this side of the Pond. The legal documentation for the increased activities of Carlos’ group, the likely legal action resulting from reorganization of CERN Group, plus the normal day-to-day activities of working with their legal group, which in my opinion needs a major reorganization. You will likely need support staff and would likely include Angeline as she becomes more interested, possible acting as liaison between your remote office and Amsterdam, Yellow-Nape Hangar. And sorry, but your little brother will still be your boss, he said with a smile. She stood and hugged her brother.

The deck crew with the Israelis had cleaned everything out of the Surgery and the attached room. Carla had drawn a floor plan for the new area and provided the document to each individual. The senior Israelis has taken control of the project from the labor side and began directing individuals to complete work starting high with cleaning and painting with another crew working on creating a seamless transition between the two rooms. He reviewed the drawing with Carla regarding the installation of the furnishing, cabinets, and equipment as they completed the painting. With it being mid-day, when the Cook announced that mid-day meal was ready, they elected to take a two-hour break to allow the paint to complete drying with the ceiling exhaust fans on and all the doors open. Carlos was meeting with the Marina manager regarding the other twin 760’ vessel still at Hamburg Marina. Carlos stated that when Rainer returned here after his first trip, he will have near nine days before his next schedule voyage and I will request he brings the second 760’ vessel here. Carla will be done with her work in the Surgery this evening and that we need her to define the exterior colors and the décor of the interiors of the Twins and you have updated draws of CERN Switzerland, clearly, we need to add the Surgery update to the drawings. I’m not seeing a need to change anything beyond that. In my talks with Samuel, we will have new variations of the armament in all quarters, including the communications tower and its many systems. The only work I see regarding the drive engines and drive pods is the new superchargers for the engines and upgrading the magnesium plates to the larger size plates. What recommendations do you have? There are new generators on the market that use less fuel and provide a cleaner electrical signal. We did install them on Ranger and Beck was happy with the cleaner signal. For some reason that I do not understand, CERN tends to grow algae in its ballast tanks much quicker than any of the ships we service. I recommend that we have that service group visit and evaluate that issue, as CERN likes a very specific waterline. Carlos agreed and requested he arrange that prior to them leaving at 1:00 hours early, Sunday. We will likely be back the following week, Thursday early, as I will be interviewing staff for the first of the Twins, which will be traveling all of the Americas.

The evening light was fading quickly as they finished the work in the Surgery. Carla and the First Engineer were very happy with the work completed and the new equipment installed. Carlos arrived after they had completed their final touches. He was impressed with their new Surgery and saw Carla smiling in agreement. She thanked him, knowing she had a very special Rooster that cared for her and the work she enjoys. They talked about the Twin 760’ cargo carriers and their Décor. Carlos informed her that the equipment would be the same as would the layout. But that he did want the exterior to be a bit different so that there would not be any confusion. Regarding a Name for each, he was thinking, CERN Americas and CERN Eastern. Regarding the interior he was thinking something along the lines of an Americas’ based Décor for that one and one with a Far Eastern Décor for the other. She smiled and looked at him and asked if he knew what the differences in those Décors would be and he looked at her and said, No, but it sounds like I do, as he smiled. Plus, I heard you use those terms. She smiled and hugged him. He asked how she felt about a wedding in early-mid January as everything is pointing to the CERN Switzerland being in drydock during that period and his First Mate is planning on traveling to see his family in December and returning early January. She looked at him and asked how long have you being thinking about our Wedding dear. Well, at least since I asked and you agreed. And I knew that I wanted to assure we had time together for a Honeymoon. She blinked several times as she was happy, but surprised that her Rooster had thought about those items. Well, that’s great sweetheart, lets talk about that over dinner, shall we go out or eat here? Carlos said, let’s go on a date, let’s eat out! She smiled again!
Carlos had spoken with Julio about setting up a flight for the Crew of CERN Ranger to bring the second Twin to Amsterdam when they return from their first voyage with Ranger. Rainer had commented that they seem to be visiting mostly the shallower Harbors, but that was what Ranger was designed to do all those many years ago. Julio received two back-to-back dates to fly the crew on the C-130J-30, which took them North for the first Twin. I will have Sara drive them using the FBO’s transport van. Plus, he had a couple of side trips he needed her to make to the Court House and the Bank. He had been more than happy with her progress thus far. As long as the trip is mapped out and the documents are perfectly arranged, she has no problems completing the task. Sara had gone out with her mother as they visited the customers their hangar supports. They were all happy to see someone from Yellow-Nape and even more happy with the work opportunities. The trip had two missions and they had successfully met their customers and found suppliers for all of Chen’s part needs. Over the next couple of weeks, the C-130J-30 had provided that hangar with aircraft containers and it would appear that at least one will be ready when the C-130J-30 returns with the Ranger crew. Mrs. Mac made note of the tentative date and would call each of the clients to tell them when they need to have the container to the hangar to assure it is picked-up on this trip and remined them that quality came first! Julio was happy that the hangar was producing again. His phone rang as he noted it was Rickeybird. His call was unexpected. Before he could say anything, Rickeybird stated I need out, now! I cannot make it to the airport Julio. Julio provided him an address and stated to park the SUV there, on the street, place the keys in the glovebox and lock the SUV. Follow all normal protocols! Behind the house is a pathway to an apartment complex. In parking stall #37 there will be a non-descript car, with the key on the top of the right passenger front tire. Turn the Key to On, but Do Not Start It! After 30 seconds, Turn It Off! Than start it. You will find a route to take in the glove box, call me tomorrow when you arrive at the Eastern Border. Bye. Julio called Beak and updated him. Beak said, he’s old-school, he will make it to the boarder.

At 9:30 hours Julio’s phone rang and he noted that it was Rickeybird. I assume you at the eastern border and you were not followed. Normal protocols, Rickeybird said. And it clearly fits in with every other Fiat 500 on the road. Julio said, normal protocols on entering a boarder station. Use your American Mealy Passport and you are on vacation, your daughter is picking you up as you continue your travel in Austria. Annie will see you and approach from the Austria side. If she has a blue briefcase, you are clear for crossing. If she has a red one, do not approach her, but walk to the far North side and exit the building. A white Vendor Van will be waiting, open the door and climb in. Rickeybird and Annie exited the building and she took him to her car. Once in the car, she provided him her phone as she drove away following normal protocols. The phone rang, it was Julio. Rickeybird answered with a thank-you. Julio said, call me when you are on the P.180 EVO, bye. As they arrived at the Austria hangar, Annie asked for her phone and stopped in front of the door. Rickeybird thanked Annie and exited her car. He continued to follow protocol to the letter. He approached the Greeter and provided him his American Mealy Passport. He smiled and stated your aircraft is waiting sir, this way please. As he entered the aircraft, he heard the Starboard engine begin to start as the hatch closed behind him. Moments later the Port engine began to start as the co-pilot came over the intercom stating then have been approved to proceed to the runway. Please prepare for take-off. Only a couple of minutes later, the co-pilot came over the intercom and stated, we have been approved for take-off. The aircraft turned and centered itself on the runway, moments later they climbed out of the airport and headed North. The P.180 EVO leveled off at FL 380 and Rickeybird lifted the onboard phone and called Julio!

As Annie was leaving the hangar, she noted a black Volvo enter the parking area. She photo’d the occupants and the Switzerland lenses plate. She sent the photos to Julio via Mealy Communications. Julio sent them onto Beak. She drove to the Airport carwash and used her Mealy scanner to verify both her and the car, all was clean. She texted Julio that Rickeybird had a tracking bug. Julio contacted the Hangar Manager and updated her and requested that the P.180 EVO be rerouted inflight to Gibraltar hangar ASAP. Rickeybird has a tracker bug. Use their normal protocols to sweep him, his case and the aircraft. Once found, photo it and sent the bug to Nigeria and place it to the attention of a very special friend. Julio used the tracker information and connected into its path and found that it tracked all the way back to the FBO Headquarters Spa, here! The Greeter provided the name of the individual that cared for Rickeybird at the Spa. Beak ran the name and the screen filled as her boyfriend worked with a known local gang member. At the end of the day, the bad guys had gotten lucky. Julio hoped that Rickeybird was able to find enough intelligence to make it worth the time and cost. Beak stated that he would handle the local issue as he has a friend in the local Police that could use a sweet arrest on a gang member. Julio smiled as he knew who and why and was happy that it all worked out. His phone rang and he saw it was Rickeybird. I am really sorry Julio, but thanks for getting me out. I hear that someone slipped a bug on me. Julio filled in the details and asked if he was able to get any usable intelligence from the trip. Rickeybird smiled and stated that he was able to get more than enough to off-set the trip and sadly the side trip. He had called one of his friends that met him at the Hangar and did not use his case until the third day, which had been kept at the Hangar for him. He provided an electronic copy and would provide a paper copy in the travel brief tomorrow. Thanks Rickey, Bye.

