Yellow-Nape Law II (MY-N - 2022)

“All the Best Things in Life! Live on the other side of Fear!” Author unknown."

They arrived at the Surgery just prior to the Swiss Official. As the Swiss Official enter, it was clear to the Russian that those two clearly knew each other and where good friends, as he became more comfortable. Julio provided the Swiss Official what he knew about the Chief (Ivan) and that the Chief wanted to join MY-N International. Julio stated that he would leave them as he needed to complete his discussions with Carlos. As Pappa woke from his nap he listened to the Hens as he quickly picked-up on Mary’s conversation and recommendations for Carla to consider, while Momma cuddled Sandra. To Mary’s delight, Carla was saying that was exactly what she had been thinking as when she was viewing the needs of the Vessel’s MAs, the Marina Emergency Care Facilities plus, the Primary Hangar Emergency Care Facilities. That with all her other activities clearly something would have to suffer and Sandra would not be on that list! Mary agreed as she defined what she saw as Sandra strengths and how important her mother being available to her as Momma and Carla smiled with agreement.

Rosa and her now expanded staff had completed the agreement for the Churchill Brothers, plus the agreements with Boeing and KLM and C-130J-30 Manufacturer. Those plus, five other document sets for Kendal’s Clients, and the document sets for the Swiss Government and CERN Group expansions. She was very proud of the excellent and extensive involvement of Christina, as she was clearly enjoying her involvement. Rosa had a required course that she needed to teach to provide her ‘yearly requires’ for the University and elected to take Christina with her and she considered involving Leonardo. While reviewing Carla and Julio’s notes regarding the options in defining a relationship /partnership with the Family Medical Clinic it became ever clearer that MY-N would be bringing far more in the way of Clients and Facilities to this relationship nearing 85% more, and that an, out and out purchase made more sense. Rosa called MY-N’s CFO to confirm her thinking and what the Budget would support.

As the C-130J-30, Ghost series, lifted-off for its bi-weekly visit into Uranian airspace they were again heavy with inboard supplies. As they reviewed the loading document, they noted that they were full regarding outbound passengers, but light on outboard cargo with what they were returning with were near all empty air cargo containers. Chester also noted an FBO manager’s name change at the second airport hangar. The trip was unusually quiet as they completed their off-loading at the first hangar, he welcomed the FBO manager back as she stated that it was good being back. She provided Chester with their normal outgoing packet of documents. The flight to the second airport had Sara very busy with the activity along the Northern Boarder as it was very active militarily. The off-loading went well, but they had serious problems with outbound individuals not matching their list resulting in more than a third of the individuals not being on their list. As they taxied to the Runway, they were light and lifted-off with ease turning South and then to the West. Chester was just clearing FL-400 when their retaliation system began working hard to keep-up with what seemed like a non-ending number of ground-to-air missiles being fired at them. Chester pushed the aircraft to climb higher /faster as the retaliation system kept-up. As they obtained FL-2000 the incoming missiles ended and so did the vast damage in which MY-N missiles had set upon the launch sites below. Chester continued to allow the aircraft to rise to FL-3000 prior to easing back on the engine settings and allowing the MY-N smart laptops to set engine RPM and propeller pitch to minimize fuel flow as they leveled-off at FL-3500. Chester asked Sara if she wished to transmit Video to Wolf News? She stated that she did and connected the cable that was for her Jump Seat. She asked just how many missiles did they fire at us? Chester’s reply brought a smile to her; Seemed like everything they had Sara; you will likely need to count the number for us.
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The Swiss Officer called the Helm and asked if they could keep the Russian (Ivan) onboard, below decks, until everyone had left MY-N Atlantic. Carlos stated yes and called the on-duty Engineer to take Ivan to his quarters. On the way to his quarters, the Engineer asked if Ivan was staying with MY-N? The Chief stated that is his request. As they talked the Engineer pick-up that the Chief was well aware of their Power Plants and their software. The Ivan was very happy to hear that MY-N was shifting to the Duo Propeller technology as everything he has seen showed excellent numbers.

Julio’s morning meeting was with Henry and the Owner of Family Medical Care Clinic to complete an agreement that would take them in a totally different direction. As Julio provided a copy of the agreement to purchase Family Medical Clinic and also went thru what steps had brought MY-N to this thinking. The reality that MY-N would represent at least 85+% of the clients and facilities being the primary driver. Julio stated that he is uncomfortable with MY-N taking-on the ownership as we have zero experience with this Market, beyond the care of our staff onboard our Vessels. That all said, we continue to receive inquiries from Maritime Ship owners that are headquartered out of Amsterdam or Galveston with twelve-Research Groups from Punta Arena, Chile. And although not included in everything we have spoken about; I have received an inquiry from Australia, a Marina owner there that has a faculty on both their East and West Coasts. As Julio finished his review of the documentation, he asked the Good Doctor his considerations. He looked at Julio and stated, I understand why MY-N is looking at this arrangement in this light, but the only part of this my license will support is here in Amsterdam. I am not even sure what is required in your other locations. I would love an agreement that is limited to my license. Julio looked at him and stated that he would have a discussion with his Legal Group and Carla and once I have heard back, let’s get together again. The Good Doctor agreed and he and Henry left.

Julio was busy researching the requirements for setting-up an Emergency Medical Clinic in each of the counties that they have identified based on whether they had a Hangar and /or a Marina in place or are considered one. He had completed his international review and sent a copy to Rosa for her review and comment. He leaned back as his phone rang and he saw that it was Carla as she asked if he had spoken with Mary regarding changes that Carla wanted to make in her area of responsibility. Julio stated they had talked several days ago about what was happening in each other’s area of responsibility and your name came up as it commonly does. As he shifted and asked how’s Sandra progressing, Dear Sister? Carla stated that she’s been a sweetheart and is looking forward to meeting her uncle this early evening, Dear Brother. Julio stated they are looking forward to evening meal onboard MY-N Atlantic. Julio sent her his review of the requirements by Country as she was scanning it, as she printed the document. Looks like we will need a licensed Doctor in each Country. As a quick change, she stated that she had spoken with her Cardiovascular Specialist here in Amsterdam and found that he has a serious interest in having a Clinic and if MY-N was interested in creating an Emergency Medical Clinic he was interested in being part of that project. She had asked him regarding his knowledge of Clinic Operations and Management with him stating; I have those connections. That would be a great avenue to travel Carla and we can speak with Rosa this evening. Now, regarding why you called.
Carla started with, she believes that her areas of responsibilities are exceeding her abilities to preform them to her likening and believe that she will need staff to assure that the quality of work remains at or better than what I have provided today. Julio stated that he was not sure of better, but I fully agree with you Carla, what do you propose. Carla asked if this is not where he normally provides all the details. Julio chuckled and stated that she should know by now that I may have ideas, some even great ideas, but that I never stomp into areas that I am not proficient in, right? It was her turn to chuckle as she stated I believe that I need additional staff to lead and get far more done. Julio fully greeted with her and asked if she had individuals in mind? In her normal fashion she sent over a list and dates she would like them to start. Julio stated that he only had one concern and that was the Start date for the Project Manager /Supervisor as the existing projects are coming online fast and CERN Group wants to expand their Studies group into the available MARS area. With everything else, I fully agree. Anyone that you would want to report to Carla? She smiled and said, Mary! Once again, I fully agree, but sadly Dear Sister, you will have to struggle with a dotted line connecting you to Carlos and myself as our areas will need direct connection from time to time, while we back feed Mary, of course. Let me get the paperwork going and I will have documents for you to sign this evening, Executive Manager Carla! Julio asked how long she believed it would be before Sandra completes her first designs. You will not believe what I have to show everyone this evening! Bye, Dear Brother. Julio called his CFO and updated her on everything that is coming from Carla’s area! He heard her say, About Time, I have work to do, bye! Julio called Mary and updated her. As to his call from Carla. As she smiled knowingly.

Julio called the hangar manager at Cleveland, Ohio hangar stated that he believed that a certain Rickeybird will be stopping by her hangar soon with a document he will want to send to me. I have on its way to you, a bottle of my Admiral’s Grade Rum that Rickey will not be expecting but will receive with a very large smile. Also, he may like a trip to the FBO’s Spa. She stated that she would make all of that happen. Julio thanked her as he stated, bye. She no sooner set her phone down and it rang. As she answered it, she immediately connected Rickeybird’s voice and the words that only he used to greet her as she thought what a Casanova, Rickey is!! He stated that he needs to drop-off a document for Julio and what time did he need to be at the hangar for it to catch the morning flight to Atlanta Hangar Monday. She stated, early Rickey, as that Aircraft turns around and off the paddock at 7:30 hours early Monday morning. She heard Ricky groan a bit but stated that he would be there before 7:00 hours early. She asked if he would like an early-morning trip to their Spa? Rickey stated she was reading his mind, see you then, Sweetheart, bye. As she set her phone down, the pilot of the afternoon flight set a box on her desk addressed to her! She looked at it and thanked him. She sat down and remembered how the other managers referred to Julio as being spooky with his knowing stuff.

