The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

Ah, my friends, the semi-annual vet adventure (aka The Ride of the Valkyrie) is finished, Bird and his Hen (aka my WIFE) are resting up together. Found a new route to the place today, so it was only an hour and a half roundtrip, not counting the in-house visit (aka Release The Kraken scene).

Time for a cold one, or three.
Well Mr R I'm guessing all went...ummmm..errr...that is..."well" with the little rascal?? (as well as can be expected...that is!)

When was the RickeyBirds hatch date. I am 33 and often wandered who is older. My sliding out date was 20/03/84 :)

Amazing he is my age. I love all the stories, he is a real legend isn't he x
Thank you, gentlemen!

Carl, the Rickeybird's hatch-date was Cinco de Mayo (May 5th), 1984! He came to live with me three months later. You are the Rb's senior by 5-6 weeks!

Yeah the vet visit was successful.

All's well. But not if you ask you-know-who...
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He is so beautiful in the first pic. I love his colour. The second picture scares me to my core lol x
Yeah, he has that effect on people. The vet calls him Genghis Conure.

Oh Rickeybird you're so dramatic! Take it like the chump..errr..CHAMP that you are!..It's all done to ensure you have many more years to give Mr Rival grief! :eek:

Gail, I must admit,RB does have a certain "style" about him.

Like his noggin..most birds/parrots that I have seen,have more of a :Charlie Brown" type head..round..ish. RB's is more narrow and higher ( does that mean he has more "intelligence" than others??:confused: :D lol.

And the "ring" around his eyes...kinda makes him look like he is scheming all the time..and his buttfeathers,being almost as long as his body lol ( like a Mac)

Very unique indeed and quite the looker, no wonder "all dem henzz" swoon over him :p

I luv 'im too! (don't tell him that tho...he might fire The Beebs!)

Tami, thank you so much!

Jim, when he's mad, his top head-feathers stand up... intensifying the effect. More intelligence? No way. More meanness! All that meanness takes up a lot of space up there.

Kentuckienne... can there be any doubt?
Tami, thank you so much!

Jim, when he's mad, his top head-feathers stand up... intensifying the effect. More intelligence? No way. More meanness! All that meanness takes up a lot of space up there.

Kentuckienne... can there be any doubt?

Dang Ms Gail...he must be p.o.alla time then! Every pic I've ever seen of him,he's wearin' his "poofy head"! :eek: :D

Jim, he *IS* mad a lot. Then again, he has good reason... he is underfed, never bathed, poorly housed, has no toys, and gets no affection. Plus he has a very unfulfilling love life.


Jim, he *IS* mad a lot. Then again, he has good reason... he is underfed, never bathed, poorly housed, has no toys, and gets no affection. Plus he has a very unfulfilling love life.



And lets not forget Mr R :rolleyes:

Thank you, Jim, you are a true gentleman. And even better, a true BRO'! I'm second banana and I know it. But a happy wife makes a happy life. :)

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