Rainer had entered his very first Harbor as part of this voyage and was well underway taking on seven 53’ containers. His deck crew stopped the loading process as they were about to set a container that was clearly different from the others as it had clearly been setting for at least a year or more. Rainer requested that the container be set back on the dock. The numbers checked with Chen load list, but he saw the same issues as his deck crewman. He ordered it to be opened. What he saw inside had him thanking the crewman as he was taking photos of the contains. He requested that the Marina load a spaced container as they continued loading. Moments later the container was surrounded by Harbor Police and several Government Agencies. Rainer call Chen and reported what he has found and the actions that he took. She thanked him and began to back check that container and why and how it found its way on to the load list. She quickly found the involved individuals and call the Swiss Police and then call Kendal and updated him. Rainer called Carlos and updated him as well. Carlos thanked him and recommended that he make his way out of that Harbor, as quickly as possible, as to not become part of a multi-week investigation. Rainer requested their departure and received it. With a Harbor Pilot onboard, they made their way out of the Norwegian harbor. When Julio saw the report of the Norwegian container, he reviewed his list of events and found a nearly missed event that would have included those explosives. He circled it and ran a new search using the latest information. Several individuals’ names were prominently listed. He sent the document to his Swiss Police contact, Kendal and Chen, then his Partners, Mary and Beak. It was Mary that noted the connection with an individual involved in the receive event involving Rickey. She added the information and sent it to all those copied on Julio’s email. The balance of Rainer’s Northern segment of his voyage was uneventful and enjoyable. CERN Ranger visited the scheduled harbors along Western Europe prior to rounding Gibraltar and heading to Northwestern Italy. While there, they had loaded fifteen empty containers to be returned to Amsterdam, he received approval from Chen. Rainer elected to linger over-night at the Marina and leave mid-morning.
Julio had been following the market regarding C-130J-30 aircraft and saw that the number of available aircraft had stabilized and that this was likely the time to buy. Julio contacted the Sweden Military, Excess Equipment Officer and introduced himself. The Officer was very interested in their intended use for the aircraft. He quickly determined that Julio was not an arms dealer and their talks quickly proceeded. They came to a tentative agreement contingent of their viewing and a survey. Julio contacted Accounting requested the Project Number that had been issues a month ago. He then called Jimmy and agreed on a flight day as Jimmy sent the project number for the Storm Chaser package to hold all three contingents on their purchase of the aircraft. He then notified his Partners of the kick-off of the project pending their reviewing and survey. Deep into the afternoon, the Yellow-Nape C-130J-30 was on its finial flight path for its landing. They had a very successful trip with all bays onboard filled and another server for Redvent onboard. The landing was smooth and quick as they turned on the Swiss, CERN Hangar paddock and were guided to the unload area as they were opening the ramp. As the engines where turned-off the ground crew quickly had the double stacked containers rolling off with ease. Once it was verified that the aircraft was empty, they loaded the empty containers. Total time on ground just a bit more than a half an hour. Just enough time for the crew to use the WC. At the Greeter desk they received the document briefs for transport to Amsterdam. The pilots completed they walk-around and entered up the ramp and once in, set it to close and lock. As they sat, they began the start-up procedure and with all four engines up to speed, they had been led-off the paddock. They received clearance to the runway and prior to arrival requested take-off and received it. As they turned on to the runway, they centered the aircraft and the co-pilot brought the engines to 80% and after confirming flap position, he adjusted the propeller trim to take-off and the aircraft moved forward rapidly. Rotation arrived rapidly as well. Just a couple of hours later they would be deep into the landing sequence for Amsterdam airport.

Priscilla started the Managers Meeting with her announcement of their Main Hangar being in Brisbane Australia as she provided the relevant information and Carla’s drawings for the retrofit of the five bay Hangar. Although there maybe varying opinion regarding whether we should be in Sydney or Melbourne. My reasoning is simply based around where our client base is today. The Airport has just completed their major runway expansion by adding an additional runway and supporting passenger systems. Our existing, Far East FBO is well established there and can quickly have us operating at Brisbane. Jimmy and Julio had visited the Swedish based C-130J-30 aircraft and they had the deal worked out when they spotted another C-130J-30 that had just returned from a series of black ops, extraction mission. The aircraft appeared like ours did when it arrived from Africa and Julio was able to add it to the deal for half of what we had paid for either of her sisters. Plus, the Swedes agreed to deliver them, including fuel, if we would return their Pilots. Priscilla stated, she had completed, with the help of Chen and Carlos, a tentative schedule in the far Eastern for the 760’ PanIMax. In a discuss with Kendal, we have elected to have our hangar staff visit the location of the 53’ cargo containers in the region and open them prior to any of them shipping to CERN Group – Time Travel. Thank you, Julio, for your recommendation on inspecting prior to shipping. Julio announced that Rosa has requested a transfer to CERN Hangar Switzerland, becoming our Legal Contact for CERN and I have agreed. In addition, Lang will be transferring to Amsterdam as will his counterpart from our Israeli hangar and Lang will be heading our Legal Suite, here. An hour later and they adjourned to one of Priscilla’s favorite dinning locations.

Rainer and his crew had successfully completed the move of the second Twin 760’ to Amsterdam and was sitting outside the dry dock as the Marina staff had been busying working on its sister. Carla had worked with the Marina’s interior designer in selecting the interiors for the two ships and each of their exterior colors. And true to Carlos’ want, she selected the colors so that anyone could see they are family, but different members. They will paint the exterior of each when they have completed the metal work on each vessel to harden them against boarding and for the placement of the armament systems. They had removed the racking system for the old container system and installed the required metal work to support the updated missile system, then installed the new container racking system. They had been able to add one additional roll in front and another behind the missile bay area of the vessel, plus and additional roll in front of the area that tappers as part of the bow of the vessel. They also assured that the Surgery was physically updated in size and equipment, plus added wiring for GEN V, smart laptop and upgraded the wall screen in the room. The mechanical work in the Engine Room was well on its way and with the upgrades to existing and installation of replacement equipment. The electrical group had run new conduit between the monitored equipment and systems to the server area of the Helm. With the second sister sitting near the dry dock area when different crews had available time, they worked on it. Although the Marina manager would have loved to have other clients see the defensive work they are installing, but he respected the wishes of his very good clients, the CERN Group, as they had brought him much needed work in a slack year.