Rickeybird finished his report of his recent visit to Dayton, Ohio and specify its Airforce Base, in which he attended a gathering of longtime friends of his. With time, the conversation rolled around to the odd happenings in the Ukrainian War. Their meeting was at the Officers’ Club and as normal, any number of friends would stop by and add bits here and there. Rickeybird was beginning to link odd statements made in the News Media and events that kind of just happened. Rickey listened as one question just nagging at him, and he elected to ask. Why is the vast Russian Army and all of its equipment not being far more effective? There was not even a split second of silent, as near everyone was jumping in! The clarity was sharp and to the point, because near ever fighting unit is from a different area or Country, within Russia, and they commonly do not speak Russian! Plus, they are a top-down fighting force and if communication is cut at any point, the foot solder sits and wait for orders. The discussion became clear that there were known issues and that in prior years, North America had worked with, trained and provided very specific equipment to the Ukrainians. They all warned that it would continue to become truly ugly in the days ahead as the Russian, Chain-of-Command use ever more deadly /ruthless tools against the Ukrainian people. This has already become a war of blood baths of innocent children and women. He then listed specific equipment that is flowing in over several ground pathways and that they will continue to be effective. Rickeybird provided several more paragraphs of insider information that should help MY-N avoid losses.

Julio was reviewing the portfolio from the South Africa hangar and saw that they were experiencing an uptick in Covid-19 cases and that it was likely a fifth variant of the virus and that it had arrived far earlier than they had anticipated any uptick. They began tracking and found that an individual had arrived from China and they brought that individual to a quarantine site, where they collected information and began informing individuals that had been exposed as those who had contracted the virus had come in contact with him. Julio asked what she recommended and the FBO manager stated that we have increased our cleaning cycle and additional time disinfecting their aircraft and informed our staff of the new variant. Julio thanked her and called Carlos updating him and asked what he planned. Carlos stated that he would maintain MY-N Eastern staff, onboard and also disinfect what provisions they brought onboard. He would also test his Crew before they entered their next Port. Julio stated that he would hold-off making a Corporate wide statement until South Africa makes a public announcement.
The family gathering was a true joy for everyone and Sandra was a joy as she smiled and giggled happily. Carla was every bit the happy Momma with Carlos clearly filling the claw prints of the proud Pappa! Leonardo was busy playing with Christina and enjoyed visiting each Family member. Julio stood and provided an update and congratulated Carla and announced her new title and responsibilities. He also provided praise for the exceptional effort that Rosa has used to turn around and quickly brought our Legal Suite to a leader in Europe. All the while, Carlos has steady increased the profitability of our Transportation systems and equipment with Kendal’s sales expansion was keeping us busy and profitable.

And my dear Mary, as she has exceled in managing the overall growth of our organization! Thank you each!! Now, as the upgraded /enhanced Marinas comes online, we believe that will continue seeing each become profit centers as what we are bringing is clearly what the clients in each area had been wanting /needed. It is my understanding that Carla wishes to have a bit of Mamma bragging time. Carla stood and gathered Sandra from the kids table and also several drawings that Sandra had completed just yesterday. Without question, Sandra has talent and she is already inside of the lines! Julio noted from the corner of his eye that Leonardo clearly was sporting more yellow then his age would assume would be in place as he noted the tips of Sandra’s wing feathers sporting the same yellow, as he smiled.

After the gathering, Carlos and Julio were talking and the subject regarding the Fueler Service came-up. To my understanding, you had a very direct discussion with our Diesel Fueler in Amsterdam regarding the quality of Diesel being delivered and we have a promise that we will receive nothing less that Marine Diesel, Grade #2, high-test, and no longer Grade #2, low-test, Russian Diesel that is very close to Grade #3 in test numbers, Julio stated. What lead you to believe that they were using the low-test, Grade #2, Carlos? He said that he had been switching what fuel tanks he was filling and was finding a clear difference in economy /efficiency and smoke between the Diesel supplied in Galveston and Amsterdam. While in Galveston, I had the two fuels tested and found the difference. The difference near 25% greater fuel economy using the high-test fuel. The difference in cost did not off-set the drop in fuel efficiency. If not for using different fuel tanks, it would have been difficult to find the difference as blending the fuels, move the efficiency of the low-test Diesel higher, but still not enough to hide the additional smoke and greater fuel usage. I had first started questioning the issue when we were running MY-N Ranger between those Ports as we were using near all our fuel to make the Westbound crossing, but it was not until we had the instrumentation as seen on MY-N Atlantic that we had the ability to precisely measure the difference.

The ever-increasing volume of 53’ containers being gathered for the upcoming load in late June /July did not stop or reduce the steady volume of 53’ containers being delivered to Punta Arenas Marina that supported the work already underway. The Chilean Government construction of their new Electric Power Generation Plant continued to stay on-schedule. The local economy was enjoying the new flow of cash, as additional Container Vessels are now visiting and more importantly, several new businesses had opened that were taking advantage of the Container Vessel’s suppling materials and to ship their products. The added business was helping the Marina’s cash flow that MY-N was turning back into completing the project sooner, which aided the support of the increased business. It also was bringing greater interest for organizations to station their headquarters at the Marina. Carla had increased the building height to five-stories and is currently looking at adding an additional building onsite. The interest from the Poplar Research groups was high as the combination of office space, mooring, container supply, medical supply and care, in addition to the past repair and supplies was clearly attacking clients.
Henry and the Good Doctor entered Julio’s office with Julio’s most recent document in hand. It was clear to Julio that the Doctor was not overly pleased. Julio elected to leave the niceties aside and questioned the Doctor as to why he appeared unhappy. The Doctor was very clear that he had zero interest in a ‘Buy-Out’ and his becoming an employee of MY-N! Julio leaned back and allowed the Doctor to thrash-on for several minutes and found the correct moment to ask; what do you recommend, Sir? The Doctor was totally unprepared for that question, at that point, as he turned to Henry. Henry provided a legal document regarding the Doctor’s wish to purchase MY-N Medical Group. Julio reviewed the document and stated that it represents a possible solution, but he had difficulties with the price as at this point, both organizations have two locations around Amsterdam, but MY-N has three-times as many clients, with signed service agreements and in discussions with a like number of additional organizations. Julio also stated they had signed agreements with five-Prominent Medical Specialists and their staff. Julio stated that even with this momentary disagreement, I see a real opportunity for you and your Clients being part of MY-N Medical. Henry stated that, if possible, he would like to speak with his Client in private. Julio stood and asked Henry to call his Mobile phone when they are ready to continue, as he left the room. In the hallway, he found his CFO approaching in his direction. He asked; are you looking for me? She smiled and stated yes, I am. I have just completed the review of the revenue stream for MY-N Medical Group, Amsterdam as she handed him the document set. Julio’s phone rang as he saw it was Henry. He turned and asked if she would like to present the information to the Good Doctor as she stated, not unless you want me to stop working on our other projects? Julio hugged her and stated, bye dear heart and thank you.

Julio entered his office and found the Doctor standing and Henry looking out the window sets. The Doctor stated that he was very happy with the offer that Henry had presented Julio and if it was not good enough, so be it!! Julio sat down and quickly review the document that his CFO had just gave him as he allowed ‘time’ to work its magic. Julio elected to set the document in front of Henry as he sat back into his chair. Henry finished reading the document and pasted it to the Doctor. As the Doctor was reviewing it, Julio stated that your organization is generating a good profit and as a result a reasonable income for you. But it is not close to the wage that I was willing to provide to you. At this moment, sadly, I see no way forward as I believe in Win /Win Agreements and sadly none appear to exist here. I would be happy to offer you 24-hours to think about my offer, but I believe that you are not interested, as Julio reached for his document. The Doctor turned to Henry and stated, it is time to leave as he stood and turned toward the door. Henry rose and thanked Julio for his generous offer and asked if he needed another Attorney as the Doctor left the room, closing the door behind him. Julio looked at Henry and stated, If you have the time, I will contact our head of MY-N Legal as I am aware she is looking for a Licensed Attorney with your qualifications. Henry agreed and Julio called Rosa.

