The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates


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My smart-aleck friends and family already sign up for junk mail in the Rickeybird's name. We regularly get glossy catalogs for cigars, yachts, wines, and cornish hens. Not right, not right!


Oh, Rickeybird!!!!!

When you hear that ridiculous "whistle", RUN, HENS, RUN!
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LOL I remember that video from MTV! Nice one Ms Gail! :D


My smart-aleck friends and family sign us up for junk mail in the Rickeybird's name. We regularly get glossy catalogs for cigars, yachts, wines, and cornish hens. Not right, not right!


Oh, Rickeybird!!!!!

A couple of days ago, we got a very high-end catalog from a "raise your own ornamental chickens" business. No one will admit to ordering it. Whoah, maybe the Bird really DOES know how to get online and send for stuff.
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Another thing I just realized...
Is the Rb a real LEG MAN???? I mean, DRUMSTICK ROOSTER?????
I made myself lol!

For once, he's not UP TO NO GOOD!
Here's a typical gray, snowy Cleveland winter day. He never saw snow until he was about 20 (when we moved from New Mexico to Ohio), and he has always been fascinated with it. Somedays, I put the window up for a few moments so that he can kick and bite the snow that collects just inside the screen, and he loves it. He's a hearty bird, genetically adapted to the freezing Patagonian climate, so I don't worry about a touch of cold, as long as he gets right back into warmth. He spends a lot of time staring out at the snow, just like this. He particularly likes to enjoy a nice hot chile pepper while looking out at his property. See? He can be cute!

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