The second of the C-130J-30 (first from Priscilla’s purchase) obtained its airworthiness documentation and completed its maiden flight, bring the visits to CERN Hangar to six days per week. Chen had added additional CERN employees to CERN Hangar to handle the influx from the additional aircraft and from CERN Ranger recent Northern European trip. At her request, Beak had added upgraded security in the program to vast limit the workers from access beyond their specific duties. During their return trip to Amsterdam, Carlos’ First Mate stated that he wanted to be considered as Skipper for CERN Americas. He was honest with Carlos regarding his Type 2, Diabetes and its resulting Heart issues and provided Carlos’s permission to review his medical records. Carlos smiled and stated that he was ready to Skipper his own vessel and that he would full support his application. But he could not have Carla, his Engineers, nor his Cook! They both smiled and hugged. Carlos stated that we should make this happen quickly as your new vessel will be ready for sea trails during CERN’s next trip and he would need to be onboard. Carlos quickly completed the Documentation and sent it to Kendal and Chen. Moments later the Helm was silent with just him and CERN. He called his First Engineer and asked if he could break-away from the Engine Room for a visit to the Helm? Several minutes later, his longtime friend entered the Helm. Carlos stated that he had been aware of his want to become First Mate and if that was still true, Carlos would like him to become his First Officer. With a wide smile, he stated, if you are asking, I am accepting! Before you rush to accept, my friend, understand that you will also be First Officer and Chief of Engineering for the CERN Merchant Group! Carlos watched his friend smirk and stated he would expect nothing less! They hugged and Carlos completed the Documentations. Carlos checked the time and called his Cook and asked if he would bring a snack to the Helm, please. He entered the Helm and set it on the server table. Carlos asked if he had a couple of minutes and suggested that he sit down. Carlos tried one of his chocolate chip cookies and leaned back. Chris, I have a new position, that I want to offer you. I have an opening for a Ship’s Chef and also Chief Chef for the CERN Merchant Group! Are you interested? Chris lite-up with joy and agreed! Carlos asked for one very important change -- please leave the cookies in the oven for a bit longer! I would prefer to have my cookies baked too perfection and not rushed out of the oven! Chris smiled widely, stating that he would mandate it across the fleet, Sir, as laughter filled the Helm. As before Carlos completed the Documentation. He elected to call his lovely Carla to the Helm, quickly, please. Carla opened the back door ready for whatever emergency might exist! She was faced with Carlos standing in front of her and moments later he was deeply embracing her, for a moment she struggled, but quickly relented and enjoyed the moment! He continued until he felt her comfort with the moment as he eased her away from him. I have a great opportunity for you my dear. She smiled and stated it had better be really great after that welcoming sweetheart.
The combination of the interviews in Galveston and another in Amsterdam, Carlos and Carla had completed the hiring for the CERN fleet. He had selected Rainer and his crew to operate the CERN Eastern as his propensity to be easily bored would not be a good match for CERN Rangers voyages. Carla was successful in obtaining Physician Assistant staff for every vessel, plus at least one member of the crew having certified Emergency Medical skills. In addition, they had targeted veterans with specific military skills. Jimmy had been likewise successful in finding veterans that have flown /worked on the C-130J-30 aircraft, pilots, co-pilots, cargo techs and mechanics. Beak and Redvent’s list was also successful and they have four new members that are working well to a point that he was sending two individuals out four times a month to begin maintenance checks, plus upgrades at specific hangars that included communication upgrades, GEN V, smart laptop, with facility security installations, especially along the coastal waters and specific flight path areas. Lang had expanded well, managing the Amsterdam Law Suite and with the Israeli acting as his second in charge they had found two addition contract law pros and had caught-up to the Atlanta group and are quickly leading the organization is providing Julio’s vision of Contract Law. Priscilla was taking full advantage of the growth of Amsterdam Hangar to support her growth. Rosa found herself in the same position as Priscilla, as the growth demands that Julio had predicted was rapidly coming true. She was thrilled when Kendal asked to marry her with the permission of Angeline. Julio had signed build agreements for Mealy GEN V, server / O/S systems with Iceland, Norway, additional system for Sweden, four large systems for Germany and a large system for Austria. And, with zero exposure, he had closed seven-twin server systems for Israeli ships. There had been unconfirmed rumor that Israeli may have purchased several larger systems, but nothing confirmable. Samuel and his dear wife had overcome the darkness of gambling and have well-funded Peters education. With a smile, it had been rumored that Angeline and Peter had been facetiming a fair amount of late.

Frederick had been very busy reviewing the documentation collected from the many GEN V, installations. With that foundation, he had also been pushing their largest electronic component suppliers regarding ever newer, faster, cooler operating and quiet component technologies that could be incorporated into their severs and laptops. With Beak and Julio as sounding boards, he had found a couple of dozen likely upgrades to the servers as Julio and Beak continued to be a source for software system segments /enhancements. As a group, the IT Heads elected to target first quarter 2022 as a point of introducing GEN VI server /software. Yesterday, the Amsterdam Harbor Police called Julio and asked him if they would evaluate a severe that their Navy had pulled off the Shadow Ship, which had been sunk by a lightning strike a few weeks ago. Julio agreed and requested that they bring it to Yellow-Nape Hangar. This morning Julio received a call from the Greeter saying that Harbor Police are here with the server, Sir. Julio asked that he have a couple of members from the Hangar crew help place it on a transport cart and he would be right down. Julio called Beck and told him that the server had arrived. The greeter provided the officer with a document covering the receipt of the server. Beck and Redvent arrived with a tool set and rolled the server into a support area. They photo’d the server including the Manufacturers Plate and began their inspection. Redvent was first to see where the electrical impulse had exited on the server’s undersized, single common line, as there was no second ground source on the server. The source of the fire was not the server, but likely along the single power wire and single common ground wires used in the Helm that likely started multiple fires within the other electrical equipment in the Helm. The High Voltage source did damage, beyond use, the processor, memory and at least a dozen other devices. All component boards had been seriously heat-warped and are beyond repair. Summary: Server #338c60i35z, had been exposed to an undetermined High-Voltage source that rapidly overheated major compounds and the component boards. The server is not repairable. The server’s memory was unretrievable. The photos and report were distributed within their IT group for comment and the server returned to the Harbor Police with the report. Frederick’s review was more to the point: Server damaged as a result of Lighting Strike to the ship! Mother Nature beat us by several seconds!

Having prepared for attacks based around Julio’s document, they now began looking at means of forting those attacks with ever tighter security and inspection of incoming product and individuals, plus using the search feature as part of the GEN V, O/S. Julio’s Accounting Manager stepped into his office. As Julio looked-up, she provided a review of cost-to-date for the inspection of the shipping containers that will be charged to CERN Group. He asked for the cost of the product as well. Much like he had predicted, it was less costly to just trash it all. Julio frond and said: Sadly “I told you so!” has no joy! Bring it all together and send it to Priscilla with no comment, thank-you! She smiled at Julio and said, Sir, this is why I enjoy working with you! And, just to bring a smile to your heart regarding other activities, here is the operating costs with the two C-130J-30 operating in Europe and a cost comparison with traditional and our business aircraft transportation, we are developing a 34% profit over cost. When we add the effect of moving passengers and soft cargo between hangars it near doubles, sir. Julio smiled widely and thanked her! She stated that the other two are completing final assembly and Jimmy excepts them to receive certification within two weeks. They are scheduled to support North American and the pilots, cargo and ground support staff will be ready at about the same time. Julio thanked her as his phone rang, Hi Anna, what do you have for me. An incoming call Julio, from a Sara Carter with Wolf News. He thanked her and was a bit puzzled. He started with; Hi Sara, it’s been awhile, what can I help you with? As he recalled, she was very to the point! I have a special need for four, C-130J-30 for a mission next week Sunday! All Black Ops, zero media, a fly-in, pick-up and fly-out operation. You would need to fuel in Israeli fly-in and back-out and fuel again in Israeli. Total 7-hours of flight time. It is a humanitarian fly-in and extraction. At the end of the day, zero glory. Julio considered his words carefully and stated, our aircraft are scheduled as part of standard routes that following Monday morning. The current schedule also max’s our Pilots flight time. Plus, they’re not being there Monday would be noticed. Why am I guessing that there is a high likelihood that Monday I could be missing one or more aircraft?
Sara stated, I understand that you have just received three C-130J-30’s from Sweden and they are available. That is true Sara, but we have not even inspected them at this point. Sara stated that she had obtain approval from the Swedish Military for their staffing the Ops, including maintenance staff. While Sara had been pushing hard, Julio had set a search for the past results of their Ops. He noted that the US State Department had requested that their 4-NATO, C-130’s be inspected and grounded, plus those documents were oddly not available. He emailed his Partners regarding they opinion of our involvement in this humanitarian black Ops operation. He had been keeping Beck and Team in the loop. Sara was back-in full push mode, when Julio stopped her mid-sentence with a, if you keep pushing, the answer will be NO! I would recommend that you backtrack a bit and begin addressing the why. Sara was back-in with the push. Julio hung-up on her, while he continued to research their participation requirements. He called Jimmy and asked his gut-feeling on the airworthiness of the two C-130J-30 from Sweden. Jimmy stated that the documents he had reviewed indicated they are current with all maintenance. Julio updated Jimmy and also stated that he had not committed, but had a high interest. Jimmy stated he and his staff would take a look at the third aircraft, bye. His office phone rang and Anna told him that Sara Carter was asking for you, Sir. Thank-you Anna, bye. Julio stated with, you are going to blow this Sara. Keep pushing and I walk away, are we clear? Sara reduced her push and concentrated strictly on the whys. As Julio was seeing the first reports regarding the third C-130J-30 was in serious condition with all four engines sand damaged and it was a wonder how the Swedish Pilots got it into the air to bring it to Amsterdam. Jim noted he would be back with more as they completed their inspection. Julio heard a pause and stated. I have bad news for you Sara. We only have two aircraft that are airworthy. The third aircraft will not pass a basic engine inspection. Sara stated, I need four aircraft Julio. No, Sara you need two more aircraft, we are willing to provide two C-130J-30 with the Swedish Military providing Pilots, Cargo Techs and Mechanics. Now Sara, understand that on that Monday morning, those two aircraft will begin major maintenance work and will not be available for additional Ops. Sara thanked Julio and stated, bye. Julio called his friend /contact with the Swedish Government and asked her to verify Sara’s statement that the Swedish Government was suppling pilots, cargo techs and mechanics for the Ops that Sara Carter was spearheading. Next, he called Samuel and ran the special Ops project that Sara Carter was heading that he was planning on provided two aircraft. Samuel stated he would be back with him quickly.