With James and Carlos, Yang opened the first of the three 53’-containers that had Tracker Bugs in them. A member of the Harbor Patrol, an Import officer and two-officers from the Amsterdam police where all on-site as the owners of the containers had earlier stated they had not set Tracker Devises onboard. With the containers open, they could see that there had been additional freight added to each container. James did not touch but verified each of the containers and stated that everything else looked undisturbed and with the help of the Officers, they with care removed the added freight, he than with Beak’s guidance removed each Tracker Device noting, which device came from which container as he closed the door and set new seals on each container. They elected to call the Xray truck over to have the added freight scanned and Marina returned the containers to the loading area. Yang looked at James and asked how the containers was able to enter their system with the additional weight and that Beak will be truly upset as he had told them they were thin on controlling unverified freight entering the system. After scanning the freight, they with care opened each box and found a combination of drugs, weapons and ammunition. Yang called Beak and updated him. Beak stated that he would be there shortly and do not let the Officers touch anything until it is claw printed and I get there! Yang told the Officers they need to have their Crime Van staff, Claw Print the boxes and what they found. One of the of the newer Officers stated we will take it all to headquarters and... One of the older Officers stopped her and stated that they are on Swiss Property and that until they release the freight it was their call! Yang thanked him and told him that Beak was on his way.
Beak with Redvent entered they code as they drove in and directly to the gathering near where MY-N Atlantic was moored. As they exited their SUV, they were greeted like old friends they are and introduced to the new Officer. The Marina staff, buzzed in, the Crime Investigation Van and directed them to where the others were. Beak and Redvent spoke with the Investigators as they approached the freight. Beak asked if they could check the weapons first and when finished he and Redvent would capture the make, model and serial numbers of each. They move-on to the ammunition and complete the same. Beak stated that unless they spotted any identification tags, labels, etc. they had no interest in them. As Beak called-out the information on each weapon, one of the Officers wrote them down as Redvent entered the information into his laptop. They repeated the same with the ammunition and found to no one’s surprise that the drugs provided no other identification. Redvent connected to MY-N Atlantic’s Quad, Servers and uploaded the search. One of the older Officers’ nogged the newer Officer and stated they are about to save you three-days of work! The information came flowing back as the weapons were purchased by an Arms Broker connected to the Russian group, the Amsterdam police believed to have shut-down two-days ago. With Redvent providing the young Officer with their Investigation report Numbers as he stated that he would email the information to that investigation file. Beak asked to see the Tracker Bugs and photograph each and requested they be sent to Interpole’s lab for further investigate.

Yang approached Beak and stated how sorry that they had not fully integrated his recommendations and that they are responsible for this happening. Beak stated how proud he has been and continues to be with her and James’s hard work and that he knew that they would complete the massive upgrade to their system and that will be how he will write-up his report. Yang hugged Beak and stated thank you, Sir. Redvent stated that there is a Van at the gate that is requesting access to the three containers that had arrived from Galveston. Beak called the young Officer over and asked if she wanted to be part of a bust? He gathered the other officers and told them what was about to happen and how he wanted this to come down. Moments later, Beak motioned the Van in and asked if they had hard hats. They stated no, while following his request to shut-off their Van, while he shut the gate and got them four hard hats. They never saw the other Offices block the tires as they opened the doors and pulled them out and to the ground while wing-cuffing each. Beak stated, please arrest these Parrots for unlawful entry onto Swiss Property with intent to steal private property with a value of over 10,000-Euros and please obtain a Search Warrant for their Van.

Beak called Carlos from the Marina manager’s office and asked if he and Carla could join him in an early meeting of today’s Security meeting in the Marina Manager’s office. Carlos stated that he and Carla would be over in a few minutes as he finished his paperwork for loading MY-N Atlantic this afternoon. Carla handed Carlos her Computer Bag as she scooped-up Sandra. As they joined the meeting, Beak started with their considerations for the Security System for the Marina, in general, plus the equipment and devises that will be placed off-property to look onto the property. Carla noted that Beak was using her latest drawings of the property and wondered but, elected not to ask how he already had the most recent drawings she and Sandra had finished this early morning as she recalled that she had set those documents on the open MY-N server. As Beak finished his presentation, he thanked Carla for updating the drawings to include the adjustment of the height of the hills and planting to funnel those attempting to enter the property to specific zones, which were cover by specific equipment and devises. He had been very specific on the locations and that Carla had followed them. Now she could see just how it all worked as an interlocking system. She could see how a group entering the property would be funneled into those areas. She began to see like activities that she and Sandra would include in the other projects. Beak saw she had captured the concept and was busy applying it Globally. She was most impressed with Beak’s use of the same concepts if an individual or individuals entered the Building from the non-secured parking area. She scheduled herself to spend time learning what tools he used to define such pathways.
As the Officers where prepping to leave, Redvent provided the newer Officer, plus sent the information he obtained on the individuals they had arrested from the Van to the investigation file. She thanked him and joined the others as they drove-off the property with a flatbed truck taking the Van. Redvent asked Beak if he had taken a look into the Van and was happy to hear that with the exception of devises to hold-down the freight, there was nothing of great interest. But the Officers would likely spend the rest of the day verifying that reality. Redvent asked Beak about the issue of the unverified cargo entering their system. Beak smiled and stated that he was comfortable that Yang would have all of their safeguards in place by the end of this coming week. Redvent stated, hard lesson learned, as Beak agreed! How are we doing regarding the work orders that Julio had obtained on his trip to Switzerland? Redvent stated that he was certain that their new staff is ready for the installs and he had selected the needed server frames and they had already removed the old boards and had ordered the needed new boards from their local supplier and the additional items needed to complete the build. All goes well, we will have that part for the supply finished. Our choice of limiting our suppliers to North America and Western Europe has severed us well, as we are not faced with supply-chain problems. They elected to complete a software upgrade to MY-N Atlantic’s Quad, GEN VI servers with the additional processors and memory boards. Carlos will enjoy the upgrade as he uses the technology more on every crossing.

Austrian business activity continued to pick-up, especially those organizations that were not dependent on China based imported products. MY-N’s month-over-month showed solid growth and Julio had spoken with Priscilla regarding his being approach by an Eastern Headquartered Austrian Marina Group regarding MY-N’s purchasing both of their Austrian based Marinas, as he asked her if she knew anything about them. MY-N Eastern would be stopping there on this trip and promised to provide photos and general information regarding the Marina and Port. He had also updated Pricilla on the early profit picture for the Medical Care Group and whether she wanted such a facility at her Hangar. She stated that unlike Amsterdam, I am still developing relationships here and believe that we will but, it would be better to have Amsterdam fully-up. In the meantime, I can check with the authorizes here regarding requirements, licenses, etc... Good idea Pricilla, but do not be surprised that like the others, the word will spread like wildfire. I will have Carla send you a complete layout of a Hangar and a Marina design for discussions as interest builds.

The Churchill Brothers had stopped by the River Property to see the work being completed, they also took the time to walk William’s property and liked the overall appearance and were anticipating the completion of their access. They were both very impressed with the drawings of the new Yacht Lift Dock with its concrete paddock and that Carla had increased the size of their ramp and centered it on their access gate to their construction site on the other side of the road, which eliminates the offset that they had fought with for years. They measured the found they could easily increase the size of their houseboats even wider with these changes. They were very happy, even though, Carla had increased the gate size to allow easier access to the Yacht Lift. One of the brothers spoke with the crew manager of the Fence Installer and asked them to quote a gate to match for their gate, while providing him a business card. They both agreed that they needed to cut and clear their property as they had both forgotten just how large their property really is!
The concrete crews had completed all their work at the Marina and were waiting for it to harden so that they could cut expansion joints and later move heavy equipment into place and begin using those areas. The Harbor Patrol, Harbor Pilot and Tugboat Groups had placed their vessels at the Marina as they completed moving into their new offices. As they waited, they changed to the Churchill Brothers area to lay the concrete for the Yacht lift dock and paddock area. As they finished, they locked the gate behind them. At the Dry Dock area, the second of the two was nearing completion as the Steel crew were busy assembling the first of many sections for the new 1800’ super, Mega Container Vessel. The Marina manager was visiting the Harbor Patrol group and was looking out over the Marina and was truly amazed at the vision that Carla had placed in the design of the Marina. He had visited the Mega Container Marina and it’s ‘all business’ starkness was near overwhelming. Carla’s design allowed the massive area to become comfortable as she transitions the concrete areas to the grassy areas with curves limiting sharp edges. She had also highlighted the building, with feature and color design elements common in Old Town and brought color throughout the areas that allowed areas to flow together. The more he looked the more he saw as her themes just flowed.

Chester had lifted-off from their first airport in the Ukraine and had leveled-off when the retaliation system alarmed and fired an air-to-air missile as their C-130J-30 Ghost series shook violently as he and the Co-pilot identified that they had lost a huge section of their Starboard outer wing as they saw the Mikoyan MiG-29 jetfighter aircraft scream by them with one of their missiles behind in hot pursuit. They both where hard a work keeping their aircraft airborne as the outer Starboard engine failed and seized likely caused by a loss of lubrication. In front of them the mid-sky exposition stated their missile had found its target. Moments later they saw the jetfighter hit the ground. They continued to work hard not to join it. They were able to stabilize the aircraft, take measure of their location, the distance from the second of the three airfields and although not scheduled, elected to land and take a long look at their aircraft. Chester had already determined that regardless of condition of the aircraft, all cargo was going to be left behind as he informed his Load Master to empty the cargo bay upon landing and not to load any cargo. The landing was not one of Chester’s top 1000-landings, but they were on the ground. As they came to a stop on the paddock, they both came down and headed out the back, Chester stopped and stated, I will update you when I return Sara – busy right now! Oil was still streaming from of the Starboard outer engine as they lifted the inspection covers. It appears as if several oil lines had been damaged, as they turned their attention to the empty space where the majority of their outer wing had been. His Co-pilot had grabbed the Battery-operated Saws-All on the way out and began cutting twisted structure that once connected to the outer wing. Chester was busy calculating how much surface area he had lost. Chester looked at his Load Master and stated, we can take Parrots, but zero luggage. Tell those currently onboard. Any concerns, they stay here with their luggage. Have the FBO staff load the luggage into a empty cargo containers, for the next flight out.

