The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

'The ride of Valkyries' 😂😂😂 RB kills me, I'm a little bit in love with him 😆

Terry... I apologize, but...
That makes me feel better. :33:

noun: Schadenfreude; noun: schadenfreude
Pleasure derived by someone from another person's misfortune.
Terry... if that comes to pass... and if I perceive that you have even ONE BIRD who's more ill-behaved than the Rb...
I will virtually kiss YOUR foot and that of the bird(s), in gratitude!

Goofy may be more badly behaved than the RB. Just saying.
Terry the ticket is yours IF you will take the bird along for company. Round-trip for you, 1-way for bird. I will buy you drinks and the bird almonds en route I am not completely heartless. Only eardrum-less.

HAHA! I'm in, although my hubby said mine should be one way too:(

I think MrC would join in on the one way tickets for wives bit right now. We could have a party!
You know what, Cheryl? Maybe I'll start a "Baddest Bird" thread... we can all tell our terror-stories. At the very least, maybe some of us will say "man, my bird's not THAT bad". And the baddddest birds' parronts can at least say "I KNEW my bird was baddd!"

Yep, I think I have to do that... on my way now.
I've posted all of the Scrapbook but this first page. I was hesitant to share it, but I decided to go ahead. It was a very tense and tricky time when I first got the Rb. I was asking myself some hard questions, like...

Could I keep this bird? Could I house him? Feed him? Keep him alive? Could I keep from being evicted due to his noise? These were early days. No internet. Just me and my little raptor.

The Scrapbook Cover (in background - current screensaver of Rb on my desktop)


Inner cover and first page. That's his band (removed) in the little packet on the left upper inner corner. I later traced and contacted the breeder and chatted... turned out we were practically TWINS (extremely tall, long red BIG hair, big glasses, long face, too much eye makeup, too much lip gloss... hey. it was 1984!) which explained why the Rb spotted me as I entered the bird shop and flew/scrambled to me. It was instant love for both of us.


The very first entry...
So many years ago. Every word was TRUE. What a journey. And when I realized he was gonna live, and that I was gonna be able to keep him --- the physical Scrapbook really started --- sometime in 1985 --- which takes you right back to page 1 of this thread!


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Thank you, dear CherylCali!

I remember sitting on the floor of my townhouse, watching him race and skip and frolic around on the tile floor, and then run to me GRINNING, so proud to be showing off his swag. I would just stare at him and be amazed: imagine --- a real parrot in my house, and it loved me! I felt so guilty and inadequate at one point that I had him in his travel cage and was planning to take him back to the bird store. I opened the front door and couldn't go through. Closed it. Sat down. Took my little love out and promised him we would stay together. I didn't really believe it, but I wanted to. Eventually, I did.

Thanks for bringing that memory back to me. Oh, mannnn, I gotta go kiss my bird!!!
That's really incredible, it sounds like you just wanted Rickey to have the best life possible. It turns out the best life was with you ♡♡♡ There is that feeling, I think this often, it's a PARROT- the most magical and mysterious creature to me- and it actually LOVES me, and looks for me, and talks to me, and wants to hang out with me! How blessed am I!? Sometimes it's actually overwhelming and leaves me in awe and admiration. Im showing my craziness- I need to go :)

I think you put your finger right ON it!

It seems like some kind of magic.
Here's this parrot. It probably belongs in the sky, communing with Eternity, but it's right here... in my house... on my shoulder.



I think that's how the "regulars" here really feel. It's magic.
Some peoples' magic is other peoples' nightmares. Just kidding, parrot people! I know you all are a special bunch, and my lady is one of you. So rock on, Rickeybird. And Parrot People. :35:
Some peoples' magic is other peoples' nightmares. Just kidding, parrot people! I know you all are a special bunch, and my lady is one of you. So rock on, Rickeybird. And Parrot People. :35:
I think you're actually right, I've met more people than I can count that hate/are terrified of birds. I know I'm a little kooky,it's okay.

Some peoples' magic is other peoples' nightmares. Just kidding, parrot people! I know you all are a special bunch, and my lady is one of you. So rock on, Rickeybird. And Parrot People. :35:
I think you're actually right, I've met more people than I can count that hate/are terrified of birds. I know I'm a little kooky,it's okay.


I used to be one of them, until I lived with a couple of parrots for a while. Goofy might be a brat, but he's a actually a pretty good ambassador for parrot-kind.
Rival, you are good folks too. I love how you came here and are posting because of your love for your beautiful wife:) I really enjoy your and Gail's posts:)
Thank you, Terry, for the very sweet compliments.
He's not so bad, after all, is he? MEANING THE RICKEYBIRD! (Kiddinnnnnng!)
Love you, Mr. Rival!
The Rickeybird Scrapbook
August 20, 2016

This is the Rb's room. It's a small dormer... one of just a few rooms upstairs in our sprawl-y 1950s ranchhouse. The window is on a busy street that also has foot traffic, so there's lots to watch, in addition to his television.

It was 90 degrees this day, and those windows face west, so the "drapes" were needed. Actually, it's a sheet that I rigged so I can adjust them for max views and protection. I only use it in summer.

I cover the top right rear of the cage in case he wants to hide for his nap or at night. The glass in the windows is OLD, so it's not that fancy sun-screen stuff. So our boy gets some good sun, especially with the windows open.

To the right is his travel cage; sitting on that is the wok he bathes in.

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