Samuel was first back with a caution regarding this Ops as it is not sanctioned by the US Government. As a result, I cannot greenlight this Ops. But, from a personal standpoint, they are pulling Americans, and Europeans out and just keep as far undercover as possible using plausible deniability, dear friend. Julio thanked him. His contact within the Swedish Government was next with a slight variation on the story that Sara had received approval from Yellow-Nape but needed staff for this Ops. If you approve the aircraft use, we will supply the staff. Remember to install the support fuel tanks on the wings, Julio, bye. Julio sent a text to Jimmy to add the support fuel tanks to the two Swedish C-130J-30 aircraft. Fresh back from their extended weekend Beck and Redvent had read Julio’s request to bring some level of self-protection for the two, C-130J-30 aircraft that was near invisible but could auto-activate when a threat is recognized, attack if needed and record all data. Beak and Redvent had completed a deep search and found several sets of Magnesium Flair Launchers, several wing launchable air to ground heat sensing and camera guided missiles and several seriously upgraded nose radar units that could sense launched missiles. Plus, setting two GEN V laptops for system over-sight, control, storage and communications. Julio provided approval and copied Jimmy, and his Partners on the email. Jimmy had the two aircraft placed in the maintenance hangar as they began a full-on maintenance service and upgraded the electronics, plus setting space for the additional systems that Beak had ordered. Mid-week, Jimmy had most all the upgrades included in the Storm Chaser package installed, plus the added systems. With the exception of the engines and propellers, which they would install after the Ops, they were down to adding the packages that Beak had gotten and testing them.

CERN Switzerland had left Amsterdam as scheduled and had a smooth first half of the crossing headed West. That said, the North Atlantic was filling with storm systems coming off of North America. Carlos was tracking the systems and looking at turning South early, which increases the distance, but speeds the time resulting from having to slow to battle the heavy waves and high winds while maintaining course. After running the two paths, the Southern course won with a small advantage in time and a major improvement in comfort. His First Officer had settled quickly into his new role, while training his replacement. If the weather issues continue, they may have to enter the Gulf along the Southern route, the combination would shift their arrival time a total of 6 hours later than the fast route, or Carlos could choose to push the speed and spend fuel to save time. Carlos chose to spend the time. He scheduled a CERN Officers meeting at 10:00 hours to set-up the Standard Operating Procedures for the CERN Merchant Marine Group. As he looked at the notes he had gathered and kept reminding himself of the word that Julio used: Delegate! He smiled as he reviewed the names of his staff and their strengths, he had a very strong team and he knew what the target is and began putting together a path to get them there. What seems like moments later, his First Officer entered the Helm and was actively updating himself as Carlos looked down at the twelve pages that defined that path. He smiled and shared a few comments regarding CERN’s course and the upcoming turn to the North as they ride up and under Cuba following the Gulf Stream in and as it headed Northward toward Texas.
In the very early hours Sunday morning, four C-130J-30 aircraft lifted-off a forward Israeli military airbase as they followed a very precise route that would take them just North of their intended landing zone. The pilots that where flying Yellow-Nape’s contribution to this group where impressed with the large three-primary and two-smaller side screens especially the center radar screen and its additional overlays that included active radar sensing covering or near their route and their sources. What really caught their attention was as its defined missile launch locations and their status. It would be an additional two hours before Sunrise and shortly after they would begin a series of course adjustment prior to their final heading and landing. They began lengthening the distances between each aircraft targeting 10 minutes to allow for point of touch down to lift-off. They were going to be the first in. There was a light breeze on their nose as they came in with a smooth landing as they rolled off the roadway to a sideroad and then headed back on the sideroad, they lowered their gate to just above dragging it. As they rolled along, individuals would rush in from the side and up the ramp into the aircraft. As they slowed even more to turn to the roadway, the other Yellow-Nape aircraft landed in front of them. They saw that their ramp was up and locked as they rolled-on to the roadway just in time to see the other Yellow-Nape aircraft turn-off at the other end. They increased the engines to 95% power and turned the propeller pitch to take-off. The pilot was busy keeping the aircraft straight, the co-pilot call-out the speed and announced rotate. They followed instructions to lift-out rapidly to FL-300. As they obtained FL-150 their center radar screen showed and announced a missile launch. They then noted that their aircraft launched Magnesium Flairs and then launched an aircraft-to-ground missile and then another. They held course and saw the incoming missile change course chasing the Magnesium Flairs to the ground. Moments later the ground missile site erupted as both of their missiles found their targets. The size of the eruption implied that sites missile stock erupted with the launcher. They looked at each other in shock, amazement and joy! As they arrived at FL-300, they pulled the engines back to 75% and allowed the aircraft to auto-adjust the propellers for maximum fuel economy based on the pre-approved flight speed. They agreed to say nothing about the onboard equipment that their aircraft had used to save their butts! Their cargo tech entered the cockpit and asked what was all the noise about. Both pilots turned to the tech and smiled, saying, “there was zero noise, correct!” The tech smiled and returned to the aft of the aircraft. Three hours later as they approached the Israeli military airbase, they heard the tower welcome them back and then provided a heading and speed prior to landing. They smiled at each other as it was a straight in landing and a long runway trip to the turn-off. They saw the paddock they had left hours ago but were happy to be returning in the early afternoon’s Sunlight.

The Law Lab at Atlanta was actively including Contract Law document bases from Amsterdam Annex, Law Suite, as Amsterdam Hangar had quickly become the Legal Center of the organization. Julio received a belated request from the KLM Legal Group, VP regarding his want for his legal staff to be able to operate in the same timeline as Yellow-Nape’s legal staff and to better understand his “win-win” approach to Contract Law. Julio smiled to himself, as he informed his friend that they had moved the Law Suite to Amsterdam and listened for the response. He heard; That’s Great! A Work /Reward, session that’s a combination they will like. Julio elected to speak about the possibility of adding an additional new series 747 and 787 cargo mid-early Winter 2022 and reminded him to speak with their favorite supplier regarding their joy with Mealy’s upgraded communication /operations system before they speak next. Julio received a thanks for the reminder, bye. Julio then phoned his longtime friend, Leonard, as a follow-up to their changing to the GEN V series Smart Laptops. Leonard was filled with praise as the purity of their data streams, the level of detail and speed of transmission. Julio said, it’s time to upgrade the receiving systems with a few of our Big Boy systems Leonard! Also, just a heads-up my friend, we are just beginning to talk with KLM regarding another 747 and 787 for 2022 mid-early Winter delivery. Leonard laughed and said, thanks, Julio, I now have the hook to get our staff on one of your flights from Phoenix onto Switzerland, I will call you with dates, bye good friend!