After a full walk around and final inspection of the Starboard outer wing stub, they walked-up the ramp ready to begin a demanding take-off. The Co-pilot ascended first as Chester spoke with Sara. Sara, we lost near all of the outer Starboard wing section and although we can lift-off and obtain FL-2100, I will not want to push my luck beyond. We have an empty cargo bay and just passengers, no luggage. I promise you; I will get you back safely! He quickly entered the flight deck and caught-up with his co-pilot and began engine start-up procedure. They both saw that the ramp was lifting as Chester released the brake as they rolled off the paddock. As they pulled onto the runway, Chester stated we will obtain rotation plus 30% prior to actual rotation, preset full flaps. Assure that our retaliation system is fully on! As they lifted, Sara could feel the aircraft want to turn to Starboard but was held straight as the Co-pilot applied rudder to counter the engine thrust. Chester noted that they had at least three-Ukrainian drones around them as he lifted continuously to FL-2100. Once at FL-2100 Chester set the controls to auto, especially fuel flow as they where eat fuel. He was happy they had elected to remove the propellers from the outer Starboard engine as the pitch control was seized as well.
Carla was reviewing the CERN documents for their new Area of Study: New, (then) Dark Matter, replacement by old (now) Dark Matter, or something like that? She elected to not review the Dissertation on the subject. Although, she had zero idea of what they were studying, she could tell by their equipment requirements, the general size of the area they needed and the size of the cranes needed to set and support that equipment. They began laying it out on the CAD drawings within the MARS Project area. While her new Designer worked on defining the layout in that space, Carla was calculating the electrical power requirements and the size of the Transformers they would need as she called a close friend at the Power Plant near the facility, while Sandra was creating a new Facia for the buildings that supports its new use. They were able to define the Transformers and he provided part numbers and told her that lead-time is over 15 months to build and the cost will likely double over that time as he provided her an estimated cost, saying that no one will lock even that cost in place. He thanked her for her call as he was defining their growth requirements and this bit of information will be very helpful. She double checked the schedule and elected to call the on-site Project Manager and to provide her the bad news regarding one of the critically need items to support the project, electricity now at 24-months to obtain operating status. Carla recommended that they place the purchase documents today to get in line as those dates are only going to become longer. She elected to check with her Designer and was very happy to find that the layout drawing where very near finished. She then defined the Vertical profiles of the layout as her Designer began creating those profiles. She called the Head Scientist on this project to better define their computer needs and the more she listened the larger their requirements became, like a duo, Quad, GEN V+. She than asked how many Scientists would be working at any one time and the dimensional size of their calculations. As she looked at her notes, she knew that she needed to involve her Brother, Julio.

As the crippled, C-130J-30 Ghost series rolled onto the paddock in front of the Annex repair bays, they shut-down and disembarked to find Jimmy, his Engine and also his Structural managers. Carlos stated that the MiG-29 had come in fast from their 6 (behind them) and machinegunned the Starboard outer wing. It is likely he was targeting one or both engines and only got one series of shots as he over-flew us at full speed The Retaliation System alarmed and held the launch of the air-to-air missile a few seconds until he was near parallel with us and the missile had nothing but hot jet engines in front of it, moments later. Not sure that the outcome would have been any different, but I believe that the Retaliation System needs a couple of rear mounted sensers. Jimmy stated that was a rooky mistake on the MiG-29 Pilot’s part, you where darn lucky my friend. While Jimmy and Chester where reviewing the ‘event,’ his managers had been inspecting the aircraft. The Engine manager stated that it was fully seized and would require a replacement engine. The Structural manager stated that they needed a full outer Starboard Wing segment from spar number 27-sb. The Structural manager stated that if not for the upgrades to the engines, this aircraft would not have made it to the airport, let alone take-off and return here. Now that is a team effort!! Jimmy asked them how long to have this aircraft back in the air? That depends on you getting an upgraded engine and an outer Starboard wing section here. Having checked, prior to Chester’s land and our inspection I was seeing, up to three-weeks, then two-days installation time. Jimmy called Julio and updated him of the timeline and costs. Julio stated he would call Samuel and see if he can expedite their order.

Julio sat at his desk reviewing the costs of keeping their Ukrainian flights operational. As of this last flight it is costing near 16 Million Euros, per month for eight flights or two million Euro per flight and raising. Yes, humanitarian considerations and the fight-for-freedom all play toward continuing the flights, but the combination of being prepared and Chester’s skills has kept us from not having to deal with the loss of staff as a result of one or more of our aircraft being shot-down. He looked-up to find Chester asking if he had a few minutes? Julio stated that he had all kinds of time for him, please sit down, dear friend. Chester started by thanking Julio for his full support of their protection as Chester was aware that there has been no hesitation to provide the very best available armament for their protection and that MY-N’s Ghosts are better equipped than our European Allies. I wanted to personally thank you, Sir, for your full support of your front-line staff. Julio could not stop the tear that had formed as he looked at Chester and stated, it is the very least that I can do, as you are risking your life on every flight and I know that to be true, Chester. What do you think we should do at this point, as the risk just continue to rapidly rise with each flight! Should we stop, while we are ahead? Sir, on ever flight, I see the positive effect of what we are delivering and what the armament that you are having mounted to your aircraft is doing for our safety and the others that are using it. The enemy does not care about their very own troops and even less so for those they are attacking. If MY-N stops and they, and their way of waging this war wins, and tens of thousands more will die. That, Sir, that is worth dying for! Julio hugged and thanked him and told him, I stop when you call it Chester, not one moment before, know that you will have the very best we can get our claws on!!
The duo wheeled, duo axled, Yacht Lifting Crane had been assembled and tested on its paddock and lifting dock. It’s very first customer was a new series, Grand Bank 60, Motor Yacht that needed a detailed hull wash and new hull paint and replacement of its magnesium electric ground plates. The Yacht’s Skipper was very comfortable placing the Yacht in place as he set the Motor Yacht center of the lifting dock. The Dock Crew set the Lifting Straps in place in accordance with the Motor Yacht’s markings. A short ten-minutes later they had set it on Keel blocks and Hull stands and with the assistance of the Yacht’s Deck Crew, they busied themselves cleaning the sides and bottom of the Hull. Once cleaned and dried they inspected the Hull and found two Thru-Hull fittings that needed resealing along with both aft Trim Tap Plates. Once completed, they taped-off all the Brass thru Hull Fittings, the Trim Taps and the Duo, Volvo Propellers sets, while they prepped the Hull for a base coat of Racing /Sailing, Yacht Hull coating, once dry, they wet sanded it and placed two-coats of the of Finish Coat, which dried to a hard finish. Once fully dried they burnished the surface taking care to rub front to back. According to the Skipper, they will obtain 7 to 10 knots faster at the same RPMs. Prior to setting the Yacht back into the dock well, they system tested the electronics, mechanical equipment and completed a Harbor Patrol inspection for the Skipper. The Skipper walked over to the Marina offices and paid for the service, plus a night’s stay in the lift dock with lifting straps in place. The Marina manager stated that they needed to be well underway as they have two-like size Yachts scheduled tomorrow with the first starting a 9:00 hours sharp. The Skipper stated that although it is early, he would like to reserve Winter Storage for 2022 /2023 season in advance as his Owner is stating that the Mediterranean will be dangerous to over-Winter on the Eastern side of those waters!

Julio and Mary were meeting with a UN Delegation regard office space, dockage, support and care of their three Icebreaker Research Vessels and staff that having used Punta Arenas Marina in the past but want to set permanent operations out of MY-N’s new Marina buiding. Mary provided a review of all their accommodations at that Marina and asked if that covers their needs? The Head of their delegation stated their having a Helicopter Landing Pad would be of great help as that would allow their early launch of a Medical flight from an inbound Vessel over three days earlier then the Vessel’s arrival. Mary asked if they would require a hangar building, how many hangars as part of the building and the overall size of the hangar building as a larger one like ours here could be set-up to act as your land-based support facility as well? Julio stepped in, stating that he is sorry, but because of noise restrictions, the Marina property can only support Turbojet engine Helicopters. Another member stated that would not be an issue as that group only operated Turbojet units. Julio also stated that MY-N does have serious concerns regarding security as it has long been known that UN staffers from ‘some’ countries are in fact spy’s /agents and such would not be tolerated by MY-N, nor our clients, nor the Chilian Government as that channel and the Vessels that transit it are commonly Free World Military and we have zero interest in creating a security concern for our Host Nation. We understand your concern, Sir and we can accommodate your requirements, Julio produced a document that listed forbidden Nation States, Nations and organizations that could not be part of their operations at that Marina and /or Vessels using that facility and /or the channel or any other MY-N Facilities or Marinas. The Head of the Delegation asked if this would be a deal breaker and Julio answered, Yes Sir, it would be. We will need to get back with you regarding this. Could we have a copy? Julio stated No! You know these individuals as well as we, correct? Their answer was just as clear; Yes, Sir we certainly do.

