The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

Terry the ticket is yours IF you will take the bird along for company. Round-trip for you, 1-way for bird. I will buy you drinks and the bird almonds en route I am not completely heartless. Only eardrum-less.
The Rickeybird Scrapbook
August 15, 2016

A very important date for Salty, the Rickeybird's little buddy.
A very important day for the RB, too, since he will be going to his first on-line "Happy Hatchday" party.
Salty will be one whole year old!!!
Join us by messaging wrench13 and ask to be invited!
Celebrating Salty's hatchday: he's one year old!

On Skype... Mr. Wrench, and Salty... and me, and the Rickeybird. The Rb screamed non-stop, which means either that...
He was happy.
He was mad.
He was excited.
He was bored.
He liked Salty.
He didn't like Salty.
He just felt like screaming.


The handsome duo... my photos do not do either justice. Salty was so cuddly; he just leans into scritches. He was very interested in the camera's eye, I think, and explored it with his beak. I got an amazing view of his insides. Seriously, I think I saw into his trachea and esophagus. Even THEY were cute!

Salty and RB are face to face... Salty the Sweet and Rickey the Rude.

It was wonderful fun! I'd love to do it again, when somebody has an occasion, or just wants to have their eardrums lit up by you-know-who.

One last time... Happy Hatchday, Saltyyyyyy!
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Thanks, RavensGryf. I was giggling and Rb was screeching. The Wrench household eardrums are probably still echoing.
This is the cutest thing I've ever seen :D I wish I could have joined in with Early Bird. I have a stomach virus though, I'll spare everyone the details. Everyone looks so happy!

I've never done anything quite like it. I hope we can do more in the future. The birds were really sizing each other up, I think. Salty was nice and quiet but the Rb completely lost his mind. Salty was staring at him with one eye and then the other in astonishment, I think.
I love this so much!!!! Sounds like a great time was had by all:)
Terry the ticket is yours IF you will take the bird along for company. Round-trip for you, 1-way for bird. I will buy you drinks and the bird almonds en route I am not completely heartless. Only eardrum-less.

HAHA! I'm in, although my hubby said mine should be one way too:(
It was a one-of-a-kind experience that I hope to repeat, Terry. I have an idea that in the future, the fun-est part for me will be watching the other birds get a load of the Rb.
LOL, Gail, they really were checking each other out. I didnt think so, but clearly in your pic they are. Thank you and Rickybird for coming. I have to send you the party favors I got.
( Colored popsicle sticks).
Well, thank you. I love colored popsicle sticks! :29:

Yeah they were for sure checking each other out. I got some really good angles on that one eyeball-at-a-time thing they do, but the shots were very blurry. It seems I don't hold the phone very still when the Rb is snapping and screaming at me.

After we logged off, the Rb got very quiet and continued to stare at the screen. I don't allow him on the keyboard but I let him jump down to the little table, which he did, and then he LOOKED BEHIND the screen. The significance of that just dawned on me a little while ago: he was looking for you guys! He watches television passively but I think he knew this was something different... interactive...

Pretty funny! :D
ha ha Great to see pics of the Skype Bday party...Looks like the fids are enjoying each other and Salty seems to be really Happy that the RB came to his Skype party...soubds like the party was Grest fun...thanks for sharing the pics :) Again Happy Birthday Salty...Nice to see you RB sorry I didnt hear you singing Happy Birthday in Patagonian to Salty too :)
Oh, Birdigirl, it was just so funny. Rb was his usual little Tazmanian Devil self, and Salty was so cute and sweet. I know I tend to anthropomorphize to extremes, but I SWEAR that dear little Salty was looking back and forth from his dad to the screen with an expression and posture that said "WHO IS THAT BIRD IN THE BOX AND WHY DOES HE WANT TO KILL EVERYBODY???"
Geez I need to get a 'puter camera! I used to have Skype,used to talk and play backgammon with a young lady from Australia YEARS ago.. < poor Janet has since passed from ovarian cancer :-(((((>
The timing was great..she'd be getting settled for the night at 7pm her time,and I was just getting home from work at 7am MY time...sighhhh :o

The pics of Salty and Rickybird are so cool!

Thank you, Jim!

Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh, get Skyped up, dude!

I want to do more. I want to keep showing other parronts how sweet and well-behaved their birds are in comparison to my Little Lucifer.
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Jim, I'm sorry for the loss of your friend:(

Gail, if we ever Skyped, you would leave thinking how well behaved RB is compared to some of my crazies!
Terry... if that comes to pass... and if I perceive that you have even ONE BIRD who's more ill-behaved than the Rb...
I will virtually kiss YOUR foot and that of the bird(s), in gratitude!
If you kissed Slater's foot, you would require surgery:)

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