The pilots completed the shutdown of their C-130J-30 and then a detailed walk around of the aircraft. They found the cradles for the missiles, but aside from a slight lift to the aircraft’s area above and ahead of the landing gear they could not find a Flair Launcher or any signs that a defense system had fired. In all honesty, they were happy as they could neither confirm nor deny any such event /occurred. At the debriefing, the subject never came-up and everyone seemed fine with that. What they had been told was that the group had recovered 73 Americans and 134 Europeans. A, P.180 EVO was guided alongside their C-130J-30 and the flight crew for each exited that aircraft. They stopped to talk with mission pilots, just long enough to get the point; they needed to get onboard for their flight to Sweden! Once the hatch was closed, they began talking about the mission and that the second air crew saw the flair display, the missile launches and destruction of the site, on the ground. The first air crew asked what they are talking about with large smiles on their faces. We hear you the others stated returning the smiles. The rest of the flight was left to the wonders of sleep.
CERN Switzerland had made the turn and had been heading North within the rapid flow of the Gulf Stream. Galveston had been a quick-in and back-out as another tropical storm was developing and they needed to be North of the turning point and prior to the Tropical Storm pulling just to the East of Cuba. As they studied the weather radar and weather updates it appeared to them that they would be following the Gulf Stream up as it turned Northeast and then across the Atlantic. Trailing seas and a following storm had all the appears of the prior trip. His First Officer remarked how much CERN loved her favorite waterline and the need to add a drain to the bottom of the ballast tanks to assure some control over the alga growth that was taking over the tanks. They spoke of having a senor installed near those new drains to assure early detection if there was ever a leak. The First Officer changed screen #2 so that it displaced the pitch control and how much CERN was working it to allow the kind of speed they have been seeing. Carlos adjusted the screen to display the numbers as a sinewave and the alignment was amazing. He then switched to the lubrication temperature trend and watch the temperatures raise even with the upgraded cooling system they had installed. Carlos considered it and asked his First Officer if they should look at increasing the size of the supply and return lines between the pod drives and the coolers? Carla entered the Helm to find the two Roosters she had been looking for. Both of you are due for your detailed Annual Physicals. Carlos said that he believed that he has well proven he is in great shape of late. Carla smile and said, thanks for volunteering to be first sweetheart! As they left the Helm, the First Officer ran several trails looking at the effect of changing the flow rate via. increased pipe size and smile to himself. That Rooster had nailed it. He opened a workorder to increase the pipe size between the coolers and the pod drive lubrication unit for all three 760 PanIMax vessels and signed it. Carlos stepped back into the Helm and stated that he was next as his First Officer provided a paper copy of the workorder he had created. Carlos smiled as he reviewed the documentation.

As the First Officer entered the Surgery, he was ready for the riot-act that Carla was going rain upon him. She sat down and placed her wing on his shoulder and started with; we have a long and serious discussion ahead of us dear friend. She unlocked and opened a cabinet and selected a remote heart monitor and an exterior deliberator. She then removed the new ultrasound device and began a slow review of his heart and then air-sacks. With a serious expression on her face, she asked how long he had been a smoker and when he had quit. She frond at his answer and said, okay, now the truth, please. She then placed the remote monitor on him and turned-on the large wall screen, while waiting for the monitor to link, she completed her examination. As the screen filled, she told him that she needed to connect with Heart Medical Professionals in Amsterdam and she needed his permission to provide them his information. He granted her permission, while she was calling the Medical facility that Samuel had been taken. Moments later she was connected with the Department Head and he asked if she had a new client for him. She sent the document set and her findings and a screenshot of the current reading and stated, yes, I do! He stated, clearly you do Carla. They spoke about medications and what she had onboard, while he complimented her regarding the list. They selected three heart /air-sack medications and he recommended that she install the exterior deliberator. He asked how long before you arrive in Amsterdam? She looked at him and he stated three-days, if we push it maybe 12 hours sooner. Okay, limit him to a single deck and limited duty. Keep me posted and I look forward to meeting you soon, bye. She looked at him and said, we need to talk with Carlos, dear friend, as he agreed. She called Carlos and asked if he could put CERN on autopilot and join her in the Surgery, sweetheart, please. Carlos could hear the emotion is Carla voice and linked to Surgery’s Smart Laptop and switch control to it. He entered the Surgery and could not control himself from looking at the large screen. As she finished her review, she watched as her dear Carlos took a deep breath, while looking at his longtime friend. Carlos said, we will get through this my friend, as you know Carla, gets what she wants, and clearly, we need to assure she does, right? He went to the Smart Laptop and entered his code. He first entered an email to Kendal and Chen that he had elected to waste fuel and make a fast run for Amsterdam as they have a medical issue onboard, more information later. He also copied his brother. He then accessed CERN and changed the guidelines to “Make Best Speed, Over-Course!” They all heard the change in the background vibrations as CERN made the adjustments. Carlos stated, I need to be in the Helm. He then said, You are my First Officer! That Will Not Change, I Promise! Carlos stopped by the Kitchen on his way forward and spotted the cholate chip cookies and grab two, while he headed to the Helm, his first bite provided a smile, just like he liked them.

Carlos entered the Helm and switched control back to the Helm. He requested an updated course with a likely timeline from CERN. He called the engine room and requested they turn the lubrication system to auto and allow maximum flow, if CERN requires it. We are going to be pushing CERN all the way to Amsterdam, assure that we have no problems, please. He saw the email back from Kendal stating, Proceed at your choice, dear friend! Our prays are with you and your crew! Julio was second in with an open offer to support, when wanted /needed. You and your crew are in our prayers dear Brother. Carlos saw that his engine room was calling him and he answered. Sir, we believe that we can safely connect additional lubrication flow and return lines to and from the pod drive and the coolers, we request approval. Julio stated granted, just ensure that you limit the number of fittings and double-check it as we cannot not afford any problems. He heard, yes sir, bye. Carlos’ Chief Chef entered the Helm with a couple more cookies and asked if he should be aware of anything, also are the cookies to your likely, sir? Carlos, smile and stated, perfection! We are making a fast run to Amsterdam; our First Officer is having medical issues and would you please stop by the Surgery and see if they would like anything, please. One more thing, we will be pushing deeper into waves and as a result, you will feel a slowdown and then a rush forward. Think Sailboat running under spinnaker with sizeable wave sets and the effect as they enter, than break the wave. The Cook smiled and said, I understand, sir. He knocked and entered the Surgery, then asked if he could provide either of them with anything. Carla state that we will be make a few adjustments to the offerings for some of our crew. I will get with your regarding what I am thinking about. She looked at her friend as asked if he would like something. He said, apple pie would be great.
The Yellow-Nape C-130J-30 pilots had completed their flight back to Amsterdam Annex and after shutting the aircraft down were busy completing their flight logs and comparing the status of the aircraft to their recently upgraded aircraft they concluded that desert sand really takes it toll on aircraft. Julio saw a call from Anna and answered, what do you have for me Anna? Samuel on line 7, sir. Thank you, Anna. Hi Samuel, what is happening in your World, good friend. He stated that they have a ton of individuals running around here trying to understand how an adversary’s missile launch site near a desert boarder town just blew-up, yesterday. Julio said he was no expert regarding missiles, but possible someone dropped one? Samuel stated, you must be a genius Julio as with all the experts we have around here, you are the first one to provide a plausible reason. But, if you should find yourself speaking with one of your Israeli friends, thank them, please. If I should, I will good friend. As an FYI, Julio, we are seeing serious activity at the Tesla site in far southern Chile. Julio stated that he will double check, but to his knowledge CERN Group elected to close-out that project. Regarding Mealy activities, there is nothing in the next two months that would have an asset in that area and that would be little more than a pass-thru, at best. Maybe, we could include a fuel stop, but they are really expensive. Well, if you come across something, send it my way, thanks, bye. Julio was halfway to calling Frederick but elected to run it by his Sister for a couple of reasons; one to keep it low profile and two, see if his Sister is connecting to the CERN non-written, background information system. He would bring it up to Frederick during their late day call. He called Rosa. Julio was truly proud of his Sister as she had seen that location in several documents that Chen was attempting to find a means of suppling that location. Plus, several Buy /Sell documents had gotten mixed with other documents sets, she had seen. Julio said that with care, she could insert that CERN Americas would likely use that channel on a loop around the far Southern end of South America. What are you up to Julio? Just a bit of spy vs. spy, thing Sis. Keep your eyes and ears open to anything that involves that area. But do not look interested or encourage a discussion, please! It was great that his Sister was connected, but it deeply concerned him regarding activities at that facility and that CERN Group was still actively involved! He entered the information into his Active Thread document and ran the software. The open connections and links that had always confounded him found links with this new information. This information filled in with near perfection. He called Beck.