The Head of the UN Delegation stated that we have five-Hospital Vessels that we need to provide a Home Port, as currently, they travel from area of need to area of need and are not receiving the needed support and care. Julio stated that such an agreement would be possible here in Amsterdam or in Punta Arenas, but under the same restrictions. Julio asked how long their Vessels have been out of Compliance? Another of the group stated, a very long time, sir. Two of them have document sets that only allow them to travel to a repair Port! Julio asked if the ships had been surveyed of late? The same individual started not recently, sir. Julio asked where is the one that most needed repair /refit was located. Just South of the Suez Cannel, Sir. Julio smiled and stated that they are not allowed to pass though the Cannel, are they? He answered, No Sir, it is not. Julio picked-up his phone and asked Anna if she could call the Owner of their Tugboat Service and ask him if he could retrieve the UN’s Hospital Vessel sitting at the South end of the Suez Cannel and bring it to our Marina for an extensive refit, please. Timeline would be as soon as economically available. Thank you, bye. He looked at the Delegation Head and asked; I assume you have the resource to pay for the services, correct? He stated that they did. Julio requested that they contact the individual that has a copy of the Move for Repair Document and have that data transmitted to him as he provided his Business Card. He then called Rosa and asked if she or a staffer had time to define an agreement between MY-N and the UN as they are meeting at this time, in his office. Several minutes later Henry knocked and entered the room. Julio reviewed the specific issues that must be in place and turned that part of this discussion over to Henry and the UN’s legal representative.
Redvent was reviewing the document sets for the UN’s contract with MY-N Marine to provided services to the UN’s Southern Research Vessels and its Hospital Vessels. He had just completed the documents search for the Russian Chief Engineer (Ivan) for a possible position on MY-N Atlantic. He requested an interview by Beak prior to completing his review. During the interview with Beak, Ivan disclosed that he knew the software that their primary power plant supplier used and that the software was designed to allow the plant to underperform to assure maximum life, also that he knew of four-lubrication points that had undersized supply lines and that they should be upgraded at once. Beak called Larry and told him what he had learned and if he would have his Engineering staff evaluate and confirm whether that was true of not. Ivan had also provided Beak with several sensor upgrades that would better measure the lubrication system, Power Plant temperatures and fuel flow. He stated that he could tell they were using a higher-grade fuel as there was near no signs of smoke or Power Plant knock that occurred with cruel oil. Beak asked why he elected to leave his position onboard one of Russians best Submarines? The Chief smiled and stated that their Power Plants all leak and that there is not one Crew member older than 55 years as they die young of compilations of radioactive exposure. That makes sense, but why MY-N International? The Chief stated that he had never heard of MY-N International prior to their Sub’s failure and when they surfaced, he saw MY-N Atlantic for the first time. During my four-days onboard, I never found one item that did not work with perfection. Your Officers are highly intelligent and care deeply about the welfare of their Crew and ship. This is what I want to be part of!

Julio and the Russian Chief Engineer (Ivan) were sitting in Julio’s office and talking in general. Julio told him that they had verified the issues regarding lubrication of their Power Plants and thanked him for that information. We are currently verifying that issues on our other smaller Vessels that use that manufacturer. Why do you think they have not corrected this issue as the repair is simple to correct? Likely because the failure occurs late in the life of the Power Plant. I became aware of it as a Cruiser I was on, needed a rebuild and we found it as part of the work. Julio stated that although the West knows little about what happens in Russia, we believe we know that each Russian Vessel has several KGB agents onboard. How many were on your Sub? The Chief stated the exact number was never known for sure, but to his count, five. The two individuals that could not be identified and two of the officers, who stayed behind with the other officers, and the other one was most likely forced to stay behind. He stated he was most impressed with MY-N Atlantic’s Skipper as he provided each individual with clear knowledge of what would happen if they did not provide their true identification, three separate times. He was most kind in dropping them overboard just behind the Bow Bulb as that action resulted in their quick death. Julio asked him; how do I not know that you are KGB? Ivan looked at Julio and stated, your Beak was clearly trained by KGB, he would have known shortly after we began talking. Julio smiled and said, you are correct, very correct indeed, Ivan!

At the Punta Arenas, Marina, the Dredging ship arrived and began opening the area between the channel and the primary mooring area. The cuttings provided four+ meters of fill along the South end of the Marina property that would likely be used much like the Amsterdam grassy area to the North. They had provided the local museum the same opportunity to review the numerous hulls and other Sea Fairing equipment for their displays and like in Amsterdam, many excellent finds where made. The Dredge stopped short of the existing piers of the Marina as tomorrow the steel pile drivers would be here to set the new steel pilings. The Marina manager and his wife where sitting in front of their building and where amazed at just how large the Marina felt now that everything has been cleaned back to the property lines. They continue to be surprised by the number of organizations that where inquiring regarding Office suites, Dockage or both. And, wishing to sign-up for the Medical care for their Crew.
Julio, Mary, Redvent, Beck and Ivan, were reviewing the staffing information on the five-UN Hospital Vessels and especially the one that was currently on its way to Amsterdam while also reviewing the condition of that Vessel from its newest survey. Their general knowledge was supported by what Carlos had taught them. Ivan stated that this Vessel was nearer to being scrapped than revitalized. Julio called his contact at the Homburg, Germany Marina and asked what he had in a 760+/- hull that could be converted into a Hospital Vessel. He stated that he had a trade-in that was due in mid-next week that could fit their requirements as the owners were both interested in getting out from under the three-year old, 760’+, Container Vessel and that they wanted to use much, if not all of the container loading system, in which had been used rarely and only in the North Sea. The Marina Owner sent the drawings to Julio. Moments later Julio had them on the large screen as everyone was review it. Ivan was first to begin defining what little would be needed to change the use and that the Duo Power Plants would be more than what is needed to quickly move the Vessel from port to port. Julio called the Head of the UN Delegation and provided him the bad News, but that he was aware of an alternative that would have them a much new Vessel for about the same money as they were going to spend on the renovation work and have it in service sooner. He provided Julio the go ahead and a Project Number to charge against. Julio called his Friend that owned the Ocean Tugboat and told him of the change in plans. Julio found that his timing was perfect as they had just completed the transit of the Suez Channel and that he knew that a longtime customer in Egypt that has a ship scrapping facility.

Chester was reviewing the cargo manifest for this flight and was surprised at the high-end missiles clearly targeting aircraft and helicopters in additional to normal munitions that their ground troops will need, plus a good amount of medical supplies. As he and his co-pilot entered the flight deck area and stated good morning, Sara are you interested regarding where we are going today? She smiled and stated that she was always interested but had guessed that it would be their standard flight. Chester smiled and stated that they are flying further East to an airport that was just recently taken back by the Ukrainian ground forces and their hangar was found not damaged and their FBO group opened it yesterday. Its more inland from the Northern border but, it is located along an East /West highway. Not sure what excitement we will generate as we will be among the early flights into this airport. Julio had supplied equipment that will allow you to photograph out both sides of the aircraft. Sara smiled and stated that she had seen it when she boarded the aircraft, thank you. Chester stated that they are near ten minutes prior to take-off, will talk more at morning meal.

