The time has come....

Good luck with your new baby. :)
Well.. got him home and 1st night in the books!! Went and got him a few toys and a few treats. Was tired after all the hoopla with the family meeting him so i gave him some zupreme with some harrisons pellets and he gobbled it up. Also cut up some orange and zucchini, and he was sucking on the orange and drinking the juice!! Ha ha... i feel sucess. The kids were feeding him and so was I. This has been most excellent so far!!
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And sorry for the bad photos!! I usually upload on my computer and it puts them up correctly. This was uploaded from my smart (dumb) phone...
Welcome home, baby!!! :) Do you have a name for him/her???

You must be so excited to have him home!

Please remove the bell on this toy:

Many birds get their beaks caught in those, they are very VERY unsafe.

Here would be a great alternative for those bells:
PT298a Stainless Steel Bell Small, Medium & Large - STAINLESS STEEL

I'd provide baby with a soft perch, too. How about something like this (IF you pick this particular one, you have to cut off the excess cotton at the top and bottom so birdy feet don't get tangled)
KCK044 Kings Boing with Toys Large - SALE ITEMS
Yeah, they also can swallow the clacker on those bells... It won't last but a few seconds anyway once your bird discovers it's there.

With a large macaw you want to use those pipe bell toys, not this kind. They don't hold up, and we have seen some fatal accidents with them.

I see you've already got your daughter trained! She's protecting her fingers! "No touching just yet, just look for now." They'll be best buddies growing up, I'm sure!
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Yep, you will quickly become an expert at macaw toy crafting...

In fact, that's kind of a fun activity to include the kids in...

You guys wanna make some toys for the birdie?!

You drill them out, and they do the coloring, and the stringing, and that sort of thing...

Keeps the little ones entertained... not just the feathered little ones.

And they grow up knowing how to do it!
good Morning! thanks for all the advice guys.. you guys have been more than helpful. I do appreciate everyones kind words and support. I am amazed at the kids excitement and interest in the bird!! they wanted to feed it, pet it, talk to it. the funny thing is my son said will he squawk? I said son, he will talk! he just looked at me puzzled... LOL.
So last night I put him in the cage, took out the food and water, and covered him up with a sheet over the cage. everything was good. I couldn't sleep for the life of me, thinking that he was thirsty or something... typical new parent moment I am sure.. so this morning I went over there and opened the door and he automatically walks out and climbs to the top of the cage and stands there. that seems to be his "safe place". I put out a bowl of supreme, with some harrisons pellets, and he didn't touch it. I laso put out a bowl of water, and he didn't touch that either. I have yet to see him drink any water, but he did eat a lot of food last night. lots of poop, but no drinking. I left him up on the top of the cage when I went to work with my wife to watch over him today. I left the water bowl at the top of the cage, and the food in the cage. should I be doing something different? or should I just let him get used to the surroundings? I feel like he just hasn't fell into his place yet and maybe nerves?
also, when would it be a good time to introduce him to the shower?
pictures the right side up... this is his safe place...
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He should be pretty hungry first thing in the morning, Matt. Did the breeder show you how to feed him???

We've all said it many times: He is too young to sustain himself. He needs to be fed still.

What are you going to do for a cage? I know for now the crate will suffice, but sooner or later (probably sooner) he will need a big boy cage. :)

It can't be too comfy on his tender feet to be sitting on top of the crate. Have you thought of something regarding a perch?
I went and got a perch that bolts to the side of the cage, but when I put it in, I felt it took up all the space!! So I am taking it back and getting something else. I was thinking of getting one of the rope ones, or making a small pvc perch for him. And for the cage, that is my mission right now. I am going to get the empire macaw cage when I can get out of my car rut I am in right now, but for now I found a lady selling a pretty decent macaw cage for 100 dollars. 36" wide, 28" deep, and 68" high. when I go to return the perch and some other stuff I got, I am going to get some formula and spoon feed. I have a appointment for the avian doc 7/15 that I found with very good reviews.
If you use PVC, make sure and wrap it with vetwrap or sisal rope because it's too slippery otherwise.

I'm personally not overly fond of perfectly round perches because the bird can develop sore spots and the nails will grow too long. A variety of natural perches is the way to go. For now I'd get something that will help him perch, something non slippery and sturdy.

100 bucks for a 36" wide cage is a great deal, just make sure it's not rusty or has been painted to make look new(ish). Still, a 48" wide cage is much preferred for these big guys.
I bought a manzanita one. but it was a 2 branch one, and it was too big for the inside of the cage. should I mount it to the outside of the cage? or how should I do the perch? the inside of this kennel is just too dang small...
So why not mount the manzanita perch on the OUTSIDE of the crate? For the inside you can get a simple rope perch, one that goes straight across and be done with it until you get the cage.
So last night I put him in the cage, took out the food and water, and covered him up with a sheet over the cage. everything was good. I couldn't sleep for the life of me, thinking that he was thirsty or something... typical new parent moment I am sure.. so this morning I went over there and opened the door and he automatically walks out and climbs to the top of the cage and stands there. that seems to be his "safe place". I put out a bowl of supreme, with some harrisons pellets, and he didn't touch it. I laso put out a bowl of water, and he didn't touch that either. I have yet to see him drink any water, but he did eat a lot of food last night. lots of poop, but no drinking. I left him up on the top of the cage when I went to work with my wife to watch over him today. I left the water bowl at the top of the cage, and the food in the cage. should I be doing something different? or should I just let him get used to the surroundings? I feel like he just hasn't fell into his place yet and maybe nerves?

He's still being hand fed by his parents at this stage in the wild... So he has no idea how to sustain himself and is probably starving just doesn't get why nobody is giving him his food.
Isn't he on two hand feeds a day still? Morning and night. Macaws need a lot of calories so he will still eat other stuff during the day.
here is the cage I am going to get today for 100 bucks. everything included. way better than the dog cage...
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Better than the dog crate, but get the bigger one asap. This one is still WAY too small.

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