When a group survives near certain death, the reason for their salvation rarely stays silent. The Swedish Military is a small well-connected group and there was a quick want to understand what Yellow-Nape had added to their aircraft and assure that technology finds its way onto their other equipment. Julio’s contact with the Swedish Government called her friend with questions regarding Yellow-Nape recommendations. Julio leaned back and asked what the likelihood would be for a defined delegation of Swedish Military, Intelligence, and IT group members to present what the aircraft and its supporting systems did and can provide for each group. They set a date and she thanked him for his clarity as it will easy her work. Julio noted the time and called Frederick for their scheduled telecom. After they had caught each other up to the general happenings, Julio asked the hot questions; Why is CERN Group still actively working at the Tesla Site in far Southern Chile? The silence was chilling to a point that Julio asked if he was still on the line. Frederick’s question added to the chill: How do you know about that Julio? Julio’s Court Room edge came into full play as he started with: Frederick, as a Full Partner, I have the same access as you to the activities and information of our organization. Why would you believe that I would not know? I want to know the full story and now, what is CERN Group doing and why, sir. That set Frederick back and a stiff reminder that Julio was right and why would he believe that he would not find out. Julio came back at Frederick again, asking why he had left three very important lines of the code out of the search program that Frederick wrote from Julio’s original document. Like I would not notice Frederick? The question that comes to my mind is where are your loyalties? Frederick was becoming angry, but he realized that what he was angry with was himself as he was the one that betrayed the organization that he loved. Julio ran a search program that was limited to within Mealy /Yellow-Nape Organization as to the effect of the organization waking away from CERN Group. He then ran a like search of the effect of Frederick leaving their group. Julio suggested that they back away and resume again tomorrow when they both had time to consider their positions and next step. Frederick reluctantly agreed.

Julio heard a knock at his door as his Accounting Manager entered with a very distressed look, as she closed the door behind her. She looked at Julio and stated that she knew that when he requested that her office include a twin set of GEN V servers and a Smart Laptop that she was likely at a much higher level of organization intelligent then my title would imply. Julio smiled and stated she was correct. She stated that tears came to her eyes as she saw his recent searches. She asked if she could comment regarding them and also address several options he should consider. Julio smiled again and agreed. Sir, you likely know that you own a percentage of this organization, but likely not everything from the financial side. You physically own 85% of it. Your Partners have never reinvested in the organization, they own nothing more than their original investments. With your financial resources you could easily buy-out one or both of them tomorrow and not greatly affect your resources, sir. Julio allowed the moment to sit as he considered his comments. When, I was offered Full Partnership, you took the time to explain to me the foundational structure of the organization and the on-going opportunity to buy available stock. I recall asking you to take a fairly large percentage of my income and invest it in the organization. Julio stated that starting today, her title changes to Chief Finance Officer (CFO). As my CFO, what would you recommend? She clearly had considered this moment as she started with; Keep Priscilla and to hold her close to you as she loves you dearly and would never wish or cause you ill. Frederick fears you and is deeply concerned that you will find him useless. Although, he would not intend to harm you or the organization that fear will cause him to make stupid mistakes. I would recommend that you find a way to assure him that you need his special and unique abilities as he is very good at what he does and can continue to provide growth for the organization. Regarding CERN Group, you should consider buying the Transportation segment of their organization with the ownership of the airport Hangar, aircraft and ships. They need the money and will jump at the opportunity. It is a profit center, but they have no clue of that reality. I will provide you a value and request that your Legal Suite to put together a Buy /Sell agreement. When, not if, CERN Group falls under it own serious faulty financing, prior to the end of this year, you can hire Kendal to oversee selling-off the other assets and reorganize it around its original segment, plus the Mars group. There is an opportunity to provide electrical power to that far Southern segment of Chile at a profit. Julio smiled and agreed.
Julio stepped into his dear Mary’s office and asked if she would like to go to an early dinner and if she drives, he will buy? She smiled widely and quickly made her way told him asking where he was thinking of going. Julio said, why not over on Embassy Lane? Good choice she stated, but kind of expensive dear. He smiled and said, you are worth it dear. With drinks ordered and while they reviewed the menu, she asked how his day had gone? Julio looked at her and stated, we have much to talk about sweetheart. After they had ordered he stated that the two of them where going to make several bold moves that will greatly change our future and will assure their children very successful futures. Mary stated: Children? Like many Children? How many Children? Julio smiled and stated as many as you want as long as you keep it under a dozen! Mary smile and stated that is a bit more than I would want. Julio smiled. The waiter set their meals in front of them as they enjoyed the fragrance and tasted a bite. Julio stated with: We could buy an existing business of size, that is already profitable and just needs owners that appreciate the profit they are creating and you my dear would be the owner and I could be your partner. Now, before you ask a ton of questions, you should know that we own 85% of Mealy /Yellow-Nape (MY-N) International. As the majority owner /partner, I am planning on make several major changes that will assure its continued growth far into the future. Mary was shocked and stated, you certainly are correct with; we have much to talk about! Julio tasted a bit more and then stated that CERN Group will financially fail prior to years end. You and I could buy the Transportation group at a very reasonable price now, prior to their failure and complete the shift to supporting far more MY-N clients, their North American primary client, plus Priscilla’s group. Kendal will likely be tapped to restructure CERN Group targeting only CERN original activities and the Mars Project, dumping the balance. As they finished dinner, Julio’s phone rang and he saw that it was Priscilla. He stated with, Morning Priscilla! What can I do for you on your new day? She said, seems you scared Frederick, my dear. What’s happening? Well, it seems that he had elected to not inform me and possibly you, that CERN Group, Time Travel have continued working and that includes far Southern end of Chile, Punta Arenas, to a point of buying additional property there, finished digging out the damaged and they are rebuilding that site. The reactivation of that project completes a section of threats on our organization and its staff. A section that Frederick had elected to leave out of the code he wrote from my original document that when included clearly show that area as a serious threat. He has made choices that in my mind brings into question where his loyalties are. Now, I truly believe that he would not purposely attempt to hurt either of us or our organization, but something is causing him to make very stupid choices of late. Choices that endanger us, our staff and our organization.

Carlos was very happy with the work his engineers had completed as the issue regarding over-heating of the Drive Pod lubrication became a non-issue. That allowed CERN to activity adjust the drive pod propellers to maximize the overall speed of CERN as it moved quickly with the large following seas as they entered and cut-though the wave in front of them. His First Officer had rejoined him on the Helm as they both marveled at the easy that CERN both cut and rode the large seas. After CERN had made the turn to the Northeast and well on the way toward Europe, Carlos asked Carla to join him for evening meal in the Dining area. She thanked him again for allowing her to upgrade the Surgery. Carlos smiled and stated, your intuition has always been pitch-perfect dear, whether as part of your design work or your Healthcare work, you have a special clarity. She hugged him and stated he was equally as special in his unique abilities. After-dinner, we should take a walk around the deck she suggested. Carlos stated it would normal be a good idea, but we are run very large waves and we could easily wash the decks with one. But I know a safe way to visit the forward observation deck and I think you would really enjoy that view.