As the Cardinal was enjoying the morning sunrise in the recently finished garden that Mary and Julio had provided the Cathedral. He had recalled the drawings and how this was even better. He could clearly see that Carla and Mary had set the plantings to assure continued blossoming. Behind his thoughts was the voice of the Head of the Gardening Committee and her comments that the plantings and walkways were all wrong and that how much money she will need to correct this mess. The Cardinal rose and stated that she had long been the Head of the Gardening Committee and her long work was appreciated, but it was time to make changes and that today would be her last day on that Committee. Please empty your office this morning, as his phone rang. He saw that the Prime Minster was calling him as he answered with a Good morning, Kind Sir, thank-you for returning my call! Do you have a few minutes to talk as he motioned her away and continued his discussion with the Prime Minster? Yes, he stated the garden is truly enjoyable, but I have another project and would like your opinion regarding. The Prime Minster stated that if he was considering asking Julio and Mary to support another project of size, I can tell you they are working with their cash flow and that they are spending large amounts of money supporting their activities in the Ukraine. The Cardinal stated that the Cathedral had received several large contributions targeting the Ukraine. The Prime Minster stated that they are current running two flights each week and from what Julio had told him, those cargo flights are flying in at maximum capacity.
The Design Group had received the drawings from the Builder for the ship that MY-N is over-seeing the transformation into a Hospital Vessel. The information from Carla was the way they like them, detailed, and with few, if any open issues. They could see that the electronics were a scaled-back version of MY-N’s normal requirements as was the retaliation equipment. But the medical requirements are clearly First World Specifications. The Designers could see that fitting-out the interior of the Hull would be fairly straight forward as Carla had provided detail as to how each sector would interact with the flow of services provided from Arrival, First Evaluation, Pre-Surgery prep, Surgery with three-different Surgical classifications of support equipment based on need, Post Surgery recovery and then discharge or over-night recovery. They marveled at the near assembly-line approach and layout of the forty-Surgical Suites. They also marveled at the Mass-Inoculation Hall used to provide Mass-Immunizations, three-areas for onboard evaluations of future surgical needs, were as efficient as was every other provided service, right-down to cost verification /control and tracking per client. The inventory and its controls were separated by structural steel walls to assure its safeguard of medications and support supplies. Staff quarters are much like the large Cruise Ships provided several levels of room size, furnishings also differentiated based on those with exterior windows and those without. Crew and medical team services were just as well-conceived as was the three-Kitchens that provided around the clock meal service for the Crew and Medical staff. The Tugboat Owner had received an updated contract from MY-N and as in the past, they would meet the Vessel in Homburg, Germany and escort it to Amsterdam, just-in-time, as the Construction staff finishes the second Dry-Well.

Mrs. Mac was reviewing the documents sets that she had received from Amsterdam Annex hangar Law Suite and saw that MY-N group was handling the purchase of a Vessel for the United Nations. She called Sara over and they reviewed the documents together. Sara called the Owner of the Homburg, Germany, Ship Builder /Marina and asked when he would like to begin the transfer process. The Builder thanked her for calling him and letting him know that the Documents were near complete as he had just taken that Vessel under his Corporate Title and was preparing to have the Vessel surveyed. He also stated that he had heard from the Ocean Tugboat Owner that they will be arriving tomorrow late morning and that he understood that the UN Crew were flying into Amsterdam this evening and would likely be at her hangar tomorrow on their normal C-130J-30 flight. He stated if Sara has the time this afternoon, he would be ready to meet her at the Swiss Embassy to transfer ownership. Sara stated that she would be at the Swiss Embassy at 14:30 hours, bye. As they finished reviewing the packet, Mrs. Mac received a call from Rosa. Rosa stated that she was sorry for being late in calling as she quickly shifted to reviewing the document set for the Ownership Transfer. Mrs. Mac thanked her and that they would handle the transfer of Ownership as they have a history of handling this kind of documents. Rosa thanked her and stated that there is a possibility of a couple of more such transfers as the United Nation has contracted with MY-N to up-grade their fleet of Hospital Ships and the fleet had received little if any maintenance let alone keeping their documentation current.

Chester set the C-130J-30 Ghost series aircraft in front to the Amsterdam Annex hangar, having pre-warned the MA and staff that they should set portable shower stations and have new clothing for crew as what they had was not worth saving. Also, that every one of them would require full-Immunizations and development of standard International Medical documentation and full check of their background to receive ‘real’ International documents. Jimmy had requested that his staff deep clean the full aircraft and especially the passenger section by removing it, deep cleaning, including the undercarriage and setting it back in place. Chester noted both Beak and Redvent were among those waiting for their arrival and he would need to talk to them about several individuals onboard. They also had translators on the ready as language barriers are going to be a problem. They had tents in place and began processing the United Nation Crew. Several hours later those that were not weeded-out by the process met with TSA staff to obtain proper document sets. Those found with Documentation Issues were turned over to TSA /Airport Police for Deportation. Plus, one of the Officers License was not current by over 7-years and he was also turned over to TSA /Airport Police. Julio called his contact with the UN and updated him regarding their findings and the UN’s problems ‘internally’ regarding maintaining documents. He responded that is why they have come to MY-N and that to charge the Project Number and that he would add that information. Julio did pass along that the Survey of the replacement Vessel was better than they had anticipated.
The Amsterdam Marina manager was busy reviewing the drawings from the Design Group and his notes that he received from Carla and noted a couple of items that they had missed regarding the medical staff accommodations and called Carla to double check what she had requested. As always, she quickly answered his questions and asked when he would be starting? He stated that he had already placed the orders for the material and that he understood that the Ocean Tugboat and the UN Vessel left Homburg, Germany this early afternoon under its own power and with its first parcel fill of North American, Class #2, high test, Marina Diesel, just enough to get them to Amsterdam, after the crude oil had been removed and all their tanks cleaned. Prior to the Vessel leaving, Beck had a stern talk with the Skipper and Officers regarding what MY-N International expected regarding Seamanship and care of the Vessel and they would be expected to meet or exceed that or be replaced! He then stated that the condition of their past Vessel, themselves and especially their Crew was unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Also, while the new Vessel is in Dry Dock, they would all recertify and upgraded their Licenses, while also being part of the onboard work with their Crew. Any problems with those requirements? Only one individual complained and he was turned over to TSA /Airport Police for Deportation. The others learned quickly that they were working for very different individuals. Beak warned the Officers that the games that they had played with their Crew’s wages would not be tolerated either! If they were not able or unwilling to meet Maritime Standards, please leave now and save all of us having to deal with you later. Ivan will be this ship’s Master on this trip and will be setting a standard for each of you to follow. If he is unhappy with your willingness to comply with MY-N, Standard Operations Procedures (SOP), he is authorized to drag you to the Bow and drop you overboard!

Ivan and Beak meet after the crew meeting and reviewed onboard equipment and his personal expectation of Ivan. Beak smiled and said you already know the proper operation of a Vessel and that this group needed to clearly understand that the past is gone and if they want to be part of the future, they need to learn how to properly operate a Vessel. I seriously doubt you will need to drop anyone overboard, but it should rest heavy in the back of their minds. Ivan smiled and stated that Beak will be proud of his efforts when they arrive in Amsterdam, See you than good friend and thank you for your report on me. Beak stated, I reported on what is true, Ivan! MY-N is a fast-growing organization and it needs Parrots with your abilities. The Skipper of this crew needs to be pressured and pushed hard as he has allowed a very expensive and much needed Vessel be scrapped in the first ten short years of its life. As you have seen on MY-N Atlantic our ownership does not cut-corners on anything. This new ship will transform over the next several months and each time you are in Port Amsterdam, make it a point to see that transformation. You get this sorry group up to speed or weeded-out and you will have a great future at MY-N International, my friend, a truly great future.

Beak caught a ride with Sara back to the MY-N Homburg hangar and he asked Sara how she was doing and if he could be of any help with her confidents in her abilities. Sara looked at Beak and stated that yes, she does and started with I want to become part of the growth of MY-N International kind of like where I was headed before I got sidetracked. Beak smiled and stated that asking is 80% of making that change happen. Beak provided her a plan for her future and upon completing this preparation, you will be ready to make that step back on to the fast track, Dear Lady. Sara caught the change in Beak’s statement as it meant that he believed she was ready as well! Beak continued to detail the segments while entering them into his smart laptop, which he would provide her a copy once at the hangar. She asked if he would really drop a crew member overboard? Beak stated that it does not matter what you or I believe Sara, it is what they believe that is important! She smiled and thanked him. She then asked if she was in Julio’s thoughts? Beak looked at her and said that if there is anything I am sure of, is that we all are in Julio’s thoughts, Sara. Once at the hangar, Beak retrieved the document for Sara from the printer and provided it to Sara. While Sara was reading it, Beak inspected the Quick Response locker and check the equipment making note of what will need to be replaced this, Summer. He noted that Sara had come-up behind him as he slow turned to meet her. She thanked him and stated that the C-130J-30 has landed and will be here shortly as she hugged him.
Both Carlos and Julio had read Beak’s review of the UN Officers and his recommendation that near all of them be replaced as their past performance has him believing that even with Ivan’s clarity in their responsibility that as soon as they believe that no one is watching, they will return to their past methods of operations. He recommended that a new Skipper be found if the First Officer does not take the position, targeting a Western European with a mix of officers from the far Eastern Island Nations, Africa and Europe. The base Crew are hard workers and only need proper treatment, clear and good management. It is my hope that Ivan is successful as he could use a solid win /indorsement from MY-N. I truly believe that he will make an excellent Skipper of MY-N Atlantic when the new Super, Mega Container Vessel is ready in early 2023. As we all know, Larry will want the position, but that his health will keep him from applying and the other Skippers /first Officers are comfortable in their current positions, routes and will likely not apply either. With the end of the first day at Sea and Ivan was not happy with the Skipper, nor the Engineers. The First Officer, Deck Crew and other staff took to the changes very well and had in his mind been abused by the other Officers. He estimated that they should be docking just before Sunset, tomorrow.

