The time has come....

hi all, i don't even know where to begin, but yesterday after i sent the last message in this post, i left my office to go grab lunch and was in a horrible car accident... My luck has started pouring down as of yesterday... Car is totaled. Bird is getting picked up today. What else can go wrong at this point??

don't jinx yourself...

These things come in threes... That's only two!

Hope nobody was seriously injured. Cars can be replaced, that's what insurance is for. Better a totaled car than a totaled human being...

So, on the plus side, you're walking away from it.
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Sorry to hear about your accident..don't mean to sound like a pessimist, but don't think you've hit rock bottom. There's still a lot that can happen after you get your fid. Keep on your toes and hopefully things will start looking up for you. Keep us posted, would love to hear how things go tonight after pick up.
OMG, Matt!! :eek: I'm so sorry to hear about your car accident!! Holy smokes!!!

Please, take deep breaths! Try and look forward to bringing baby home...and breathe! And smile????

Hugs to you!

Can't wait to get a HAPPY update. ;)
I am also very glad that YOU are okay! The situation with the baby is what it is...we will try to help as much as we can be assured of that.:D
thanks guys... worst scenario for a car accident.... 6 people in a Honda civic, no one had their seat belts on. lady had a 4 year old between her legs in front seat. undocumented driver, no license, insurance... first accident for me. TOTALLY SCARED THE CRAP OUT OF ME.. bless the lord for keeping everyone safe.
The best kinds of accidents are the ones that only scare the crap out of you...

Glad to hear everyone was okay. It could have been so much worse!

Hope you had a decent UM Policy...
we will see... hopefully I will back on the road with no troubles. So the guy has been feeding Harrisons Organic macaw food, with Zupreeme pellets. he hasn't introduced seed yet. I am going to do the same routine he has been doing, but wanted to get your guys advice on anything else to do. I already am going to start giving him raw fruits and such to introduce that but maybe something else I will be missing?
Fresh veggies and some fresh fruits. He will also probably enjoy some whole grain bread or pasta. There are some Wonderful birdie bread recipes on this site as well. I do not feed seeds. Phoebe will get some chia seeds and hemp seeds mixed with her pellets, but that is all.
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Oh gosh, Matt - what a scare! I'm glad you and the others involved in the accident are okay. I'm sorry the universe is piling the stress on you right now. I think you are due for something positive! Let us know how things go when you bring your baby home today.
What formula is he feeding the baby? You aren't going to stop hand feeding yet are you?
Labell is right. Introduce thing slowly in addition to the formula. He is still going to require regular feedings at his age.
I concur. It's too soon to completely wean off formula.

I would think two hand feedings a day. Once in the morning, and once in the evening. I would think around 10-12 hours apart to allow the crop to empty.

Kaytee Exact Hand Feeding Formula for Macaws

Embrace® Plus Hand Feeding Formula | ZuPreem

Sorry I didn't give this to you yesterday. I knew I'd seen it somewhere... just couldn't remember where.

If you don't feel comfortable syringe feeding (and I personally wouldn't...) Your baby is probably old enough to eat formula off a bent spoon, which is significantly safer, in my opinion. He can eat it off the spoon himself, and that pretty much eliminates the risk of overfilling the crop and aspiration, which is a huge factor in how inexperienced hand feeders inadvertently kill their birds...

Just make sure you check the temperature of the formula for hot spots, don't save left overs, and sterilize everything when you are done.
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so here is the run down on what he has been feeding. The Large hookbill seed has not been introduced yet. He has been feeding raw fruits, as well as the supreme. then he gives 4 or 5 pellets of the Harrisons. When I was there last he showed me the Kaytee exact formula he was giving. I am going to do everything the same as he has. And definitely the bent spoon method!
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Sounds like you've got this under control...
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3 hours till pick up time... I am getting freaking nervous... so I have a XL dog crate/cage. I will use small Tupperware bowls for food and water, should I make a small perch out of 1/2" PVC? and maybe a towel at the other end for sleeping? should I cover the cage at night? what should I do with the bird when I get home? introduce to the kids and everyone? or let him relax in the cage and take in the new environment? my questions are burning in my head!! LOL
3 hours till pick up time... I am getting freaking nervous... so I have a XL dog crate/cage. I will use small Tupperware bowls for food and water, should I make a small perch out of 1/2" PVC? and maybe a towel at the other end for sleeping? should I cover the cage at night? what should I do with the bird when I get home? introduce to the kids and everyone? or let him relax in the cage and take in the new environment? my questions are burning in my head!! LOL
Wire crate or plastic? Personally I would let him take in the new environment for a couple of days. If he's not perching yet I wouldn't introduce a perch tonight. Depending on how big the Tupperware, be careful about how deep the water is. Don't want baby drowning.
Depends on the bird. If he's up and alert and appears curious, then introduce him. If he's tired, let him rest...

Is he perching yet? Probably not, or just barely. I'd say soft blanket would be more welcome than a perch.

Cage covering is up to you. Might give him more rest. I generally did with the ones I was hand feeding, only because my birds stayed up later... so there was too much light for the baby in the room.
the pictures today look like they are climbing all over!! so I guess I will just have to play it by ear...
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