Julio had been considering what Priscilla had said and Mary’s comments regarding Frederick and he elected to call him while he was riding back to their apartment. Hello Julio, Frederick answered, I am happy you called as I have clearly let you down. Julio said, letting me down, I can understand, but the organization, its people and extended family, that confuses me deeply. Frederick, you are a very important part of our organization, your special skills have provided a solid foundation for us to grow upon. Your work has inspired our IT staff to bring your concepts into reality and then build upon them. Those products have led our organization to new heights as we led that and other like industries, including our suppliers who have themselves flourished as they began leading their markets, as exemplified by you. For you, you have been my inspiration to grow, to expand, to become ever better. You are a major part of who I am today. That all said, I am deeply concerned that CERN Group continues to foster dangers far beyond just us, but large areas around the World. Their targeted projects are a huge drain on their finances and is likely weaking them to a point, I am concerned they will fail financially. That could bring our organization down if that happens without pre-thought and preparation on our part. Frederick, your honestly regarding CERN Group is a huge factor as to whether we weather this next six-months or crash with them. Julio allowed the silence to sting and hunt for clarity and direction from Frederick. Frederick thanked him and asked if he could call him a bit later as he needed a little time, please. Julio agreed.
Priscilla was feeling the separation that distance can cause. Yes, there are the wonders of video conferencing, but nothing can replace the abilities of a simple hug. Frederick had yet again gotten distracted, but this time he had left those he loved exposed to danger. They had agreed in the early Winter of this year to allow Julio to vastly expand in his role and set the path for the future of the organization. Frederick saw early-on that Julio had those unique abilities of a fair and honest leader that would not only assure the long health of the organization, but the heart to assure the care of the staff and their families. Frederick needed to find the strength of words to reassure both Julio and Priscila, he would make choices that assure that MY-N came before CERN. Priscilla, needed to speak with Frederick and now just made more sense. Frederick was still reeling from what Julio had said and, the kindness and compassion used to portray his concerns. He was marveling at how fortunate their organization was that Julio was becoming a major part. He saw that Priscilla was calling him. He answered saying thank you for calling sweetheart. Julio had called me and we are so very fortunate that he is part of our organization. I have clearly hurt him and you, Priscilla. I believe that we need to appoint him as CEO and I am working on a detailed document covering everything I know and specific individuals that are driving /promoting the evil within that entire organization. Priscilla said, I think we would be better to support his becomes CEO as the last time I looked he owns more than 75+% of the organization.

While Mary and Julio spoke about their buying CERN Transportation Group, Mary expressed her discomfort in that level of investment with ties to an organization that tried to kill you, dear. Maybe we would be better to have MY-N purchase it and enjoy the profits and opportunity within the organization as all the needed systems are in place. Julio smiled at Mary’s recommendation and stated he agreed. But I believe that the purchase needs to happen very soon to stave-off the Courts if they file Chapter 11. Mary asked, who do you believe should make first contact regarding the purchase? That is an easy question, MY-N’s CFO contact CERN CFO regarding payment issues. Based on what is due us, we could offer a trade against the debt. I will meet with our finance expert first thing in the morning. Julio’s phone rang and he saw that it was Frederick. He answered with; You are aware that its dangerous to call a young couple at this time at night, right? They both broke-out in laughter. Mary smiled and just shook her head. Thank you, for that moment of humor Julio. As you know, Priscilla and I had talked earlier and we would support your become CEO of MY-N International. Also, you should have received a detailed document set from me that defines everything I know that is occurring within CERN Group, specifically the Time Travel Group and individuals in the Finance Group. I have included Actionable Documents for the arrest of near 50 individuals that are fully ready to be provided to the Swiss Police. I have outlined how they have kept key information from Kendal and other directors /Managers. Julio reviewed the documents and thanked Frederick. After he had finished, Julio asked Frederick to send it to Kendal now and follow-up with sending it to the Swiss Police, then please call Kendal. I will wait an hour and send it to Rosa and then call her. I am also recommending that MY-N purchase CERN Transportation Group as an off-set for the monies due MY-N. Their organization is big enough that they will not connect the two actions as I will have our people contact their people. One more thing Frederick, I will expect several bottles of my favorite Rum, dear friend, and please call Priscilla after you speak with Kendal and the Swiss Police, please, bye. Mary asked how much of that did you plan /time and how much was pure luck. Julio smiled and hugged his dear wife, followed by…

Rosa was up as Kendal was beside himself after his phone call from Frederick. Kendal was on the phone with the Swiss Police as he asked them to be at CERN Group early as to arrest the individuals as they arrived at work for first shift and at their homes for the others. Please lock-up the security staff listed, as quickly as possible, to limit their ability to contact others and allow them to escape. Rosa answered her phone with a; Yes, I know, but thank you for calling me. Julio became specific regarding Kendal and that he is not involved. You are going to be very busy and will likely want an additional staff person as quickly as possible, consider your request approved, Sis. Please call Chen so that she can control the Hangar and lock it down and both aircraft. Rosa asked if he knew of this when he called her earlier. No, I only saw but a bit, but was unaware of the magnitude of all of this. Rosa, when you can get a moment with Kendal, have him shutdown /lock the Legal Suite. I would guess that there will be strong document trails in their files. Hug him Rosa as he will need it. Love you Sis, bye. Kendal asked who called her and she told him that it was Julio updating her on what Frederick had told you. He also had two recommendations; one: Shutdown /Lock the Legal Suite and two! A moment later he disappeared within her wings while she hugged and kissed him. A bit later, Kendal was wondering if there was a pattern regarding those individuals that we have arrested prior to the current group and what connections they had with each other and then project it forward to those still here. He created a search and approved it. Minutes later the review of past arrests was producing results, it then began finding connections to the current arrests. The last layer was the current and past arrests and projecting links with current employees. The program began creating a list ranked from most likely to the least. Kendal was heartbroken when the program listed near 100 highly likely individuals including sever directors and another group of 40 very likely. He showed the results to Rosa and asked what she would recommend. Rosa said, we complete a search for each individual, including their affiliations, etc. Hours later they had actionable documents of over 140+ individuals, which he sent to the Swiss Police.
Julio walked into his CFO’s office and provided his thoughts regarding CERN Transportation Group. She was very pleased that he had strongly considered her recommendations as they began address her upcoming call and identified the legal pitfalls that are real with any financial moves with an organization that is ebbing around a Chapter 11. Julio provided her a list of those he was aware of and with what she was aware of they developed an excellent pathway. She took a deep breath and called her counter part at CERN. After some general niceties, she confounded CERN’s CFO regarding payments, far too many beyond 90 days and they needed to pay it today! Fifteen minutes later, Julio was smiled as to the craftiness of his CFO as she created a path that CERN’s CFO came to offering that MY-N consider taking ownership of CERN Transportation Group in leu-of monies due. They came to an agreement regarding what was included and that MY-N would provide all Legal Documents as that was a cost that the CERN CFO did not want to add to their costs. Julio provided a note that stated she would have her documents yet this morning and that their Legal Contact, Rosa, would bring it to her for signatures and have them filed with the Swiss Court this early afternoon. The CERN CFO smiled as she believed that she had just saved the Group Financially, plus outsmarted MY-N CFO. Rosa entered the Financial Officers of CERN and met with their CFO. Rosa reviewed the documents and asked if it was what they had agreed upon. CERN’s CFO smiled and signed the documents and requested that the two Finance Managers sign. She called and verified that two of the Director’s where onsite and they came in and signed as well. Rosa was disappointed that Kendal was not included and she could see why their system was failing. Rosa entered the Swiss National Court House and proceeded to the Office of Deeds. She first provided the transfer of ownership and provided a Corporate Credit Card to cover the taxes and other fees. Once completed, she presented the transfer of property and specify Inventory /Equipment at the Swiss MY-N hangar, the two Aircraft and four Vessels. She double checked that each document had been officiated and that they now had clear ownership of it all. At MY-N Amsterdam, they had been busy transferring specific property to specific groups within the corporation and began the process of revaluing them for tax purposes. Once back at her office, she sent an email to each vendor and provided proof of ownership and documents of credit for the Vessels. She than sent a notice to each Skipper regarding the transfer of ownership. She had kept her Kendal well within the loop as he watch the silence from within CERN. Clearly more will be leaving, but this group will be based on sheer incompetence.