As Ivan assured that they were properly positioned and moored, he gathered the full Crew together. He called out each of the Crew members that would be staying and joining the new Vessel. The Skipper and Engineers where stilling standing as Ivan approached them with an envelope with each of their names on one. As the Van Bus arrived, he requested that they load their carry-on and sit inside. He gave each of them an envelope that included their discharge papers, wages current thru today and a ticket by Train to the Airport. He stated, each of you have been terminated from employment with the UN. I recommended that you fly to wherever you called home and never return to Maritime Service as your License has been cancelled as well. He told the driver that the Amsterdam police will meet him at the Rail Station and assure they get on the Train to the airport as he thanked him and closed the door. Ivan returned to the Vessel and thanked those remaining and asked them to clean the Vessel as it will be set in Dry Dock in the morning as he reviewed what they will be doing over the months ahead as the Vessel is transformed into a modern Hospital Vessel. He called the First Officer to the front and told him that he will start training Monday as a Ship’s Master, congratulations. His phone rang and he saw that it was Beak and that he would be there in about a half an hour and ended his call with a well done, Ivan.

Frederick was in the Atlanta, IT lab with his Tech’s reviewing the data on their finial design and layout for the new Retaliation series, Next Gen VI+ smart laptop to be set in a twin (duo) configuration. Redvent was part of the gathering via Video. The smart laptops exceeded their targets and with the increased cooling vents on the sides, they were operating much cooler than they had estimated. The manual dipswitch settings would be different and defined for each specific use other than Retaliation applications. Redvent had provided them the data inputs from the most demanding flights of their C-130J-30 Ghost aircraft and increased the incoming volume and data rates. The results have been well within target range even at higher operating temperature. Frederick stated that he has six of them running their newest software and the MY-N modified manufacturers’ Retaliation software that Redvent had sent him. Redvent asked what they anticipated their build rate? Frederick stated that they could build twelve-five per day assuming normal production of other technologies and I am guessing that is fairly close to what you can also produce, yes? Redvent agreed and asked when he would be receiving the six, new series laptops. Frederick stated they will leave here on this late afternoon’s flight to Amsterdam, which means you will have them when you arrive at your lab tomorrow morning! Thanks Frederick, bye.
MY-N Eastern was running the reverse course down the Western coast of Africa. The efficiency of removing the Mediterranean from their route had sped their service for their clients and consistency of transport. In addition to their normal clients, they had supplied containers for several of their hangars that they were reopening along Western coastal Africa. They had received the communique from Carlos regarding yet another strain of Covid-19 breaking out in South Africa and to limit their interactions during their Port visits. They had been using Carlos’ recommendation for testing prior to entering a Port. Prior to entering their South Africa stop, they had received a Corporate Security Alert regarding the next segment of their voyage by avoiding the passage between Madagascar and the Africa mainland as there has been a major increase in boardings. Beak had underlined that they must follow protocol if they are approached or blocked by smaller open boats and turn-on their retaliation system after leaving South Africa and leave it on until they are entering a Port. With the safeguards in place and his Skipper off-duty, the First Officer elected to set Beak’s warning aside and headed North between Madagascar and the mainland. As they approached the far North end of that passage Their radar clearing defined the threat as seven-small open boats attempted to form a blockade. The wood and fiberglass hulls represented no challenge to the steel Hull of MY-N Eastern travelling at 40+ knots. The First Officer turned-on the forward flood lights followed, by firing several rounds from their forward 50-caliber machineguns, over the heads of the boat operators. As standard, the GEN V Servers maintained an ‘event log’ with any Alert of or use of the Retaliation system. The boats moved to avoid being crushed by Bow Bulb. As they moved further away, they issued a complaint to their Government of a Container Vessel’s “un-seamanship behavior” and near crushing their fishing boats!

Carlos was reviewing the documents that MY-N Eastern’s, onboard Gen V Server had auto sent and called its Skipper. He began a detailed review of the event and timelines and concluded that MY-N Eastern, had proceeded in accordance with procedures, but had clearly disregarded the Corporate Security Alert. It was clear from the radar that the alleged fishing boats followed a very specific sequence that had been seen in past attempts to highjack a freighter including the group of go-fast boats that had split-off and were circling around to the aft of the Vessel. Carlos completed a full review of the event from their first appearance on radar to their last appearance as MY-N Eastern continued Northward. He confirmed the events with the Skipper and placed it into a portfolio and sent it to Julio and Mary along with one to Rosa. As Julio and Mary where reviewing the document, Julio received a call from the Swiss Embassy regarding a complaint placed against MY-N International by the Madagascar Government. Julio asked if they would prefer to review their documents at MY-N’s Hangar or at their Embassy? They elected to meet at MY-N’s Hangar and the sooner the better. Julio invited them this late Morning. He then called Rosa and asked if she had reviewed Carlos’ Portfolio regarding MY-N Eastern as he had received a call from our Swiss Embassy regarding a complaint from the Madagascar Government. Rosa stated she had reviewed the Portfolio and had completed a review of the overriding Maritime Laws and believes that MY-N Eastern had proceed properly and followed those laws.

Julio called Carlos and asked if he had time to join in a pre-meeting with Rosa regarding the Complaint by the Madagascar Government as he stated that he was on-duty and had nothing but open ocean in front of him and would enjoy being part of the meeting. Julio turned the meeting over to Rosa as she provided a review of the documentation and Standing Law. Moments after she had completed, the FBO greeter call Julio stating that individuals from the Embassy are here as Julio requested that she bring them to his office. After introductions, Julio turned the meeting over to the Embassy staff as they provided the documents to Julio as he turned them over to Rosa. She quickly read them and stated that the allegations are without merit as she provided the specific Laws involved and the responsibilities of each Party. She then put forward MY-N position that the Madagascar citizens had begun an attack on MY-N Eastern and she placed the Vessel’s radar on the larger screen and step by step walked thru the occurrence and completed by stating that MY-N International requests that the Swiss Government bring charges against the Madagascar citizens’ and provided the International Laws that had been abused and she stated that this was clearly a Government supported attack on a Swiss Register Vessel. The Swiss Attorney asked if they were prepared to bring Charges. Rosa provided those Documents as their Attorney sat while reading MY-N’s Documents. There was an unsettling silence as Rosa allowed the silence to continue. The head of the Swiss Delegation stated that the documentation that MY-N International had presented a strong and compelling case and elected to call the Madagascar Embassy and as she spoke to their Ambassador it was clear that they where quickly back-tracking their allegations.
After the Swiss Delegation had left, Carlos stated that he would have a discussion with his staff regarding placing a High-Priority on Warnings /Alerts supplied by Corporate as the seven hours saved has ended-up costing far more in management time and although a court case maybe unlikely, at this point, the complaint will stand. He also stated that the event and complaint will be placed in the First Officer’s file. Julio agreed with Carlos and stated that MY-N’s Security Group ‘never’ takes the safety of our organization lightly. Beak’s Warning of the likelihood of a Boarding Attempt was timely, highly accurate and such warnings needed to be heeded as this ‘event’ could have easily gone bad. Rosa asked if she should report this event with Julio stating, let us wait 36 hours and see what happens at the political level first. Rosa agreed as they closed the meeting. As Rosa sat in her office, she called Henry and asked if he could pull away from what he was doing and join her in her office.

Julio’s desk phone rang with Anna stating that Chester is on line #2, Sir. Julio thanked her and clicked on line 2. Chester broke in straight-away, stating they are still in Ukrainian airspace at FL-3500 and had just fired their last armament onboard their C-130J-30 aircraft and that he wanted to refresh his supply and fly back in and finish that flight line fully loaded as they where clearly targeting him. He stated that their Hanger in Poland has near everything they need, but not a fully load. Chester had spoken with Jimmy and he states that with your approval he could load the King Air 360, MY-N series to top him off and also provide two additional Pilots as if they flew back in, they would be over their allowable flight hours. Chester stated that they are about 3 hours from landing in Poland and would he approve the flight. Julio stated, you know that I will give you whatever you need Chester. I will call Jimmy now! Safe flight good friend, bye. Julio call Jimmy and provided his approval and asked if he needed a co-pilot? Jimmy stated he would love to have him onboard! Julio opened his safe and quickly reviewed his drawing, stating to himself that he needed to update this and use it far more as both events where clearly detailed.

