The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

My smart-aleck friends and family sign us up for junk mail in the Rickeybird's name. We regularly get glossy catalogs for cigars, yachts, wines, and cornish hens. Not right, not right!


Oh, Rickeybird!!!!!

A couple of days ago, we got a very high-end catalog from a "raise your own ornamental chickens" business. No one will admit to ordering it. Whoah, maybe the Bird really DOES know how to get online and send for stuff.

Somebody has stooped to a new low. First it's hens and now this. My private EMAIL has been given to a retailer of SMOKING JACKETS. This just arrived in my inbox, to the attention of a certain Mr. Richard Bird, who apparently wants to dress up like Ricky Ricardo and light up. Kill me now.

My smart-aleck friends and family sign us up for junk mail in the Rickeybird's name. We regularly get glossy catalogs for cigars, yachts, wines, and cornish hens. Not right, not right!


Oh, Rickeybird!!!!!

A couple of days ago, we got a very high-end catalog from a "raise your own ornamental chickens" business. No one will admit to ordering it. Whoah, maybe the Bird really DOES know how to get online and send for stuff.

Somebody has stooped to a new low. First it's hens and now this. My private EMAIL has been given to a retailer of SMOKING JACKETS. This just arrived in my inbox, to the attention of a certain Mr. Richard Bird, who apparently wants to dress up like Ricky Ricardo and light up. Kill me now.


Give in. Order one. Then you’ll be so fancy that you’ll REALLY be a rival!

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A couple of days ago, we got a very high-end catalog from a "raise your own ornamental chickens" business. No one will admit to ordering it. Whoah, maybe the Bird really DOES know how to get online and send for stuff.

Somebody has stooped to a new low. First it's hens and now this. My private EMAIL has been given to a retailer of SMOKING JACKETS. This just arrived in my inbox, to the attention of a certain Mr. Richard Bird, who apparently wants to dress up like Ricky Ricardo and light up. Kill me now.


Give in. Order one. Then you’ll be so fancy that you’ll REALLY be a rival!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

And just think Mr.'d be wearing something that RB prolly wouldn't christen! Then again...prolly NOT! :rolleyes:

*c o n t i n u e d*


He doesn't fool me. He throws 'em on purpose! Yes, OF COURSE I go pick 'em up for him! This is Hotel Rickybird.
Oh Rickeybird, playing and fooling. A true player!

Gale, the other day I was thinking of compiling a CD with Baby's pictures over the years, starting when I got him. The background will be "No Ordinary Love" by Sade. Thinking of compiling a CD made me think of the RBird Scrapbook.
Dear smbirds...
If you do that, you'll never regret it. Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd...
GREAT BRAINS ON THE SAME CD track! I just made a CD of the Rbird's "greatest hits". I'm giving them to friends and family as a gag gift. I am gonna make an MP3 to share here, too.
Here's a video, the most amazing element of which is that the bird is actually quiet for over two minutes. This is a wiffle ball toy made by the very clever Terry57 (my fellow moderator). She made some stuff custom-designed for the Rb, who has very particular preferences in toys. The ball has little removable straws stuck through the holes. The bird has learned that if he pulls the straws out, the ball rolls and he can chase it. This is a favorite evening activity (hence the low light), after which he unsuccessfully tries to climb to a perch with it and eventually gives up. [cue the unhappy trumpet sound... WOMP-WAAAAAAMMMMP!]

Pretty frisky for a nearly-34-year-old rooster!
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He is enjoying the living heck out of that ball! And you're right. Seriously spry for his age. Does he even know his age? (Shhhhh! Best not to tell him!)
He is enjoying the living heck out of that ball! And you're right. Seriously spry for his age. Does he even know his age? (Shhhhh! Best not to tell him!)

He has no clue, just as he has no clue that he is not the Rooster of His Own Domain. Oh, wait, he is.

Will there be a release party? I can't wait!

Yeah, as soon as I figure out how to make the MP3, baby!
Wow, I hope he does make it to 90, haha! :D Beautiful fella!

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