Carlos has called the Marina manager to confirm his early arrival. He maintained speed until he saw the Harbor Pilot boat, he lowered the stairway for her boarding. Once on deck, he lifted the stairway to the halfway point. When she entered the Helm, she said I understand that you have a reason to be dockside quickly, yes! Carlos agreed with her and although she did not break any of the rules, she certainly bent more than a few. As MY-N arrived dockside Carlos saw his brother and Mary with his SUV ready for them. His First Officer had followed Carla’s requests to the Tee. Although Edward’s numbers are a mess, he had not loss any ground. Carla walked with him to Julio’s SUV while Carlos helped him in the rear seat and belted him in. Carla entered the rear passenger side, seating next to him as Carlos backed away from the SUV, Mary drove them to Emergency Hospital. As they arrived, the staff was ready and waiting. They took Edward directly to the Heart Lab and began preparations for Heart Surgery. The Doctors meet with Carla and reviewed her documents for Edward and thanked her on her excellent care and the documentation set as it allowed them to quickly begin Surgery. Julio was keeping taps of the effects of the transfer of ownership now two-days since it occurred. CERN Group was paying MY-N per agreement as their overall cash flow had appeared to improve. The warm morning Sun had Julio napping as Mary watched him smile widely and believed he was dreaming. As a bit more time past, Carla came out to update them as she came to Mary’s side and told her that the Surgery was going well. She looked over and saw Julio was clearly sleeping and asked if he always smile while sleeping? Mary stated not always, but a fair amount. With hope they will finish-up within the hour and I will be back in about a half hour dear Sister, bye. Mary looked over at her Rooster and smile but reminded herself to ask what he had been dreaming about. A couple of minutes late he stirred and woke. She smiled at him and asked regarding his dream. Julio smiled and said he was having a wonderful dream. He was laying in a large grassy meadow and over the hill in front of him he heard a very young Rooster yelling, dad, dad, where are you dad. I answered over here son. A moment later the young rooster crested the hill and saw him and was running /flying in his direction as fast as he could. Moments later they were rolling across the grass. We ended with him on top looking at me and asking why mom loved him so very much. I recalled smiling and saying because your mother is a very special Hen that loves her guys deeply and is that not just wonderful, as a tear rolled from his eye. I Love You, Mary!

Beak entered Julio’s office and asked if this was a good time to review his findings. Prefect timing Beak, what do you have? He provided a map of Punta Arenas and its channel. You will note that the new property purchases cover the East and West entrance to the channel. Other new property purchases add to the area around the site and an area near the town that could be developed into a marina to service the build site. They are likely spending two million Euros per week just to support current work and materials. Under full build effort that could easily increase to 10 to 15 million Euros per week. Julio quickly ran the numbers and stated that at the basic level, they run out of money in late November this year. Within five to six weeks at full build rate. Now that does not include the effects of general work of Time Travel Projects at the Swiss facility. Beak stated that with the larger number of individuals arrested, Tuesday. There has been no work at the Swiss Time Travel group and likely still that way for another 4 to 6 days. Now, there are at least 6-sites internationally that I have been able to identify as of today. The cash flow suggests at least another 2 to 4 sites. I have not completed an activity document as to what is happening and at what costs. Julio suggested that based on what we have in Punta Arenas and in Switzerland, they will likely run out of money in late October early November. Beak stated that it would be prudent to allow at least the next couple of weeks to occur, thus seeing where they elect to spend money. Julio asked if he was suggesting letting Chaos Theory play-out? Beak stated that with the number of moving pieces, he did not see any other means of predicting the future today. Julio agreed.
Carlos called Julio and asked if he and Mary would pick-up Edward at Hospital this late afternoon and return him to MY-N Switzerland. Julio said they would be happy to. Thank you, brother, and we would appreciate it if the both of you would join Carla and I for dinner, onboard MY-N. I am certain that Mary would love that, thank-you for the invite. Julio asked when he planned to leave for Texas. Carlos stated that they are targeting 1:00 hours early Sunday and thanked him for assuring that the transfer of ownership occurred without issue. Julio stated that next time he spoke with his Sister, he could thank her, as she was the one that handled the documents with the Swiss Government. Carlos smiled to himself as he knew that it was Julio that assured, she had every document she needed and that she double checked them. Carlos stated that he would and said they look to enjoy this evening, bye. Rosa called Carlos and stated that she and Kendal will be in Amsterdam this afternoon and evening and would like to meet for dinner. Carlos stated that we are having a dinner with Mary and Julio onboard MY-N Switzerland and it would be a great family gathering, if they joined them. Rosa said she would call Mary and set-up meeting them at MY-N Hangar. See you than Brother, bye. Carlos called Chris and let him know that we are having guests for dinner this evening.

Rosa called Mary and updated her regarding this afternoon and evening. Mary stated she was aware that she and Julio are picking-up Edward at Hospital and then dinner with Carla and Carlos. It will be great to have you and Kendal there as well. We need to be in route by 15:30 hours to be at Hospital at 16:00 hours. What time are you planning on being here? We are leaving shortly and will meet you at MY-N Switzerland at 17:00 hours. Sounds great, Mary said, see you there. She looked at Julio as he called his Hangar Manager and asked if she was aware of an inbound P.180 EVO coming from MY-N Swiss hangar? She noted that the flight plan had just popped-in a few minutes ago and that they requested a cab to the Diamond District in Old Town. Hmmm, I am guessing they are going to make it official with a ring, Julio said while smiling. As they entered the pick-up area, Julio stated that the Stars Above Must Have Aligned as Edward was ready and waiting for them. Edward provided a long list of work they had performed and just how great he felt. Nothing like having a near full flow of blood rushing around one’s body. What restrictions did they place on you, Mary asked him? He showed her the seventeen pages, printed both sides and stated that Carla will review it with me once onboard. Mary smiled and said you are one lucky Rooster from what I am hearing. Edward agreed! As they arrived alongside MY-N, the full crew was there to greet him! With an engineer on each side, they walked up the stairs with him and directly to Surgery where Carla was waiting to wire him up to the monitor and moments later the screen displaced his heart’s status along with the line just before he left for Hospital. Carla smiled and began reviewing his restrictions. Now I know that you feel like you could run the decks of MY-N, but I want you to ask Chris for the menu choices for you, have a nice dinner and get a solid night sleep, please. Remember to take your medications. She hugged him and welcomed him back.

After a tour of the Helm and Surgery they entered the Dinning area were Chris met and welcomed them. With his support staff, they provided drinks from Carlos’s minibar. With drinks in place Julio provided a toast: “May the days ahead provide Joy and Prosperity for our Family and our Organizations. On a personal note; As Spring arrives, may our halls be filled with the joyful sound of chicks, as our Families grows. Cheers, Dear Family!” As dinner progressed the conversation came around to the future. Rosa asked Julio what he sees as he looks at the weeks, months and years in front of us. Julio stated that although the path ahead will be a bit bumpy between now and the end of the year. I see a very bright 2022 as old is used to define the future, providing a solid foundation to grow upon. Rosa stated, okay Julio can you place that into non-Wizard Words, please. Julio smiled and stated, Kendal will lead CERN back to its founding goals with continued support of the MARS project, then eliminating the distraction and evil that is the Time Travel group. The Punta Arenas project transferred and headed by the Chilian Government will repurpose the Works into a Power Plant that will spur growth in that region. Other Time Travel side-projects around the World will be parted out to their Governments for like targeted growth for their Regions. With CERN Group leading those projects and MY-N providing logistics, profits will flow back into both organizations. CERN Group will break new frontiers in Physics and systems to support sustainable life on Mars. MY-N will vastly increase it core business as sales between our clients will triple as transportation support and financing is enhanced. Sadly, growth in the far east will lag during early 2022 and in the last half of the year, rapid growth will occur in specific markets within that region and MY-N will invest in that growth. South America will also have specific growth areas as will Africa. Enough for now dear family. Rosa said she had written it down and we will meet this time next year and grade your prognosis. Mary said, I am betting on Julio and I will say here and now that we will have a Son by this time next year. Bold prediction Mary, Carlos said, but I would bet the Bank on that point as he smiled.

And, on that high-tone, Spring 2022 will find Yellow-Nape Law II emerging and be just as enjoyable, see you than dear friends!
I caught the Rickeybird preening the feathers above his upper mandible again. OMG, I THINK HE'S TRYING TO GROW A MUSTACHE FOR THE NEXT EPISODE! What next?
I dunno, Steven, we may not be able to wait until Spring.
I fully understand the wait as over the last couple of days several paragraphs magically appeared under the Word title of Yellow-Nape Law II, with the appearance of a new member and news from the future. But that is for another day.

As 2021 comes to its natural close in the few days remaining. News regarding Yellow-Nape II, the saga continues with a targeted start date of the 15th of January 2022.

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