By the time that Julio had updated Mary and made his way to Annex hangar, he saw that Jimmy was just beginning his pre-flight walk-around as Julio joined him. As they positioned their selves in their seats, they quickly began the engine start-up checks and shortly where ready to leave the paddock. Jimmy turned the aircraft onto the runway as Julio brought the engines to speed and double-check the Flaps and adjusted the pitch of the propellers. The King Air, even near a full load easily gained speed as Julio announced rotation. As the Aircraft lifted-out and began a smooth long turn to the West while raising to FL-500. They were cleared to continue their rise to FL-2500. As they neared the Boarder of Germany they received clearance to FL-3500 and a rate of travel at 395 knots. Jimmy was very happy to have Julio onboard as he had received an early approval for MY-N to expand sales outside of MY-N International. Although, the Partners had approved upgrading their fleet of King Airs to include Jimmy’s enhancement they had choose to limit selling the upgrade outside of their Client base at this time as they were busy upgrading their fleet of C-130J-30’s, plus those of their NATO based clients. Jimmy agreed with them as he was also seeing the softening of the private aircraft market.
As the King Air 360, MY-N turned onto their Poland hangar’s paddock, they were placed near their C-130J-30 Ghost. Jimmy saw that they were just completing installing what the hangar had and the ground Crew set the wheel blocks in place began unloading the King Air. Julio enjoyed his time during the flight speaking with the Pilots and their input on the transportation system that was in place. As with any Route Pilot, repetitive flights are a problem, but they appreciated that Yang and James had kept them in a rotation with the four different EU flights that included the Northern Africa route. They asked when MY-N would be scheduling regular flights deeper into Africa. Julio stated that there is nothing in stone at the moment, but that he believed that Western, Coastal Africa ‘could’ see scheduled flights sometime this Summer. Jimmy stated that they should not get their hopes-up as Chester had already requested the Western, Coastal Africa route. And, once you fly this Ukrainian route, you will be fighting over it!!

Jimmy installed the two, new Next Gen VI+ laptops with the software upgrades in the aircraft, he reviewed the minor changes that they would notice on their flat screens and the rapid response they will also see. He also pointed out that they had added the four rear sensors for the Retaliation System. Chester thanked Julio and Jimmy for adding this flight! The tag Pilots completed their walk around with Chester and Jimmy while Julio was meeting with the hangar FBO staff. It was a short fifteen minutes later as the aircraft rolled-off the paddock and headed for the runway. The Pilots were all surprised that this system upgrade was more background then the prior changes, but they could see that it was clearly faster and more detailed. Sara elected to connect to the onboard system much earlier than normal and also saw a noted change in her cameras, just as the increased processor size effect aircraft technology, it also affected her equipment and clearly improved them. The tag Pilots where very interested in the Retaliation System and followed Chester’s instruction to the Tee. The Pilots could tell that the engines and propellors were clearly the next generation as the responsiveness of the aircraft was enjoyable.

Deep into Ukrainian airspace they held FL-3500 and not until they began their approach into the first airport, did they complete a fast drop all the way to FL-500 and then FL-100. They flew down the runway and slowly lifted to FL-500 and then to FL-2000 with no bitters as Chester had likely cleared this group earlier, Much the same for the second airport. Chester stated the upcoming airport will be different. The inbound side had no bitters also, but on the outbound side, the Retaliation System alerted and began filling the soil with lead, plus began hitting newly placed equipment and troops. As they lifted to FL-500 the first of what seen like continuous ground to ground-to-air missiles launched, as the Flair System onboard the Ghost began lighting-up the night as the System launched its air-to-ground missiles. Sara was happy with how her equipment was keeping up on both sides of the aircraft. The short-range missiles firing slowed to a stop as they pass-above FL-1500. Shortly after arriving, they saw the high-speed, high altitude missiles sites lite-up and shortly afterwards launched their missiles. The Retaliation System was a joy to watch as the air-to-air missiles found their targets and the air-to-ground missiles took-out the launchers, the nearby missiles and staff. They continued along this route at FL-2000 with several additional takers, as they lifted to FL-3500. As they past into Poland airspace, Chester checked the response time and found that there was a clear improvement using MY-N’s newest system. Those flying the aircraft where amazed with the abilities of the systems as Chester requested, they write-down their comments.
The King Air 360, MY-N had landed before the reports from the Ukrainian flight began coming in. Sara’s report with even more specifics as they had taken-out fifteen low-altitude missile sites and eight of the high-altitude sites as she estimated that each site had three times the number of missiles at those sites that detonated with the sites based on secondary explosions. Julio’s mobile phone rang as he saw that it was Samuel. Samuel stated off as soon as Julio was about to say hi. Samuel was interested in what had happened as the Ukrainians are over-joyed and the Russians are having a fit that the Ukrainians had clearly upgraded their airport security. Julio stated they had recently upgraded their Next Gen aircraft mounted Smart Laptop and had increased to a Duo Smart Laptop system. I am guessing that is not what you are calling about, but I had guessed that a bit of Great News would be nice at the moment. Samuel chuckled and thanked Julio. But asked again regarding what Julio knew. Julio stated that they had been running their normal cargo flights and the inbound freight is always to their maximum load capacity and that he was happy to see that those flights are having a positive effect. Samuel asked whether they would increase the number of flights. Julio stated that they do not have the aircraft, nor pilots to add more flights.

Beak and Redvent had just completed testing the connection with the Harbor Patrols older system and reviewing the Security System for the Marina when Redvent spotted an individual entering William’s area along the South Fence. He continued to watch as the individual lowered William’s fishing boat into the water. Redvent called William and asked if he had loaned his fishing boat out to anyone. Williams stated no, but this was not the first time someone had taken it out for a ride but, at least they always add fuel. Redvent turned to the Harbor Patrol Officer and asked if they had anyone that could follow this individual? He stated yes, and that they could call this a System Operations Test. As the boat headed toward Old Town, Redvent was able to project a line from the dock to a what appeared to be another boat sitting in a known fishing area. Beak asked the Harbor Patrol officer if they had anyone in that area that could check to see what is happening. They stated they did, but asked what reason? Redvent stated, Life Vest Check? The Officers all smiled. Beak had been busy checking where the first individual came from and located a small van near the Fence line and the road. His camera’s where not able to see its license plate as he called a friend at the Amsterdam Police Headquarters as he asked if they had anyone in their Marina’s area as they are running a System Test and need to verify a license plate on a small white van. Yes, they had a patrol vehicle in that area and they would have her drive by.

The two boats had meet-up and where clearly busy doing something. The Patrol boats converged and asked for documents and fishing licenses, while inspecting their Boats for proper Life Vests!! They quickly determined that they were exchanging drugs for guns. The long list of offenses also included not having their navigation lights on and not wearing Life Vests. With both individuals in wing cuffs, they had tied their boats to the Patrol Boats and headed to where they came from. The individual that took William’s boat was saying nothing and was surprised as they headed toward the Marina area. While his friend was activity talking as the Officers where just keeping up with what he was saying. They had called the Amsterdam Police and requested two officers to meet them at the downtown boat launch as they likely had a vehicle owned by an individual that they had arrested for trafficking drugs and weapons. All while Beak had requested the same for the small white van.
Beak welcome William into the Harbor Patrol offices. William stated that MY-N has made it way to comfortable for Harbor Patrol as they will never leave here, with a smile breaking across his Bill. Beak stated, you likely wanted to know what had happened earlier as he shifted to another open screen and selected to start where Redvent spotted the intruder on their camera that covered that section of the Marina and his Boat Lift, then updated him from there showing the different support screens and general information including the arrest of the two individuals. William looked a Beak with a knowing eye and stated, I bet MY-N would love to also own the property to South of the Churchill Brothers, Yes? Beak stated that it would help limit this kind of problem! William stated that he knew the Owners and would speak with them about a like deal as they only use the property a few times each year to set their boat in and back-out. I am not certain that they would not want a Seawall but, I am certain that a boat dock would be appreciated. Beak thanked him and asked if this would cost another bottle of Rum and an evening on his porch. William just smiled widely.

Beak’s meeting with the Marina manager found that parcel of property that William had told him about is zoned for a Yacht Marina and one had long been needed along this shoreline. The manager’s Web Searched Yacht Basins that had impressed him and the newest ones and the options they provided. He also searched what the zoning allowed in size and number of yachts and whether a condo style would be something that they should consider with MY-N Marina providing the services. Regardless, the zoning allows for 50 to 85 Sail and Motor Yacht docks ranging in length from 40 to 99.’ Beak knew that Julio would request comment from their Client base as to interest and amenities expected. Beak completed a review of their Client base and identified those with yachts.

Although Clients had been visiting the Amsterdam Marina Medical Clinic for over two-weeks, today was their ‘Official’ Opening Day. The Clinic saw a steady flow of Clients, but also seven-Maritime Fleet Owners, which signed-up to use the facility for the Medical Care of their Crews, Transfer Cargo and for maintenance of their Vessels. The Clinic was also a success for the Medical Professions that had moved their practices here and Client flow that Carla had built into the facility allowed an ease to the flow of Clients. The Clients also enjoyed the one-stop medical care, which really eased their scheduling issues. Interestingly, the Amsterdam Emergency Transport Service requested placement of an E-Unit in their parking lot to allow service to this general area. The container segment of the Marina was seeing a clear increase in use as the Container Vessels transferring containers as their Crew are updating their medical documents, obtaining needed medical care and supplies from the Marina’s Store.

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