The time has come....

So last night I put him in the cage, took out the food and water, and covered him up with a sheet over the cage. everything was good. I couldn't sleep for the life of me, thinking that he was thirsty or something... typical new parent moment I am sure.. so this morning I went over there and opened the door and he automatically walks out and climbs to the top of the cage and stands there. that seems to be his "safe place". I put out a bowl of supreme, with some harrisons pellets, and he didn't touch it. I laso put out a bowl of water, and he didn't touch that either. I have yet to see him drink any water, but he did eat a lot of food last night. lots of poop, but no drinking. I left him up on the top of the cage when I went to work with my wife to watch over him today. I left the water bowl at the top of the cage, and the food in the cage. should I be doing something different? or should I just let him get used to the surroundings? I feel like he just hasn't fell into his place yet and maybe nerves?

Someone should be hand feeding this bird formula twice a day, bent spoon style. Once in the morning, and then once 10-12 hours later.

Mix the formula. Check the temperature well. Sit him down on your lap with a towel. Hand feed him the formula. Clean him up (Usually you can just turn on the water and wash him in the sink when you've finished feeding him. And that has the dual effect of introducing them to bathing.) Then sanitize your hand feeding supplies.
here is the cage I am going to get today for 100 bucks. everything included. way better than the dog cage...


Too close to the wall, too close to furniture...

If your bird can reach it with his beak, he WILL chew it up. That includes holes in drywall. Wood Trim. Furniture. Fabric. Curtains. Window Sills. Etc...

If it's pushed up against something, or if he can lean out and reach it, IT WILL HAVE A HOLE IN IT SOONER OR LATER... (PROBABLY SOONER.)
Rope perches are good. Something like a boing is nice to start with, easy on the feet.

Natural wood is better than dowel.
You would be better off to save your $100 and purchase the other cage now. The one in the picture has a big rust hole in it. Did the parrot that was in it die in there?
it will be me feeding him both times I am sure. he was used to eating at 10am, but I cant do that with my schedule, so I will have to feed around 6 am before I leave to work. as for the shower, I have the perfect situation in my shower as there is a sit down portion inside... weird to show my shower but I want you to get the idea... LOL I think my wife would kill me for showering a bird in our sink...
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That shower might not be such a bad place to hand feed as well, just for ease of mess clean up. Turn on the shower and any mess goes down the drain.
that's my problem.. I don't have the 500 right now to get it. the rust portion is on the poop tray, so I don't see that as being a problem. I have spent hundreds lately traveling, getting toys, foods, etc, and a totaled car out front in my driveway.. as much as I would like to.. I just cant. and Birdman, that is a brilliant idea. 1 STOP SHOP... so he can be bathed this early?
and it was actually 80, but she is delivering from Los banos, CA to fresno for the other 20. so I figured a score on my part. I could use this for a backyard/frontyard outside time till I get my aviary going...
Mine started bathing in the sink after meals at a very young age...

You need to get the spilled formula off the facial feathers. It will gunk up their feathers if you don't. This is usually done in the sink, by just splashing water on the dirty faces. And, again, gets them used to frequent bathing...

You don't necessarily have to soak them, but it doesn't hurt to mist them daily. And it's okay to blow dry them, arms length from the bird, lowest dryer setting. Most LOVE that one...

I have yet to have a big mac that didn't like playing in the water. My red front has been known to be sneaky, and fly to the kitchen sink when you turn it on to do dishes, and plop right in...

I know they do exist, but none of the ones I've ever owned or fostered had to be forced into the tub...

And the ones I hand raised got bathed in the sink from a young age, so bathing and blow drying was just a way of life.... and was simply accepted.
so back to the pet store and 60 dollars later I have this!
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Looks like a nice started cage as he grows and learns to perch and climb. I know you plan to get a bigger one, but that one (in the future) could also be used as a nice outdoor cage once he has his permanent home:)

Hope you get the hang of the hand feeding tonight. I bet he'll be a VERY hungry boy.
so back to the pet store and 60 dollars later I have this!

Hey! I am wondering how much you spend on the rope? I am located in SF and there is this one store in Daly City called best pet. I purchased a rope exactly like yours for $12. So if you want to save money and if your ever in the bay area you should totally check that store out. Just saying :D
Good Morning All!! reporting back from day 2... LOL. I got home yesterday to find he was eating like a good boy! drinking water, and all of his pellets and Zupreme. So I decided to put him into his cage and go meet a lady coming from Los Banos, CA to meet me in Madera, CA for the cage. picked it up, and she had gave me a TON of toys!! I went home and washed the cage like a OCD stricken man.. 10% bleach to water. it is immaculate now. now I need to ask you about the toys... how do I go about cleaning these? they are a mix of wood, plastic, rope, chain, metal.. etc... and the perches? how do I clean/disinfect those?
here are the toys. I have taken individuals as well I can put up
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I FORGOT!! this just happened yesterday as well... when he gets out of his cage he starts flapping his wings like crazy!! I mean pushing around some air... I thought to myself, "he is going to go airborne any minute here". then voom!! he flew off the cage into the sliding glass window.... It freaked me out!! my wife said what if we had the window open letting the dog out or something?? I wanted to put him in this room for it is a sun room that overlooks the backyard and pool. should I take him away from this room so he doesn't see the windows or outside and want to fly again?
These toys look too small to really bother with..and all the bells would need to be removed. Personally I would dump them, but if you have your heart set on cleaning it can be done. As for the wood it can be steam cleaned, but I would highly recommend baking it. Plastic and metal can be washed with a bleach solution.. Thoroughly rinsed and allowed to completely air dry. Considering his young age, and not knowing what may contaminate these toys I would not recommend keeping them.
ok. I will toss them. what about the perches? how do I clean those? I seen vinegar and water?
I'm with Solo, I would never use toys from another home with my new baby and even if they were new I wouldn't consider them appropriate for a mac.

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